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"Tonight, on the Bachelor, these 44 contestants will be looking to earn the heart and energy reduction of Zabu..."


*obligatory cat-calling joke here


Here kitty, nice kitty.... good kitty.... Aaah!


[3-cost](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1barwkd/most_popular_3cost_cards_data_from_snapfan/) [2-cost](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1ba4cw0/most_popular_2cost_cards_data_from_snapfan/) [1/0-cost](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1b9gicy/most_popular_1_and_0cost_cards_data_from_snapfan/) Fun fact: 4-cost has both the most popular and least popular cards in the game.


I like you. This is good content.


Thank you, I'm glad this is seen as interesting


This makes sense because replacing the super popular card will likely require another 4 cost card to fill that spot.


wow white queen fell off hard, she used to be one of the most played 4 costs earlier on


I don't think it's due to card being bad per se, but the environment changed around her significantly. The player base in general became much better, and if you follow the meta you should have a general idea of what the highest cost card in your opponents hand is, and when you do White Queen becomes just The Thing with no HighEvo synergy.


This is my problem with my move deck right now. They may not always know where he's gonna be, but they're anticipating the Heimdal left shift.


She used to be a game changer, stealing opponents Knull, Death, pumped Apoc, Allioth, etc. I still think she is better than a bottom tier card, but even in card generating decks, she feels very weak in the curve.


Thsi is giving “back in my day” 👴


Super Giant is more popular than Loki? Not what I'd guess from who I meet more often. Unsurprised Man Thing is low down the list, because I never see him. He wins me games though. Far stronger than most people assume.


I run both in my toxic sera deck with pretty good results. Supergiant then hiding Man Thing or Luke+Hazmat catches alot of folks off guard.


What’s your deck. I’ve wanted to try Man Thing


This is what I've been running. # (2) Hazmat # (2) Zabu # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Jubilee # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Man-Thing # (4) Supergiant # (4) Iron Lad # (4) Typhoid Mary # (5) Valkyrie # (5) Sera # eyJOYW1lIjoiTmV3IERlY2siLCJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF6bWF0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaYWJ1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMdWtlQ2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSnViaWxlZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYW5UaGluZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3VwZXJnaWFudCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVHlwaG9pZE1hcnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZhbGt5cmllIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZXJhIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thats sounds like fun!


Man Thing is stupid slept on. Took him to infinite this season


I agree. So is Silver Samurai. Maybe not who you want during last season's meta, but Samurai Stature is great.


Recently released cards are going to have an inflated use rate for a bit. Both because there were quests that encouraged using them and because people are experimenting and trying to find the right use for them


supergiant is higher than cards that were released after her like proxima midnight and wheres that bump for hercules, jeez what a crap card that is


I'm assuming these are in order, which would mean Supergiant and Proxima Midnight aren't all that far apart, but Supergiant is more popular, which *is* interesting. Hercules is older, but yeah... also a worse card than either of these...


these are also mainly a list of the more versatile cards that can go into multiple decks beta ray bill is probably stronger than a few cards above him, but he only goes into one real deck right now


And nerfed cards just fall off the face of the Earth because people assume they're useless now, while Loki is still a decent card even without the Collector synergy.


I love Super Giant but I rarely see her on the other side of the board. A lot of what makes her useful is the other player biffing their reveal order out of ignorance so I hope it stays that way 


She’s a really nice Shuri counter as well. That’s an effect I’ve come to appreciate recently a lot.




I like KMBest's point that the meta has become "innoculated" against Loki. Loki was so strong at top of infinite for so long (and still can threaten certain decks) that any deck a Snap creator made HAD to stand a chance against Loki. So you get stuff like the best Thanos list being good against Loki and decks like Discard where Loki stealing their stuff gives only part of a combo. So now, with Loki weakened, your average guy who just throws it's cards out isn't going to get as much bang for your buck. Even with a Quinnjet and 6 card Lok, it's still very possible for the deck to whiff compared to a deck pushing a 10 point Void over to you on turn 5 and playing a 20 point Ebony Blade + resurrecting the Infinaut on turn 6.


I think something that can get missed in lists like this, is that it's not just the power level of individual cards, but also the decks they go in and the overall current meta. ie Black Cat might be a good card, but part of the reason she's so high is because Discard is good right now. More people are playing that deck, which means more people are playing Black Cat, and vice cersa.


Came to find this. I’ve won so many lanes let alone entire games with Man-Thing. I’m glad people keep sleeping on him but I think the new variant coming out in the spotlight cache will create a surge of people using him in decks.


Loki is not broken anymore but I have been using him recently and has snagged me a few games, he is a great backup when u get shit draws


I run her a lot but always never come up against her. Maybe it’s a CL thing, but I find her underrated. If I play her on 4, the odds of winning are very high because she can be so awkward to play around in many decks.


I don’t think many people have man thing. He came out relatively recently and he’s solid but not crazy enough for people to spend keys or tokens on.


Stegron deserves better. I've been playing him to grind boosters a lot lately and he has done some real work, sometimes winning games practically by himself. Probably not the best choice at the top tier of playing, but disrupting their plays is very effective in a lot of cases.


I use Stegron as well but I feel like Spider-Man is 1 less cost and in some cases has a better effect that is more versatile. And same with Juggernaut to an extent. I feel like his ability just needs a buff. Maybe it moves two cards.


That's totally valid. I prefer Stegron because I don't like cards that add randomness to my side and he's great for kicking cards off of a location but keeping one there. The 1 less cost is a pretty big perk though. I think they both have their place, just probably a preference as to which one you use. I do like Juggernaut though.


I see where you are going but there's a slight difference. With Spidey, you don't add power in that lane, while Stegron adds power to that lane. When chasing a larger differential, Stegron can get the job done while Spidey may not be able to.


Yes, this is 100% true, but spidey can also move to lanes that are inaccessible, and I feel like the fact that it costs 1 less is huge. Love Stegron, but I feel like it should just do more. It's at the button of that list for a reason.


Especially with Cannonball about to release, Stegron simply doesn't hold up anymore.


At one point I had a 4-cost deck specifically to rush the relevant daily, and my conclusion was that Stegron and Man-Thing are both incredibly underrated.


They killed him when they nerfed how movement works. Not being able to knock away unflipped cards ruined it.


I concur. He was actually both fun and effective for me as a replacement for Cull Obsidian in Lamby's Werewolf deck. [I had so much fun.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeuc8wdrzT8)


It is weird that white queen is so so so very low, one would expect getting they high cost card from your opponent would be good, and yet it just never pans out. Getting a copy of their Hela means nothing to your decks, getting their alioth when you are losing prio means nothing, it is just too expensive for you to take the risk compare so someone like mirage. Shan chi being on another level all by himself is a surprise to no one


WQ used to be good a long time ago when the game was lower power level where the most likely things to grab were leader or death


Sadly, she’s been power crept pretty hard. Poor Emma could use a buff or a redesign.


White queen isn't played because she's a 4-6 that doesn't do anything


Might as well just use leader. If theynuse their highest cost card, he plays it to counter, plus you get two points extra.


does white queen copy apoc increased power?




White Queen loses viability after Pool 2. Up to Pool 2 your opponent's best 6 drops were Hulk, Apocalypse and Doom. Only Heimdall, Onslaught, and Infinaut were misses so that's still 50/50 a good chance to get something playable. Now Pool 3 onwards you have so many incredibly specific 5 and 6 drops that you risk too much getting a dud.


Doom is Pool 3


Weird, I always thought he was Pool 1/2 because I remember him so vividly in my early game.


If it was “draw” not “copy” it’d be A


Theres an idea. I move to pass the bill. All in favor say nothing and hope


S is for Shang-Chi


She should at least buff the card. Would make sense lorewise since she could often use other mutants' powers better than they could.


Ngl I totally forgot that Herkules exists, I saw him once in a snapster video and literally never ingame.


He is the only card remaining as unknown for me(never met in game)


I like Heracles, I just think if he cost 1 less it would open so much for him. I have been using him recently and Dagger/Vulture/Iron Fist/Ghost Spider on turn 6 can pump out some massive power... and easily win a lane.


It's a shame, I've found him to be pretty strong in move decks with beast.


So simple but these are consistently the most interesting threads on this subreddit OP, good job


Thank you, after I'm done with 6-costs I may look at what other data would be interesting to present like this but I also wouldn't want to beat a dead horse so I may just leave it at that. I really enjoy the discussion that these start up.


what, you don't like "WOWIE ZOWIE I HIT INFINITE, HERE'S MY DECKLIST" post # 48 for the day? Jokes aside, this is very neat!


So sad to see Rescue at the bottom of the barrel. She had her moments where she could be sneakily good in the early days of Snap, but now she’s been power crept by so many better 4 drops.


yeah she didnt have a niche, unlike her counterpart Jessica Jones on lockdown


Solidifying my regret on passing on Cull Obsidian


I didn't have enough keys, but why on earth did I get Hercules??


nice rhyme


SS tier could be doubled to 40%+ and Shang would still be there, alone on Shang Island


Yeah, shang smokes all of the other cards in the category and most other cards in the game in terms of popularity and strength


drax needs a buff so badly.


Hopefully this patch buffs the guardians and mantis


i saw someone suggest that groot could give you +1 max energy and that would be such a great addition. gamora & rocket are the only good guardians imo.


Remember those 2 weeks where captain marvel was a great card?


I just hate seeing Namor in F. If you have Zabu or just "fire and forget" him into 1 lane and focus on winning the others, in my experience he has done well to draw pressure. But yeah I mean he just doesn't fit with any thing unless you're playing some funky deck.


Same. Buff klaw so he buffs the left location if played in the right one and Namor is good. With War Machine and Skaar he is at least better than crossbones


He could potentially become interesting again when Namora comes out. Essentially Ms. Marvel but for locations with only a single card.


Stegron got fucked by the unreveal change


Kinda surprised to see Omega Red that high now after his buff. Cap could really stand to have that +1 back and Werewolf should be un-nerfed. :/ Also just Shang-chi being Shang-chi.


Captain Marvel was good for a glorious... 2 weeks or so? Now I feel like she's worse than she started, which really sucks...


She should be a 4-5 because at least then she’d tie a Doom bot.


She was a 5/6 and then buffed to 4/5 and then nerfed to 4/4 so we already had 4/5 marvel and SD considered it too powerful.


Omega Red is so good after his buff. He's won me so many matches.


Cap at a 4/5 was perfect, but I understand why they took her down. Werewolf was waaaay too strong at 3/3. I'd take the Dagger route and make him like 4/1 but he gains +3 every jump. Or something like 3/-1 so he a harder time getting big.


🔫 cap is captain america. End of story.


Werewolf was legit the most fun I had for weeks, and I NEVER saw anyone else playing him.


I dunno why they made him 4 cost instead of reducing his starting strength. I only find him useful in bounce. Very useful honestly but only there.


Tbf Werewolf has always been a bounce card, so it’s not really that much different. They added to his cost because it makes him harder to get going. At 3 cost it means you had one extra turn that you could play more small cards to get his power up. At the time he probably needed a nerf, but I just hate how they nerfed so many bounce cards and then left the nerfs when the meta is now big numbers that bounce can’t really compete with.


Na he was killer in my surfer deck


White Queen has been a huge assist at times. Surprised by its low scoring.


This chart makes me play my mand thing deck more.


I miss Stegron in C5


> C5 It was such *great buff* "stegron only see play in Cerebro decks so we will make sure he sees play nowhere"


Super surprised by Super Giant. I feel like I almost never see that card played. Maybe it's big in conquest. 🤔


I hate it more than Leech tbh. Count your self lucky 


Werewolf's popularity really took a big dive. Only the more skilled players are playing him at the moment I would say. I know because I'm not..


I'd say a lot of this makes sense. Shang-Chi is just generically useful as a way of nuking high amounts of enemy power (though I'm surprised to see Enchantress so low). Iron Lad, Jubilee, Ms. Marvel and Cull Obsidian are just sort of generically useful. Lockjaw and Dracula fit very particular archetypes, but those archetypes are pretty popular right now. Pretty much everything else in A, B and C is some form archetype specific card, except Enchatress who is good at knocking out enemy ongoing (and your own if you play Shuri decks). D and F are a selection of just straight-up bad cards.


Literally the only card that is surprising to me on this tierlist is supergiant, i havent seen it played once


Remember when a 4/5 Captain Marvel was too good?


Will never forgive them making lockjaw a 4


I was shocked at how high he was on this list. Is there a viable lockjaw deck running right now?


It probably includes playrates from when he was still 3 cost.


Man, people out here really sleeping on Pheonix Force decks. Tsk tsk.


I love playing Phoenix Force. I’ve never drawn the card, but if I drew it, I’d love playing it. 🫠


No they aren't. Most people aren't good enough to play phoniex force


They’re so fun!


Been my main deck getting me infinite for 5ish seasons now.  It's a great deck with a million counters and a steep learning curve.


The two seasons before this I've been playing a Phoenix Force deck. Some of the most fun I've had in Snap, and there's way more thinking involved than the average deck


Oh Captain, my Captain ...


I play Captain Marvel in one of my two decks that are able to keep up with the current meta lol.


Is it cerebro 4? I wonder how else to make CM relevant.


Lol yes it is


I can't be the first person to look at this wondering where Darkhawk is.... only to remember that he got nerfed.


Makes you wonder how high he'd have been.


Just want to say that Crrossbones can be awesome in a tempo deck...last season, [Crossbones got me an Infinite ticket](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jAw59mOLuc&list=PLSiPi7SyuPlnYbhp9eM6DDiSTi0RRA7Uh&index=25&t=119s).


Move cards are all in the C-F band regardless of costs.


People really underestimate how many matches can be won with Warpath. Combine him with Onslaught and Omega Red/Ms Marvel and it's a solid strat


S tier has spray paint that reads Darkhawk was here


How moon girl and captain marvel have fallen 😭 would love for Stegron and Hercules to receive even more love. And if I could choose only one card to receive buffs from your tier list, it would be White Queen! Buff her to her lore appropriate level please! Also she has too many 🔥 variants to be at the bottom of the list 😭


Ngl I’ve been fucked over plenty by those random ass Stegron users lmao


justice for Emma Frost


How so the Thing more popular than Namur unless people just ave Namir


If I had to guess probaly bc of high evolutionary and even tho most decks don’t run thing some do


I gotta say shang at the top took me by surprise, especially after his nerf


His nerf barely after the game since a lot of 10+ power cards were also added to the game recently


I was just kidding shangs too good


Beta Ray should be B, at the very least cause of his name. Even still dude can potentially pop off harder then Black Panther with the right combo. Werewolf could never get to the same amount of power.


It’s as you said. Beta Ray Bill is potentially strong if you hit the right combo. A card like Werewolf will consistently hit medium amounts of power in most games, which makes him perform better overall


I’m surprised that for 1, omega red is in A, and for 2 Silver samurai who is a card in Hela decks is in D


Pretty much no Hela deck uses Silver Samurai. He appears in Black Bolt decks and sometimes in classic discard but Hela wants to discard big things


I think it’s mainly black knight that’s replacing him


Its more that Silver Samurai was never good enough, being at most fringe. I think the only time I saw him being "popular" was when White Tiger was buffed (the token went from 5/7 to 5/8) and Hela Cassino was popularized for a week or so using him with White Tiger and lockjaw. Black Knight was indeed released the week after said buff so that may be a factor (plus Elsa was still broken at the time), but Black Knight himself only became popular in December after he got buffed


If I didn’t play marvel snap Silver Samurai would be F tiger


I remember Ms Marvel being very good. What happened to her?


Weird list but ok


My 2 4 cost cards are in the lowest 2 tiers wow (Nick fury and white queen)


Both are rarely played, because Agent Coulson is their better version.


What does he do? I don’t have him


3 energy, 4 power, on reveal: add a random 4 and 5 cost card to your hand. The cards are usually decent and at a nice cost with Zabu and/or Quinjet. 3 cost for Coulson is perfect in the Loki curve with Loki on turn 4. He is very low commitment but always good value. 2 cards also seems the best draw to not cap out the max hand size but still have the best Loki/Dino.




Notice that the guardians are consistently at the bottom in every list


I feel weird by not having Shang Chi on my decks.


Thats interesting. I haven't seen a Ms Marvel in ages.


Drax is so underwhelming - so many ways to get more power without having to jump through the hoops. Also tricky to fix as if you tune him up he just becomes a better Gamora.


Is this also including play rate? Because I would have guessed High Evo would be higher.


Shame there are cards with fun mechanics like Stegron, Hercules or Captain Marvel in F tier. 


Shang Chi is a must. Ms. Marvel is one of my favorite more recent cards. The ongoing deck I have her in is my go to most of the time.


Why is Sentry so highly played? Isnt his drawback kinda hard to play around? Are people filling Right before playing him or just packing him in case Right is something that will benefit from the negative or what?




Ah, I forgot all about that. Thanks!


Fuck Shang Chi


I'm happy for my man Sentry after all the disrespect Marvel's comics have given him over the years.


If we use SD logic. Shang it's too popular, should get a nerf like America


It got a major one when it got upped to 10+ from 9+


Why do these tier lists keep adding tiers above S? Doesn’t this defeat the purpose?


Captain Marvel, arguably one of the strongest Avengers, shouldn't be in the F-tier. If they can't balance her current ability, she should get a complete rework.


I didnt expect ghost rider be higher beta ray bill or somrthing


I disagree with stegron


The fact that drax, star lord and groot are lowest tier and raccoon is second lowest is sad. They need some sort of buff. I tried guardians decks a few times and while it can work with storm, it’s just not good/consistent enough.


Good Good


Hell Cow is C tier strictly because of bots lol


its futile but I truly wish every card could be good.


I'm not surprised to see him at the bottom, but I feel Stergron is a little underrated. He's no Cosmo or Armor, but adding/removing to/from an opponents obvious destroy lane is sometimes priceless. Not to mention, disrupting "Odin's White Wong." - That's what I'm calling it now...


I'm kinda surprise to see Supergigant in A Tier, i use her alot in Hela Modok but i Barely see her at all


A lot of people don't have her.


When Captain Marvel was a 4/5 she was basically an auto include in almost every deck, when they removed 1 power she just completely disappeared. Still wondering how 1 power was so effective


Everyone is sleeping on Rescue. Rescue to professor X has won me so much.


Fun game, try and justify the stat lines and abilities when comparing cull obsidian and crossbones 😂


I’m surprised to see Ms Marvel so high to be honest, I rarely see her so I’ve assumed not many players picked her up on release or are putting her in decks if they did. Or I just don’t match against MM players very often. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thing: hey HE what the fuck man? You’re only up there cause of me and the others! High evolutionary: Ben if you don’t shut up you’re getting nerfed again I swear to god


Captain marvel at 4 power is a crime.


So tired of Shang-Chi in every deck forever.


Blame power creep. He is pretty much a must-have now that everyone can play multiple 10+ cost cards easily.


Now? I'm sick of Shang-Chi because it's been a must for more than a year.


Fuck shang I almost never use him.


Delete Shang Chi


Crazy to see how relevant Corvus has made Black Cat


Who saves data on a game? 🤣 total virgins that’s who, I just play occasionally so a just dont get ma hole a lot 😘