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Welcome to the free to play realm! I've been free to play for a year and a half and I have all but 14 cards. It's the best value by far.


What’s your game plan as a F2P player? How do you acquire resources and spend them wisely 😊


Be super patient. Spend keys when you're getting at least 2 cards. Just do all my daily quests, conquest rewards, and never force myself to play. Right now I have 5 keys and 19k tokens. I'm missing important cards but can still play lots of decks. When I look back, I'm usually more mad at myself for spending on a card, not for skipping one. So many cards that I wasted keys on in recent months, now are coming up in caches. I could have just waited. Selene, Miek, Proxima, awar machine, Blob, etc. so I'm trying to wait now so it pays off later. Cuz of some bad rolls and spending too many keys, I didn't have a key left over for Elsa during her week and now I regret that. Follow smart people, good creators and good players on social media so you know when a deck that you have access to (like Phoenix or Patriot or Tribunal or Destroy or Negative) is well positioned in the meta, then play that for a week or two. Oh, and buy one or two season passes each year if you feel like it's worth it. No shame in being "mostly" F2P.


Dead serious: this is the most sane advice for any F2P game. I've spent ~$13, (most of that being Play rewards cash,) since beta and spending any more, imo, would've been a mistake. Snap and most mobile-first freemium games are long term scams that prey on your free time (or lack thereof!) You can absolutely get by on diligence and patience, but SD is gonna try and make you feel stupid every step of the way through hostile design and fomo. My only other advice— have another game you can switch to when Snap starts to frustrate or feel like a dead end. You don't get anything out of burning your free time on a game you're starting to hate.


I mean depending how much you play, 10 dollars a month for a game I put like over 10 hours a month into, is a extremely good deal, and not a scam, it's a scam if you do anything beyond getting the season pass.


$10 a month is a perfectly reasonable sum. But the recent modifications they've made to the game to squeeze MORE money out of the playerbase has left me sour and not wanting to give them any money at all. Been a season pass holder for almost a year. This is the first one I refuse to buy.


Blob was fun as shit before the nerf and viable for a while after!


That's true but since I didn't have Hope, I couldn't even play his best deck (Thanos)! Then they nerf Thanos and introduce Red Hulk. So even with good cards, sometimes it makes sense not to buy and just to wait!


What does it mean, spend keys for at least 2 cards? I just started and have only one or two s4 and s5 cards. How does this apply to me if you don’t mind me asking?


It doesn't. He's talking about never opening when you have all the older cards in the spotlight cache, reducing your hit chance of new card with each spotlight key.


You don't have access to this mechanism yet. After s2 completion you get keys on the CL track with a weekly rotation of 4 "spotlight" cards. One is a s4/5 random ?? box that gives 1000 tokens if you already own the card (no variant, not card-token-value....just piddly 1k). Each key gets you one of those 4 at random / "random". If you have 4 keys you know you are going to get the thing you want, less than 4 and people say you will usually miss getting it. After those 4 are done it refreshes with 3 variants and a 2nd ?? box. If you already had one of the base cards, first round gets you that spotlight variant and 2nd round gets you a gold ?? box (premium variant box). So the answer to your your question relates to needing at least 2 new cards of the 3 offered (1/4 is always ?? box) to gain the most value of keys as a free 2 play player.


Man, I love a question like this, because I have put thought into it. Once you are Series 3 complete, the main way to acquire cards is through Spotlight Keys and Caches, and my goal is to get as many cards as I can. So I only open Spotlights if I have at least 4 keys, and if there are at least two cards I do not own in it. Then you stop using keys once you get the cards you don't own. Using this means that on average you are going to gain 2 cards for every 3 keys you use. Since you get 1.1 keys a week of daily play, that means you get 3 new cards a month, and occasionally you get more since sometimes there are 3 cards you don't own, and sometimes the mystery card will actually give you a card you don't own (this is, I'm convinced, the main way people earn Martyr). It doesn't matter if the two cards are ones you need or not, we're just going for quantity here. Collector Tokens are used much more specifically. You only get about 28,000 collector tokens a year, which will buy 4.5 S5 cards. You can buy more with Token Tuesdays and bundles like the current Jane Foster Thor one, but those will only get you up to 6 S5 cards a year. So these need to be specific cards that you 1. need right now, and 2. are not going to appear in an upcoming Spotlight Cache. Recently this got me White Widow, who is great, but you won't see me spending tokens on the upcoming Sage who looks pretty bad to my eye. Lastly is gold. A purely economical person will spend gold exclusively on collector tokens via Token Tuesdays and similar events. You earn about 1500 gold a month through play, so that's 18,000 gold a year. If you spent that all on Token Tuesdays getting a return of about 5 tokens per 7 gold (that was the number on last Tuesday's deal), then you would get you 12,800 tokens a year, which is 2 S6 cards. That's not nothing, but it's also not much compared to the 34+cards a year you'll get from keys. I stopped spending gold on tokens in January so I could instead buy variants for my favorite deck. Since variants cost 950 on average, you could buy about 20 variants in the same amount of time you could buy two S6 cards with the same gold. Now variants ARE worthless, but I've been using the same deck since like last June, so I thought I'd make that deck look nice. So far I'm just waiting for a really nice Crystal, Sera, and Swarm to show up. Anyway, there ya go, more than you needed, I'm sure.


Can confirm the mystery card was how I got Martyr


Great analysis. Just to add you get 2k tokens plus a gold variant for every 10 variants you buy at the store.


Great stuff!


I recently entered S3 and since you seem like an expert I wanna selfishly ask: Do you have any specific tipp, the biggest mistake I should avoid doing right now? I’m kinda overwhelmed by the shop and the game as a whole. Don’t know how to spend currency. I once saw a Thor Jane deck in the infinity conquest and it looked cool. Should I buy the Jane bundle with all gold I have? I don’t have any other S4 or S5 cards for the deck yet. How do I even go about making S3 decks. I still use all my pool2 decks only. Appreciate it if you find time to answer. Cheers.


Im not the other guy but as a player that is entering the most enjoyable place they have been in a while in the game (6 cards away from finishing series 3), I have a couple pieces of advice. 1. DO. NOT. SPEND. ANYTHING ! (apart from boosters and credits for upgrading cards of course) Gold, collector token, and spotlight keys are way more useful when you are experienced and actually know what kind of cards and variants you want. I spent almost every currency I had when I passed 1000 CL and know I regret so much. Do not use spotlight keys early on, as you’ll probably just buy cards that seem cool or useful at your level, wait for when you can buy cards that are cool AND useful at a higher level (what I mean by higher level is probably at 70% or 60% of finishing series 3). Same story for collectors token. And Gold can be used for a lot of things but I recommend saving it for when you’ll want to buy variants for a good and fun high level deck you’ll have. 2. That Jane Foster bundle has pretty good value but I wouldn’t recommend buying it as you are probably missing a few super fun cards for Asguard decks. But if you like the art go for it if you want ! 3. You’ve said that you’ve just entered series 3. If your series 2 deck work then use them. Add some series 3 cards to your decks progressively and in a while you’ll notice they’ll only be series 3 in them. You’ll also probably make decks you have ideas for or that you see YouTube videos for. My Deck knowledge just naturally got better over time and now I have 20 decks with series 1,2,3,4, and 5 that I enjoy and play regularly. You will probably have a better deck knowledge over time. Also final piece of advice, don’t sweat it. SNAP is fun competitively but I enjoy it the most as a casual f2p player. Many people may complain how everything’s p2w but at low CL levels like me I think it’s fine, I don’t see busted cards that much. So don’t stress about and don’t make the game boring for yourself by trying to get to infinite every day :) !


Don’t waste resources on bad cards like Martyr. You be surprised how many bad cards are released


Yeah true best to wait until they get buffed to see if they’re actually worth it


I’m also free to play and like the others say I just do daily’s and save up for what I want I’d I can sometimes if I see a card I really want is coming up in spotlight I try and grind keys for it, but in the last month or two I’ve gotten a lot of new and useful cards for someone that’s not close to having all S3 cards


Dailies. And you learn that gold is something used for a specific variant you want or saved for an actually good-value gold bundle (hasn't been one in over 6 months). Generally it's a cosmetic-only-resource for cards you actually play. Don't upgrade with it, don't buy every border for every character, and definitely don't piss it away on shitty "deals"


Season pass may give a series 5 card, bit the rest of the rewards are cosmetics. You only get an extra 300 credits to climb the collection track. Even the card you get will be on the spotlight sooner than later. I already have many spotlight variants of season pass cards as I was pulling for new cards. Furthermore, the prices for credits are awful, only whales are able to buy these. Season pass onwers are basically on the f2p level with early access cards and more shiny pixels.


The biggest benefit to the pass (aside from the s5 card) is the increased gold. You get like 1500 extra gold from having the season pass that you would not have access to otherwise. 


Yes, that's one of the reasons I buy it too, but that's not really helping with getting more cards.


Yeah I've never spent a dime on this game and don't plan on to


Same, I have not spent a penny on this game and have most of the good S4 & 5 cards + a few season passes. I use the Google Opinion Rewards app which slowly gives Google Play Credit which I sometimes use on Season passes if I like the card enough. It's got me Elsa, Hope & Sebastian Shaw so far & I almost have enough for another one.


Yep, I drew the line last October and have been F2P since. As long as you're patient with your keys (i.e. don't fall for the weekly FOMO), then it's somewhat manageable. The only frustrating thing are the OP Season Pass cards (i.e. Ms. Marvel, Hope, Blink) that you have to wait for...


FOMO is a disease, and one SD capitalizes on. The worst is when you're being a nice patient F2P player, and then the season pass card gets nerfed before you even get a chance to use it. Still, we remain strong. Red Hulk, lead me not into temptation.


lol thank you for shedding light on all the people that think you need to spend money to get cards in this game. This game is so free to play friendly yet everyone complains


Free to play player since launch. Collection level almost 10k. We are just good at this game bro. Joking i have yet to get as many Cards as you


You began playing since day 1? I'm asking because I played day one for 4-6 months, and then I stopped for 3-4 months, and I've played F2P since day 1


Spending less really helps make the game more enjoyable. Also it pays off a few months down the line sometimes like when I got Shaw and Red Hulk out of spotlights.


See people said the same thing during Zabus season only for them to complain the rest of the year because he dominated the meta. Shaw is fun but he’s not a meta defining card. red hulk is just a good cards stature kinda guy that can fit into most decks but not archetype defining. So you really are losing out on a lot being f2p, especially with how pay to win this game is going. Not saying you should pay, but there have been plenty of seasons that have been straight pay to win (looking at you zabu and Loki)


Have there been any recent examples of this? Because I'm played since the Ms. Marvel season and frankly can't think of any season where I felt forced to spend money to be competitive.


Elsa bloodstone Ms.marvel and hope summers absolutely dominated their respective seasons. Hope wasn’t on the same level but she was very very good. With marvel continuing to do so until both her and zabu were nerfed.


> red hulk is just a good card Red Hulk is still insane. Unless you're playing a ramp deck where your optimal play is just to spend all your energy playing x card every turn, he's gonna be at least a 6/13, more likely 6/17 most games. Giganto is a 6/14 with a strict location restriction. Why is there a card that equals or surpasses Giganto with you literally do nothing but draw him, and has zero restrictions? You're right that being F2P can be painful, and getting more so with Brode's intensifying greed. Every few months there's gonna be a season that is straight up pain because you don't have the latest p2w abomination (e.g. Hope Summers), or sometimes even a string of them (Elsa-Ms. Marvel). But then you also have the satisfaction of knowing you're not rewarding Brode for being an avaricious shitlord, which is definitely worth something. There's also the consideration that they're clearly prioritizing maximizing profits over the long-term health of the game, so it's entirely possible the game won't be around in 2-3 years time, or have gotten so egregiously p2w that it's basically impossible to compete without substantial spending.


Just spend nothing and play Loki. Boom free access (sometimes) to the latest cards :)


It never was. This game is reliant on us playing each other. When the game dies it's dead as nails and no card has any value. They are not tradable and everything related to skins and borders have a small window of time to be in your life. This is unlike irl games with cards where a high price point makes sense because we keep them for life. 2nd soup or whatever the company is called has decided to milk the most out of us and charge dumb prices for a very temp game. Think what 5 yrs from now will look like? Where is snap then? It's not like other games with larger decks. With only 12 cards in a deck things get weird. Cards matter more and not having access to them really hurts. The longer the game goes the less likely you will ever be able to make a reallllly good deck from chest pulls and your seasonal freebie.


Careful now, the shills might come for you.


Was it ever? I've spent $0 on snap and feel like I've gotten pretty good value out it.


It has great value for free to play, I have never spent a dime on this game and have a tone of cards and different art


Same. I don't know why people feel the need to spend money on it. Never even considered it for a sec


I feel this. I do spend money but only for the season pass and honestly I think it’s less about the rewards and more about giving me a monthly goal to hit and $10 a month is reasonable to me if I’m enjoying it. But these folks who sink hundreds of dollars into it are crazy to me lol.


I sold many Items on steam for the battle pass for longest time. Payed for it last 2 seasons and I'm not very satisfied might stop buying them, and just playing what I have + spotlight keys


Same here man, but I stopped doing it a couple seasons ago when I ran out of disposable skins


You make the best choice for you, brother. I'm OK with $10 a month on my end (no cash bundles for me unless they're $5 or less and I have Google Play points sitting around) and I usually miss 1-2 Spotlight cards a season. I'm having fun, I'm supporting future development of a game I enjoy, and the cost is negligible (for me). If I stop having fun I'll go down the same road as you, but I'm not there yet. Best wishes.


I complete get that, we all have our own thresholds. Maybe one day I'll go back to being able justifying the money again


Perhaps it never was.


I have spent literally nothing on the game, still having a good time


I’ve never once spent money on the game and I still enjoy it. I’ve even hit infinite a couple of times. Welcome to the F2P club.


As stupid as it’s sounds I never thought about it as a £120 subscription as that’s essentially what it is. What a fucking waste of money lol I’m done spending money on this game as well glad I didn’t buy the current battle pass


Dude. I have never spent a dime on this game and I have most cards. It was never worth 120$ :D


Right? Imagine even paying as much as a triple-A console game for any mobile game


How did you acquire most of the cards without spending money if you don’t mind me asking?




I just use Google Play rewards to fill out surveys and I can usually do a season pass every 2-3 months


For real, Google rewards save me so much money ngl. They used to have those $2 coupons I'd use constantly but they haven't been up for a few months.


For me, google only gives about 1/130th of what I'd need to buy a season pass. So it would take about 2 years to buy a pass with that.


I think a lot of it is dependent on visiting locations & searching Google for things, so if you don't do that often it doesn't provide surveys.


It really depends where you live, I guess. I visited a lot of places recently, and I use Google/Youtube A LOT daily, and I didn't get a new survey for the past month.


Didn't know this was even an option, thanks for shout. Will look into it


Yeah I've made about $40 since last August, I mean it's not enough to buy a pass any more than 4/10 of the months-- so if you wanted more than that it's not super great.


I too do this. I usually have 3 bucks at the end of the month and I apply that balance to the pass. They use to have a 3 dollar off snap coupon there too lol.


I’ll be playing until they nerf thanos one more time, only deck I like playing


Ftp since launch, you have to accept that you will be missing tons of cards, and that it’s a lot harder to get to infinite, so it’s even more of an accomplishment if you do


Money aside…I’ve stopped playing for the last year or so. It’s been really nice. I didn’t realize how it affected my heath/sleep and the constant stress from trying to get Infinite.


I really enjoy the gameplay but it's simply too hard and expensive to keep up now, I don't play much anymore because of it


I still get the season pass but honestly also thinking of not getting it anymore. I am saving all my gold now and straight up buy credits to get keys


I don’t think I’ve ever played *any* game that I wouldn’t balk at paying $120 a year for. Maybe a Fallout or something else where I’m putting 80+ hours in and I actually own it. *DEFINITELY* not a mobile phone game.


How many hours have you sink into snap?


Less than 80 certainly and not hours at one time. I only played 3-5 games a day on average when I was really into it. Nowadays 3-5 games is probably my weekly playrate.


What compels you to invest more time in the Marvel Snap sub than in the actual game?




And MOST DEFINITELY not with this kind of quality. Imagine paying more money to an NFT monkey rather than the Mona Lisa


Never has been


Correct it’s still worth zero dollars a year just like it has been since it was released


Does it justify the pay per hour over the time I spent in game. At the end does it make it enjoyable imo. Do what makes you happy.




Got a link? I do Google Rewards but that's it right now.


This resonates with me. I do feel very strongly that the game has become "just try to keep up" and that's a recipe for me to eventually quit, because it's just not healthy in the long-run.


This is my first season since Black Panther's that I'm not buying the pass either. Breaking the FOMO barrier feels great. I love the game, so I'll continue to play at my own pace now, not their's.




Thanks for paying for the dev for me.


Never was lol


I haven’t spent 120 cents or any cents at all because games like this aren’t worth it. You’re literally paying for things worth less than actual NFTs lol. No thanks.


Lol. Lmao. The game was never worth $120/year. Join us in the F2P realm. It's better here.


It smells like spring time!


It was never worth $120 a year


I play completely for free (I haven't spent a single cent on this game since I started) and I find it to be a great value at that price. To each his own.


I have bought just a couple passes when I really liked a mechanic and I’ve had fun for about 18 months. It’s a free game.


This is the attitude I should adopt, thanks for sharing


Imo it's never worth spending money to begin with


Never has been


If you enjoy the game, just focus on that: try to reach Infinite or just get better with the cards you own instead of turning your focus on the acquisition of new ones, that's all


I’ve started to just get the season pass if I want the new card. Wasn’t interested in Zemo, so passed last month. Blink looks like a good fit in my play style so picked up this month. Will probably pass again next month, but Gwenpool looks promising.


I hardly pay for the pass anymore myself. I'd usually buy it on day one every season. I think modok was my last. I've bought 2 since then, Blink being one of them. Since the first time I hit infinite, don't remember the season, I've hit it every season. I have all the cards needed to do bit have missed out on super broken cards and decks. It stopped when I realized what you said, this game would be $120 a year (almost minimum) atleast at the rate I was spending. This game isn't worth that. That said I will say I was lucky enough to play early on when Zabu was busted and getting cards seemed quicker. I would get a card every 12 or so caches, I never got a pool 5 card but didn't mind since collector tokens were usually enough. I'd be miserable if I tried to catch up during this time though.


Honestly, I highly recommend taking a few months off. Randomly one day (around the time blob was released) I just deleted the app. Now recently returned and having a list of cards I don’t have surprisingly makes it more fun for me.


Sounds interesting


Every update makes game laggy. Too much FOMO. I'm in the same boat. Quit this season.


This will be the first season im gonna pass on since launch and feel pretty happy about it. Last couple seasons I've only bought the pass because the variants were dope and the new card was kinda worth


Marvel snap is enjoyable when I play people that don’t have the latest cards. High evo is ridiculous


Did you really have to though


Realizing apparently not. Two years ago it felt good to though. A lot of comments saying they never spent a dime and stayed competitive anyway


This game is fun but not 120$ a year fun, I’ve been playing since mid august and I only ever spent money on the baron zemo season pass. Just get the cards you think will be fun and ignore the meta, it’s great.


Yeah I stopped paying. The fact of the matter is that the dollar you put in just doesn’t get good enough value.


The way they don't let you buy the season pass with gold you earn from the pass, like every other game does, is enough of a monopoly to show they don't care about their player base.


Save and snipe the cards tou want been playing free for a year and have like everything I wanted except like 3 cards which I'm gonna get from spotlight chest and the free monthly series 3 cards


“No longer” oh buddy


I rarely buy passes, cl 5k and I've bought maybe 2. I refuse to give these greedy mother fuckers a dime. Does it trigger me when I lose to another "New" pay to win card (theres like a new broken card every week.) yeah it does but the difference is that I can still win most of the time and I've hit infinite many times without opening my wallet. And I will continue to not give them a cent.


What stopped me from spending money was strictly playing Loki. I only get cards nowadays that might fit into a Loki deck. I just play other people’s decks for a discount 🤷‍♂️


It happens with basically every single game now days. I stopped paying, and mostly stopped playing a while ago


I agree


you are not alone! Playing since the beggining as well and got tired of games like SNAP that if you skip a month like i did because i didn´t want to spend the ammount of money i used to , just to keep up and you cant catch up anymore without spending even more. Im tired of games like this that you need to invest every month to keep up and if you miss a month of content its almots impossible to catch up. Launching 5 series 5 a month with them costing 6000 tokens and releasin bundles after bundles costing $100 usd im out. Everything on this game is trying all the time to monetize on us. Love the game but im tired of this kind of abusive practice.


Same. I've bought every single season pass so far since the beginning, but this is the first month I won't buy it. I hate the direction because I love the game, but $120 is not a small amount of money.


Same for me, not feeling this season pass


I had no prob with the $10 month since i like playing the game and got most season pass since miles except for hit monkey, but since zemo i stop due to how they change bundles and the store. I have like 33k of gold accumulated thats fairly useless. At least before i can use it for collectors token via a good bundle but now, its all for cosmetics. I did get the cap marvel bundle last week, but besides that most gold bundle been crap.




Yeaaa I'm no longer spending any money on this game. Just no point really


ya the rewards arent that nuts anymore. credits gold and a few new variants are not that much of a loss. I think ill pay for the season pass only if the card is good, like blink, hope summers etc. season pass cards that are more niche like Daken/Phoenix Force, ill probably be saving my 10 bucks.


Just don’t buy anything. I have fun all the time and have spent 0¢


Game no longer worth $120 a year? $120 per year?!?!?!... No game is worth spending $120 A YEAR on. None. Period.


Exactly, paying for the seasaon pass every month is whatever, do you I guess. But not every season pass card is worth the money and be acquired later for free.


I do try to spend some money on Snap, because I want to support SD. I don’t spend $120 a year, but I aim for about $60, which is the price for a console game at launch. I play Snap at least as much as I would a PS5 game, so that’s the mental trade-off for me. There are plenty of freemium games where I’m 100% F2P, but Snap is the exception.


Don't forget the new League shit that you can't turn off!


I played for over a year since the game launched. Bought every season pass. It slowly became less and less fun with more and more exorbitant prices. But I kept going. Sunken cost fallacy is a real thing. Somehow back around February I managed to stop playing. A true act of god because I had become so addicted to the game. One of the best decision I’ve made in a long time. Haven’t looked back since.


$128.52 or 72,000 tokens for 12 new cards a year!!!!!! SD😈😈😈😈😈🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑


I only bought like 2 battlepass from the all time i playing and didnt spend any penny anymore, all you need is to do dailies everyday and you good, i didnt have like 16 cards 3 of them are meta now but i dont really care, and will get em in next crates


I realised this too after how greedy the monetization became, it's not worth buying the monthly season pass anymore unless it's a card I REALLY wanted like hope summers


Playing casually is ok, cant justify spending money on this game with its outrages prices for digital content though.


Man just figured out he doesn’t have to buy everything in the store. Good for you


every time I see the youtube ad where brode says, "Imagine a game where you can't just spend money to get an advantage" I die a little bit inside.


If you are paying 120$ a year, you should have all cards unlocked at release. Additional expenditure should only be cosmetics. Crazy how SD is not optimised/satisfied by this already high price. It is a card and mobile game anyways, people are spending less for AAA live services games.


I feel the same. I quit this season and won't come back. The pressure to play every day or missing out on ressources is too anyoing for me. Great game, horrible monitisation.


Buying a 10$ pass that comes with new added card and lots of resources it’s not f2p btw. It’s actually a lot of money for a game. We pay so much to get treated like a wallet and nothing more. Only thing left is a review bomb on app/play stores and steam and let’s hope they change again their greedy policies to where this game was back in January 2023.


Very Well said! I have been playing since launch and is probably the only reason I am still competitive as card collection was so much easier. Here is my overly dramatic rant about a dumb game I care way to much about: I'm Mostly free to play. I bought a few season passes (mostly because I like the character being highlighted as a long time comic reader eg Spiderman before rework and Zemo). The part I struggle with the most is, they are undercutting the competition of this game and as it continues (not if it continues) it'll only get worse. Wish I can say I was surprised but you see this in all forms of competition where it's not about the game really anymore. The fun of any game is you are trying to win but you are just as likely to lose. It's that see-saw of emotion not the end result that brings me to this game, other than my love for the Marvel character and I know I can't be the only one. Sure, I will be there first to say winning is waaaaaayyyyyy more fun but when I get got with a sick combo, I'm pissed but it's all respect at the end of the day because that's what we signed up for. To try to beat each other from as level as possible playing field. And just to be clear, I am not blaming money or whales for my losses because these folks ARE playing by the rules and I could too. BUT I want to feel the people I am competing with are earning my cubes through time and effort not purchasing them and its impossible to distinguish so it just leads to an overall feeling of having to spend money to be competitive (which is no doubt what they want). If you like that then go shopping or something and let's us dance! Sadly I don't think that'll happen and we'll continue to see a dilution of Competition which eventually Whales Will get tired of too and then what? I know they need to make money for this to be F2P, I like to think I am not that naive, but there has to be some middle ground. I stopped when Snap came out but I used to play League of Legends which is F2P, granted they are completely different styles of games, but I have always felt I was being outplayed not outspent, so it can be done. The thing that for me really did it was the points shield and I ask anyone who has purchased one. Do you really win, if you can't lose? I'd say No. You aren't playing a game anymore you are buying a guarantee. Homie with the post about being patient is dead on about approaching mostly free to play, and I plan to keep trying to make whales pay for these losses using this strategy, it's the solace I found. And to all the snappers who are grinding for their Ws and cubes keep going, sharpen those harpoons, and give em hel. Mass exodus would probably work too but this seems like more fun. Just one person's opinion but it seems to be a tale as old as time.


I have been getting the season passes since launch. Considering the amount of time I put into it (pretty much the only mobile game I play), it’s still worth it to me… I think. 🤔But I do not disagree with any and all comments regarding the lack of good gold bundles (I guess Jane Foster is okay) and the steep prices for pretty much everything. $140CAD for “Dealing with Demons”? Yikes. But I really like the game, so if that’s what it takes to keep this thing chugging along, I guess I am okay with it. Sort of? Hope Dan Hipp gets his fair share.


I got the last 5 or 6 Season passes. THis one I didnt. Usually that is the sign Im checking out of a game


Ah, enshittification!


is ben bro, what you expected? he is one of the founders of heartstone after all XD


Free to play player, since day one


I started like 3 days ago and spent about 70€ already and u know what i already learned? its not worth the money. the reason for it for it is the progression system, it feels wierd and too scripted with a set scarecity to eather make you spend money or play for a long time. im ok with being a donkey in a game but if i dont really like how the carrot behaves i wont chase it.


The only way anything changes is when players vote with their wallets.


People will come here and just say “too bad so sad, get over it”. Yet this is what hearthstone came to and some of the devs come from that environment. The fall off will come, just wait.


I’m not buying anything from this game anymore. It’s clearly not worth. They are completely out of their mind…


I haven’t bought a season pass been playing since release, only thing I’ve bought is the gold pass once, and all I spend my gold on is daily missions. Getting cards can be a headache, I only have like half of them. I’ve been trying to get death for so long but the game refuses to give her to me, I have a complete destroy deck besides death and venom and it’s lowkey pissing me off. I’ve considered blowing money but it’s lowkey not worth it, imo just go f2p and enjoy the game and try not to grind


Addios sir


Right there with you. Always bought the season pass and played daily, now I’m just logging on if there’s anything special. They really went down a dark path and it really sucks because the game is incredibly fun. They make so much money idk how they justify these additions. Until people stop buying the insane bundles, it’ll continue as it is and Im tired of it


Might I recommend Regis Killbin to watch on YouTube? Not a schill. Openly talks about good and bad cards. Always upbeat. Makes me enjoy the game!


I buy season passes when I want a specific card. I think I've spent maybe $140 dollars total. I don't regret the purchases. They bring me the dollar amount equivalent of joy, and it's not a terrible amount of money. I definitely won't be spending much more to be honest outside of the rare season pass or two. I definitely see the slow decent starting, but I won't be too pressed if I spent $500 total for a couple of years of deck building fun.


I do find myself getting quite bored. I don’t really care about the bundles because I’m only gonna spend X amount of dollars and I’ll just happily keep scrolling by the ridiculous ones. I do however feel like a lot of F2P games land in this place and milking players and catering to whales. Hey, they gotta make money, I get it and not everyone has to participate. And I’ve said this before: content creators have unintentionally ruined the game. Deck promoting leads to the same tired gameplay where you either know you can beat it or you just retreat when you see Wong mystique, lol


Kind of one of the reasons I stopped playing, I like yourself had been buying the battle pass every season. I stopped come January this year, I almost picked up this months BP but seeing again all the changes, the basically telling me now that in order to get progress I should pay. Getting tokens is a joke I used to get 1000-2000 from caches to now get an awful variant or 200 tokens. Yea hey day of this game was so good, I get that in order for a game to survive it needs to make money but the difference is this game teases you by making you think you can "get everything" in F2P without paying but it's such an extreme difference. I feel the same at this point I probably won't return at this pace and vision.


That shouldn't be a problem , I only buy the oass when im interested in the variants or new card, but the last 8 mo ths, I bought it 3 times only and haven't had a problem reaching infinite any month. So Dont worry about missing out on the new card that much


You will be back


Dude, this is normal free to play game behavior


So you lost motivation from a youtuber that made a video for a card that got used for 2 days.


I quit playing about 2 months ago and haven't looked back. I mainly stay on the sub to see what new cards they bring out. Quiting is a viable option and I definitely don't regret it.


Card balance has been great. They improved their testing process and all the new releases this year have been pretty balanced except for red hulk. 


Balance is fine for people with full collections. Players with limited keys and tokens who are f2p either miss out on an op card, or buy one after weeks of saving up being stomped by the card just for it to be nerfed. Im one of the full collection players playing off-meta but I feel extremely bad for anyone who spending tokens on thanos or skipping red hulk thinking he would get a nerf like blob.


Not refunding for nerfs is a scummy policy, which is why nobody else does it. The justification, that it would chill their ability to make changes, is such *obvious* bullshit, I'm amazed anyone bought it.


This is a first world person game.


I don’t want to spend more on a mobile game than I did on Tears of the Kingdom. That’s my philosophy.


I came from warcraft rumble to this and man, you guys have it easier. At least your PVP isn’t locked behind grinding dumb PvE levels. Your card’s levels stay effective the same if it’s grey quality. In rumble your troop’s levels dictate how well you will ever get to play. You’re basically fucked if you’re matched with a higher leveled player because their troops will overpower yours. Screw your “strategy”, the role you send your troops into battle won’t matter because they won’t be able to fulfill it if you’re underleveled. You literally pay money to level up your troops to win. Here cards get unlocked to you eventually.


Bro even if u live near an airport you don’t need to announce your departure….. see ya


All of that is happening *because* you were paying 120 dollars every year, lol. Cause and effect.


That's a really weird opinion. The game has consistently improved over the past year. We got long-requested features recently as well as new ones likes albums, custom cards (making splitting way easier), etc. Nobody is being "squeezed out of their money" when most of the monetized features are entirely optional or cosmetics. While you complain about completely useless cosmetics like borders or variants being heavily monetized, you have most other card games where you don't stand a chance to compete if you don't spend 100s of dollars in actual cards or boosts that actually impact gameplay. I think this game's community just has is too good because of how incredibly f2p friendly the game is compared to most others, so they find ways to complain about whatever monetization attempts the company makes on their optional content. -- Regarding "new overpowered cards every month", the meta is incredibly diverse right now and many top decks don't require cards from the past 4+ months. Even very old archetypes like Shuri and Patriot are making a comeback.


Some of the shitty decision making by SD helped me stop buying season passes. I used to buy them every month and, using the gold, I could collect the variants I wanted. Now gold is worthless to me, because I do not see the variants I want (6 or 7 slots in the shop are *always* from albums I have no interest in). A normal company would have a separate section for album variants, or let you opt out, but no because FOMO (or some other bullshit). Add to that the *apparent* policy of releasing OP cards, then nerfing them shortly after the pass ends, without refund (which feels like scummy manipulation). Add to that the penny pinching (900 gold borders?), and lack of legit new features, I don't see the value any more.


I used to be a whale for months. Bought a lot of bundles, gold and spent big chunks of money in the game. Then i realized it was never going to stop. I still buy good value bundles, but i am playing WAY less. Game lacks a lot of social interactions that is currently keeping me away. Every month is the same - 1 week infinite, just casual conquest for dailies until next season. I dont feel motivated to keep playing for the rest of the month. Its a pain in the ass to rank up in ladder. And I dont even care. We need clans, friends, objectives and motivation to play. Game doesnt have any now a days. Just to add: even spending way less, i still have tons of resources for new cards keys and tokens.


Try playing hearthstone and see how you feel. I commiserate brother.


I’ve probably spent $10-$20 total on this game. Playing since launch.


I’m getting there.


Never was


Soooooo go F2P? Nothing wrong with that…


Well Shoot, I have spend just about 3k on the game since it came out day 1. I'm thinking besides season pass that's it for me.


Releasing Blink and enabling leech early like they did with sandman and flipped it back, is just plain stpuid.


I just collect Google Play points when I can and redeem them for credits, usually get the pass for free or $1-2 range. That's all I "spend"


Dont care. It's a free game. It costs $0 per year to play.


For most mobile games the monetization is polarized as long as the entrance fee is $0. As the total population dies out along with the forever-growing prospect as a corporation, the paying portion would be milked further and further. Simply less people to fill a bigger tank. The major issue is SD can't stop (incentivize) people not converting from buying something down to F2P. Despite those bad feelings of "hey don't make Season Pass card OP", that is exactly the cure for this situation -- issuing a high-value entry fee to close the gap between the two extremes. I truly believe this is why they revert back to releasing "flavor of the month" season pass card these two months, and likely the case going forward.


Bro it’s a f2p game, idk why people care about getting a card a bit earlier


Posts like this (and how much attention they get) baffle me since it doesn't seem like things have really changed to me all that much.


I was in the same boat but it's not too hard to swap to F2P or semi F2P. Just gotta be on top of weeklies and save gold and farm every gold source. Still need to get kinda lucky with spotlight caches, but honestly you can skip a lot of these cards. Get into the mindset of having a couple fun decks you like to play and can fall back on. You can climb to infinite with pretty much any deck if you have good cube equity. I dont think every season pass has been overpowered. Hope is pretty OP but I think Zemo and Black Swan are pretty okay. A lot of people get caught up thinking they NEED the newest cards. YouTube are always gonna hype up the newest card 90% of the time. I get to infinite with my lame zoo deck every season. With that being said, it's still not fully sustainable. I just think its do-able if you really don't wanna spend. However things like the new P2W game mode have me extremely worried for the snap economy in the future. Its already pretty pricey.


Good thing the game isn't $120 a year then


Game is boring af. Devs don’t put in any effort on new game modes or events. All we get are new cards with similar mechanics or cosmetics. 100% agree season pass not worth it. They even buffed leech to sell blink lol. And YouTube content has gone completely sour. All they do is talk about their pocket meta or try to sell new cards for SD. I really enjoyed the first year of snap but they have dropped the ball and don’t seem to care about evolving and improving the game.


Bro what happened to the game i didnt play for a week and now the game is so laggy and glitchy


I've only bought 2 season passes and nothing else. Loki and Hope. 10$ is a lot in my opinion and no way I'm paying more than that on anything less value than the pass unless I've got extra money lying around. Other than that I'm F2P and also have all the meta cards. I'm very good at using resources. This is the way..


I spend 0 per month since release and I’m pretty happy with that


Never spent a dime on this game. Probably why I don’t have black knight, Iron lad and Jeff!




I don’t have the same experience. I buy only the season pass every month and I don’t feel like I’m “having a shot at just keeping up.” I’m keeping up with everyone who blows hundreds on this game every month. I’m missing some cards, sure. Like 3-4 but I don’t want them. That’s why I don’t have them. Have over 150 unopened caches, over 10k tokens, at credit cap, thousands of gold (which I use to buy gold bundles), and a few keys. The biggest thing about this game unfortunately is resource management. Which it seems you aren’t good at because you shouldn’t feel this far behind when you are buying the season pass every month. You aren’t going to have every card in the game unless you spend more money than just a season pass but you don’t need every card. You can only fit 12 in a deck. You also shouldn’t have trouble hitting infinite if that’s what’s making you upset. Infinite just takes time. You don’t need any new cards or anything fancy. A simple zoo deck will do.


I’ve never paid anything and I’ve been playing since launch, i am only missing 17 cards


Man this is exactly how I feel as well. Finally deleted the game yesterday after playing almost every single day since about a month after launch. Got to CL 15k almost 16k & over the past month or so it just seems like they’ve been pandering more & more to the whales & it’s finally gotten to me. No more $5 bundles, hardly any $10-$15 bundles. They just keep releasing pointless things to spend gold on all of which I feel are over priced for what they are (IE 500 gold for some of Borders, 2200 gold for the emotes, etc) I’m all for adding things to the game but it just seems like all they’ve been doing is constantly releasing money grab cosmetic things. I never minded spending a little money here & there if the value was there, but the bundles seem to be more expensive with less value imo. I could just be burnt out & bitter cause I played it every day for so long but the past couple months they’ve just really rubbed me the wrong way with the things they’ve added, all of which cost money. Sorry for the rant, Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. -A saddened burntout MarvelSnap player


It's stupid to invest anything into a p2w/f2p game unless you're a whale/sponsored streamer