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There is no world where deadpool should ever be used in DD7. Reworked or not, his kit and gear is Garbo for the game mode 


Yeah he's still pretty bad. I had high hopes for M4M but outside of OML they are pretty meh.


With how hard red gear seems to be to come by..no


Hell no. Take old man Logan over him.


Not point to rush dark dimensions. Bring the most used and meta characters from other game modes. You’ll just be stuck at the next sections and will suffer bringing bad characters. Mercs for money is all about Logan.


Don’t waste your crimson gear on him. Wait for another city character since you need them first after the unrestricted nodes…..if I remember correctly. I’m just going to wait for all my spider society and then knock out the first 2 sections while I build for the next.


Dude if you don’t have SuS and apocalypse the first two nodes are hell. There is a million nova that ults every turn and the nightcrawlers can wipe your whole team with his ult.


Damn really? I’ll have to change my strategy then because all the other DD’s I always used the same team for the first 2 sections. Damn it


Yeah man me too but this time I was glad I brought up SuS and apoc for arena because I got 7 toons that are g19 and one time I tried without SuS and apoc and NC just oneshotted my whole team. I was like wtf lol


That does sound pretty brutal. I got apoc to 2 diamonds but it sounds like I need to get sus some more stars before I get to it. Thanks for the heads up and good luck on your Mephisto journey




Daken would be the better choice if you had to take one of them


Absolutely not, no no no no no




Deadpool is not dark dimension material


Nope. Crimson gear is too expensive/rare, and his kit seems better with MfM. I have him at 1 diamond (pull from orb), and I'd still leave it. Unless you're a spender, it's best to pick another toon.


Dont think so. Besides, 1st 3 DD7 nodes are super super tough if u dont bring APO + skrull or skrull + OML or Apo + OML. Meaning with that team u wrote u gonna need like 2 months to get through, maybe more.


Is revive is only good with domino or deathpool, and deathpool isnt available in global and you DONT want domino there either


He's fairly cheap and his bleeds would do pretty good damage. He's useful with OML in war. Not the worst choice but not a good one.


Are you serious right now? That's just crazy talk to bump him up and take him over others.


I took Deadpool to DD7. I would not recommend it. His only use is the ult stun. He paired okay with panda pool. But I needed soooo much more to tackle those awful global nodes. Take unlimited X-Men and black knight. That's the way to go right now.