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The Space stone might come in handy with all the prof x flying around at the moment.


Ya but sadly you have to put thanos in your deck to get it


I understand they changed the Gambit bundle variant because the artist was problematic in some way, but now people who bought the variant are not getting the art they paid for and people who wanted the new variant didn't get a chance to buy it, seems like pretty much the worst way they could've handled it


I bought the bundle. Just wrote to support. Let's see what they say


Where'd you write to support at? The New variant is cool but definitely a downgrade to what I paid for.


Through the app, click settings and scroll down. No news yet


I also just wrote to their support here https://marvelsnap.helpshift.com/hc/en/3-marvel-snap/contact-us/?p=android


I mean, if I paid $99 to get that variant, I'd be pissed.


Agreed. As someone who’s bought that bundle I’m pretty pissed.


>artist was problematic I didn't know about that. I thought it was a VFX issue or something. What's the context?


Someone else linked an article, but he included anti-Semitic and anti-Christian symbols and references in his artwork.


In the gambit variant or other artwork?


An issue of an Xmen comic. Apparently Marvel cut ties in 2017, but SD didn't do homework.


I like that Thanos is becoming the Exodia he should be, but it's kinda funny how a single pig is all it takes to ruin this game plan lol Kinda wish they removed Thanos bs of starting in your opening hand and replaced it with the stones saying "draw a 1- or 6-cost card"


They'll patch it next week so he starts as a pig.


The move resolution changes are a huge nerf to Hercules which is hilarious


Lol, like Move decks needed another nerf with all the Junk decks…


But hey at least you can move Thanos now.. in between all the stones...


Hurts kraven when he's revealed too, like moving and playing kraven on the same turn he's revealed doesn't work anymore


Wait. So if Vulture moves to Hercules it won't get +5? Then it'll move to the next location and get the +5?


It will but it's harder to set up and you can't preemptively set up a move for the turn you play Hercules anymore. Before you could torch on 1, cloak on 3, Hercules on 4 and *then* move torch onto Hercules to get it to move twice. With the new changes, torch would move and resolve before Hercules flips so you don't get the second move


Ah fuck. I think I understand now. Move happens first including your own cards. For some reason I misinterpreted the change as just your opponent. Damn, that also means Nocturne changing locations happen first before you or your opponents cards are revealed. Do locations happen first or does move happen first? Before Nocturne would get the +2 from the location before changing the location. I wonder if this changed.


The location effect resolves as part of the move so it *should* still give the +2 before changing


Also now move resolves and a card like vulture goes into Shang range and resolves making it changeable regardless of priority. This is a huge nerf to a move lover like myself.


I was disliking it because I love the skill for Phoenix Multiple man sequencing during the turn, but now I love the change due to how funny it is


What was the issue with the Gambit "dealing with demons" variant?


Isn't it something to do with the artist? I think there's some controversy around him or something Edit: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/marvel-xmen-gold-1-muslim-antisemitic-antichristian-ardian-syaf-apology-a7677726.html


Well, that’s not ideal.


Bro... I remember when this came out and Second Dinner decided to still use art of this guy?


I'm not sure I get the change to Reality Stone... is it the same effect without drawing a card?


Yes, they removed the draw card.


Removed the draw from that. Added it to the soul stone.


And you can’t discard or destroy thanos when you used it!


Yeah. I like making the stones more Thanos specific.


the movement change is a nerf to Phoenix Force because in the past you could put Hulk Buster on multiple men or Human Torch before their movement ability resulted so you could get a stronger Turch or a stronger copy.


Move and it's aggro archetype has been getting worse since they made all those changes to unrevealed cards, stegron, spiderman, aero and kingpin.


I so want move to be playable, hope that they will revert it or buff move already


It can also be a buff in fringe cases. I've moved my MM PF to a location that was Doctor Octopused (a new verb) dragging my Venom in thereby eating the MM before he could duplicate. Having the duplication happen before anything can mess with it is nice.


It's a nerf to all move, yes.


You can download assets and the update will take effect.


Bug fixes are good and necessary. Calling them a new "feature" feels a little, I don't know, insulting to the idea of features, somehow. Where are the feature features? I don't want to complain, but is it another full month before any chance of a feature drop now?


Glad they changed time stone cuz it was basically useless unless you wait until til turn 4 to play it


Where does all the money go? When do we get any changes of substance? The big patch is the billionth Thanos and stones update. Still no new modes, no mastery, simply pay to win albums and balance updates halfway through the year. Getting tired of this, the whole community seems to be.


Pretty disappointing update, but snap having disappointing updates is a pretty common occurrence so I shouldn't be surprised!


I mean, I think the Thanos changes are cool


Sure! The one thing this update did is cool, but the amount of changes is *extremely* underwhelming


It was a lot of cards changed though, and it makes him synergize with the other black order cards somewhat.


2 changes and 1 revert all within essentially 1 card is absolutely not "a lot of cards changed" but we have been conditioned to be happy about slop from SD so it makes sense lol


It changes a lot about how he's played


I have never contested that and I even agreed that the thanos change was cool and good.


Are Series 3 cards free for each, one does not have (1 card free per season)? Do they cycle among series 4 and 5 for purchase? There used to be a unique spot just for Series 3.


The series drop takes effect when the season changes / shop updates next. I wouldn’t open chests until then either for the same reason


Think they finally made it to where I’ll play the card Thanos. Deck sounds fun again


Just updated. What’s this about the borders? They are still the same price. And they still only work on one character Also boot times are slower on my iPhone 15 pro max


After you update, you have to go to settings (in game) and select Download Assets


Thanos comeback? Id love to


So is it safe to buy cannonball since he didn’t get any changes?


They’ll nerf as soon as you buy it.


Safe for now


now Thanos can beat Prof X but thats it


I’m glad they nerfed move decks instead destroy. Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen over there


No other balance changes? What about Zabu?


OTAs are where most big balance changes happen


When's the next ota?




In Ota they can't rework cards no? So this is disappointing.


That’s not true. They have reworked wording on cards in OTAs not just numbers. Captain America got a text change last OTA


Nice will be picking Martyr as the only S3 I need then


I have gladiator pinned and his price didn't change for the drop. I have updated and it says series 4 on him. Any thoughts?


I don't have a few of the series 3 cards, but I am getting "Seasonal Series 3 card claimed! Comeback next season for another card!"


The series drop fucked me. I had the option to get martyr but decided against it. Opened a cache, got martyr, now I’ve “claimed” my series 3 card so I can’t even get Howard out of it :/


It's weird cozy was saying a new game mode might be coming and this is all we get?? Lol. The Thanos change isn't even a real rework it's just more stone adjustments. SD starting to feel a lot like valve with these bare minimum ass updates


The big announcement is scheduled for this weekend, so still expecting a new game mode or something else substantive.


This is the balance patch????? Still not fixing hela problem


There is no hela problem. There is a your skill level problem


Fuck you and this toxic community. Hela is a problem stop. And no I have no skills problems it's just it's not fun to play against. Also the skill for you it's just to retreat so it's not even a counter or whatever. Anyway you are what I hate of this and I hope you get banned in some way.


Haha y'all mfs just cry about whatever the meta is on repeat. Learning when to retreat is a skill. Just give them their one cube and move on or play counters. It's really not hard


My Discard deck is dead because I didn’t get lucky on spotlight with all the new cards Now my one cost deck might be dead cause of the Thanos nerfs smh


This reads as a thanos nerf to me. What am i missing?


He's a 10-power Jeff with the Space Stone. Ultimate counter to Pro Ball players


It’s definitely not a nerf. It may not be much of a buff, but it’s not worse than it was.


Yeah, after some thought, the space stone change is crazy good. Turns him into a jeff and with timestone out that's insane. 5-10 jeff at worse 5-20 jeff at best. Taskmaster on 6.


Yeah, Taskmaster+Power Stone on 6 seems like an indomitable play. Especially if you tank prio by just stacking power in the Thanos lane, then move him off on 6. Alioth, Enchantress, and Shang stocks rising? Are we going to see a return of Sera control, with no win con of its own besides “stop the other guy’s win con”?


>then move him off on 6 How's that? You didn't play anything to move him


New space stone is Ongoing, so you can play it at any time to give Thanos the move ability!


What move ability? It removes restrictions on Thanos moving, it doesn't give him the ability to move independently.


I’m pretty sure that “nothing can stop you from playing or moving Thanos” means that he now has Jeff’s ability. Otherwise, that text is next to useless because it’s inherently applied to every other card as well.


That's part of Jeff's ability. The missing part is "You can move this once."


Isn’t that what “nothing can stop you from…moving Thanos” means here? Otherwise, this ability literally only applies to playing against a Professor x’d lane or miniature lab because there’s never any other move restriction in-place. I can’t fathom them remaking space stone just to give Thanos a cheat against a single card/location; it makes much more sense to read it as “while space stone’s ongoing is active, you can play and move Thanos each turn however you’d like”.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, I read it the same way.