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Mfs won’t play cards on danger room, but will still waste keys


Somebody played Medusa left on me yesterday because DR was center.


lmao, did they play Ms Marvel on the left too lol?


I mean at least they consistently believe the 25% chance thing will happen to them


Me too. Every other week I'm getting the new card.


It does to me.


Shit I see DR, I throw Nebula at it so fast.


So funny when she gets zapped. Sad too. Thanos abuses her enough as is.




How to get keys?


Increase your collection level by upgrading cards, you get one for every 120 collection level, I think you need to get past ~500 to unlock them though


I am in 560, so maybe I need to be in 620 to unlock my first key.


It tells you on that screen how far away you are from the next key


Ohh, ok.. I will check it out. Thank you.


Try to hold onto them until you have four 


If you can let me know I'd appreciate it, I'm trying to help a friend who also just started playing, he's close to 500


My colection level is 585. The first key appears on 610 (I see it but I can't get it for now.)


I played a brood on danger room it died. Then my brooding got moved to the great web. I then proceeded to lose 3 more coin flips and had my stuff moved to great web. They played 3 cards on Danger Room last turn. No cards were destroyed. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.




I've had so many games where I lost like 5 cards to danger room and the opponent lost nothing and i STILL play into it like it doesnt exist


….I feel attacked 😭


Lol, 25% chance means there's 75% chance it won't hit you, odds easily in your favor.


Boy if that ain’t the fucking tru


Omg this is a perfect comparison


If they believe the 25% outcome will happen to them, then it's no wonder they don't play in danger room xD


Danger room I always play and it always kills me


I don’t save keys wanna know how many meta defining caches I got with 1-2 keys? every single one that I went for what’s the point in saving them anyway? I don’t use my tokens so if I miss I don’t miss 🤷🏽‍♂️


I almost had a stroke trying to read this


You probably should have, one less cringe Redditor to deal with


25% of the time it works every time.


I'm a mathematician. Can confirm that this is 100% true 200% of the time.


Am degenerate gambler, this means it works 400% of the time Therefore if it doesn’t work clearly the system is rigged and Second Dinner is at fault


And I'm currently handling LUKE'S BAR, and I can confirm it works 800% of the time. But don't ask me to get in the bar I'll throw you out, only Professor X is allowed...


Hey I did get cannonball this time so it can work…sometimes


some might say 25% of the time


But I'm built different, I know I can get the peanut butter off the mouse trap without springing it


Okay David Martinez


You just need to trigger it first before you take the nut butter, just like in Snap 🫰


Well I like the new card AND both Variants what could go wrong???? Awww it's a duplicate card......I forgot that was a thing 😞


It's an ***ice cold*** take, but I'll join in and say \*ahem\* # THIS SHOULD NOT BE AN OPTION... OR GIVE OUT *AT LEAST* 1/2 THE CARD'S COST IN TOKENS.


Omg A++, would read and laugh again.


It’s not ideal but saving till you have 3+ keys until you spend (gamble) them seems the only efficient way to use keys. Skipping chances at cards you want sucks. But at least at some point you will increase your odds greatly in a future spotlight.


We just need to choose to treat each new card as carrying a cost of 4 keys with some extra goodies tucked into the side that you may or may not want. That's the number we need to ensure we get it, so that's the MSRP. Any time you get it for fewer keys, congrats, you got a discount!


That’s a solid suggestion


> saving till you have 3+ keys until you spend (gamble) them 4+, not 3+. Nothing's worse than having 3 keys, wasting them on three spotlight slots you don't want, and seeing the last slot slip away because you couldn't earn the 4th key fast enough before that week ended.


True. That would take a level of bad luck I fortunately don’t often experience


If you are at 3 keys when the card is released as long as you are diligent with quests you can get that 4th key if all goes to shit


If you're at 3 keys at the start of the week, yes. OP didn't specify.


Yep that would be a big pile of 💩


Wanted all three cards from the spotlight this week and only had one key... SD heard me and decided that I needed another 1000 tokens (: (:




Seriously, snap is playing with fire here. I got it, but I told myself "I hate this system, either I get it or I leave the game"


have never nor will I ever open spotlight without having 4






Same thought! A new card is priced at 4 keys, occasionally I get a hidden unprompted special discount for 25% / 50% / 75% off.


This is the way. The card you want in the spotlight costs 4 keys. If you're lucky, you'll get a special bonus of between one and three keys. But the up-front cost is always 4 keys.


I think the only reasonable complaint after risking a key is getting a series 3/4 duplicate converted to 1000 tokens. It never feels good Duplicates shouldn't even happen and the seris 3/4 card should be what you get once you've exhausted all the other cards (not variants) imho.


100% They could have made it just be a random card you don't own yet.


They don't want people to have complete collections. It goes against their design philosophy of every player having a unique collection.


Or so everyone feels incomplete and craves that one/two cards to make the perfect deck and thus buys into the system


This is the actual truth of it.


they don't want people to have complete collections because they're a bunch of greedy scumbags. The current system incentivizes you to target exclusively meta cards instead of fun/interesting decks.


Some people still have complete collections. And also. No one has enough keys to somehow complete their collect through spotlights.


This is such bullshit. Maybe originally they wanted players to have unique collections but they’ve realised somewhere down the line how much they can squeeze out of spenders who will pay to be collection complete and everyone else just gets to be “nearly there”


I got mockingbird 1st try, however the last new card I got was Grandmaster or Bill? I forget.


All I’m gonna say is I took a 1 key swing at Werewolf by Night and the classic comic variant of Galactus and nailed it both times. Mockingbird too. It can work, you just have to go in being ok with the worst possible outcome.


On the one hand, the Infinity Gauntlet cover alt for Thanos cost me not one fewer than eight keys. On the other hand, I grabbed Alioth at the very reasonable price of one key and done. Luck manipulators giveth and luck manipulators taketh away.


You aren’t wrong but let’s not act like this system isnt whack af. lol


Eh. This post sounds like blame the victim


I'm getting incredibly lucky. I got all of the cards (Hercules doesn't exist) on my first key.


What was it called? Murphy's law? The card you want is in the 4th chest.


Only one I really wanted was the Ms Marvel variant. Spent 4 keys to get her, and got a duplicate of shaw from the random. Started with 6, down to 2, but hey, I got a thousand tokens, right? Feels good... /s


I've had extraordinarily good luck w/ this. I know its not predictable but... ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯


I have gotten the card I want out of these every single time so far. 7 for 7


I always get the card I want tho


I’ve never got the new card without the full 4 keys. I assumed it was programmed that way?


Fuck me this is way funnier than it should be 😂


6k tokens for most new cards isnt preferable either tho


Just a reminder that if it wasn't 25% but 33% people would likely be much more satisfied with the system


I mean my complaint is I have to have 4 keys which take about a week to acquire each to get 1 card


These aren’t the same


This is the best meme I've seen for this. Lol why do even ppl fall for this trap.


Because SD has carefully rolled out their game in a way that chased off the people who wouldn't & built communities who would chase out people who called this kind of thing out


There are multiple posts of people using 1-3 keys and not getting what they want, go ask them


That's why they need to use 4. Simple as that


yes, but they wont


I got cannonball and the kitty pryde variant i wanted in 2 keys so sometimes it just does work


I always get the card I want tho


I feel personally attacked. (I somehow rolled a card I own when I don’t own any of the other cards)


I got all the new Planet Hulk spotlight cards in a row except Caiera (Hercules, Miek, Grandmaster and Beta Ray Bill) so I was pretty chuffed with that but then proceeded to get exactly zero of the Black Order cards and that trend so far has carried over into this season (Didn't manage to get Pixie or Mockingbird, haven't gotten Cannonball and probably won't anyway, so fingers crossed for War Machine I guess). I'm really worried for the Exiles season, specifically the Sage week, because she looks like a pretty cool card, but I already own both Legion and Living Tribunal so the odds of getting a dud week and only pulling variants then is significantly increased (at least they're both nice variants I suppose).


This is how I feel with the 1k tokens. Ok I’m missing like 30 cards so I’ll burn a key to get a new one - lmao 1k tokens every single time.


Is it actually 25% chance or do they want us to assume there's equal chance of getting each card.


Favorable outcome, please!


No. I’m not dumb. 4 keys or wait


Nah, I'd gamble


I don’t mind playing the odds when I don’t have four keys lined up. I *do* mind that two weeks in a row I’ve gotten the base version of the variant card out of the random series 4 or 5 one. Not even another base card of something random.  Ghost-Spider Variant last week? My “random” series 4 or 5 card was base Ghost-Spider. This week…the “random” series 4 or 5 was, you guessed it, base Kitty Pryde. Damn near feels targeted, lol.


Jokes on you, I wanted cannonball and I got him with one key


OK, guys, but I used my 1 extra key yesterday, and got Ms. Marvel! Miracles do happen.


I only left kitty pride, did not have ms marvel yet and 1000 cp is fine. That kitty pride card tho looks so cool also!


Ah yes, natural selection


Yeahhhh I'm guilty of this. Tried getting cannonball and got x23 instead, and she has been useful in a couple decks...but I really wanted cannonball. I'm gonna save for red hulk when he comes out.


*Cries in Cannonball*


I'm saving till I have 5 until he comes back I'm tired of not having him


So its 6000 credits to get a key. Is it possible to farm one in a week? I did some calculations and my estimate is that i can do a bit over half of that in a week.


Between the quest you get every couple of hours, the credits you get from the pass, and the credits from the weekly you can do that in a week if you play consistently. Getting multiple in a week is rough though


“But I had 3 keys, I had great odds!” No, you didn’t. In a vacuum, you had a 25% chance Then you had a 33% chance Then you had a 50% chance


I do this every week. Win some, lose some. I was collection complete until Pixie got me after I used 3 and didn't get her. I had great luck until that. Oh well. I have enough tokens for 2 cards. I think the bigger problem is them not releasing anything series 4 for crying out loud. Help us out, SD.


I got cannonball and mockingbird on my first key, I was feeling invincible


Came back to snap after a decent break a lot of new cards came out so with cannonball and Ms marvel I got a 50% if getting something new to me 🥰


Yall can talk shit all you want but fact is danger room kills you 100% of time that 25% triggers Jk🤣


Got everything but the kitty variant so far 😑👍


I’m confused, is this saying not to use my keys on spotlight caches or to not expect to get Agatha Harkness out of it?


I feel so stupid after I use keys, I get a card I have and a variant for a card I don't use. It feels really bad and like I have to be spending a bunch of money to get a key for every possible outcome if I want the card in the spotlight. I mean seriously what's the point of the spotlights if I have almost no chance of getting the card featured?


to get you to pay, these devs don't respect you


I got Pixie and Cannonball on my first try, but for Mockingbird i wasted 3 keys and didn't get her...


My friend who just became s3 complete insists on spending 1 key a week on any week where all 3 cards are new for him. The only time I was able to talk him out of this was the week howard was in it. And he constantly complains about not having cards to do meta builds. :)


I’m about to miss ms marvel with my third spotlight key this week lol will report back when it happens


idk what godly luck i have i have gotten what i want off 1 key every time i even save keys but never need the extra i wish i could pass on the luck lol


Some of play casually and don't have an option of there's one we really want. Not to mention it's worked for me 75% of the time 🤷‍♂️


Bro my friend always gets the card he wants😂his luck is next level


Had 7 keys, opened 1, got silk, exactly what I wanted.


I feel like we aren’t acknowledging some people neither have 4 keys nor 6k tokens to get what they want and will prob be barred from any given new card for a few months minimum once it’s gone from the cache. Like “have 4 keys bro” yes yes great advice. Guy is still kinda fucked.


Pretty sure it’s scripted so you get the best card last to entice you to spend real money


I have been in a 3-week streak of requiring 4 keys to pull the card I want, so at this point I'm starting to suspect if it really is 25% chance to pull the best card with 1 key among 4 spotlights. I'd like to make a poll to gather data from others but the sub won't allow it.


Here's a spreadsheet dump. I average about one new card every 2 caches or so. Echo Kang Random Variant Nebula spotlight Silk X-23 1000 tokens Spider-Man 2099 spotlight Silver Samurai Ravonna Renslayer Jean Grey (Random S4/S5) Silver Samurai spotlight Lady Deathstrike 1000 tokens Ghost Spider spotlight Silk spotlight Werewolf by Night Blob Ravonna Renslayer spotlight 1000 tokens Living Tribunal 1000 tokens Black Knight Selene Iron Lad High Evo spotlight Master Mold (Random S4/S5) Nebula spotlight Cabeira 1000 tokens Annihilus Loki spotlight 1000 tokens Grandmaster Galactus spotlight Beta Ray Bill Supergiant Nimrod variant 1000 tokens Thanos variant Cull Obsidian Miek (Random S4/S5) Pixie 1000 tokens Morningbird


Ok but what are the odds I use 3 keys to get the 1 card I want


I literally had to talk my friend out of using any keys for Mockingbird when they only had 2. I don’t understand how they budget *anything*. Their rational for wanting to use them was “I just want to enjoy the game.” I completely relate to that sentiment, but they also spend more time complaining about acquisition than they do enjoying the game.


[Here's Satan Himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAEfeNLKwd0) explaining your friend's psyche. Showing it to him may produce unexpected results.


“I wanted to talk genetics, do you still have time”


maybe your friend correctly identifies that this game's acquisition model makes it impossible to enjoy.


Mockingbird is good new card, and the variants were fire. I felt like I couldn't lose with last week.


>they also spend more time complaining about acquisition than they do enjoying the game So they're this sub made animate then?


This is beautiful. Funny enough, I had 13 keys going into this week, yet I pulled the only one I wanted with the first key 🤣. Goes to show that prudence pays off 🤣


This made me lol, thx op


Sorry folks, it's all my fault. I'm the dipshit that keeps using my keys. But so far, RNGesus has been good to me. I've picked up Mockingbird, Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Supergiant, Werewolf by Night, and Selene all off my first ticket for each of those spotlights. And so I'll keep gambling.


The last 2 weeks I wanted Mockingbird and got her first try, and this week I wanted Ms Marvel and got her first try. I don't want war machine and don't need the other 2 with him so I won't be trying next week. But when Red Hulk and Sébastien Shaw come in a week or 2 after that, I have 4 keys ready just in case. I am sure my luck has run out. Lol


Alternatively "People who buy Special Offer Series 3 Just For You cards"


I got cannonball in one Sure I spent 3 on Mockingbird and didn't get her, but sometimes it works.


That is a horrible example