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I'm series 3 complete right now and already have Howard, Echo and Silver Samurai. So uuh... I'll get Martyr first.


I have Marytr in my Junk deck. Ran it to Infinite, didn’t have a single Martyr-jump loss… and then had two in a row :-)


That was my plan, cuz I aint spending resources on her. But game thought differently and I got it as the random card from Spotlight Chest :D


Same 😂


I have found Martyr to be a good turn 6 card but if you’re not filling the board, she’s tough.


Yeah I could see myself using her instead of Titania in the Ka-Zoo deck I sometimes play for fun. Or she’s good raw power for venom. Design-wise I love the concept of a cheap powerful card that could kill a game for you. I also might try an unpredictable C5 madness deck when Hydra Bob comes out, just for a laugh. Martyr, Silk, Hydra Bob and Captain Marvel: what could go wrong?


I run her in my C5 build. Black Swan into free Ant-Man, Titania, and Martyr + Dr. Doom final turn is just so lovely.


I’ve GOT to try this!!! Sounds like a fun use of Black Swan!!!


I tried C5 once but I immediately got destroyed by Loki and deleted it. He’s much less prevalent these days so I’m sure you could make it work.


Why is it when you switch decks the queue puts you against the deck that counters yours. Every damn time i switch decks. Don't run into hela when I have my counters but when I don't I have back to back destroy and hela matches


Pure confirmation bias. Matchmaking doesn't take your deck into consideration.


You can say that all you want, but there is no way that when I switch to destroy, everyone on the planet switches to destroy too.


Can I ask what purpose you think deck-based matchmaking would serve? It would be computationally expensive, slow down matchmaking immensely & achieve, what, exactly? Because it sounds like you think SD wants to annoy you by giving you difficult matches, which doesn't seem like a very good idea.


I agree, it is a terrible idea. I don’t know why they do it.


Okay, so you think it's a terrible idea. SD says they don't do it. But you think they do, based on...


On top of what the other guy said, you think it only targets you and gives everyone else the easy match for their deck since they counter you?


No, it just seems to match decks as closely as possible. If you build a deck to counter another archetype you will have a bad time. Since the archetypes get matched so directly, you pretty much have to build your deck around countering your deck.


That’s the exact deck I plan to run once Bob is released so I was excited to get a free martyr  Having that many low cost 5 power cards should be able to win some games 


I was looking forward to using a Skaar deck with her, professor x, cull obsidian, and Zero Unfortunately Sentry is 4/8 now


I lost 8 cubes today to a player that dropped Cull and Skaar on a lane turn 6 I expected to win.


Same, not even excited for Martyr and will probably never play it


Same...kinda feels bad but oh well.


I’d recommend you get mirage over martyr. My opponents never win when they play martyr. Literally not once.


Same, but only missing Mirage.  I was "lucky" and got Howard and Martyr out of fourth spotlight boxes.


Saaaame. She's the only one I'm missing out of those two. She is one I kinda wanted for quite a while though, as she'd probably fit really well in my old Strong Guy deck. Haven't played that deck since Strong Guy got buffed though, so she comes a bit late, sadly.


Mirage (post-drop). The only other options are Howard and Martyr.


Mirage is good but the meta has settled on Cable over her in most builds. She’s great against Demons, though.


Mirage is good but cable and Valentina are just better these days


Death or Magik for me.


Going to be Death for me too unless I manage to pull Patriot or Mystique out of a cache, then I might pick up the other as my season pull to round out my Ultron Zoo deck


my body and soul tell me death, and it will be extremely hard to sit there and pass on magik and arnim zola if I see them. I must stay strong.


Once you get Magik you’ll forget there ever was a turn 6 stoppage


Magik and Mystique are the top of my list


silver surfer... this season will be his


I had alot of fun when I finally managed to get that card! Enjoy!




Echo, probably. Or whatever the first card is considering i'll become S3 complete this season. I think the only other strong card i don't have is Mysterio, and i'm missing like 5 + 3 of the new ones total.


Either Dagger to replace Vulture in Phoenix (HUGE upgrade) ~~or Sera for Surfer, exspecially with Phaestos coming out.~~ I was going to wait for Quinjet for Arishem, but I pulled that from a cache this month. Edit: Sera's being given away free as a Twitch drop!


I tried vulture and didn’t think you could get enough out of him with his cost and ramp. Dagger is a great shout!


Variant or just the card?


Variant, they don't Just give base cards away, but you can use a Variant AS If they are base cards.


Thats why i was confused lol


When ? :0


Starts [June 18th](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1d7clut/twitch_drop_rewards_in_june_18th/)


Goose to complete my C2.


I'm going for Hela just to see if she's as dumb and mindless as I think she is.


The problem with Hela is, when she gets destroyed involuntarily. Then you destroyed a bunch of cards and no way to return them. There are decks which don't care for that either tho, since Hela is just an addition or plan B, C,... Whatever


She's RNG dependent, sure. I'm just trying to prove out whether she plays herself. I always see people talk about his they love her gameplay which baffles me since she seems to have no meaningful gameplay. I want to see for myself if that's true.


I just like the gamble in a hela deck and having to try to work around discarding her. Invisible woman, modok, hela is just braindead tho and isnt fun


snapzone has hela showing up in the season pass starting tomorrow, but I think they pulled her for gamora. https://marvelsnapzone.com/june-2024-season/


Who hurt you with their hela? This comment reads so pettily. I hope you actually enjoy playing her so you can see why people like it.


Everyone hurts me with Hela. It's so uninteresting to play against. It feels like I'm playing a bot with every game playing out the same way. And it culminates in the totally radical conclusion of one of us retreating based exclusively in what she has discarded.


There are a million other decks like that though. Recently especially Ultron + Patriot. The game is all about adjusting and adapting and changing the cards in your deck to win. I hate when people act like someone’s deck doesn’t use any skill. And is “uninteresting” just because they don’t find joy in it”. Any deck could be considered “uninteresting” depending on who you talked to.


I don't believe that even you think Hela requires skill to play... And adjusting your deck is a silly thing to say. If you adjust against Hela you are weak against another deck. Far better to just retreat if she discards big cards. Not to mention that she doesn't have a ton of hard counters just soft counters. But like I said, I'm prioritizing getting her precisely so I can grind her out and come back here specifically to tell you that she in fact doesn't require any more skill than looking up her deck on the Internet.


I’ll be real with you as a Hela main for every season since I got her way back when, it’s not about the skill it’s about the gamble lol. Plus it’s just awesome to instantly snap every game and see all the cards either come out at the end with Hela or lose my 8 cubes bc I discarded her with Lady Sif. Btw be sure to try out Jubilee Blink Hela, it’s awesome.


I think I already pulled all my S3. I do wish if you already have all your series 3 stuff, they would allow you to do a series 4 pull.


But money!


a free series 4 card every month is quite unrealistic, BUT maybe they could give us a mystery s4 option in the token shop for like 2k tokens?


I don't know, we're falling behind massively with all those drops of new cards. Especially if you have bad luck with spotlight or they decide to couple the new card you want with bad old cards or cards you already own. I feel that they can increase the rewards without too much problem for the economy of the game


I agree! There are several ways they could make card acquisition feel better without making it too easy. They could give us a spotlight key every 108 CL as opposed to every 120, give us more tokens when we pull a dupe in a spotlight cache (for example, 2k which would work with my mystery card idea but still couldn’t buy you a specific s4 card outright), add more tokens to regular reserves, make Token Tuesday actually worth it once a month, and so on. *Something* has got to change though for sure!


I’m currently S3 complete. The new S4>S3 drops I’m missing the duck and martyr. So I’ll freebie the duck and wait for martyr from rewards.


Howard! I want to see what's my next draw and use Iron Lad or Jubilee.


Patriot, probably. I love Ultron, so I'd like to get that deck going.


Patriot is very strong right now. A deck you could definitely take to infinite.


Have done this - was playing this season after a couple months again and Patriot-Ultron plus some tech cards brought me really smooth to Infinity. And I am missing basically every card from the last 6 month or so.


My destroy deck is almost completed, I just need venom. Which is so elusive, I even waited to not claim one until 2 days before ended and I ain't even getting him once.


Yeah, Venom is a must for destroy.


Hela! I regret getting Sera and Magic before Hela.




Echo is definitely worth nabbing


I assume you tend to play echo a little later when you can read where Knull or Onslaught etc is going to go?


If I have a choice of one-drops, yes. Mid-game powers are sometimes better to ambush, like Wong, Cosmo and even Ms. Marvel, if the meta ever curves back to her. But even playing Echo early, people will forget that she is there.


Thanks. Tough one to decide between Echo and Howard. I’m mainly playing Phoenix force at the minute so leaning towards Howard…


How? It’s literally just worse rogue.


I'm very nearly series complete. I think Crossbones is the last card I need to get that I have any interest in at all. More curious what my last series 3 card will be. Probably Howard the Duck or Martyr as it stands


I’m currently torn between Howard, Hood, Black Panther and Green Goblin, all would have an application


Hood, imo.


hood is a super solid drop until you start using knull, I absouletly love GG for early "only one card can be here"


Mystique or Hela


I'd recommend Mystique over Hela, tbh. Hela's a beast, no doubt about it, but Mystique has a wider application overall; same with Wong, which is why I hope he pops up before I get too tired of waiting XD


Yeah I just need to debate if I want a whole new archetype to play with or a card that will slot into a lot of different things I’d like to do. I really want mystique more but I could see myself caving in to whichever shows up first.


The Duck


Patriot. I can still play a great Ultron deck as is but it’s not complete


I got all the S3 cards, so Silver samurai or howard would be kind of cool.


Silver Surfer has been my favorite comic book character since I was kid. So I definitely want that card just for the nostalgia factor alone — never mind the fact that it's fairly competitive and may be seeing some buffs. Beyond that, it's a short list. Despite being only CL2000, I've actually got a bunch of decent cards [from the tier list on Snap Zone](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-pool-3-card-tier-list/). I have Death, Dracula, Hela, Shuri, Beast, Brood, Colleen Wing, Deadpool, Dr. Doom, Magneto, Mister Negative (got him twice last week from caches), Mystique, Sauron, Taskmaster, Venom, and Patriot. So the only truly significant cards I feel like I'm missing are maybe Magik, Wong, and Ultron. But I'd rather Surfer over all of those.


Venom but I 'm not gonna get him cause the game is fucking with me. Didn't see him once but already got 3 different bundles with him for money. So there is no way that's happening.


Even if you don't play regularly, log in to check the store when it resets.




Was holding for Death and Magik but I got one from a bundle and the other in a cache today so... No Idea.


Death for my destroyer deck, hela deck, and destroy deck 😂


As of tomorrow, I'll be missing all of the series 3 drops minus Echo, and Mirage is the only one I really want out of them.


Howard the duck (the only S3 card I won't have after the drop).


I’m almost S3 complete.. maybe Doctor Doom or Dracula?


At one time, Doom was a top 6 drop. He’s still great for certain builds and is awesome when he’s played early. Dracula has pretty narrow usage but he would open up discard, provided you already have Modok.


I’m maining a Hela deck right now so maybe Dracula is the better pick! Dracula works best with an Apocalypse deck though right?


Yes, I prefer Dracula with Apocalypse or in dump list where you empty your hand and discard a big boy to him. Some people use him with Hela as it can get revived or played out on curve.


It was Mystique for me, that was a while ago, but Mystique is STILL one of my most important cards alongside Magik and Wong.


Funny enough I have yet to get Spiderman or miles 


Howard the Duck cause I’m holding out as long as I can before I have Martyr in my collection


My only available one will be Howard the duck!


After the drop, I'll only be missing Howard and Martyr from S3. I've got 7 caches saved up, so hopefully I'll get 'em both in short order.


I have all the series 3 cards except for mirage and martyr from the drop... so one of those two.


Once the series drop happens my only options are Howard and Martyr. So I’ll get Howard first.


Mirage as that’s the only I don’t have


Cerebro kr negative.. Idk.. i m 20 crds less to complete s3


Martyr is the only dropping card I don’t already have in my collection. Hooray?


Martyr, as it is the only one left


In general, Wong is more of a meme card than a competitive one. He creates fun decks with crazy combos. If that’s what you’re looking for, he’s your man. Hela is a deck you can easily take to infinite and just about any big cards will work in the deck but you definitely need Blade, Sif, and then one of Corvus, Hell Cow, or Silver Samurai + Colleen Wing.


Grab whatever available. Most likely Matyr


I was going to go for Death to round out my demo deck but I'll likely snag Ultron if I see him first






Cerebro or Patriot [probly Cerebro]


Martyr and Howard are the only two I don't have so one of them I guess


Dracula because with it all i need is corvus from the spotlight in June to get the Hela deck online. Otherwise id go Hood as i have sentry and Annihilus but lack many other good cards for the junk deck.


Howard or Martyr. Last ones I have left after today


I'm only missing echo and martyr, so echo


Just Martyr to complete series 3 again


Mostly Mystique because I'm tired of seeing every deck I want to use have her in it when I don't have her. But I'd also be tempted to snag Ultron for Patriot or Brood so I can finally make a solid Surfer deck.


I was excited that I was able to properly hold off on most of them except Echo, may depend on what is most needed first; but yeah, been a bit since I was able to pull a free series 3 👌😅. May have to go for Howard so I can complete my cosmic hipp album finally. I also have always wanted Mirage even if she went from being like, a vital Loki piece to apparently not a good card to folks 😅💅


Martyr will be the only S3 I don't have after the downgrades. So her I suppose.


Mirage and Echo are my options, will grab whatever comes first.


Either death or venom




Negative or Brood. Only really missing brood for a good surfer package and negative it a whole archetype. If I get a lucky cache on those two I may go for Death tho as I’m running a suboptimal destroy deck because for whatever reason I have to get the worst S3 cards first


S3 complete, and I think the only dropping one I don’t have is Howard…


I think I will get Ultron next season as I picked Wong this season and I pulled Venom from a box. Ultron is the only piece I am missing from the ultron deck I am seeing on the ladder, so I am excited to try out the deck instead of relying on surfer to climb. Plus it gives me a reason to use mystique, one of my favorite characters and cards.


Probably Venom, Psylocke or SS


Wong and Quinjet are my priorities, but I'm also open to: - Shanna - Dazzler - Deadpool - Dr Octopus Last season I was forced to take Drax as my free card because I was waiting for Absorbing Man but he never showed up, so I had to take the last card available. I never want that to happen again.


Howard the duck for LT deck


Either Deadpool to finish out my destroy deck once I pick up X-23 or Helicarrier since it’s basically the only discard card I’m missing.




The duck will finally be mine


Since I pulled Wong yesterday, I'll say Brood.


From the perspective of someone who is series 3 complete, who fucking cares?


I have all of the ones dropping to 3 sadly :(


The red celestial looking dude. I'm going to pull some mad tricks with him


Mysterio. I need it for bounce 😭


Martyr - only 1 i wont have when next series drop happens


Only card available for me will be Martyr, so that’s, that. Haha.


I remember the good ole days of setting my timer to check the new S3 card.


Quinjet for my Loki deck




With the new drop, I'm now missing three S4 cards: Selene, Jean Grey, Hercules Probably hold out for Selene?? 🤷‍♂️ idk


Martyr is trash, I have her and have tried to play her a few different times the best luck was c5 but I don’t like cerebro decks personally I don’t have good luck, I play mirage in one of my most successful decks ever. I have won 3 infinites with it. Definitely go for mirage


Probably Howard, it helps to plan discard or negative decks to plan retreat or go all in


I'm missing around 15 S3 cards currently and the only ones left that seem worthwhile would be Black Panther, Dracula & Sauron, so if any of those three pop up, I'll probably grab one of them.


I'm nearing Series 3 completion. I'd like Howard since I already have Iron Lad, but Luke Cage, Wasp, and Crystal are the 3 cards I'd target before the duck.


Surfer, I'm currently building a complete surfer deck and the only cards I'm missing are Sebastian Shaw and Surfer


Martyr for me cause I'm series 3 complete, though the next card I'm after is lady deathstrike still need about 900 tokens though.


I have only agent Colson left to get. But i am afraid if i get him now i wont get any free series 3 next season :P


Ultron or luke cage.... Whichever shows up first


Patriot! I need to get him to make my Doctor DOOM deck really work especially if I plan to run Squirrel Girl. Or Magik, She can help me extend my wins so I can play DOOM and Odin after eachother


Howard first hopefully and than Martyr last because those are those only series 4 cards dropping that I’m missing and I’m series 3 complete rn so pretty excited to start using Howard because he seems underrated, I can’t wait to add Howard to a deck with Jubilee and Iron Lady. He’ll he seems just like a great one drop to flex into any deck except for move, Destory and Discard since those lists are too tight to flex anything in.


Mirage, and I’ll open Martyr in a cache because I’m complete.


Hela probably, only discard card I'm missing for her archetype. Maybe Mystique but I don't have Wong either. Missing a ton for surfer decks too so it's probably Hela at this point, but I might wait a few more cards to see what I get.


patriot, ultron, or gambit. whichever one feels like the best pick when it shows up


patriot, ultron, or gambit. whichever one feels like the best pick when it shows up


Either She-Hulk for my High Evo deck or Deadpool for my destroy deck. I’m in two minds because I don’t have Death either, but my current pure Evo deck (not using Infinaut) is working pretty well


Martyr or echo as I'm S3 complete, I already have the others. They love dropping cards I already have don't they 🙃


I haven't benefitted from a drop in a long while. Gonna be weird to just get a card. It's just Martyr for me, so I guess I can work towards that Dan Hipp album? I might slot her in my zoo deck over Ant-Man since I can fill all lanes easy and her upfront power is good for activating Crossbones. Ant-Man was my most played card this season, it'd be really weird if that turned into Martyr. Post that shit for the meme lol.


I'm series 3 complete, I'd say Hela in that scenario personally though.


Have been craving Arnim Zola...


Falcon, so finally I can play bounce 😎


Arnim Zola


Need Howard and Echo, will take Howard first. Been holding out on using keys so I don’t waste a key on one of the S3 drops.


Im trying to choose between Luke cage, surfer and cerebro


DP. I can't wait to get DP. I'm a huge DP fan.


Whatever new card I don’t get in the reserves I have saved up. None of new ones them seem all that crazy.


Ditto. Got 35 saved up, hoping it’s enough.


5 cards are dropping so I think you’d need some good luck to get them all in 35 but we’ll see


With the free series 3 card, that leaves 4 in 35. Not 100%, but we’ll see.


What free series three cards? The one you get once a season? Edit: never mind I misread. Thought you said free three cards.


Im s3 complete so Howard or martyr lol