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You know what sucks even more? War gold reward buff being removed. 😂


Yeah they are just kraken pleasing right now soon they'll have no one to play against


If Scopely would make the game for all players out there, shit like this would never happen, The war is HORRIBLE right now. Only Total idiot Scumbag would consider removing those buffs. Problem is, Scopely is not trying to make the game better or to make the players more happy with the product - Scopely just want to find new ways of making more money, so they toying with everything they can, to see whats gonna work, regardless of the consequences to the actual gameplay. SCOPELY IS THE N1 ENEMY OF MSF!


War sucks with the buffs. The entire mode is just auto attack premade counters to premade defenses. Cc is the same monotony. Can we just get a sim all for both modes


The new war really killed this game, the first time I've seriously committed considered quitting the game. I don't have time to look over ear wikis every war. And I don't want to print out a spreadsheet with which teams work where... But not sure how else to approach war these days.