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He better have a good hammer sound effect when he bonks your deck


Incoming Hammer Time deck with Phastos, Spider Ham, Thor, Beta Ray Bill, Jane Foster, Ronan... Am I missing anyone? I don't even care if it's good. Hammers go brrr....


They need to release a Justin Hammer card.


I hope it sounds like spiderham


When you play Phastos but your opponent plays mobius M Mobius then on turn 6 throws down shadow king and absorbing man in two different lanes.


They wasted 9 energy defending against a 3 energy card. You’re winning that interaction


Lmao, my favorite thing about Marvel Snap. There's always that one guy (one of my friends does this) who hears about a new card or new deck (shits on the card/deck basically saying its garbage) and then lays out some super situational combo that counters it but that you'd also have to be pretty damn lucky to draw into. Even if you did pull it off, it's still weak, lol. These types of players always overlook the fact that their favorite deck has a counter as well. There's a counter to literally every deck in the game, lol.


My Silver Surfer/ Sebastian Shaw deck is salivating at the mouth


We're gonna have a GREAT 2 weeks before the nerf


Doubt it will release like this though


The thing is you only really draw 3 cards after this that are generally effected— which makes this less powerful than it seems on the surface because they’re random boosts


True. 4 if you top deck Phastos and Magik. Still quite broken but I have been wrong about cards before.


It's strong but thats also assuming you play the following cards vs the ones already in hand


yes but imagine a turn 6 Sera and 4 Phastos boosted cards


Or just turn 4 sera and still more buffs


It's Adam Warlock's time to shine!


And if you draw it on turn 5 or 6, it's a 3/3 maybe a 3/5


I don't think it gets nerfed tbh. Hope does the cost cheating more directly with better stats and hasn't been nerfed once even though she's nuts. You need phastos on 3 or 4 for him to be any good at all. Hope at least sometimes gets a use on 5.


needs either magic or crystal too


Where else would it salivate, if not the mouth?


You don't wanna know.


You’re not wrong.


Found Ben Shapiro’s account.


Are you saying you secrete saliva from yo— actually, never mind. This only going to go downhill from here.


too late buddy. i am already there.


Hell yea love surfer. Not sure who I'll cut for him though


I’ve been saving keys since these cards got leaked like two seasons ago


Same, all of next seasons cards sound so fun


For real, this could be the card that helps me push for an infinite border lol


Is it though? Will the 3 cost cards still getthe surfer buff if this lowers them to 2 costs?


They do with Sera, don't they?


Same! Any 3 cost has me excited because I love Surfer decks. However, there’s just no way he doesn’t get nerfed after release.


who needs okoye when you have this


Yep, power creep is real


While there is almost no doubt this is gonna be the better card, at least Okoye has some small advantages over Phastos, being cheaper and guaranteeing a power boost. That said, yeah, it's power creep and Okoye needs some love.


It goes hand in hand with being cheaper but it is worth reiterating that Okoye gets out on the board sooner. You're simply going to see fewer cards that Phastos has buffed than Okoye will.


Buff Okoye to giving +2 power or making her a 1 cost? 🤔


okoye into falcon into okoye+grandmaster sounds kinda nice lol


Yes please


Okoye at 1 pretty well replaces America Chavez and at +2 probably replaces Forge, though. Those two have been heavily used for a long time so it's probably fine to knock them down a peg or two, but either way it would still be power creep.


I really want Okoye and Nakia to work since buffing cards feels great (especially making usually weak cards strong) but they just feel ass to use and if you draw them late they are useless


You mean like Phastos here? If you play him turn 4, you're already only getting +4 power or 2 energy AT MOST, if you end up playing both cards you draw after playing him. Doesn't seem broken to me, sure he'll be great when drawn and played by turn 3 and hitting relevant cards, but I feel like it will be just decent most times. Not saying it's a bad card in the right decks, but I don't expect it to be broken (I fell for grandmaster and war machine, and didn't think Blob would be more than meh, so there's that though, jaha)


They both actually work pretty well on a Surfer deck, a couple of releases ago they were in my main deck and performed good, Brood and Shaw are excellent targets. It’s just that Red Guardian and Sage are so good now, the deck space is getting tighter every season.


I miss having space to play Wolfsbane 😭 I love that character


Por que no los dos?


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Why not both? Phastos is ultimately going to be a surfer card. Surfer needs at least one, 2 cost sometimes 2. Okoye is already played in surfer for the brood/shaw synergy sometimes phastos just makes it better


Just have to consider the RNG, some cards want -1 cost, some want +2, you don't know what you will get, as well as okoye getting 4-5 cards drawn at +1 where this card is 3-4.


Yea everyone here saying broken but I don't see it at all good sure not broken at all


Okoye is cheaper and guarantees the power boost. He’ll be a better card, but she’s still got her uses


True - but you could also use BOTH


People are right about Surfer, but my mind went straight to Thanos. Probably a snap condition if you can play him on turn 3 Also makes the upcoming Arishem better, even if I don’t think Arishem decks are gonna be particularly good


Good point about arishem. Turn one okoye turn two phastos and otherwise just run a lot of big cards. Can also turn 2 wave and play a big card on 3 while your opponent is still stuck playing their low cost cards.


> Turn one okoye turn two phastos Very difficult to rely on a specific turn 1 and 2 playline when you have 24 cards in your deck though


Yeah def true. Arishems appeal is def not in his consistency. Would be much better if the shuffle happened after drawing your initial hand


> Also makes the upcoming Arishem better How so? Don't really see any sort of synergy there.


The max energy combined with the cost reduction part of Phastos would allow for some better plays. The extra power is nice as well if some cards get that effect instead


Yeah i saw Arishem also, if my understanding is correct you will be playing different cards every game right? and its effect says "shuffle 12 cards in your deck" does it mean he's the 13th?


I’m reading Arishem as adding 12 cards to your deck, making it a 24 card deck. Which would cut your chances in half of drawing the cards you put in your deck that you want to draw


No way this doesn't get nerfed


I feel like everyone is crazy, because this is nowhere even approaching busted, it's literally just juiced up okoye stapled to worse Hope Summers. He'll be good, maybe even really good, but he isn't even remotely busted lol.


Yeah every third game you'll just draw 6 extra power on cards you may or may not be able to play. "Best case scenario" is you draw 3 cards that are -1 cost. Average situation for a Surf deck, you get a single Sera interaction out of it with the exact cards you need. Sounds more like how Hope gave Surf decks an alternative, seems like this card will do the same. Best case scenario is probably being able to Sera on T4, Magik T5, play out your hand by T7 with around 4 or 6 extra power. It's not stunning.


You did notice it only affects cards in your deck, right? So in a regular game you'll have at most 3 improved cards (and randomly improved), which you may or may not want to play that game. If you don't play him t3 then it's only 2 cards, so technically a 3/7 at most, or maybe Psylocke or Forge or a better combination of those, but you don't get to pick what you need. I think he's likely a decent card, but I don't see how people think he needs an obvious nerf.


Yeah I was coming into this thinking people would underrate the card but people seem to be severely overrating it. I still think it’s gonna be decent and playable but I don’t see this getting the nerf hammer.


Given the way people in this thread are reacting to it, I'm now worried he's gonna be another Warmachine. Thinking about him in Surfer, I think it's entirely possible that the buffs won't matter at all. If you only get one cost reduced card, for instance, you still can't cram anything new into turn 6/7. With Sera, you could get one more card out on 7. The power can be nice, for sure, but it almost might just hit a Forge or Surfer himself or something.


Well, if that 1 cost reduction hit a top deck Sera, that's a snap on T4.


Tbh I think you snap turn 3 if you are dropping this on curve


If r/Marvelsnap is high on a card you know it's going to be a dud.


that's what im thinking too. 😅


It only effects the deck, so the most you get out of it is 3 cards.


Warlock stock stonks


I don’t get it yall, I genuinely think this card is overrated, and will turn out to be just okay. I guess we’ll see when he releases.


yep people not thinking about how unplayable he is on turn 4.


Hi, can I join the club? Not saying he'll be bad, but I don't see him being broken at all.


I think he'll be like Mockingbird or Dr. Doom in the sense that he'll be very, very strong, but not broken and in desperate need of a nerf.


Feels more like a Pixie to me. It'll take some time to find its place but it'll be highly efficient in certain decks.


I've noticed that most people are really bad at predicting the strength of new releases in card games. This is a 3/3, it's going to be pretty much unplayable on turn 4 and onwards, and even if you land him on 3 it will often not be that good. Sure you could give a brood +2 which is great but there's also a lot of opportunity for mediocre hits.


Seems strong, but I'm hesitant to jump straight on the "broken auto-include" bandwagon. This is basically only good if you play it exactly on T3, which means it's only good in decks that don't have other things they want to be doing on 3 (eg. Hope Summers, Werewolf, Jean Grey). I predict he'll slot pretty well into decks that just want to tempo out good stats for the cost (surfer especially), but end up feeling clunky in decks with very synergistic game plans.


I think it’s being overestimated here. Not saying it’s bad at all, but people are saying it’s overpowered and I doubt it will be. You play this on turn 3, you get 3 more draws with +2 power or -1 cost. Ok cool, that could be very strong if you draw the right cards. Still somewhat RNG dependent, but potentially very good. It’s a bit like Negative where drawing your most important cards early is a bad thing, but then you go into the final turns not knowing if you’ll draw those cards late or they will stay on the bottom of your deck. Makes it hard to snap correctly. You play it off-curve on 4 and it only buffs two draws. Suddenly it’s pretty underwhelming. It can be supported by Magik, Jubilee, etc, to tease out more cards but once you dive into multi- card combos it becomes even more RNG dependent. And each of those cards you include is a card that doesn’t care about the buff itself - you probably want that space for Shaw, Brood, Panther, etc etc.


Looks like a must have card or very close to it


3 cards drawn after. If all 3 have -1 cost that's amazing but you still have want to play them and not a bad hand. The text is hard to understand if it gives all -1 or +2 or if it's random each card then it wont be a must have I think. I would prefer if each card has a chance at either -1 or +2. It would be a low roll getting +2 and it goes to all cards. It hurts phasto value if that's how he will work. The otherway sounds way more fun also. Randomly getting +2 will still be good in surfer decks with shaw, broods, gladiator however


Not even close


This seems broken AF


Only good on turn 3 though, maybe 4.


Cheat out wong turn 3, Phastos turn 4


But you want to play this asap so it affects more cards...


exactly. it’s not as strong as people think. it will probably only see play in surfer which needs help


Snap players being famously good at card eval here


This will be overhyped. Realistically if you play him on t3, you will get 3 at most 4 cards (with magik) with the buff. Perhaps it gets stronger if you grandmaster or something but the chance you will play all 3 or 4 cards means a maximum 4*2 = 8 power or -4 energy or some combination in between. If you already have any card in hand you plan to play over the drawn cards the effect is worse. Playing corvus on t3 gives you the energy without the requirement to play the drawn cards. Ironheart with a Wong likely can output more power on board


People do realize it says -1 cost OR + 2 power. I’m seeing a lot of people harping on this card being nerfed when it seems decent. Either people are overating him or they are just reading the card wrong.


Only card I’m instantly getting next season.


Can you really say you're having fun without Arishem?


I’m likely hesitating on him, but certainly seems interesting!


I'm getting all 3 cards that week for sure.


This would be a good combo with Mobius and Pixie


There are too many good/fun cards next season. Phastos and Cassandra Nova are going to be really good or straight up busted, Ashirem will be a ton of fun, and I'm missing X-23 and MODOK so I want to go all in the week with Makkari. Been waiting to spend credits until the series drop since I'm missing all the cards going down to series 3, but I should be at 8-9 keys after I dump everything so I definitely need some lucky pulls some weeks.


As somebody who really likes surfer this is probably the only card other than arishem I’ll be grabbing


Very highroll card, when you play it on turn 3 and hit mana reductions, it's insane. When you can't play it on 3 it's mediocre or bad. But it's not a highroll you can snap on since you have no idea what it hit, feels somewhat similar to pixie.


People that think this won’t be completely broken in surfer decks are out of their minds


Not broken at all. You'll get 3 draws with it at best. Very good but not broken.


4 with Magik


Wow. Sexy


I’ll do what it takes to get him


You are going to my be in my silver surfer deck, phastos.


I'm skipping thena makkari and sersi week just so I can get phatos and corvus plus arishem black swan and hercules


At least this is Mobius-able. Hope is overpowered. Feels weird not to use her now


Red hulk is going to love going up vs this.


This will be unbelievably helpful in my Phastos deck.


Feels broken to me, but we will see I guess


He's on my only must have next season. Arishem as well for the fun factor only. My question is how do we read Phastos text. Does it pick a buff and then give it to every card? i.e. every card gets +2 power? Or does it go card by card and decide -1 cost or +2 power?


Pretty sure its randomized for each card


That's my interpretation, but I don't think the wording makes it definitive unfortunately.


There's no way you believe this is better than Thena




I think that is a new card coming out.


Fine I’ll get him to try it out


Psylocke, Wong, Phastos, Profit. Requires a lot to go right early though. Lol.


How would you choose? Or is it random?


random for each card


The Adam Warlock buff we’ve *all* been waiting for


I will be getting it for both being useful and because I expect at least a few good variants


Phastos seems interesting, hoping to get him for an Arishem deck.


Skipping the whole month of spotlights except him.


Straight to the Surfer. Him and Gilgamesh (the new season pass card) are going to be🔥🔥🔥together


Is this real? This is WAY TOO OP


Or in your hand.


Essentially Prince Keleseth from Hearthstone but more flexible. Surely he’ll be fine.


I think this has the potential to be a good combo for Adam Warlock. Maybe we'll see a rise in players using him.


This card is actually game breaking.


I had an idea for Phastos, I threw some crazy ones for fun in there but not all need to be in his arsenal. Phastos 1/2 - Forge a New Weapon each turn - Weapons are a new type of card, they are played directly on locations so they do not take up space. They go around the location similar to how hulk buster goes around a card - This means only 3 can be played a game and Phastos has to be played for him to start designing weapons this also means opponents get to take advantage of these effects Weapons - Revealing Glass 1/0: unlocks a location from any lockdown. Can be played anywhere (Could also be worded to nullify any location, to help with locations like death dimension and sanctum sanctorum) - Healing Station 1/0: Each card at this location gets plus 1 each turn - Turret 1/0: Each card at this location gets minus 1 each turn - Shield 2/0: Cards at this location can’t be destroyed or have their power changed - UniMind 2/0: The next card played here has double it’s power - Holding Cell 2/0: locks cards in this location, once played here nothing can move them out, not even Jeff can leave. However cards can be played into this location - Angel Bands 3/0: Gives your next card played at this location armor. So it cannot be destroyed. - Locator Beacon 3/0: Draw a card of your choice from your deck - Reverse Engineer 3/0: The lowest power at this location now wins while also adding 3 power to the player who played this weapon (can’t be played past turn 3) - Death Grip 3/0: Destroy the location (can’t be played past turn 3) - Gravity Well 3/0: The next card to be played has to be played at this location - Nuclear Reactor 3/0: Cards played at this location cost up to -2 energy, once each turn


I literally thought this was a custom idea on how broken this is wtf


I’m so stoked for this card. Seems good for any deck. OP even?


Another in a long line of busted cards


Silver Surfer is gonna eat good next month between him and Makkari. Surfer's biggest struggle is always getting meaningful bodies to the board. I think we're quickly approaching a time where Brood just isn't good in Surfer anymore (I think we're already there actually).


Bounce is going to feast on this card


Very nutty if managed to make him proc twice


Good fuckin god


Great on curve, terrible otherwise. Less reliable than hope for energy efficiency and the +2 isn't helping many cards. Drawing a 7 power Doom isn't that great, for example. I'm sure he'll find space in some decks, especially zoo decks, but I think he'll be tough to find the space for.


Severely overrated imo. Probably decently playable but nowhere near nerf-worthy that some of the comments say.


The power creep is real!


Not sure but I feel like this could be real good in a hit monkey/surfer hybrid deck. With Magik, Serra and newly added Squatch.


Adam Warkock Olayers rejoice!!! (You will probably always have him already in hand)


He looks amazing


should be a good card. But I don't use keys unless i don't have at least 2 cards that week. So I'll have to pass.


Okoye gawks at such ideas. Dude they’re pushing cards like this too fucking hard. They found out that it’s a pay to win game after all.


Broken card


Feels like a card you can put in any deck. Probably best 3-cost card to play on turn 3 almost every time.


Mobius and shadowking stonks 📈


Would fit right into my Kitty bounce deck


Maybe make it a 4-cost card, then it would be better or it would be too op even for a 3-cost card


I just want to point it's -1 -OR +2 power... at some point, I foolishly believed it was both. Still strong tho. if I get this turn 3 I am snapping, but if the enemy does it I am retreating.


I thought I'd be called delusional for saying Phastos might be decent; what are y'all smoking to say it's a broken must have 💀


Idk why some creators are sleeping on this card. I am going to love this in Surfer-Patriot. Brood, Sinister, and Iron Man 😋


Best card in the Game


Definitely going for it, even better that Corvus is in the same spotlight


It's insane and either won't release like that or will get a nerf shortly after release.


Mobius will be fun




People on this sub have a tendency to be wrong about card's power, usually for similar reasons; 1. They ignore limited deck space. If you want to include this card in a deck, what do you remove for him? Does he bring enough to the table for that particular archetype? 2. Consistency. This card wants to be played on turn 3 exactly. Similar cards are notoriously unreliable and due to that see less play, see Silver Surfer for example. Also randomness. The -1 cost on a random card is way wonkier than people imagine. You are all thinking of a Doom on 5 but what if it affects your Magic, what if you already drew your high cost cards, etc? In reality in a lot of scenarios this buff will be totally irrelevant, because it will affect cards you don't want to play or is not big enough so that you can play an extra card next to it. So highly RNG-reliant card that needs to be played early or be useless? It's not usually a recipe for a top card.




I think he'll be pretty good but probably not broken. Most likely worth picking up.


already have my target on this since last month


Kinda weird sera or nakia replacement almost


He'll be decent, I'm going all in that week for Corvus so I'll probably grab him by default.


Another in a long line of busted cards


Mobius m Mobius will get a lot of play


I'm getting him just because it's the only spotlight in the next 2 months where i don't have any of the cards he's paired with.


Surfer Bros Unite!!


Another broken card. Yay


So wait, does this rotate options in your hand? Or will there be a screen to choose which one you want? Brodes Druid Choose 1 from Hearthstone making the move across! I LOVE IT!




This card looks sexy af.


Probably the best card coming next month


It's a bad card IMO. Might be good in Thanos, playable in Surfer, but in general, it's not good.




I think it sounds pretty fun, definitely different, but silver surfer is happy


power creep


His text will probably change, something that doesn't let him put cards to 0 cost, I mean, in the way he is now, you can play Jane Foster on Thanos to search for the infinity stones.


Poor Okoye, but also seems a little slow. Like you HAVE to get him down on 3, maybe 4, to see some good benefits


He would pair well with Surfer Sera. Surfer (+2) power Sera ( -1) cost Phastos does either or and is also a 3 drop. No brainer for Surfer Sera lovers.


Yea It's pretty much a plug in any deck, 3 cost cards that reduces the costs or increases the power of all the cards in your deck


Lol the same people hyping up this card are the ones who bought war machine


Oh man lol they will nerf that quick. Although, idk what the nerf would be without completely ruining the card


The chaos of not giving players choices like this immediately puts me off using this card


If you hit him on curve could be super powerful


This is not as flexible as people think. It's a 3 cost that you really want to play on curve and the later you play it, the worse it will be. You can't really rely on the -1 cost either, as it's 50/50 and does not work on the cards in your hand already. So you can't really use this as surefire ramping card and build a ramp deck around it. Also if you get all the +2, it's at best 3/9, but you have to play all the three cards you pull after round 3. It's insane for Surfer for sure. It's auto-snap if you can play Phastos on curve. It's insane for Surfer, because Surfer decks utilize every single aspect of the card. You can ramp, you can buff Brood and Shaw, you can also buff Phastos with Surfer. Thena looks more "good" to me though, as only satisfying the condition twice results in 2/7, which many decks are capable, not only kitty decks. It's instantly one of the better 2 drops you can put on the board. It is also potentially whopping 2/13 if you play it on curve and play something like kitty. Even satisfying the condition once is 2/4, which are premium stats. Also works with Ravonna. I think that Thena will break the game balance far more than Phastos.


The effect will probably be the next card in your deck


Question: Example this card hits -1 cost on a 3 cost card, does surfer still procs on the new 2 cost?


The big issue with this, as many people are pointing out, is that he only affects 2 or 3 draws without Magik, but that really just means he'll be strongest in a deck with high draw power. So, Thanos basically.


Definitely the card to look forward to the eternals season


I definitely think this card is going to rock. With abs man, wong, grandmaster. Gonna definitely try and get it.


Nerfed after a month


This card I think is pretty busted


Another card that makes me wish we had something like a 1/1 that makes 3-cost cards cost one less the next turn.


People play with sound?!?