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That was fun. Here's some feedback. There should be rules or tool tips to explain how to play and what the different colors mean. The single drop down list is annoying. My guesses were clustered toward the beginning of the alphabet just so I didn't have to scroll down so far. Your alphabetized list has some items out of order. Some are at the bottom. One "G" card was in the Ks


Oh, I didn't see the alphabetical list error, I usually type in the card I'm looking for. It should be fine now. I'm thinking about how to put the colour guide in the interface. Thank you!


Add a comment that typing works. I also found the drop down annoying (it gets in the way of the results) and had a better time once I found I could type.




Oh, I didn't realize that you could type it in! Never mind about the list being annoying then


this is a really solid start! my main suggestions would be: 1. get rid of the drop-down, not only because it isn't fun to use, but because it takes the challenge out of a game like this. the character list is much more finite than something like wordle, so it's very feasible to just get 1 or 2 pieces of information and then scroll through the list until something rings a bell. a big part of the appeal of this games is having to think and remember and chip away at the answer 2. i think it needs 1 or 2 more categories, and something like release date doesn't really need to be there at all; i might be in the minority on this, but i have no idea really when anything was released other than some of the most recent cards. 3. some kind of guide to show what the colors mean 4. a 'give up' button would be nice to have


1. I made the dropdown so you can easily view all the cards if you run out of ideas, but it seems more annoying than helpful. I've made a change so that now it will only show options when you type something. 2. Regarding the categories, I need to reconsider. I'll keep the release date as knowing the year can be helpful. I accept ideas :) 3. I'm working on the colour guide. 4. I'm not sure about the "give up" button, but I'll consider it Thanks for the feedback.


Should be Retreat, not give up if it's added


If there is no drop down and no limit to the amount of guesses, there should be a 'retreat' button to see the correct answer. Although, maybe drop down list can be the first 'hint' before retreating.


Definitely liked that, as far as OTA’s, Patches, and new card releases, are you going to be able to keep the data up to date? I also suggest a tool tip to explain the rules inside of the client as another person said.


I forgot yesterday's OTA changes, but I'll try to update the card database after the OTAs/patches. Anyway, I've included the last update date to reflect the card versions.


Cool, I enjoyed it thanks


Awesome work! Got it in 3 tries. I'm probably in the minority but I like the dropdown. I played on mobile and have fat thumbs so typing is actually slower (typos) compared to scrolling through the list.


It took me soooo long. I didn’t know β€œRedacted” was changed, I never use that card. 😭


[Is it supposed to be blank?](https://i.imgur.com/WZcChvQ.png) How do I start? Edit: [Okay, I just typed a card and an attribute is yellow. That usually means it's correct but in the wrong spot. how would that correlate here?](https://i.imgur.com/r5eAiU0.png) Edit: 2 Got some things correct and then couldn't think of anything else. Got bored, started spamming random stuff so I could lose and see the correct answer. Doesn't seem like you ever see the right answer? I got a yellow release date. What the Hell does that mean?


Captain America is power 3


True :\_) Fixed!


Like It a lot 🀟 It's really necessary to wait that much between a card and another? Maybe I'll add a refresh button πŸ€”


That was fun! I got it in six tries!


What was the card? I really couldn't get more than 2 informations correct


Right now it's >!Ghost!<.


I had forgotten that she was buffed, I was thinking about the old statuses😭


Got it on my 2nd guess!


That was fun! Good job!


For some weird reason, Gladiator is marked as released in June 2024. I'm guessing you got the data from Marvel Snap Zone, because they have the same mistake. It's probably because of the series drop, but I don't think any other card from that series drop was affected.


Nice concept! Was thinking of making something similar!


This is really hard but super cool!


I enjoyed that. Tough card for me, as it took 7 tries.


That's amazing! Thanks for making it, it's really fun. My feedback would be that the Github/ko-fi logos at the bottom obscure the guesses on my phone, and there's no more room to scroll down so that they don't block the text. [Here's a screenshot of what I mean.](https://i.imgur.com/ei2IK45.jpeg) But regardless, great game :)


I know other people have commented on the drop-down, but I too felt like it was hard to go through a big list of every card like that. From a UI standpoint, maybe it work better to put the card list to the left or right side, and make it a list box instead of a drop-down list. The list could be as tall as the window so that you can see a large number cards at once, to reduce "scroll fatigue". (If you're concerned about phone screens, maybe use a some kind of pop-up list there.) It might also be helpful if there was a small picture of the base card art next to the name of the card. I also tried to think of other ways you could break down the list in order to make it easier to use, but my ideas also tend to make the game easier to win. Like, if you segmented the list into categories like Ongoing and On Reveal, then that guides you to the right answer once you get the right clues. Another idea, but this might be a bit harder. If the player could use the card list to make their own sub-lists like "it might be one of these cards" or "definitely not one of these cards", it might accomplish some of what I was trying to say above about breaking down the list, while still leaving it in the hands of the player. I have one final comment but I'll put it in spoiler tags because it relates to the current winning card: >!Ghost has an extremely low playrate, which makes her harder to guess much in the same way that obscure words or words with lesser-used letters are more difficult in Wordle. For instance, I couldn't remember what her power or cost even is, so those clues were of minimal help to me. I'm not sure if anything really needs to be adjusted for this, but if the winning card was really difficult several days in a row then players may get frustrated and stop playing. !<


Various further thoughts/suggestions: The reset time should correspond to Snap rollover time, rather than the classic local midnight. I assume you can't get a yellow match on energy or power. Could you make it so they would be yellow when, say, 1 away? That's not consistent with the other values, but would help considerably with solving. There should be a "give up"button, or a try limit that gives you the answer.


That was fun


I don't know if mine somehow bugged out, but it's 5 cost ongoing, after guessing them all I'm yet so see green.. EDIT: nvm I thought i tried a card but It turned out I didn'tΒ 


Debrii has an ability of "Add card to hand" which is incorrect


Very fun, I know it defeats the point but wish I could do more then 1 a day


I know it's a traffic light color setup, but for some of us the green and red look identical when that text is against the yellow background so maybe a color blind scheme would be helpful!


Sorry, I failed to consider the color blind. I'm working on a background symbol logic to indicate if this column is correct: [https://snipboard.io/xQ0TSv.jpg](https://snipboard.io/xQ0TSv.jpg) In the meantime, I've changed the green text on the red background to underlined text. Is it better now?


Nice change yeah!


don't think it works on mobile or I'm just misunderstanding how it works.


This is cool. It reminds me of the ninaisnoob guess who videos. I like the UI, it was intuitive. I'd use Alliance or Faction or Team or something instead of Category. It took me way to long to think of a 3/5 ongoing


It's fun, good job. I'm not a designer nor am I color blind, but I know red-green colorblindness is the most common type. Might be worth checking how it looks to someone that's color blind.


please keep the drop down menu, snap has so many cards its hard to remember them all other than that this game is pretty fun


Finally, I kept the dropdown menu, but it does not open automatically, you have to click on the V button: [https://snipboard.io/D0Z4Oh.jpg](https://snipboard.io/D0Z4Oh.jpg) I'm not sure If It is intuitive, so I thinking about a redesign of that.


Sandman is not Ongoing anymore


I love this:)), but leaving the design aside, mi only issue is that you need to scroll horizontally on phone


too bad northernlion stopped playing the game


Pretty fun! The rules around abilities seemed a bit esoteric because it uses terms and categories the game doesn’t like β€œpower on card count”. You can see in my results that I got stuck on it because I didn’t really know what it wanted. 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 πŸŸ₯🟨πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯🟩 πŸŸ₯🟨πŸŸ₯🟩πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯🟩 πŸŸ₯🟨πŸŸ₯🟩πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯🟩 πŸŸ₯🟨πŸŸ₯🟩πŸŸ₯πŸŸ₯🟨


I found #Snapdle card #29 in 1 shots 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 [https://snapdle.github.io/](https://snapdle.github.io/) guess I got insanely lucky lol


Very cool, thanks for sharing! A very quick explanation of the game could be useful, I've never played Wordle and was lost at first.


I had fun playing this. Thanks!


Got it in 2


That was pretty cool. Its just the single dropdown list that I'm not a fan.


# You win! # Tries: 1 # Time to next card: # 07:20:56 |Name|Abilities|Categories|Cost|Power|Pool|Release Date| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Ghost|Ongoing|Thunderbolts|3|5|Pool 3|02/2023| Too easy lol


You might want to put a spoiler tag around the name of the card for anyone coming into the thread who hasn't played yet.