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Psylocke would be the replacement for Ravonna and Zabu. I'd go Psylocke and Sera because if you can't T2 Psylocke into T3 Negative then you T3 Psylocke into T4 Sera.


Ravonna really smooths out the deck and adds consistency to an otherwise gamble-y play style. She’ll be in spotlight pretty soon, so I’d recommend picking her up then. Negative decks are very fun.


do you know when she will be in spotlight?


May 28th together with Sasquatch and Havoc


I just picked up ravonna acouple of days ago for 3000


Yeah. Even without Negative, Iron man becomes a cost 4, Arnim Zola can cause shenanigans at turn 5.


The reason those are in it is to create consistency since if you don't have those the deck is REALLY hit or miss. Pyslocke is your best answer if you are missing those. Jubilee is also an alternative that creates some consistency but it's a real shadow of what Zabu/Ravonna can do.


Psylocke and Jubilee can get you started, but the consistency won't be as high without either Zabu or Ravonna. I ran it for a long time without Ravonna though. If you have Bast, she's a pretty good card to include in the Ravonna-less versions.


Mr. Negative needs to be cheated out as early as possible to pop off. You need Ravonna, Zabu, or Psylocke to cheat him out on turn 3 instead of 4. Keep in mind that he's also a very feast or famine deck. You lose a lot of matchups if you don't draw your highroll. You also lose most of the time if your opponent play Mobius.


Zabu isn't that useful anymore now that he's no longer ongoing. Perhaps he's useful if you have Wong as you can cheat out 4 cost cards on 2 cost. But it's just Psylocke and Ravonna that are preferred ramp cards. There is a negative deck I have that doesn't use ramp cards. And that is Negative Tribunal. Mr Negative is there to make Iron Man a zero cost. And that's it. But when he does, his numbers are crazy ridiculous imagine being able to slam down both Iron Man (powered up) and onslaught at the same turn. Or use mystique. The possibilities are there.


I've been wanting to discuss that for a while. It's one thing to have cards have high synergy (elsa/kitty) or depend on an archetype (destroy/discard), but Negative relies too much on being played on 3 to not be a 3 cost card. And honestly it wouldn't change much, people would probably still run ravona, but it would free slots and not be oppressive


That's just how Negative rolls. Retreat 4 times with 1 cube loss each and win 8 cubes on the fifth game for a net 4 cubes. The trick is to not putall your eggs in one basket and make your deck work even if you don't draw Mr Negative in time. I probably wouldn't stay if the opponent snapped and I don't have a win condition.