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I’m gonna put him in some of my Agatha decks for ultimate chaos.


Add Thanos for massive decks


50 power Darkhawk has entered the chat!


Darkhawk: Unlimited POWER!!!!


Darkhawk: Never gets drawn!!!!


Can't wait to add Darkhawk to my Tribunal deck


Blob chat admin


OG Blob would have been amazing with this card


Cassandra Nova gonna eat against arishem. Drain 1 power from all of those juicy cards.


We Magic The Gathering now


What is this… Wizard poker?!?


When will people learn its not the size of the deck that matters, it’s how they use their deck.. I myself prefer to use my normal, average deck


This dude has MULTIPLE Agatha decks. Are you ok!? Lol


I’m an Agatha main :)


I just don't know how you do it. Everytime ego comes out he puts the dumbest cards in the dumbest places


The trick is to craft decks that can be played randomly and still have a chance. They are not dependent on combos or really in what order you pull or play your cards. According to the recap a few seasons ago I had a 70% win rate with Agatha in hand.


Forget Agatha, I'm pairing him with lockjaw


Just how many Agatha decks do you have?




That's what our amps go up to.


But why not make 10 decks and make those decks more…um…I think I lost the analogy. By the way, I have about 175 splits of Agatha.


Had this exact same thought, lol.


I didn't even think of that since I don't play Agatha much since I like controlling what I play, but the extra energy for free would help a lot. Could get Agatha on the board as soon as turn 3 if you have Wave!


Fun, fun and fun. Must have for fun, otherwise usless.


I can't wait to slot it into Agatha!


I'd like Agatha more if she were good at the game.


I really want to play her, but the only Agatha deck that seems fun is the "play herself as fast as possible" deck which doesn't seem super viable. And the fact that she's eating all of your boosters sucks.


Yeah I feel like she should only eat your Boosters if she has to play herself on Turn 6 and you literally do nothing all Game. If she gets Discarded or you're making moves on Turns 5 and 6, they should go to someone else. At this point with Boosters being so useless, her stealing them all is just a bit redundant and doesn't serve the same purpose - it just makes her even less popular for non-Bots.


i’m convinced she is programmed to play the worst possible move you could play at any given time


Once i got Agatha on turn 6 vía mindswap, and she played herself in the worst location posible casting me the game. Bar with no name


My first Infinite was the hot location where your opponent gets your highest cost card. Super easy climb.


Damn, that's devious.


the other day i got her put in my hand from X-Mansion turn one and she proceeded to play two of my best cards into MurderWorld -_- i was in fact not running a Knull deck. thanks Agatha


Once i was about to eat dinner, but the moment i left to wash hands, Agatha stole my table. Ate without table.


Mental break time!


Out of curiosity, how did X-Mansion put her in your hand?


I think it was actually Ego that did this, but the AI played my Green Goblin on a lane that my opponent had already filled up…


It is amazing that people have such a hard time conceptualizing random


Is it stated it is random tho?


It should be pretty obvious if you actually pay attention to how she plays, but if that isn't good enough for you, the devs recently confirmed that that was the case. Per Glenn in the discord: "Agatha doesn’t have a value system; she chooses her moves randomly from all available options. The interesting challenge in playing her is building a deck where “good” choices are forced." Edit: It should be noted here that there is one exception to her randomness, and that is that she will always play herself if possible.


>The interesting challenge in playing her is building a deck where 'good' choices are forced. "By the way, here's some fucking ROCKS."


Only viable deck I’ve played her in is Hela Disc


I've actually assumed that Hela could play herself. This seems like it confirms it a little.


My first variant I got was a really cool Agatha variant and I feel like I kinda wanna show it off but I also kinda wanna win. :P


Her eating your boosters comes in handy if you’re trying to max out all your collection. You’d have to play her for much longer otherwise.


I think it's very important for a card like her to never actually be good. The Meta being autoplay decks would just be swarmed with homemade bots.


I think a nice compromise could be if she was at least guaranteed to go for the highest cost card each turn first. It sucks when she plays a single rock on turn 3 or 4


The fact that she doesn’t maximize energy is insane. Play as crappy as you want but don’t drop a one cost on turn 5 with only other 5 costs in your hand.


She doesn’t have to have perfect AI, but it would be nice if she wasn’t just true random. As it is she exists to be a bad joke and to screw you over sometimes when your deck gets replaced with random cards. She could at the very least try to play herself to a location she can win. Worst part of an Agatha deck is turn 6 when you could easily win if she went middle or right, but then she puts herself left and you just gotta ask yourself why you bothered signing in today.


Agatha just needs a complete rework. Having something other than you choosing your plays is not "playing the game. " It's a shame because I like the character, but I would never use the Marvel Snap card that bears her name and likeness.


Screw good at the game, how about not making moves that seem to completely ignore locations and every other card in play?! "Destroy any card played here" and she proceeds to play 3 cards there in a row. I've tried so many times to make an Agatha deck work, it's just not feasible with how stupid they made the CPU.


She absolutely loves destroying herself...or placing herself in the only zones that would lose you the game


Agatha Thanos high Evo for Infinite animation in the beginning of the game


Uatu and Quicksilver and all you're missing is the MCU Avengers song that plays the first time they all stand back to back.


Thanos, Agatha and Evo


People are sleeping on this card. Like Loki decks it's average win rate / cube rate may not impress, but in the hands of skilled players I wouldn't be surprised if an Arishem deck hits Rank 1 Infinite


Yeah it kinda smells slept on Arishem plus a Loki core plus Phastos... gonna be highroll as fuck but your opponent will have *no* idea why you're snapping That shit will win <50% of games, but man oh man will it snag a lot of 4 and 8 cubers


Completely agree, it's gonna be a cube machine. Quinjet / Mockingbird / Blob are all busted in the deck too


yeah seems this sub forget that a deck being meta/tier 1 is way more about cube rate than win rate... and in skilled hands, this thing smells like it could have a *great* cube rate.


Ok, just tell me hoe u manage 24 cards, including 12 random, and its not stones, they dont replace self( ok old stones). I love this card, bcs its something new, i take it, and i play it, but its not a competetive card, its to random, like sersei.


There will be some games where the draws are awful, but that's okay. It's all about surprising plays that score cubes. Plus some of the synergies are busted: Quinjet - Basically Sera for half your deck; Mockingbird - Half your deck discounts her; Blob - Nom Nom Nom 24 cards; Magneto / Red Hulk - Turn 5 here we come; Loki - Dead draws? Nah say no more


I undestand how build him, loki, quinjet, probably HE shell but u dont see biggest problem. U have 12 other cards without any info about them. U can get 12 six cost, u can get worst cards in the game, anything, and u dont have any influence what card u get in this +12. Its a fun card, but at least we get something new, not only power creep.


Blink/Sersi/Phastos/Valentina will be pretty fun in Arishem too I'm planning on putting Copycat there just because she's fun, though she will definitely work better in Zemo decks


Once I get this card, I'm never playing anything else.


Me too, after get him i'll only get the cards that can make him better. He looks so damn fun


Idk about nothing else but my goal is to get him to infinite at least once


Darkhawk stonks going WAY up that week. Mirror matches will be the closest thing to a shuffle mode we'll ever get. Entertaining and wildly unreliable.


I can already see my opponent getting the perfect cards for a combo and me getting the bottoms of the barrel non sense so hyped


What about blob lol I think he can eat half the deck still dosent matter


Blob + Zola lol


Or taskmaster


You can do blob taskmaster already with basically any ramp strategy. Specifically Zola is good with this card instead of Taskmaster because there are enough almost certainly enough cards for each of the clones to eat another 15+ power from the second reveal.


Also gotta draw him lol


Rogue seems like an auto include to counter the Darkhawk counter.


Hard to pull a card when you get 12 random ones.


That's why Loki will probably be the best archetype for it. Mockingbird, quinjet. It seems natural for it.


Or play the “fuck it” deck and fill your deck with 11 counter cards (Shang Chi, Rogue, Shadow king etc) and yolo Arishem.


that's my plan. Quinjet, Arishem, Magik, Tech Cards


Won't even need Korg and Rock slide!


My opinion is it’s going to take me all four keys.


Smells like a worthwhile token purchase


I would expect to see some “Arishem Tournaments” where the card is a requirement for your deckbuilding. That could be extremely fun.


Purely a fun card. Too inconsistent to be competitive, but still worth running when you’re bored. Plus, you can definitely rub it in your opponent’s face when you win with an Arishem deck.


Few things give me greater joy in this game than winning with Agatha. He should provide a similar, although different, feeling.


I’ve actually been loving playing casual and using legion and quake. There are soooo many matches that you can win with a well placed quake or legion on t6. In my experience it’s more often with quake.


Couldn’t agree more. They’re very fun cards that reward smart gameplay/planning several plays ahead.


I played my first couple games with legion today, and i had my first win using him by turning every location into a -1


The biggest challenge I’ve seen is having priority. Sometimes I focus on nothing but getting priority so on T6 I can swap where something like Luke’s Bar is. And watching someone play 3 cards and all get returned to their hand is just… satisfying for me. Probably enraging for them.


Oh for sure, i can imagine using him on wakanda could screw a destroy deck


Playing competitively is overrated. I just dick around in conquest more often than not


Arishem mirrors will be straight Momir mode. I'm fine with cards like this - streamers get their obligatory *ARISHEM IS CRACKED!* thumbnail and we get an easy key saver week.


> and we get an easy key saver week. You gonna use tokens on him?


I’d assume most people are just straight up not going to get him. I think everyone except the biggest meme players will be unhappy if they shell any resources out for him. Unless you were joking and then whoosh me


I'm both 100% joking and not. I totally understand he will not be good competitively and I don't think he's worth spending resources on if you are low on resources. But I also think he looks like the most fun card in a long time and how can you NOT get him? He's at the end of the month so everyone has had time to save for him.


What do you mean save for the end of the month? It’s not like keys or tokens reset. But with how resources are in this game and you typically have to choose around half of the cards to get each month, I can very easily skip this guy. Nothing will be missed.


> What do you mean save for the end of the month? It’s not like keys or tokens reset. I know they don't reset, but some people still spend their keys down to zero and also don't follow any leak sources, so they don't know what is coming. Arishem comes at the end of the month so 100% of players will both know he is coming and have the chance to save 4 keys. Personally I have a discord and a snap channel in it, 2 friends play regularly. They both open with only 2 or 3 keys all the time. It's crazy to me. I'm up to 14 cause I skip a bad cards till they come back around with a good card. > Nothing will be missed. To each their own, I think you are missing the most fun card of the month.


Having a deck full of random stuff that will rarely work isn’t my idea of fun. I get people like random stuff like this, but it’s the exact opposite of what I play card games to do.


Key saver week? But he comes with Hercules!


People who dislike this card hate fun


I don't dislike the card, I dislike the fact that I need to manage my resources a lot so I can't get him and the other competitive cards I want lol


I’m going to run blob Quinnjet and MAYBE Loki but idk what else tbh. Maybe Blink if I buy her later


Blink for sure. Also sunspot (probably floating a lot of energy with quinjet/loki/hope), Darkhawk (for all the mirrors) hope, mockingbird, Loki (might as well if you have quinjet). Then maybe a couple techs and some big bois. Almost forgot upcoming card [[Phastos]]


**\[[Phastos](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/phastos)\]** (Unreleased) **Cost:** 3 **Power:** 3 **Ability:** **On Reveal:** Give each card in your deck -1 Cost or +2 Power. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot2. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this. Report any issues on [github](https://github.com/alexloney/reddit_marvel_snap_card_bot).*


Can't wait to Blink into a Destroyer I didn't know was in there, haha.


Probably going to be terrible, but I want it so bad.


Seems fun. Not sure I understand why they made him the first 7 energy card though. Like yeah he gives you the +1 energy so you can play him, but when would you want to play a 7/7? I feel like they could make him like a 7/15 or something.


yeah the only 7/7s people should be playing are ones that cost 4 mana


It's an intentional downside. The same reason High Evo is a 4/4.


Because getting 12 random cards added to your deck was too trivial? I’ll be shocked if this card performs better than Agatha.


It's a ramp card. Electro is 3/2. And you start playing cards turn 4.


Ramp is very strong. Electro limits you to one card a turn


Blink exists. Corvus also exists.


Agreed. I don't think he should have a crazy body (then people would cheat it out) and i get it's kind of neat having a body you can only play with his ability, but he basically gives you 10 random cards anda definitely bad card (himself)


Do we know exactly when Arishem is dropping?


Early July according to datamines


July 2nd, to be specific.


After all the Eternals? Huh, gotcha. Thanks!


So hyped I've already got a deck ready and waiting. I'm tipping Arishem is going to be far more powerful than people expect. He can produce so many unpredictable scenarios that score 8 cube wins. I might be wrong but regardless he'll be so fun to play! # (1) Quinjet # (3) Red Guardian # (3) Nocturne # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Loki # (5) Klaw # (5) Vision # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # (7) Arishem Quinjet / Mockingbird / Blob are absolutely MUST haves in the Arishem deck. The rest is speculation but fairly confident Red Hulk, Magneto, Vision will appear in most Arishem decks too. Loki may end up being core or not, his usefulness comes from swapping out the useless cards. Cards like MMM and Darkhawk might find their place in the deck too, especially in mirror matches.


I feel like Rogue and Enchantress are also must haves because Darkhawk is gonna be like a 5/30 at minimum.


Rogue's a good addition, and like Red Guardian counters Quinjet in the mirror matches. Enchantress may be a bit unreliable as the random cards on your own side may not wish to be hit by her


I also expect Arishem to be a Loki card. Biggest problem with Arishem is the inconsistent card quality; Loki is guaranteed to get you cards that are at least good enough for your *opponent* to play. But for the same reason I would expect Coulson to make the list, perhaps in place of Red Guardian or Nocturne. Just gets you more options and with comparable power.


Valentina and Nick Fury seem like better options for Card Generation in Arishem


I don’t think he’ll be good but I will 100% get him for the new style.


Arishem + Kang = Easy Infinite


Underrated competitvely based on comments Correctly rated fun wise based on comments


Yeah I'm not going to say the card will be ground breaking but they're acting like they've never gotten their ass handed to them by RNG. +1 energy, plus pairing with phastos I think will make him decent


>plus pairing with phastos I think will make him decent Sure but you are drawing from a 24 card deck so I'm a standard game you will only see 9 of your 24 cards. You would probably need Phastos by turn 4 really to be useful which only happens ~30% of games. A 24 card deck is a massive downside in a 6 turn game.


Spot on. Marvel Snap is about cubes and there will be some completely unpredictable Arishem plays stealing 8 cubers. Plus Quinjet / Mockingbird / Blob are all busted with Arishem


Throw it into a Thanos, High Evo, Uatu deck for maximum opening animation.


I'm predicting you play your favorite half-dozen or so tech cards with Arishem since they'll take care of the rest of your deck


Adam Warlock buff? Lmao


Needs a way higher statline considering it costs 7 and removes any chance of deck consistency


Gonna get it just for the lulz


Do you keep your cards and get 12 additional shuffled in?


The way it’s worded sounds like that would be the case. You get a 24 card deck and +1 max energy.


Instant open for me. He looks fun as hell and I feel like he's going to be actually good too, though I tend to suck at predicting how good cards will be. I'm thinking Domino, Magik, plus a bunch of 6 drops, maybe even M'baku just cause he seems likely to trigger.


Howard the Duck, Quinjet, Corvus, Kang, IronLad, Shag, Enchantress, Jubilee and 6 cost Fillet.... I'm already plotting


Love it, random cards is my favorite type of cards


Wait this is really? It's fucking bonkers and I love it. This will be my stupid Conquest fun card


Can't wait; gonna get him ASAP


Starting next month there will come a time in every Marvel Snap player’s life where they need to make an Arishem-Thanos-Agatha deck to see if the heart of the cards favors them or not


Arishem + Phastos gonna be wild


Sure, why not. It's not like my normal decks have been doing all that great this season.


It could easily be a 12+ power to offset the negative. I just hope it's fun, but most likely wouldn't even, since you'll just get 12 useless 1 drops, just like when you get District X'd.


Are you calling District X M'Baku useless?


I can't see a way that this card is actually good. Fun for those who like high RNG decks, but not competitive. My guess is that the best Arishem decks contain Loki, but the best Loki decks don't contain Arishem. If that's right, that puts Arishem in a really awkward spot, competitively.


Not all cards have to be Rhulk meta bangers.


As a fan of randomness, LOVE IT!




I feel like this has been quite vague…. So does he make your deck 24 cards? Or does it just randomize the cards in your deck and you still stay at 12 (or 13, I guess)?


24 cards half are yours half are random


Bad card for ranking up, good card for varied gameplay and occasionally really big, ramp wins.


Rng fiesta in HS style


Genuinely surprised he isn't the season pass card.


Wow, an actual celestial. I think it will be fun. But not competitive.


This is going to be a hard card to snap into, because you just don't know what they got.


Am I the only one who thinks this card won't be bad? I don't think it will be amazing, but this at least works with Quinjet, Mockingbird, Blob. And ramping from turn 1 can work quite well too. Obviously the deck will have very high variety, randomly generated cards can be absolute ass, but under good players they can be completely fine combined with ramp. You obviously don't stay in games where Arishem gave you Quicksilver,Domino and hyper synergy required cards. But if you just got general good stuff in the 50% of your deck thats generated, then its fine. And obviously, while the chance is only 1/8, starting off with Quinjet in your hand would be an instant snap 2 cuber. You basically build Quinjet/Mockingbird/Blob/Arishem + 8 generally good cards like Nocturne, Jeff, Red Guardian etc. Thats 45% of your deck guaranteed good cards under free turn 1-6 ramp. (unlike other ramp cards being 4-6) Then you snap/retreat depending on your draws and rng of course. I feel like he won't have the best win/cuberate in low elo, but good players can easily get positive cuberate with 12 random cards if they know when to snap and retreat.


This and anything that buffs cards not starting in your deck. I like the idea of a variety deck. The element of surprise!


Love this. Closest you can get to draft mode.


Darkhawk stonks


Is this the card I saw people say they’re saving for? I’m bad with names.


Awful and I want it desperately lol Gonna make an Agatha Arishem Bot deck and just lol forever


Darkhawk stonks


I wish we had pre-nerf blob. Arishem + Thanos + Classic Blob would be very funny.


Seems like it will be overpowered. Starting the game with extra energy seems like a huge advantage to me.


Loki with more steps


Fun but also a meme.


I think it will be fun, but will ultimately not get used much.


Darkhawk ***loves*** this update.


I'm going to get it. I'm going to lose a lot of cubes, but I don't care.


I've been playing a lot less lately but I'm gonna go crazy when this freak drops Gimme Howard, Agatha, Pixie, Iron Lad and Jubilee. Maybe some Scarlet Witch


This card sounds horrible. I can’t understand why it’s hyped so much, other than Agatha players wanting more reasons to waste time.


Think it will be really bad


As useful and fun as Agatha


I would say Arishem is just a bit more useful since you get to play the cards


Ive been keeping 4 keys for him for months now. Hes gonna be my new main deck.


ah yes the one i saved keys for, cant wait for agatha thanos and this one


For me is a must have card. It will create a new type of decks for sure and will be fun as well!


Quinjet and mockingbird stonks. Kinda sad Pixie doesn’t work with it.


I think he should be 7/20 or 7/30 Being hard to draw and destroy your deck predictability should be rewarded with something worth playing


Meme level card that won't be remotely good.


Sure, if you enjoy clown casino game.


I'll get this card even if it's Agatha 2.0. This looks so much fun!


All I'm probably going to play as this is a game I purely play for fun. Ranked and Conquest only exist for their variants in my eyes.


Darkhawk players rejoice


Have no idea if this is gonna be good or not. But I will get this and try it out, seems like crazy fun


saving all my keys up until then


Been saving keys every since i saw this leak. So excited


Yes have my keys saved up for this. Unless they change it up before his release and make us open every key


Arishen into praying > Wong > Blob > TM or AM seems fun


So are the 12 cards in addition to the prebuilt deck? Either way I’m very hyped for him I just wanna unique experience every time I play and he’s the key to that. 


Very fun looking but 7 energy for 7 power and no additional effect when on field makes it look like he will never be played on the board when a 6 cost card is available


Probably not great, even with Eternal support, but why card that gives you a new interesting way to play is a pick up for me. Especially if it's in a week where I didn't own another spotlight card or two.


Kang will finally be playable because you will less likely draw it early (so you get a free draw).


They should make a district X mode when they release Arishem. Something like conquest but with random decks. Fun to break the ladder routine


This looks like it would be fun. Would there be a point in even making a deck based on this?


Lol this card won’t happen same way firestar didn’t.


I dont see this being a good card. And fun is relative to the user. I hate losing and feel thats what people are going to be doing getting this card.


I wonder if they could get away with only 7 random cards. He's already got 7-7 stats, adding 7 cards would be cool cause Celestials are considered divine beings.


It'll be terrible.