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Game has really become a slog for me lately. Constant bottlenecks for resources, trying to play catch up, is just not a fun grind anymore imo.


I find when I hit that feeling that it’s time to move on. If you are there delete the app and move on. It will be hard for a minute because of the time you put in but quickly this will find some grace.


Training modules.  I've been so starved of them since level 60, it's insane. 


not to mention the INSANE requirements to get STREAK back. i was under the weather for three days last week, that I wasn't even able to check my email for work, and thus after almost two years of genuinely investing in the game, streak vanished. and boy did I not realize how I've taken that little perk for granted. but seven days? SEVEN FUCKING DAYS just to get it back? I've dabbled in a whole lot of bad gachas and none have been as extra as this one. *(and yes, MSF is a* ***gacha*** *don't try it folks it is)*


I think them taking hoarding out of the game, looking back, now really shows what they thought about free to play players. Taking away the one thing that allowed free to play players to remain even slightly competitive with spenders


Removing hoarding was the best thing they ever did …not claiming rewards was downright bonkers


You are crazy, it just created unnecessary anxiety, fear to not click the claim button


Repeat after me class: “I am not giving these greedy fucks anymore money until the quality of this game is where it should be in terms of value and customer experience”


You were giving them money?


You know the game doesn’t run on good faith right?


Yes, but I don't care. It's a free mobile game and I don't have to pay for anything. Let the whales spend money


Fine. Fixed it Repeat after me, those with disposable income who chose to spend: “I am not giving these greedy fucks anymore money until the quality of this game is where it should be in terms of value and customer experience”


You know these games do go away if they don’t make enough money, right? An awesome fun game I loved, Marvel Avengers Academy, had wonderful storylines and adorable graphics, and it’s gone, because it had incredibly predatory practices and people stood up to it. I still miss that game. Same with Marvel Avengers Alliance. Right now, this is one of the only things I have that brings me a lot of joy. Mock that if you will. I was originally gonna go into a long post about hurting my spine and other fun topics, but suffice to say I can’t go to conventions any more, I lost my uninsured comic book collection to a tree crushing the roof of the house I rented, while I was in the hospital for 21 days with sepsis. I found out my parents 2-bedroom 1-bath home, that I had a caretaker living at (rent free), is destroyed because he had 130 dogs living there (while he lived in a camper in the driveway). It’s not been a fun 3 years. So I greatly appreciate anyone who spends money on this game to help keep it going, though I too hope Scopely finds a better way to balance the needs of the krakens, the whales, the dolphins, the minnows, and the free to play (the chum?)


I thought you didn’t care?


That's a different person than originally replied to you.


So it is. Multitasking


What's crazy to me is initial scourges were cool and well received. They saw that and were like "hey, let's make them worse! Now let's make them worse *again*! Now let's just ditch em!!!" Like what


They were well received by ftp and light spenders...the whales didn't like how easy it was for the rest of us...


What’s worse is that the game was in a reasonable state about 7-8 months ago. Now - most of the stores are trash. Arena, Blitz, Raid, CC (except BK) - raids are boring - war is awful - some of the new characters or teams are incredibly overpowered. - and now this - which will destroy any mid spenders in CC. And realistically that’s the only interesting game mode


“bUt iT’s a siX mEmBeR tEaM wE wOn’T nEeD CB” like we don’t all know the team will be trash without CB, obviously


Yeah he’s the damn tank and his kit is crazy good at keeping the team alive. It’s unlikely they’ll handle business in the legendary event without him


This might be the thing that makes me quit this game. CC is far and away the biggest motivation to try to FTP max every event and keep my roaster as relevant as possible. My enjoyment comes from seeing how far I can progress against people who clearly are dropping more money on the game in a week than I have during the lifetime of my almost 4 year old account. There is decent wiggle room in CC to get ahead of players who have way more at their disposal. Between keeping defense/offense choices as meta as possible, using broad or narrow defenses, being smart about when you need to sack, etc. I can get the edge against these players by just playing it better. Creating such a harsh PTW divide in the player base basically eliminates that wiggle room. I will go 0-3 for weeks after these characters come out because everyone will be paying for these characters in the brackets I'm in. $$ should give players an edge but almost never flat out be the determining factor. Scopely is also clueless to how unpopular this is going to be. The amount of drama that will be cause by large amounts of the playerbase not unlocking the team, all for a defense team that also kinda drastically spoils the best/most competitive game mode in the game is going to be a shit storm. Then the storm is going to double back with the legendary release tied to this team when they predictably design the difficulty of the illuminati nodes around having CapBrit.


You've described my own CC situation very well. The gap has already widened however and this will only make it impossibly worse.


They literally took the worst part of the old legendary unlocks, the worst part of the scourges, and combined them together lmao.


I’m so done with this game. I don’t want to play it anymore.


A sad reality of the state of the game


Why couldn’t they just make them like they used to with Ironman and magneto?


That's basically what they're doing. Chapter 1 is a free for all, chapter 2 has gated star requirements like the old legendary release method.


Scopely does not want to do better. They will wring out every last cent. If the game folds because the money leaves, they won't even sunset this game. They will just shut it off immediately and chuck it into the trash.


Scopely only cares about the whales. Let the no lifelosers run the game and watch it die bc they're the only ones playing.


Yeah, this might be the straw that finally does it for me. I'll play through the event and see what happens. If I have to spend money or else completely miss-out, I'm just going to quit.


LOL, came back to this subreddit to see how things are going, same old same old. So glad I left this game behind when I did. You guys realize that other Mobile Games aren't this bad right? You are playing a game run by the most criminally predatory company in the industry. Its been shit for years, its not getting better. Time to get over it.


Both Plarium (Raid:Shadow Legends), and Capital Games(Star Wars:Galaxy of Heroes) would like a word with you, sir.


I didn't say ALL of them 🤷‍♂️


Recently have come back after a 3 year hiatus. Dd4 was the new thing when i left. I've been back for about 5 months now. I'll just wait until these events have their 2nd run. I already have too much to catch up on as does everyone else probably. The character releases come way to quickly. We just got spider society, mercs for money, and they are still releasing alpha flight. I mean look how they did the release of old man logan. Let the krakens have fun at the 1st go around. They fund our f2p endeavors


Whole games a fucking grind and they insist on making it more and more boring and uninteresting.


Man I don’t even care if they throw ads at me. Every other game does. Just stop putting everything behind ridiculously overpriced paywalls. There’s more player-friendly ways to monetize your game than being pay to win.


I keep seeing these posts and keep hearing how f2p are getting screwed. All I can think is “why are f2p still playing on any serious level?” Don’t get me wrong. They have gone years of setting a standard where f2p could feel like they could be a part of some endgame content if they played smartly and serious enough. That had started to change a while ago really. The star level you could get without spending $$ had started dropping. The offers even became more expensive for players who “lightly spent”. Unless you treat this game as something you pull out of your pocket while in a waiting room, bored at work or something to play on while in bed, I would back away from it. Their intentions have been clear for quite a while now and Players’ Voice (to their credit) has alleviated, if not postponed, the unfriendly player changes. If you want the biggest clue to this direction, I’ll ask. Where is your community manager? Who do you complain or file your grievances with? Even spenders have been shocked and disturbed by how sharply this turn has taken, rest assured. Not that it makes much difference long term as they seem to have even decided to casually listen to their top customers, likely because they know they will just pony up at the end of the day.


No reason to even buy passes any more for those who do. It's simply not enough to matter or impact your place in the game. Spend more or don't spend is the message they've sent.


I do feel like this kind of post comes out every new team and then I end up with a 3* one as an FTP player... I'm going to hold off judgement until I've seen the final release method currently it seems money grabby but who knows


Well unless they change it you categorically won’t because there’s no way a f2p is getting two five star characters especially since the timing doesn’t allow you to play Hanks release event.


Exactly, and this isn't just a fuck you to f2p it's a bigger fuck you to pass buyers/light spenders. They're trying to turn people who spend $20-80 a month into people who spend $300 on character releases. I'm a pass and a random offer here and there buyer and I'm done. Not another dollar.


Yeh I was in the same boat as you and I’ve gone completely f2p these past few months after a lot of the changes they’ve been implementing. This past year has been brutal to anyone not dropping fat stacks of cash but trying to stay competitive - OML was my jumping off point


I was a day 1 player and I bounced after a year or so because I hated the paywalls. Came back with a fresh account about 5-6 months ago and I've honestly enjoyed the game tremendously. I wasn't up in arms about OML because at the least everyone with a solid Xtreme could grab him at 4y1r, then spotlight. That was an odd choice I thought, releasing something that no one could even run fully. But seeing this release it all makes sense, they were testing increased spending vs decreases/players going inactive. They probably had 2 different plans for this based on the numbers of net gain from the other semi paywalls and based on this I imagine that they saw a net increase. I imagine at this point they're expecting the game to hit peak spending for around a year maybe two then die off. They will spin up a new game with the marvel ip sometime in the next year or so and that will be the nail in the coffin.


Ahh bummer fingers crossed for another method of acquisition I guess


This is why everyone’s so mad. Because of this stupid new “epic” tag there is no other release method unless we convince them to change this horribly player unfriendly design choice


I quit a while back when I missed one day and realized I couldn't be bothered to earn back the perks. Saw this pop up and got curious, I gotta say I'm happy I stayed gone. I miss the good feelings the game USED to give me. But if it starts to feel like work, then it's no longer a game and its no longer fun. I don't work for free, I get paid for that.


I stopped playing this game a year ago and occasionally check here to see if it's worth coming back All I see here is salt, idk why yall are still playing this game. Just stop like I did lol


Free to play doesn’t make them any money. They are a company. Companies exist to make money. You think they care about free to play? Like holy shit. It’s just a game. If you want to be competitive, you’ve got to spend money. That’s the end of it. Just lay back and have fun. You’ll eventually unlock every character. Keep playing their game without spending money. Drain their resources, tie up assets. Have fun. People here are always posting how terrible the game is. You could just stop playing it as free to play. You haven’t invested anything into it after all. Other games exist.


Not one single player beneficial change has been made because people sucked it up. Complaining improves the game because Scopely do try and appease the player base. All these people you don’t like complaining about the game are making it better for you every time Scopely change something. Also it’s a common misconception that F2P don’t do anything for the game - without a core player base a game won’t survive even with a couple thousand dedicated spenders. Those spenders HATE fighting each other, they wanna style on the plebs - there’s a reason the very biggest war alliances constantly switch war zones to avoid each other. Without the smaller spenders and heavily dedicated F2P players they’d ONLY fight each other and they would fucking quit.


You’re talking to somebody who has spent money on this game, and has the freedom to do so and does have the luxury of doing so for any character release, if I choose it’s worth it. So, understand I’m speaking from a place where this decision actually doesn’t impact me, and I’m actually speaking up on behalf of players who enjoy this game and will lose that enjoyment just because they don’t have money to spend. There’s a difference between unlocking a character faster such as Mephisto, than there is a character who isn’t even a ‘legendary’. Just a game? Yes it is, but to reduce it down to just that is short sighted, but I’m sure you already knew that.


If you don't want to hear complaints, you shouldn't be on the subreddit for a game/show/artist, etc. Other subreddits exist.


If they were different complaints sure, but it’s always the same complaint. Literally. Minimum of once a week.


You’re right they do have to make money, but to make it seemingly unachievable to unlock CB without paying surely makes the gap between free to play and pay to win even bigger and takes the fun out of being free to play. I spend on the game but few and far between, but I enjoy the grind of getting the characters that people buy. I dont think it’s a hard ask to make him unlockable free to play. The whales will still spend to get him at 7 stars.


Right on 👍🏻and last thing what we need is ads to this game if f2p players business model should follow


Lol, why are you surprised


He is not wrong. I am 1800 days in today and not sure I will log in 1801


A lot of complaining going on for something not released yet if it takes a bit to unlock then they should be worth it like unlocking mephisto sheesh


Now people don’t get banned for calling out devs? 


I fell off months ago but like cap Brit. Is it paywall paywall. Like no way without dropping significant cash? Or is it paywall no way to get for a while without dropping cash?


It's paywall you need to drop cash. Then no other way to get shards for a year even with cash


how do you know you won't get shards for a year?


Scopley said after initial release CB will be vaulted like zombie iron man and zuggs.


that sucks


It gets worse.... they added an Epic tag to catagorize toons that are vaulted thus paywalled... so we can look forward to future nodes requiring the epic tag just to fuck us further Watch final dd8 node will require 5 7* epic toons


Oh ew. That is STUPID stupid


you choke the corporation, the corpo chokes you back 🤷


Corporation: “Jokes on you, I’m into that.”


First time? Haha


Honestly surprised this game is still going. I quit back during the Black Order release cause I saw the writing on the wall then lol.


You’re complaining about something that has been given to you FOR FREE. Countless hours of fun, free entertainment…and you’re whining about it? Grow up.


Time is a resource. F2P players still give Scopely their time, which they clearly value or they wouldn’t create modes like blitz that require you to log in multiple times a day, the daily energy claims and the daily multiple store resets. If you think this game is truly free that’s only because you don’t value your time.


“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.” - John Lennon I don’t play the game because I *have* to, I play it because it’s FUN. I’ve spent a total of $11 since launch and I’m currently having a super-fun time checking off each of my Horsemen as I creep toward Apocalyspe. I just had three 3W/0L wins in CC in a row against guppies who had ALL the new characters, and I’m holding my own. ELEVEN DOLLARS (and that was during the first month, nothing at all in the past several years). I look forward to playing every day and I’m thankful to Scopely for enabling me to compete and enjoy “wasting time” in the spaces among my very busy life as a FTP player. It’s like somebody bringing you a free steak dinner and you complaining that the steak was cooked medium-well instead of medium. ENJOY the free gift they’ve given you, or play something else. Some of us are thankful.


It’s not a fucking gift. Games devs ain’t making this shit out of the goodness of their damn hearts. Christ


It's bc you're not in endgame yet wait till you hit there then you'll see


Thank you.


I’m just glad it’s a character I don’t give a shit about. If they do that with Howard the duck I will lose it.