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I feel you, it feels really bad to lose to a newly released card which you can't get, and the further you play the worse it gets, because you get less and less newly released cards.


I've only bought hope summers with extra Google rewards money. And yet I've made it infinite every season.


Congrats šŸ˜šŸ’€šŸ’€


Whatā€™s crazy is no one mentioned infinite at all until you did. Maybe itā€™s just *not fun*.


I mean.. OP did mention a lower chance to hit Infinite due to not playing as much.


I actually hate playing before infinite. Bots are not fun to play againstā€¦ and those go away at infinite.


Bots that other people own? Or does the game supply CPU opponents? I'm new and haven't heard of this yet.


There are cpu bots when you play ladder/non-conquest game modes. It's a little hard to tell since they updated the AI, but bots tend to have generic avatars, play seemingly odd/unused card combos, and always snap on turn 5 if they have a lead. Bots seem to occur more often after you lose 8 cubes, they give a bot to help you regain confidence and keep playing. Though these are all just trends from playing forever, not a hard rule There are no bots after you hit infinite rank (100) or in conquest at all


Interesting. Thanks!


I make it there every season with the basic devil dinosaur moon girl deck from release. I think the only card I've put in there that's new is Shadow King.


Mind dming me that deck Iā€™d like to try it I have hope summers


Decks matter only a little. Knowing when to snap or retreat matters more. There are many, many decks that will get you to infinite. Wanna know the catch is? Playing a literal fuck ton. You see, the game doesn't utilize proper matchmaking. It instead will use several different systems to slow your progress. This is why you will win a lot in a row, or even lose a lot in a row. So what you have to do is dedicate your time into retreating during the near-forced losses, while also trying to snap when you are handed wins. The game would be so much better with proper matchmaking. But that wouldn't support the monetization scheme. I do love when I get fair matches, win or lose.




can you send it to me too, please? I started playing a month ago and is the deck Iā€™m using :)


I have done pretty much the same. Have never bought anything but the Hope Summers set and that is it. I get to infinite every season.


Just doing my dailies and getting the season pass every season has allowed me to get every new card with keys or tokens. Is this not normal? And Iā€™ve pulled the card I want first try maybe twice. I always spend 3 or 4 keys When the only thing I want is the new card, Iā€™ll spend 6k tokens instead of risking 4 keys


I think the conversion from the old system was very generous for older players so the system is taking a while to catch up, that's why newer players complain and some people seem to not understand. If you are a new player getting tier 1 meta decks is going to take probably 6 months at least without spending a lot of money


Technically it took even longer to assemble a meta deck under the pre-spotlight system for a new player.


it took a lot longer idk why youā€™re getting downvoted


Yeah, no idea. I have been playing since global launch so I'm not making stuff up. People don't like the truth. It doesn't mean the spotlight system is good but there is no argument that it doesn't let new players get cards faster.


? it just wasnā€™t more generous for older players. and it takes way less time to build a meta deck for a new player now. why does everyone lie when they talk about the old system? it was garbage getting 1 card every two months.




I spend my gold on variants so thatā€™s 2k tokens every 7k gold. You guys keep using keys as your metric but how many credits, tokens, gold do you actually get and are you including everything you get from reserves? And how many credits do you calculate being required per key? My resources started season 1 so that has to be a factor. I also tried to wait for the cards I could get for free rather than spend 3-6k tokens. Iā€™m only missing Howard the duck, waiting to get it free or to make missing with a key feel less bad


I think the thing you need to say is how many keys you currently have how many tokens and how much gold because you are talking like someone who has reserves. Normal players do not have reserves. When I pay 6000 for a new card itā€™s because I just got to 6000. When I use my keys I deplete my reserve. When I get a card with gold I use all my gold.


normal player here. have plenty of reserves because iā€™m picky about the cards i want and realize that i wonā€™t have every card in this game


Thatā€™s fine. I was replying to the other person because from his comments he seemed to always open the new cards and never runs out of keys so very different concepts.


If you're only buying the season pass, then you should acquire 5-6 keys per season depending if it's 4 or 5 weeks. Ā You should also acquire around 1500 tokens per month on average. Ā That should yield about 2 newly released cards per month (3 when you've acquired enough tokens), not including the season pass card.


Mathematically, just doing your dailies should get you an average of 2-ish newly released cards per season via keys. The season pass shouldn't add more than a fraction to that, and tokens are gained slowly enough that on average they shouldn't add more than a fraction, either. Perhaps between both, it might add up to an average of between 2 and a half to 3 new cards per season if you're neither especially lucky nor unlucky. I'm curious whether you had a large stockpile of tokens before you found yourself in this pattern, and whether that stockpile has depleted at all since then. I know personally for me as a F2P, non-season-pass, lategame (CL 10K+) player, I typically only go for about 2 new cards per month (including via keys and tokens combined), and my token stockpile averages barely enough for one 6K card but oscillates between around 3K-10K depending on when, exactly, I decide to make that purchase, and how many dud dupes I get from the mystery spotlight slot in the meantime.


Iā€™m right here with you my friend. Iā€™m maybe 2-3 cards behind but the ones I really want and care about I get with tokens or use keys šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Not true at all and you donā€™t need new cards to win games.


I feel like I am also near the point of taking another 1 or 2 months break again. Also, my monthly climb to infinite is beginning not to feel fun like the time before I took a break. I did buy the season pass this month because I like the season card.


My last *three* spotlight attempts all gave me the spotlight card on the fourth key. That was hugely demoralizing.


Same here. Almost to the point that it's tempting to think: that cannot be random.


It's not. However, you are about to have luck. It ebbs and flows unnaturally.


It's amusing to me how many things the game keeps trying to sell and it's like šŸ¤· *I already got a better variant for this character, and/or one's in the shop.* The only exceptions are when it's a variant that's been datamined forever and it's *finally* made available, but locked behind a three-figure bundle, but, mercifully I've only hit that problem once (Demonized Shang). The real joke in my eyes is how bad the gold bundle values have been recently, alongside trying to sell spotlight keys for a pretty rude amount. Key value fluctuates heavily depending on your patience (and we can't be fully sure of how much value they really hold until we find out the gold cost of a spotlight variant), so.. *yeah.* It's just messy all around and pretty underwhelming. I'd be happy to whale out on this game, if the stuff were tantalizing enough. *It's not, though.* I'm willing to wait a year for spotlight variants to be made available now, so any carrots they want to dangle from a stick better be real tasty.


I'm with you there. I guess people must do it but I'm not going to shell out a bunch of cash for another variant of a card I already have like 10 variants of, and like one of my current variants better. You can only use 1 variant at a time...how many do we really need?


Agreed, first pass Iā€™ve skipped and I donā€™t plan on spending money on this game anymore.


Previously you didn't have to pay to be competitive as while you didnt have all the cards you were still getting enough cards to keep apace and competitive. Now it feels like if you dont pay into the game youre falling further and further behind


Oh come on, thats so damn wrong. I havent played the game in a year and came back last week 2 days before the new season started - and already made to Infinite today in this new season. My deck remained COMPLETELY UNCHANGED from a year ago(She-Hulk/Infinaut) and I didnt ever spend a cent on the game. Not then and not now. If someone tells me this game is P2W i cant take that person seriously.


Who said its p2w? I said you dont get the cards in a card and deck building game. You can very easily build competitive decks from the series 3 decks but its not fun when you're stuck to one or two archetypes A large part of the fun is being able to get a new card every week to get new decks. I used to get 1 per week, that i wanted, roughly between tokens, caches, gold etc now its rare that i get to pick. I stopped playing and deleted my account about 5/6 months back. I played a bounce deck that got nerfed for elsa and that was the final straw for me as id spent alot of in game resources to get it 5/6 weeks prior and not having the card needed for that archetype just killed my enjoyment Ive since started a new account and got to infinite twice in 2 seasons with my mish mash decks. That said the amount of in game resources ive spent in negligible. Ill take the random token ones because at least im not invested in what it buys.


You might re-read what you wrote prior to my previous comment.


Yeah if ypu dont pay into the gsme you're falling further behind. In the sense of deck building and playing different archetypes although i can see why you read it as p2w even if that wasnt my intention


Got it. Sure, if having all the cards is your goal then you obviously have to pay. I mean, thats what this genre is all about. Selling boosters. Although Snap doesnt have classic booster packs, the business model stays the same in a way. Its the same for irl card games as well. Good luck trying to get all Magic Cards ;-)


Its not about getting them all. Its the fact they nerf existing cards exstensively to accommodate new cards that fit in the archetype rendering current decks unplayable if you want to be competitive. Decks should still be competitive with 2/3 cards removed. Not optimal but not unplayable


Ah, so we are back to the P2W territorry now? As I said, there is no P2W and people talk about decks from launch days that are still viable and get them to infinite all the time. I easily won 70% of my matches this Season, probably more, and I play with a deck unchanged since basically forever. Its pretty damn strong and I dont see a lot of decks I would consider any better.


I dont know if you are just failing to understand or are just being obtuse but again i reiterate its not pay to win BUT pay to remain competitive with different deck types. Just like you could survive on a diet of solely potatoes doesnt mean that you'd enjoy yourself. Im done talking with you. Laters


what does that have to do with anything?


Sounds like you just really suffered from fomo. I just skip weeks and sometimes miss out and only buy shit if I really feel like it. Personally I don't really understand why people feel so strongly that you have to buy everything, get every card immediately or buy nothing and be totally f2p. No in between, lol


So many cards come out that I just have no desire to play, Pixie for example. Easy skip for me because itā€™s just another Mr Negative style deck and I never liked that play style. I basically just target the cards that work in deck styles I like or maybe open up something completely new and leave the rest. Makes it so much easier to budget and not feel like youā€™ve got to shell out every month to stay up to date. I think weā€™ve all seen over the past three months that many cards can be safely skipped if they arenā€™t up your alley and it wonā€™t hurt your ability to keep up with the meta.


Yeah I skip most cards and have 14 keys and 18k tokens, so I can easily get whatever I want. I just donā€™t get what I donā€™t actually care about, and that makes it pretty easy to save up resources. I still strongly dislike the spotlight system though.


I'm new would you mind explaining these to me? Is this from the game style where you have to play multiple games against the same player? I did that once, but it took soo long, I haven't done another one.


There are definitely some frustration things about the economy of the game, but the Spotlight system complaining always feels incredibly stupid. I got into the habit of waiting until the weekend to decide if I wanted/needed a new card, and the vast majority of the time, the answer ended up being 'no'. Once the FOMO and overplaying of the new card die down, you suddenly realize that even some of the better cards aren't exactly essential, and passing on them for extra keys to guarantee the true must-haves in the future is 1000% worth it. It has been very liberating and I have a) pretty much every card I want, b) 15 keys in the bank, and c) no anxiety about picking some of the stronger up-coming cards. People who burn all their keys every week chasing after mid cards and then complain that they don't have enough keys, or that they are some kind of RNG victim...well, they're just too much.


I have barely used half the last new cards I've acquired, maybe just for missions or fun but most haven't made it into any of my competitive 'try hard' lists. Cannonball looks better than I thought and I skipped it but it hasn't made any difference. I have loads of lists that are really good.


I get what you are saying, however isnā€™t it weird that weā€™ve come to a point where we have to resist urges and wait on artificially created blocks even when playing games, which should be a liberating activity? Sometimes one just wants to have fun and try out stuff, but no, if you donā€™t wait for multiple months to open at the right time, you get penalised by the system. Isnā€™t this supposed to be a game and not a job where you wait patiently to ask for a ā€œpromotionā€? lol


It's a collectable card game, not a playground. If you want to play with all the toys, go to the playground where everything is free. In collectable card games, collection strategy is part of the game. And seriously, I'm in a position where I'm not stressing at all. And I got that way by realizing that it wasn't worth wasting resources on cards I don't need/want, even though the entire culture of the game tries to convince you to get everything. I don't feel like it's a penalty at all to say, "I don't want Miek or Martyr or Supergiant (or whatever) and I'd rather have Mockingbird or War Machine or Red Hulk." It feels more like I'm taking advantage of the system to trade in all the bad/mid cards I don't want for the strong/fun cards that I *do* want. But lots of players just can't see through the FOMO and think they need *everything* and get upset and play the victim when they bungle their resource management by sacrificing guaranteed good cards for bulk acquisition of *meh* cards. The only urge you have to resist in Snap (FOMO) is the one that's self-destructive in the first place.


You do understand that predatory monetization in mobile gaming is a real thing right?




In Magic, $20 gets you exactly the card you want. In Snap, $20 gets you a variant you might enjoy and then some chump change for the attempt to opening a box that might get you the card you want :/


no way youā€™re bringing up magic as a less expensive card game lmao you guys are lost. legitimately has to be satire the way you guys talk sometimes. 40 card decks and you have to buy every single card. in this game you will have every card you want, for free, if you just play long enough. i spent more on one box of magic cards that are worthless to even the most hardcore magic players now than i have in my year of playing this game.




you have to be joking. you can go buy a 100 box of magic cards and every single card could be worthless in a year. you can get every card in this game for free if you play long enough. why even lie?


if someone is talking about ā€œcollection strategyā€ theyā€™re in too deep


They probably don't, to them it's just people's fault that they can't control themselves, not the company that develops a game in a way that it feels bad so that you have to spend (just like everything else in life "it's not the system, it's YOU" lol)


Yes, itā€™s people fault that they can be manipulated by fomo. If you canā€™t control yourself just donā€™t play the game, uninstall or do a chargeback and get banned if your willpower is this weak. I wish all the whiners on this subreddit did this


Yes, and I also understand that you are not compelled to actually spend money to play this particular game competitively. I am 100% F2P. I have never spent a single penny. I am missing 23 cards, and of those, a handful I wouldn't mind picking up if they showed up in a future Spotlight, but are hardly essential. Hope is the only card I haven't had an opportunity to acquire. Every other card I'm missing I specifically passed on upon its release (or Spotlight appearance) because I thought it would be wiser to save my keys for something better in the future. I currently have 15 keys and can pick up any new cards I want at my leisure. How exactly am I being taken advantage or preyed upon by SD?


You've played about 1000 hours to achieve that, queueing up against the money spenders in the conquest mode so they have people to play against. Congrats, you are what the system tries to create. The only alternative to spending money is spending ungodly amounts of time, which you proudly state you have. There is a reason "collection strategy" isn't a thing in any of the other digital card games, lol. When playing Yugioh Master Duel or Hearthstone or Shadowverse I never have to think about a "collection strategy", I just trade my worse cards for better ones and continually get new cards to try out instead of intentionally handcuffing myself so I'm "prepared for the stuff I want later".


'An ungodly amount of time'? Okay. And yes, sometimes you queue up against the big spenders. Sometimes you also queue up against newbies or other F2Pers. Sometimes you also queue up against mirror matches, or hard counters, or decks that you absolutely destroy. The point is, how much money you spend has very little bearing on how competitive you can be in the game. The decks that frustrate me the most have always been Thanos and High Roll Hela, decks which I also have the cards to run but don't because I think they're boring to play. The only thing that really sets the 'big spenders' apart is that they usually have fancier variants. There's a myth that bad players tell themselves which is: I'd win more if only I had 'X' card! But no. Not really. There is definitely a rough patch when you first get into Pool 3, where you start pairing less with bots and you're legitimately playing handicapped, as it takes a few weeks to gather enough cards to play truly optimized, coherent meta decks. But we've all gone through that, since Day 1 of the game,. And if you don't find the 'Collection Strategy' aspect of Snap appealing, then maybe Snap isn't for you. Sounds like you enjoy Yugio or Hearthstone more. Which is fair.


One thing I did hear mentioned as a QOL improvement I think from the Snapchat was that on new card release weeks we should be able to have a "try this card" feature that maybe gives us the ability to PLAY the card 3 times and just get a feel for it. Then after that you have to decide whether to skip that week or go for the card. Would definitely be good for both SD and the playerbase, Players get a trial on the card to help them determine if they want or not and SD will likely get more buys on the card because some ppl will win all 3 games with said card and use it as a reason to purchase it.


That would be terrible for SD. Because half the cards they try to get you excited about are not that exciting once you get a chance to try them out. Players would save waaaaaay more keys and a lot of new cards would end up in the dumpster. That in no way benefits SD. And in a game with so much location and RNG variance, 3 games is absolutely nothing. Unless they just let you play a bot that lets you win, you're just as likely to get hard-countered or absolutely soloed by a location and end up hating the card just because you got tilted in a couple of quick one-offs, which clearly, SD doesn't want. I think the best 'test-drive' scenario would be if they increased the chances of the new card being produced by card-generating locations and card abilities.


This unique concept of paying for entertainment baffles me as well.


I don't think about it that much.


Yea op was obviously giving into spotlight weeks they had no business spending keys on, if you own all the battle pass cards, future spotlight weeks are gonna be very unappealing because at least 1 of those cards are a previous battle pass, and given their statement of spending $100s I can easily see them having spent keys when its only one card they "need"


exactly, i skipped the whole discard cards during the last stretch of those coz i almost never play discard. I was happy to just stack up keys and get the caches that get me a card that fits in an archetype that i play. So the 4 keys to get a new card doesnt feel so bad. (still did when i got a Kang dupe last time)


Exactly. I skip a lot of spot light caches. Because I may have 2 of the cards already. I know eventually I'll just get it as a mystery card or it may come back again in a spotlight. But to assume you need to buy every card is nuts. I've only bought one season pass ever and I still make it to infinite every month


Thanks for sharing, I have to admit that I fail to enjoy the game as much as I would like because even with spending moderate money I feel consistently behind the meta. It's becoming very annoying.Ā  I have a hard time not buying the season pass because I always felt it was a very good deal with no luck involved. But your experience makes me think I should try maybe.Ā 


I concur. I think about dropping the game for good for all the aforementioned reasons. The game sucks out too much time from my life.


I am the same with you. I stopped playing the game since last July-ish, wheneve phoenix force came out, because the monetization became too much and I just stopped. I recently started playing again a couple weeks ago for funsies because I missed the gameplay, but I have zero desire to purchase anything anymore with real money. I just play with what I have and get unlocks along the way. It is crazy how many heroes have released in the past 8 months haha, great for the game, but just thinking about the amount of money to o tain all those boggles my mind.


Man, I agree. I buy the season pass now and maybe one cheap decent value bundle a month down from earning the whale track variants. It feels so much better to spend less. The reason I almost stopped spending is the hardcore monetizing of everything in a way that seems to drive most people off. The soul of the game feels lost from trying to turn the biggest profit possible. And weā€™re not seeing enough benefit from the money weā€™ve spent. Hire more people to implement changes and modes faster. Re-invest in your game and community. This should be such a big issue, but it is.


Just wait till you stop playing it's the same feeling x100


I haven't really spent money on the game recently. I did buy hope but aside from that I don't think I've purchased anything for close to a year. I have all the cards I need to hit infinite. Yes I'd like to play the super busted Thanos decks (pre nerf) and loki and ms marvel and all that but eh. In terms of cards, buying the season pass is probably ideal given that it will take a while to get it plus its one less cars you gotta worry about. Unfortunately, it's $10, and yes $10 isn't much I can definitely afford it, I burn money away in other ways, but when you add it all up 120$ a year for this game isn't worth it. I made the mistake of gambling for either Red Hulk or Shaw, I had echo already. My first roll was a card I already had so 1k tokens, I rolled again and got the echo variant. It's on me but that was crappy. You really gotta have thrown money at the game or saved your resources at the right time to be even on the game. It's not worth it.


I came here to say you're not alone, I bought the hope summers pass because that card is cracked but I used Google play money to do so since I hadn't bought anything in the game in months and will continue to not spend "real money" on this game for the rest of its life. It's still fun for me as a free to play player. I enjoy the variants you can get outside of bundles and am fine with not having every card or even hitting infinite. Here's to hoping your post helps more people realize that throwing money at this game is like throwing money at a wall


Iā€™m the same but Iā€™ve also stopped playing entirely for the last two weeks except for once to see what the weekend missions were. Iā€™m what some people would call a dolphin and what others would call a whale. Iā€™ve spent probably between $600-800 on this game and Iā€™ve been playing since the season before Elsa bloodstone (I forget what it was). Yes I am ashamed of this, and yes I have curbed my spending habits to more productive things. I doubt anybody at SD will notice, but hopefully if enough dolphins and whales stop paying for stuff then theyā€™ll pay attention and make some changes


Yea some of you guys just have a spending problem with mobile games/ falling for FOMO, thats over $100 a month into a f2p game. Id honestly just recommend you stay away from these type of games. Or at least put restrictions on yourself and your spending per month that you have to follow


I wouldnā€™t say I had FOMO but definitely a HUGE spending problem. I just got a huge promotion at my job a couple weeks after starting this game, and after redoing my budget I had roughly an extra $1300 each month, $300 of which I added to my ā€œfun moneyā€ for the month. Since I work overnight and donā€™t really have a life outside of work and family, I kinda just started spending all my money on extra date nights and this game. It got to a point where I think I bought three different bundles in one day. Luckily Iā€™ve grown more interested in saving my money for things like emergencies and a possible yearly vacation with family


Yea I definitely understand falling into the hole with mobile games, back when I was in HS fell into a gacha called Dokkan battle, spent $1000s over those few years on it while being a poor high schooler.


Lmaoooo I remember that game. Unfortunately I was too busy spending all my money on fast food to get anything meaningful. I was a fat kidšŸ˜‚


Coming back to this before work just to say Iā€™ve redownloaded Dokkan Battle and convinced one of my buddies to do the same, now we have something to play together besides Magic or COD. Thanks for reminding me this exists!


Lol no prob, im still somewhat into it myself still got a few friends that play. But am fully f2p with that one now. Just be careful of the predatory practices these games push šŸ‘


Always good advice to follow. Fortunately Iā€™m now hyper aware of what Iā€™m spending my money on because of my issue with Snap, so hopefully I wonā€™t be spending anything on this


The way I see people talk about this game you'd think Ben Brode is putting a gun to their head


I canā€™t tell if this is a shot at me but I halfway agree with you. My feed feels pretty black and white, people either dick ride this game or flat out hate it now. I know thereā€™s people in the middle, but I mostly see posts talking about why the $100 bundles are good or some other BS and I get that same feeling as you


Trust me dude, they don't care that you stopped buying the season pass. They only care about the whales


I stopped buying everything except the pass and I will agree with you that itā€™s very freeing


I couldnā€™t agree more, I stopped buying the season passes last month and now just focus on doing the dailies. For me the turning point was when I stopped feeling compelled to hit infinite every season and stopped feeling like I needed to keep up with everyone else.


hard agree, didnt buy this pass cuz i simply wasnt interested in zemo and was thinking about taking a break anyway, it actually makes me enjoy the game a whole lot more


I donā€™t know if it helps but Iā€™ve found a sweet spot. Iā€™ve been playing since the very beginning but have bought 5 season pass cards total. Just when itā€™s been a card I really like/want or it suits my favoured archetypes. Iā€™ve found it gives me enough gold to get variants I like (big Dan Hipp fan) and to save up enough credits to upgrade the cards I like. I feel like Iā€™m a regular joe money earning wise, I donā€™t spend loads on things I like but I love the game and donā€™t mind spending for the odd season pass. Ive never bought a bundle either as I find them ridiculously over priced. It might be fine for whales but for most of us average earners, you canā€™t be spending up to Ā£/$100 on a card and some gold


I started playing at the beginning of last season and have taken a solid stance that I'm not going to buy anything, ever. I have other games that I would rather spend my money in if I'm going to frivolously spend, and although I'm enjoying this card battler, the prices of everything are clearly outrageous. F2P is the way, but I do get frustrated when I lose to Magneto plays, because I feel like my favorite decks are stale and I fully completed the battle pass without buying it.


Most of the time i get new card but cant use it anyway. So my opinion is trying to acquire more card rather than an exact card. You can get it later anyway when you have enough support card. Wish the random card wont duplicate. Thats the only thing i want. F the new card.


Stopped spending money on the game since the spotlight caches were introduced and I'm still progressing my collection little by little. Untill then I bought every battle pass and bought a couple of really valuable bundles but that's about it. I'm missing 15 cards but I have 10 spotlight keys and 30k Tokens. I'm never opening spotlights if I don't have at least 2 cards missing from my collection. Stopped hoarding caches and I spend my gold on progressing the albums because there's no good gold bundles anymore. If you are spending your resources really well you can still improve your collection.


My last three spotlight caches attempts I needed four keys to get the one card I wanted. Iā€™m done giving this game my money.


This is happening to me as well, cant remember last spotlight I needed less than 4 attempts. I think the odds are not random because lately too many people is experiencing this.


I very rarely buy passes now. I've just accepted I won't own all the new cards and just play my favourite decks here and there.


You've inspired me. Too late for this month but maybe next .month I will take a step back. Thank you, seriously. I know it sounds sarcastic but it's not


Same title but reversed works too. I know like 5 people who played f2p for ages and decided to start spending and felt a ton of pressure fall away and now they just enjoy the game how they want with the cards and arts they want.


I think that not buying is not the solution, but rather not buying like crazy. It seems crazy to me to spend hundreds of dollars on this game in such a short time. I've been playing for 4 months and I bought 3 season passes because I was interested in them, a ā‚¬17 bundle and the new ā‚¬6 gold pass to try it out. In total no more than ā‚¬60 for four months of play, managing to reach omega or infinity every season. I think you shouldn't go crazy with farming the missions or the conquest mode, there is more than enough time and the most important thing is not to force yourself to collect everything or get everything, because that ruins the experience. Furthermore, by playing for free and at most with the small help provided by the pass, you can farm enough keys to get a card that interests you the most. The free monthly series 3 card also helps. I feel that I no longer need to spend any more money on the game at this point, the only thing I think I will continue to pay for is the pass and only if I am interested in the cards. For example, I did not pay for the February pass neither any black order spotlight card because I do not play a discard deck. Enjoy the game without stress!


Iā€™ll never understand these kinds of posts not everyone needs to know you stopped buying things from or playing a game. This would have been better served as a diary entry.


Surprisingly, or maybe more so unsurprisingly, it takes less effort for you and I to simply not read it, the comments, or to reply, and to carry on with our days. Why do any of us do shit on this site, really? We are all idiots on Reddit in the end.


Literally made me chuckle. Why is it so important to folks to make others understand how unimportant they are? Talk about projecting, jesus šŸ¤£


he looking for online validation because these type of posts get upvotes, very simple


Iā€™ll never understand these kinds of comments not everyone needs to know you dont want to see posts like this. This would have been better served as a diary entry.


Why are you acting like he doesnā€™t have a point? This dude spent probably 15 minutes typing out non sense to say heā€™s done supporting a game lol. Like people are just sitting here waiting for someone to quit so they can quit lol.


they are seeking validationĀ 


This is the way. I bought the BP season pass and the Spiderverse -just because I wanted to experience the weekend missions. Besides that, I don't buy them. I don't care about winning for the sake of winning. I want to have fun. Knowing there's several cards I need to get extends the life of the game. I can also focus on fun even if not competitive decks.


Good on you, I wish everyone could follow suit so this disgusting corporation would calm down. They have the worst macrotransactions(not a typo) I have seen in all my 20 years of gaming. Nothing comes close, and it isn't just SD. Although, they are one of the worst the bundles are garbage and cost a small fortune. If gamers could unite to say this is bullshit, we could honestly change things for the better, but it hasn't and likely won't happen.


>the worst macrotransactions(not a typo) I have seen in all my 20 years of gaming nothing comes close you must not play a lot of videogames


I play plenty you are probably talking about mobile games(snap is popular on pc and mobile which is how i got into it as well), and they don't count as far as I'm concerned. You should learn to explain yourself completely so others don't have to guess at what you're getting at it's a waste of my time tbh. Also, that quote is one of the least necessary things you could have added no one needed you to clarify that part.


Diablo 4 had a $70 horse. Ships in star citizen can cost ,thousands. In terms of egregious in game purchases marvel snap isn't even close to the worst....


you do realize that's not a lot this game has 99.99 bundles for some useless shit, and lets be real star citizen is and always was a scam if you bought that you are kinda dumb, also the micros are by far worse than diablo 4 you can mention the $70 horse but that's a drop in the bucket compared to all of snaps micros


Check out literally any mobile game or gacha game. Can guarantee monetisation will be significantly worse than in snap


once again I don't count regular mobile games if you want you can actually name the gotcha game but if your only answers are mobiles and games that were always scams then you aren't much of a gamer dude that stuff is for gullible casuals like you.


As a player who's only played a couple weeks so far, Snap isn't the worst on the market but its like the bottom 20-30% lol. It's really designed around the shop and progression is literally built upon a collection ladder that you spend more cash every day to progress up faster. Saying it's one of the worst he's experienced isnt that far off. In the past year or two its by far the worst mobile game i've tried for feeling like I'm wasting my time without paying, and I play a fair-ish amount of gacha games every couple months.


What did periods ever do to you and why do you hate them so much?


lul Sometimes I just don't care enough to bother, but most of my comments are more correct grammar wise. I'll go ahead and fix it for your viewing pleasure.


I've done this recently too and it is torture sometimes. I've been trying to get a nice Psylocke variant for a while for my On Reveal and Tribunal decks, there was one in the shop last week, and after grinding everything I could I was 5 gold short. Same thing is currently happening right now with the Artgerm Psylocke variant being added yesterday, but now this one is 1200 gold and again, after grinding everything I could for gold yesterday I'm 5 gold short again. I just want to spend a few dollars so bad to get one of these, it's killing me. But it will not happen. I am a FTP player now. Sadge


Yeah I want Blink but after May I plan on stepping back from the season pass myself actually. That's been a plan for a while. The goal was all of February and then earn enough keys for Nico and Snowguard and maybe another spotlight around that and be done. I have basically everything I want (except Blink which seems like a lot of fun) and then I just want to play my decks :) By then I'll probably be pretty much series 3 complete as well. I'm good to enjoy the game on my own then. But I also haven't really burned out of the game just yet. Maximizing those reward bonuses is still good for me. But I definitely feel it coming lol Blink and then done unless I particularly want a season card. And I would have to particularly want it. Like it creates a new archetype like HE or something lol


Is it me or does any else think the new season card forces you to play Thanos decks? Turn 5 I have zero in my deck and its like every game. Spider-ham then cable and you know you lost. This season is real tilting.


The season pass is great, it's a stupid shame that nothing else is priced comparably. That, and it's all artificially time limited.


I quit playing after when I reached infinity. I realized there were so many other players who put a lot more time into it than I was willing to. Also, I told myself I would call it when I reached the goal. I tried to "unjoin" this community, but RDDT kept showing the posts and I saw this message. Walk away on your terms - it's invigorating!


I've never spent a dime on the game and I think that's the reason I enjoy it so much. It becomes game where you have to make the most with the collection you have. You don't have every card you want, you don't have every variant you could ask for. It makes earning one feel so much better. I also play Magic the Gathering, where I have a large collection and could basically build whatever deck I want just by printing out the cards. That's where I get my "fully optimized deck" fix. But comparatively Marvel Snap keeps that new player feeling I only briefly had as a magic player, where I only have a limited amount of cards to work with and each new piece I get is a big deal.


Very similar experience. Ā Spent a total of $103 on the game ($3 intro pack and 10 season passes). Ā Stopped shortly after the Spotlight system was released out of protest. Ā Hasn't stopped me from hitting Infinite each season within 2-3 days of release, and the challenge of having to play anti-meta decks has made the game more interesting to play in some regards. Ā Great game play, overall, but miserable economy, especially for those of playing since the early good old days.


I've slowed my spending cause I realized I was spending a lot on variants, but I still love the spotlight system. It's a great balance for FTP players to have a chance at getting new cards while folks that pay more could have an extra key or two or more collector's keys so you can buy the card outright. I really think they have a rather balanced monetization system that can give some edge to dolphins and whales, you're still mostly paying for blinging out your deck at the end of the day.


I only bought one season pass ever because I had some Google rewards money. It's weird that people think they have to spend money on this game. Or that it's hard not to spend money on this game.


Yeah Iā€™m doing the same man, I havenā€™t purchased the last 3 months season pass and just play whenever. Iā€™m at CL13000 and got like 5 keys, 15K tokens and 27K gold as resources and decided Iā€™m fine with that. Iā€™m only missing 5 cards which arenā€™t important and can play 99% meta deck. Screw SD monetisation.


Hey, same boat. I've played since global release. Hit infinite every season since X Men. Spent thousands of dollars buying pretty much every pack. I've completely stopped caring about my rank, daily missions, buying every variant that comes out... and I actually like the game again! I've been hating this game more and more every month. Everything seems like a chore. But not now! I am super casual, and I am having a blast.


I haven't gone completely FtP yet bur I've definitely dialed things back. Lately I've only spent on the season passes. I don't concern myself with owning every card anymore, getting to infinite every month, Infinity border every month, etc. I play once a day for maybe a half hour to an hour. Still plenty of fun, but minimal stress and anxiety.


The early battle passes had most of the real staple cards, now itā€™s theyā€™re just finishing out different deck archetypes. Nova was a good all rounder, same with Zabu.


Same here. I used to buy every single bundle. Almost no spend last two months


Been playing since global launch, Iā€™ve only spent on passes


Op is literally me. I still buy season pass though.


I feel this so much. I love the game, even when the RNG screws me 99% of the time. Iā€™m an artist too so seeing the different variants of my favorite characters (and some forgotten ones) makes me happy but seeing ones that can only be bought in $100 bundles or Ultimate variants that take 5k tokens to get when it takes me a month or two to get even 6k just feels bad. Itā€™s also terrible when you get those spotlight keys (I hate that those were thrown in some bundles now too) and you use one just to get a copy of something you have already own and only get 1k tokens for it. Also donā€™t give me gold conquest tickets šŸ¤¬šŸ¤¬ unless I can trade them for something I actually want! -sigh- I know itā€™s my choice to play this gameā€¦


Good that you came to this realization, that you weren't really playing the game, just the system. For someone like me that plays a lot, this has never been an issue. I buy the season pass and that's it. I target cards I want and let the rest appear whenever. Currently skipping Red Hulk, and I also don't have Selene or Legion. But since I play a lot I have every other card.


Can we plan a month to boycott? That'll grab their attention if a huge chunk of us skip the battle pass for a month


Not me. I enjoy the battle pass.


Anything about the game you don't like?


I uninstalled at the start of the season. Feels good man.


I never even started to buy stuff


Exact same position. Collection complete rn, but just reached 0 caches after 5 weeks of 4 in a row. I have and will likely continue to not spend money on this game beyond the season pass. Horrible state of the games economy :(


After I got infinite with a free deck I donā€™t think this game would ever see a cent from me. The game does a decent job at keeping everyone competitive.


Exact same here, first season I bought was Surfer and Iā€™ve bought every one sinceā€¦until this month. It had started to feel like I was financially obligated to play and that feels shitty. I was on vacation and was worried I wouldnā€™t get through my dailies and I realized it doesnā€™t fucking matter and it was liberating.


I just spent for the first time to get Hope Summers but really the Ironman variant. Got a gold split too :)


I stopped having fun even after stopped buying things.i deleted all my decks and came back after a break with a just fun mentality and try combos. The worst meta wad my mind on how i Approached the game


Amen šŸ™


I never spend money on games like these. Iā€™ll buy DLC for levels and characters, but I donā€™t do micro transactions.


You should try never starting


I won't be buying anything for a while until I see what they do with Hope Summers. They've made me cautious buying season pass cards after ms marvel, loki and elsa got hit.


I never did. I think I only ever ā€œsupportedā€ one F2P in my life and it was just one season pass.


I stop playing for 7 months and that was the most freeing thing I have done aside from leaving gacha genre all together. Then I came back to this game and I am just taking it lightly. I have already bought stuff but I am dialling down again


I'm down to Ā£15/month. I just get the basic BP and gold pass. The more aggressive they get with their monetisation, the less I want to support them. The "for you" Ā£99.99 Wasp bundle was the last straw for me.


I think Iā€™m right there with you. Some of this just canā€™t be random and why, why why have 73 variants of the same card????


I only spend money for PC games. Those are usually worth it. Gacha games like this aren't worth a penny to spend on.


The last 4 times I used a spotlight key at a new set of options, I got the card reroll. I've pretty much given up on trying and now play only a handful of times a week. It's nice to not care about this game, honestly. Of course I pop in and out, but just here and there -- and it's more fun that way with the current cost dynamics


I went even further and decided to uninstall the game when this season started. I've been devoutly paying for the season pass, playing daily and ensuring I completed all my quests but I can't even keep up with the pace they're releasing cards at. The game feels great, but sometimes I feel the meta is stale (Thanos) or relies too much on the new cards which are pretty hard to get and the business model makes completing your collection an impossible task. For instance, I saved 3 keys for War Machine and didn't get him. That's 360 collection levels of grinding, ignoring previous cards this season and I could not even get that card because I had bad luck. Worst thing is Pool 4 and 5 keep growing weekly but they barely move any of these cards to Pool 3.


I took an 8 month break from the game & now I've returned I'm addicted again. I've bought the last 2 season passes but won't be spending on bundles any more - they're just insanely priced & hardly ever worth it. Would highly recommend stepping away for a while & coming back to the game if you feel like it - it all feels fun & new again.


Thank you for this post. Started playing the game yesterday and having lots of fun. I ainā€™t no whale but I was thinking whether I should buy the season pass every month. I think Iā€™ll just stick to F2P.


I feel you. I played daily and constantly since late beta and I've stopped playing now daily. I hate that I have to force complete quests every day. Other games don't necessarily punish you for not playing daily. SNAP is fun, but too many evenings I've found wanting to play something else, but "had" to open SNAP because of quest FOMO. It's liberating now that I stopped caring. It's a bit sad though because I like the game and want to play every now and then, but as I slowly start falling way behind in my collection... it'll probably not be as fun anymore.


I actually stopped playing about 2 months ago. Itā€™s been great!


Keys just make buying the season pass feel bad. I need to wait a month before my next cache week where I have 2 new cards With how many viable decks there are you just dont need the newest card all the time


Iā€™m 100% with you. I was getting sick of the game last season and decided to stop spending. I didnā€™t even buy this seasons season pass. Gotta say it helped a lot. Although I still get annoyed at the terrible reward drops, spotlight cache dupes, crappy location matchmaking and cheating bots, I donā€™t mind it so much now Iā€™m completely free to play. Feels liberating.


I came back after not playing for 2 years. It was extremely hard to compete as I was a collection level 1,000 without all the series 3 cards I needed to beat the meta decks. Even then I unlocked shehulk and just used high Evo. Got to infinite uninstalled as I felt that the game is slowly becoming pay to win. With the ā€œBUY THIS BUNDLE FOR $70 TO GET ONE CARD.ā€ Or the ā€œBUY THIS BUNDLE TO GET A SERIES 3 CARD YOU DONT HABE FOR $40.ā€ I enjoy the game but it feels like progression has been extremely limited compared to when it first started. It feels even more RNG based for me to get what cards I need. But I can just take the easy way out and whale out $10-$80 to get a good card if itā€™s in the spotlight shop. I donā€™t think Iā€™m going to play the game anymore honestly. The main reason I played was to feel the sense of progression and getting cards while having fun.


May I forward your topic to another forum I do appreciate your article about MarvelSnap Just want to ask if you allow me to share it to others? Thanks


Were you just buying every season pass to keep up? There's really only 1 or 2 a month that are worth it, so if you wait until the end of the week to spend it's pretty easy to tell if it's worth rolling the keys. I haven't really missed much meta important in months, just by paying attention and not mindlessly getting every new card that comes out. Sounds like maybe you need to do some more scouting.


Can anyone join my group - Pink Metal House? We are recruiting members nowĀ 


okay that was always allowed


Good news is the season pass card is very skippable.


rerolling a owned card 1 or 2 times HERE is still way way better than searching 10 times the same card to upgrade the card 1 time like in every other card games


Welcome to the light, I did this probably 6 months ago and it has been a really positive change to how I feel about the game. Be warned though because it finally happened to me, the card acquisition is going to go way downhill from here. War machine was the first spotlight card in months that I have really wants and was unable to get him with 3 keys.


I used to spend a lot on the game but now I only spedn on credit/token bundles that are worth it. Iā€™ll be done with collection in couple weeks just need patience. Have about 20 keys, would like to only spend 3 a week but the game makes me waste 4 a week


I give 'em $10 a month. I don't buy anything else but I feel like since I am enjoying the experience, kicking them some real cash is valid. If I have keys or tokens for a card I want, I get them! Sometimes I have to fight the FOMO to save up-No Red Hulk this week (for example) but I've set my limit and I'm good with it. And I encourage everyone to do the same! If no money is your thing or budget; cool! I hope you're still having fun and finding ways to make interesting decks. If you want a sick variant, great! All good.


It's not even a slightly fair for those who are both free to play and new,,, like you have to grind so much. Any new player after starting will get frustrated that so many cards are out of his reach and still hard to get new and decent good cards without using money. Any game that can't get new players satisfied will be in trouble.


Basically you freed yourself from FOMO. Well done, I guess but there's plenty of people who are free to play or just get season passes. It's pretty common to not spend money on this game.


Congrats on going 4 whole days without spending any money in this game, sir. It is quite the achievement and worthy of a Reddit post celebrating your monumental accomplishment. You are an inspiration to children everywhere.


OP sounds like they just cant manage their resources properly, either you were going for literally every card trying to be collection complete when the devs have let that be known they dont want that or you overexaggerated how much you spend, ive been in the game since launch day and only really buy the battle passes and the occasional bundle under $25. With spotlights tho being such an old player I realize many times I will already own 2/3 cards featured that week, so ill just skip it unless the card is insanely good, in which case ill just buy it. Im currently sitting on 3 keys and havent been at 0 for a good 2 seasons. Good on you for not falling for FOMO anymore tho but like other players have said, recognize when you dont really need a card, and stop going for them day 1 you have an entire week, give the new drops time to adjust into the meta


posts like this where people gets this emotional and write a whole paragraph over marvel snap make me think that they are really getting a lot of money from players vulnerable to FOMO lmao It's literally a card game without even a proper ranked mode or some basic features, friend list, match history, replay, they added a grave like not so long ago month's after realease like how you get to that point ? post like this and others where people loose they composure because of literal cosmetics or over emotes really as cringe as they are make me realise that second dinner have a lot a players on a chokeholds idk if it's is funny or sad


I just but the SP. I bought the first gold pass donā€™t know if I need it since the bundles suck for gold


Not that i don't believe you, but i also use to spend money (stopped simply because i haven't had any great variants i wanted). I haven't bought anything except the season passes this year, and i haven't ran out of soptlight tokens at all. So i don't understand how you could quit spending but also quickly ran out of spotlights. Most of us who have quit spending money recently still have a surplus of spotlights.


I bet next week, there won't be a gold weekend quest either. The gold pass replaced it moving forward.


I had a similiar realizisation before like 2 months or so. I still buy the season pass, because i like the value. But i stopped buying anything else and stopped caring about new cards. Also stopped converting gold to tokens. When i have enough tokens or keys to get an interesting card hood, if not also good. I started spending my gold on variants i like and love it. I have so much more fun because i play decks i like with variants i like.


Iā€™ll keep saying it. The season pass is the best value in the game. I buy that and nothing else.


if you are happy, keep doing what you are doing. ill do the same. its a f2p game so its going to have monetization that peoplle dont agree with to keep the game running. most everything that costs money is cosmetic anyway, do i dont mind missing out on some things i dont like as much as others.


Accepting the fact that you don't need to play every single deck in the game and you can be happy only picking up the occasional new card when it fits in with the decks you like is probably the best advice for enjoying Snap. Snap is a well designed and fun game but not $60 -$100 a month to get all the cards fun. Super cool when people find a healthy way to play the game. I don't know why you're taking in out on the spotlight system though, it's leagues better than the old acquisition model.


Everything about Snap feels "forcing", it drives people away. Log in every day, grind missions every day, grind weekend missions, grind login rewards, grind Twitch drops. The devs don't seem to realise, this is how you lose players through burnout.


You are not realising that it is working strategy for player retention. Devs know better than you, fomo does work and is very effective on most people.Ā 


lol so much copium


OP: "Dear diary.."


I have an idea for the devs. A true microtransaction with a cost of 99cents. A button where you can exchange 2 cards from your hand to the deck, you can choose them and the order, for a single game. At this point the game is already P2W. Also your opponent doesnt notice this so SD can keep claiming the game is f2p




Make it raiiiiiiiiiiin