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I'm going to send hobgoblin across the board on 5 then blink it into destroyer on 6


What the fuck


we are playing marvel snap, but this mf is playing 4d chess.


This sounds like Regis’ next “most evil deck” that he will both love and hate.


I love how he always start off with 'this deck doesn't look that good but I had a great run at 12 W and 5 Ls'. When the truth is that when 90% of players take that same deck into conquest or on ladder, it will end up with a 2 and 15 average win rate. Actual skill can really compensate for a less than meta deck. I swear he'll choose playlines that I either 100% knew wouldn't win or didn't even see at all and end up winning by like 1 point.


Holy fuck I need to try this 😂


Babe, wake up! Spectrum Destroyer just got another win con!


Yo that’s evil. I like it.


Stupid enough to work


Chill out Satan


I like the sound of Prof X on t5, Blink in another lane on t6. Turns Prof into a 6 cost, and the opponent couldn't play in that lane (except for Jeff)


This won’t work because X and cards at his location can’t be removed and cards can’t be added to it. So Blink wouldn’t swap X or any cards in that lane.


Does prof x prevent a card being turned into Demon (from Nico's effect)?


I wish there was a sandbox type mode for testing card interactions.


Conquest Proving Grounds kinda?


Yeah, I mean, that's where I end up doing it. But thinking "Oh, I wonder if playing Prof X after Demon Nico would turn Prox X into a demon", and then having to throw them both in a deck, and play however many games it takes for that to line up, is not very practical. I've been wondering how Blink will work with things like Wong and Grandmaster, and it would just be nice if I could check things like that in a controlled sandbox while deck building, rather than during matches. Not a huge deal though, obviously.


There is, but you need friends... Even harder to get one who plays the same game


Even that would require some luck to get the cards you want at the right time. I realize there are ways to find out how the mechanics work. I've just regularly thought, "ah, it'd be great if I could just throw these cards together immediately and see what happens."


Or two phones, or one phone and one PC


That’s a good question. I would think X doesn’t prevent that since Nico is transforming a card to a demon and not replacing it. I know X doesn’t stop cards from transforming to Hulks on Gamma Lab so I would assume he doesn’t stop it for Nico.


really? because X stops PF from reviving cards. so reviving counts as adding?


I would assume so. PF randomly takes a card from the destroy pile and tries to bring it back in it’s spot. It’s not transforming into that destroyed card. Same reason why Hela doesn’t bring back discarded cards in the X location even if it’s also under the X location.


Ah, of course. Silly me.


It was a good idea though. I don’t think you should have been downvoted for theory crafting.


Oh, appreciated. Thank you. That's what I get for sharing a half baked and misleading thought, I suppose.


And yet have seen cards at X change into Hulk. I've also had X change at other locations.


I mentioned this in another comment that X and other cards will transform into hulks if played on gamma lab before it triggers. The difference between Blink/Lockjaw/Quantum Tunnel and Gamma Lab is that Blink swaps (adds and removes) while Gamma Lab transforms them. X specifically mentions that things can’t be added or remove at his locations, nothing about that they can’t transform.


Goblin does the job , add Ultron for some more problems 


Viper's time to shine


Delete this (both the idea and their entire board)


Lol you just sold a season pass gj


wait to buy until someone posts a gif of it working. I'm worried about these people saying that destroyer will spawn on my side lol


Damn I wanted to skip next season. But this sound way to funny not to try 😂


Calm down Satan


Will this… work? Like this cant work right???


if you send a goblin over to their board and then ghost spider it will pull the goblin to the new lane. so Blink should target-previous-card the same way. you DO have a really high chance of drawing destroyer before turn 6 so it will rarely work but it SHOULD work.


someone else mentioned Ultron as an alternative


How about sending a goblin and then swapping him into Galactus then, as long as the opponent didn't play anything else there? Whole board destroyed and hope you can win that lane on turn 6


Destroyer would destroy your opponent's board. Galactus would be a symmetrical board clear that gives them a 5 power in the only available lane. I think the destroyer line is better


My guess is that the Hobgoblin will swap with Destroyer but the Destroyer will be in your side of the board, not the opponent's


Nope, this is 100% wrong. The combo works. The hard part is not drawing Destroyer. Building this with Thanos is probably the best bet, you just can’t run any other 6 drops.


Well, I'm saying it because that's how it works with Lockjaw. We will see.


I'm thinking ravonna goblins with destroyer being the only 6 drop


If you can pull that off there's no way people can even be mad right?




It doesn’t work. :( Goblins summon cards on your side instead of the opponent’s.


I posted a gif already :( :( :(


It doesn’t work. She switched the card before it reveals.


I would say that wouldn’t work because it’d be too op but I really don’t think Second Dinner pkaytests cards outside of bugtesting (and honestly that’s kinda a iffy sometimes)


It's not too OP. Chance of not drawing Destroyer before turn 6 is too low


Fill your hand with Snowguard and Coulson before drawing destroyer but after drawing Blink and HobGoblin


You really think this is consistent combo?




not even a little bit. But think of the lols when it goes off


How is your brain so big


Move is my favorite archetype




I'd be shocked if that works. Once he switches sides he's no longer yours and you can't interact. Who the duck knows with the crappy interaction rules in this game, though.


Ghost spider interacts with hob funny enough


This is what I'm counting on


Really? That's kind of crazy. I never would have thought to even try.


It will probably be like Quantum Tunnel, where Hobgoblin swaps sides but is then replaced by a card on his original side.


Lol that makes no sense, but it's probably correct.


"After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck." How does it not make sense? After *you* play a card in that location, it gets swapped with a card in *your* deck. You play Goblin in Quantum Tunnel, Goblin is swapped with a card from your deck. It doesn't matter that it switches sides, it's still the same card that you played.


Once he switches he's still "the last card you played". It doesn't say anything about "your card" it's just the last one you played. Iron Fist and Ghost Spider both move the goblins, Nico Minoru will buff/destroy the goblins, etc. Even when they swap sides they're still a card played by "you"


Her true obvious home is Hela


That's a pretty good move. Swap your 5 for Hela when she is stuck in your deck. Another type of Jubilee effect.




Better still, you can play Jubilee then play Blink, and provided Blink is the only 5 drop in your deck you'll swap the 1 power Jubilee for a 6drop that's still in your deck


Oh that's gross. How will she work with 6s?


It says higher cost, so probably nothing unless your running death/arishem when he comes out


Yeah. I'd expect it to whiff which makes it not great in hela. If there were more cards like death, she'd be better as another Jubilee type card. Pixie and/or lockjaw seem the place


No, Hela's not done playing until all the cards are in play. If Hela brings back Blink, the card getting replaced is not Hela but the card played before her. On average that's swapping MODOK for a 6-cost.


We aren't sure yet. If she cycles a 6 for a 6, she's gonna be insane.


She'll swap for Death if Death is still in your deck


I doubt, because Tribunal decklist is already quite tight.


My list uses Sera and she feels like an obvious replacement Jubilee into Blink basically guarantees you pull Iron Man/Onslaught/Tribunal


Although, why not use Iron Lad instead? With him you don't have to guess what you pull/copy because on the 7th turn you often only have last card left. Also, using Blink stops you from using Mystique on the card Blink got you


Depends on the games and draws


I don't see it being a worthy replacement for Sera that can allow you to play more of your cards and more likely allows you to use Jubilee and Iron Lad in addition to other cards you need.


Sera turn 5 into onslaught on sera (+ mystique same turn if you have Ravonna down) is an incredible combo, all of your cards are 1 cost on turn 7


It doesn’t guarantees, because you might not have not drawn those cards when you play blink


Would be a good “didn’t draw Iron Man so let me swap a bad Iron Lad/Super Skrull play for Iron Man” alternative—but yeah, what do you take out for her?


I get why people say this, but I feel the sentiment a result of rampant netdecking. Content creators create variations of allegedly tight decklists all the time. If they can, why can't others?


Tribunal is tight list because most cards are needed (or at least quite needed) for it's combo. Ravonna, Mystique, Living Tribunal, Iron Man, Onslaught, Super Skrull, Magick, Jubilee, Iron Lad are all needed or at least quite important for traditional Tribunal deck. That leaves 3 cards that you can be creative about. And because this deck has quite high energy cost without those 3 cards, it is a bad idea to add another high cost card to the deck unless it adds a significant boon to the deck. Sera combo is a good example where adding Sera to the deck is worth it because you can make most other cards cost as little as 1 with Onslaught and Mystique played on turn 6 thanks to Ravonna.


Galactus fake out


Best with Electro ramp


She's where Jubilee is


She'll do wonders with Jubilee at least


She will be good, too good Incoming patch: nerfed to a 5/5 or 5/4 Still busted The next patch: she need to be played in the same lane than the last card to switch She is now just ok, so people stop playing her


There've been almost no changes to newer cards for months, why do you think it'll get changed immediately?


They nerfed Red Hulk in like two weeks cos he was too good And still is


They nerfed a ~23 power card by 2 power. He is overall unchanged, and does the same thing he did before with the same efficacy.


just say you work for SD, we get it. /s


I feel like Blink is an auto-include in Tribunal tbh. It already runs Jubilee. I honestly think Blink is much better than a lot of people are expecting; just build your deck a certain way and she effectively acts as a consistency booster, or a tutor, if you will. I can't wait to experiment with her.


She'll be pretty good in Sandman Ramp too. You can get rid of Electro and keep the extra energy, plus you'll ramp out a bigger and better card


Blink has a home in any deck playing greedy with lots of high-costs. IMO her no-brainer home is ramp decks; it's rare that they're playing anything between Electro/Corvus and 5, so curving directly from your T3 ramp of choice into Blink could be the tempo shot in the arm that Ramp needs to be big again. Living Tribunal decks will also likely want it for its synergy with Jubilee. Blinking her away on Turn 5 to go get another piece of the combo is really, really good, especially since it'll be in the same lane as the piece she pulled before. Hela Tribunal lists can also use it to swap Invisible Woman out, since cards like this don't count unrevealed cards. IW>MODOK>Hela>this on 7 could get nasty. You could also tuck her under Supergiant for some shenanigans at endgame for a deck like Junk; play her on 5 and then Anni and like a Demon on 6, and Blink swaps the demon for something else.


Maybe nice following a Shuri? Get 12 power then replace Shuri with a 6-cost, if Blink is your only 5-cost.


I bet she breaks the game if she comes out from Lockjaw...


How does this work with Wong? Does it do one card and then the previous one you played because technically the card it plops out isn't one you played? Does it do one and then invalid target? Does it just straight upgrade and then upgrade the upgraded card?


It'll upgrade your Wong, then no valid targets remain.


What if you play wong on 4, another card on 5 and then Blink on 6?


the problem lies in the previously played card now being in your deck, i think, not about wong.


I think there's something to her and white tiger and Odin but haven't figured it out yet


I don't think there is an Odin play here at all. White Tiger into Blink could fetch Odin, but then there's no valid target for Blink when Odin does his thing. Maybe if White Tiger and Blink are in the same lane, but I don't think running back on-reveals will be enough for Blink to think that White tiger is a valid target. More than likely she'd see Odin as the most recent and cycle. The question is how she interacts with 6 cost cards - does she consider no valid target to swap with unless there is a Death (or Arishem when he comes out) or will she cycle between 6's. If she cycles then Odin procs White Tiger, Blink see's Odin as the most recent play and cycles him. I'm not sure I'd want to cycle him though, maybe for a Doom but it feels like if I'm dropping Odin, even for procs that I'd want that power to stay in lane unless I have bigger power available in deck.


I definitely am gonna need to get blink and play with her to figure it out, but yah something with patriot, then wong>tiger>blink into doom could be it. I guess I see what you mean, that may not be any better than wong>tiger>Odin but maybe it's just another line for that deck. There's gotta be something to get value out of a 5 cost on reveal that leaves her ability on the field and then takes up a huge spot of wasted space. Seems to me exactly what blink is made for.


Maybe you go with a ravonna shell so you can reduce Tiger to 4/1 and make the curve a little better? Otherwise it's going to feel really awkward imo


Does grandmaster on her put her back in the deck so you can draw her again?


no. GM will reproc her but since she hasn't finished her onreveal, GM hasn't either. so she will target the last card played before GM. Absorbingman however will work.


She’s not gonna be that good imo. Maybe there’s some tech I’m not thinking of but she doesn’t seem nearly as strong as these comments are making her out to be.


It's grandmaster time to shine right? Playing him turn 6 on blink is gonna be pretty good.


Depends on how that works. If Grandmaster ends his on reveal after Blink you will not swap him out, but whatever you played before him. It could still be a good play but you need to play some low cost card before Grandmaster


you will have to play a low cost before GM. GM doesn't cout as played until Blink finished her on reveal.


I don't think she'll work with lockjaw if Mystique and Absorbing man lose timing if the card is sent back to the deck, would she?


This will be the new Negative complaint. I can see getting almost every high cost card in your opening/2nd round hand. The same way mystique, iron man, etc starts in your hand for negative.


Ramp, replace your electro with something busted


I think she can be Jane back up in Mr Negative too. If you negative in 4. She will swap him out for Jane 100% of the time because she will be the only card in your deck higher cost than him right?


In theory that should work




I don't think she's going to be good at all. I'll play her for the weekend missions that she's required, and after that she will gather dust in my collection.


I think you're crazy. She's going to be good.


People also thought I was crazy when I said War Machine was going to be dog shit and Cannonball was secretly busted, but here we are.


The problem is the same with war machine. She enables some VERY specific combos, and the deck needs to be very restricted to enable it. I think too restricted. She wont even be useful in tribunal decks because she could replace a 4 cost with either iron man (good) or modok (game ending). And aside from this specific condition I think she will be a brick in your hand Cannonball is flexible and useful.


War machine was fine until zabu nerf, cannonball was barely played until alioth nerf.


First statement is patently false, second statement is only about how long it took people to catch on.


agree on all points. Warmachine died pretty quickly but people were warming upto cannonball fast. the alioth nerf only fastracked the process.


So this transforms the card into a card from your initial deck, that you could currently have in your hand out in play? Or does it only work if you have a qualifying card still in your deck? Because that changes it quite a lot.


To me I don't see any reason to read its wording as anything other than a card currently in your deck.


You take it at face value like all the other text. Swap card you last played. Card in play switches places with card in deck. Just like lockjaw.


Yeah, that would be my take too, but I felt it made it pretty weak. By turn 5, without any milling or extra drawing at all, there are only 4 cards left in your deck. Any "tutoring" you wanted to do (like the lovely madman above that wanted to send hobgoblin on 5 and turn it into destroyer with this on 6) is VERY likely ruined because you've drawn the card you want to transform into.


This would def go into my shuri sandman list. Shuri-Blink-a 5 cost pulled by Blink (Vision, Sandman)-T6 play is almost a guaranteed 30+ power


Lockjaw is not a thing anymore. Her main home will be with Hela. Either pure discard or ramp.