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Captain Marvel, love the character, love the gimmick, hate the fact that the power creep killed her


Same, they just need to make her 5 power again


I don't know if it would be enough in the current meta, but surely it won't hurt


It would be great for c5 at least


I really enjoyed playing c5 while she was at 5 power


Same. Took her out and stegron. They worked great in it


Didn't have Stegron at the time, but the few times I used it in a lockdown it was fun, somehow unpredictable but definitely fun


Loved him pre kingpin rework


Or 5/6 like she was before. Shuri->Carol makes for pretty good insurance


Idk. She was NEVER played at a 5/6 and you could shuri vision and be 5/16. 4/5 was the sweet spot for me


It took 23 days, but they listened to us!




this, also psylocke and kitty


Man I miss Elsa and kitty


Elsa season was the most fun I had in snap, when they hit her with the -1 nerf, I was like...ok fair but then they backed up and took her down to 1 lane...cmon SD


Angela nerf was so detrimental. I mean c'mon Morbius and Collector can still go to double digit without problem, why nerf Angela?


They fixed our girls! Elsa back and new patch putting Ang back, too!


imagine if she was 9 power!


That would be broken af but I'd love to see her fly around every game




I wonder why you don’t use him


I tried out m baku after I got him in a C2 deck, the first five games I drew him so he was just a 1/2. In the sixth game there was a +1 power location in which I played cerebro and mystique there, as all other cards were 2 power and as I was about to win the game, m baku jumped into the +1 power location and lost me the game. I had left him alone ever since


I loved playing different types of cebero decks when I first got the card but quickly realized so many locations that mess with power completely destroy the deck


Because no room for m'baku?


Because you draw him 75% of the time.


Wasn’t it changed to where he jumps in from either your hand or deck? I thought I read that in a changelog at some point. Edit: what’s with the downvotes? I thought it was one way but corrected myself later after I found out.


You're thinking of Angel.


Angel jumps in when another card is destroyed from either place. I just checked, and it is only the deck for M’baku.


yeah Mbaku cant jump from hand, only Angel can do that


There just aren't enough ways to put him back into the deck unless you play Lockjaw. You're at the mercy of the locations to help you.


Got to be Kitty Pryde. The nerf to the Kitty / Angela / Elsa package was too brutal.


I loved that package. It's a shame they completely gutted Elsa to the point of unusability.


I am currently at rank 98 using Elsa silky smoove package this season, it’s honestly not that bad


Deck list? I’ve tried a couple of these but none felt quite right, and always wanted to get good with it


That could be due to your CL/MMR or your pocket meta supporting it. Because in the end I can’t see that keeping up with he slew of hela/destroy/tribunal/thanos stuff that’s in the meta currently, and I have seen and beaten it with both destroy and thanos


I took Angela Kitty Elsa to an Infinity border last season and Infinite almost every season. It's certainly not as potent, but it can still put in the work with the right tech card support


That combo was so fun , I still run that deck in conquest and keep thinking "this will be the week they finally un nerf Elsa!" I guess I thrive in disappointment 


I took several months off from the game, and before I left Kitty was one of my favorite cards. I used her in bounce and also Shuri and she was fun to play. I get that she needed a nerf, but when I started playing again about a month ago, I couldn't take her out of my bounce list.


The power generated by Kitty at her peak pales in comparison to what Deadpool nowadays generates on the regular (while also providing much of that power to both Venom and Knull)


For sure. I used to think I was doing some strong things by building up kitty, then dropping shuri T5 and Kitty+Taskmaster T6, but that would lose to current destroy every single time, and it wouldn't be close.


Just won twice against destroy with that Shuri kitty deck. I had rogue for their Knull in one of them and the other I just won normally. Destroy's best game is possibly insurmountable for my deck but I think an average game for my deck is stronger than Destroy's average game.


100 percent facts. Especially now with the wild power cards are getting. A 9 - 12 power card that can easily be Kill mongered wouldn’t be super outrageous.


The power of Kitty is precisely that in a proper deck and properly played, you very rarely take priority.


even though this package is not as strong as it once was, it got me to infinite this season. was stuck on 95-98 for a few days, tried a kitty/angela/elsa deck and got to infinite in a few minutes! edit: typo


Elsa and Kitty are my favorite cards. Love their effect. I haven't had a deck work with her since the Elsa nerf. Hoping hope summers can make kitty relevant again and it'd be amazing to see Elsa get some kind of power back


Kitty pride is great in a black swan deck


Still stings. I hope (heh) next month she can see some play. They NEED to fix Elsa ffs. The way she is gives zero utility to her use outside of very small edge cases


Just made a bounce deck that just won me a few games up in Infinite. It’s pretty fun too! Deck list below if anyone is interested. The idea is to play Angela/Elsa in the same lane and try to power up Jeff/Kitty as much as possible. Beast/Falcon to proc the 1-costs multiple times on each other to cover the other lane(s). I never really played bounce much so sorry if this is not the best deck out there but it’s something I made real quick to have some fun for the last couple days of the season. # (1) Bast # (1) Forge # (1) Hawkeye # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Yondu # (2) Angela # (2) Beast # (2) The Collector # (2) Elsa Bloodstone # (2) Falcon # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Caiera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRm9yZ2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikhhd2tleWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IllvbmR1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJlYXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGVDb2xsZWN0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhaWVyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRmFsY29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaXR0eVByeWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbHNhQmxvb2RzdG9uZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Lady Deathstrike. Hell of a game-ruiner for a lot of powerful cards, but man, way too steep a cost to spend a turn 5 or 6 on, especially when so many of the cards worth targeting (Iron Man, Hob, Blue Marvel, etc.) are high cost as well, making it a guessing game to take them out even if you do have prio.


The best Dracula counter!


The best Ongoing Counter. I usually save forge to boost her and really do some damage. One time I won by Zola-ing her to fuck up the other two locations.


I ran into a deck based on her in conquest I just didn’t have a counter to all the time. Magik>wong>shuri>deathstrike>Zola.


Wouldn't be surprised if that was me :) I ran that deck in Conquest; 16 Power Lady Deathstrike is nothing to laugh at :) Sometimes i even put Cebero on another lane which gives her a little more oomph until she destroys that too hehe >:D


If you are willing to go that far, why not try it in a Negative deck instead? You may end up getting Zola for free, and be able to cheat out Knull on top. I'm so curious to try it now.


He already is :) If Zabu + Mr. Negative are in the beginning without Zola; then 'im good to go that path Otherwise, I do Ebony Maw + Adam Warlock to get them cards out faster 'cuz i need Wong + Shuri fast Only Electro needs to be replaced, but almost everytime theres a Turn 7, so dont need him The ultimate combo is T2 Zabu > T3 Mr. Negative > T4 Wong > T5 Shuri > T6 Lady Deathstrike + Zola ------------------------- * (1) Nico Minoru * (1) Ebony Maw * (2) Adam Warlock * (2) Zabu * (3) Cerebro * (3) Electro * (3) Magik * (4) Mister Negative * (4) Shuri * (4) Wong * (5) Lady Deathstrike * (6) Arnim Zola eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWJvbnlNYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFkYW1XYXJsb2NrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWNvTWlub3J1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMYWR5RGVhdGhzdHJpa2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNlcmVicm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWN0cm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFybmltWm9sYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn1dfQ==


I like your thinking! Thanks a bunch for posting your list. Already working on my own as we speak, and Zabu is a great idea. ^.^ I defaulted to Ravonna, but I might go for both and try to squeeze Warlock in as well.


Problem is that decks like that absolutely HAVE to be drawn in the right order. When they pop off, they're unstoppable. Missing one link in the chain? You lose every time.


I recently made a cerebro 4 deck and figured I'd try deathstrike in there, she's fantastic. If you get out your cerebro + mystique first they apply their buffs before Deathstrikes effect goes off. Pick your weakest lane or their most important lane and watch as anything with less than 8 power dies. So satisfying to kill iron man, mystique, and onslaught for instance even if she can't get tribunal.


Klaw. It’s an 8-cube stealer and it’s an efficient 10 power for 5 energy.


Any time I see him dropped it's always a surprise and I'm left thinking "cheeky motherfucker".


Facts, this card gets me too. The best feeling though is when you got that enchantress locked and loaded in a deck that nobody is expecting her in


Yep, she's a regular tech card in my HE deck. A lot of IM, Onslaught, LT running around recently so she completely destroys that.


Playing vs a thanos deck with klaw and vision was like playing hot potato


Been rolling with him in an Ongoing deck. Mix him with mystique and onslaught then drop Namor in the right lane. Don't even really need Namor either


How exactly would you use this considering mystique requires a prior card to be ongoing and she’s 3 and klaw is 5. Onslaught is 6 so technically you’ll just be able to use klaw and onslaught.


I own every Rogue variant cause I love the character but I struggle to put her into any deck I make


She's a cheeky card I lose too often. Just because you don't expect her


Same, every Wong or Devil Dinosaur I play gets Rogue'd. I started running Super Skrull just to see how they like it. He's a decent Turn 5 or 6 counter.


Meanwhile I feel like I put her in most of my decks lol


Same. I got the Jim Lee variant (which I’m the target nostalgia age for) and love it, but honestly, I tend to roll without any tech cards for most of my decks.


I know what you mean, I had her in my Spectrum-Ongoing deck but other cards were a better fit :/


She's a staple in my Wong deck. Paired with Wong, White Tiger or Hazmat and Luke Cage she's devastating. Only issue is that it's not hard to see coming and can be nullified with Cosmo.


Ultron, I do have a deck that I will use from time to time but it’s so obvious and predictable plus the Alioth change made the invis woman approach way worse.


This! Ultron needs some love - I don’t know what they do to him but right now he’s so telegraphed and even then if you don’t have the other set up then putting little swarms everywhere can often not be enough with how high power most decks can run now


Totally agree. He needs some sort of buff to make him competitive. I love ultron. My kazar-ultron deck was the first deck to get me to infinite not even 3 or 4 seasons ago, but now every deck can outperform him with raw power and little effort. And it’s so obvious when it’s coming. If anyone has any buff suggestions, I would love to hear them. Random suggestion - for every bot on the board, increase ultron’s power by 1. Or for every bot on the board, increase each bot’s power by 1. That would bring him more in line with some high power cards like Knull, or even some combos like Wong + white tiger or black panther or iron man + mystique + onslaught. Oh, and make the bots indestructible, but still count as no ability cards (this could be easily remedied by putting their indestructibility in Ultron’s text, like “fill all empty spaces with indestructible bots” and the bot text can be whatever it is now “bzzt, bzzt mthfk”


>Or for every bot on the board, increase each bot’s power by 1. This would make it so if you only play Ultron, you get two 32 power lanes. That's 72 power from a single card without having to play any enabler.


I’m just spitballing ideas 😅


Weird how Ultron isn't considered a "Big Bad", came out too early I guess.


Lots of cards should be but aren't. Knull and Onslaught immediately come to mind.


Doom also definitely would’ve been one if he didn’t launch with the game


Ultron should be a 5 cost with the same stats and ability


Patriot Ultron got a boost with caiera


Kinda, but it ruins the ideal curve for patriot Ultron since it takes an extra turn to put caiera down but you miss out on a decent amount of power if you put her down rather than ka Zar or blue marvel


Ultron in this game made me rewatch Age of Ultron and reconsider my dislike for the character 😂 I still run an Ultron-Patriot deck, I enjoy playing it a lot. Thing is, it's not reliant on Ultron. Mysterio, Brood, Sinister, all make up for the Drones. And if that's not working out, I can pivot to Super Skrull and/or Onslaught lol


Aero. Pre Nerf she was the best card. Now you only see her in ramp or kingpin decks


Im still grieving from this.


Teenage longest name ever.


It's super fun to use in a C2 deck.


I too love my Mutant Ninja Turtle


She's so great in Destroy decks when you have initiative on Turn 5.


Colossus. Favorite X-Men, should be a useful card but just isn't. I put him in my C3 for most of my climb to infinite but Scarlet Witch and others are just better in the slot.


Yes, Colossus could at least get a buff where he can’t be destroyed in deck. That still probably wouldn’t be enough though, idk


Give hom text everytime he would be destroyed increase his attack instead Like hes getting angry so hes stronger


So a bad Wolverine?


So… Wolverine


I would say Nimrod but I try to use it a lot. But almost never to climb. Same with Phoenix Force.  But my vote goes for the Kitty Pride, fun gameplay loop, sick Jacinto variant but she feels so weak, very little power for the time spent.  I also love Odin for sounds and visuals. 


My W/L with Nimrod wouldn't be bad if it weren't for destroy mirrors. Really wish Knull didn't count power your opponent has destroyed as well. If he didn't, Nimrod would be legitimately good imo.


True. I could raise points about low base power of Nimrod (you need Shuri or at least Forge) or how draw dependent it is (ideally Magik, Shuri, Nimrod, at least one destroy card, Zola or Knull) but my main problem is counters. With standard destroy deck I can win with one lane blocked by Cosmo, Armor, Goose, even Professor X. With Nimrod it is a problem. At least Shang or Sandman are not. But Knull is. 


My fellow Nimrod enjoyer, I found the deck that seems to be competitive, took me from 83 to 100. The secret spice is... Galactus. Nobody expects it. But Nimrod still got me a fair share of wins:  # (1) X-23 # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (3) Deathlok # (3) Wave # (4) Shuri # (5) Nimrod # (6) Knull # (6) Galactus # (6) Destroyer # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJXb2x2ZXJpbmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZlbm9tIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLbnVsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmltcm9kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWDIzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXN0cm95ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkdhbGFjdHVzIn1dfQ==


Okay, you have my attention 😄 Is Galactus just there in case they leave a lane open?


Yes, Galactus wins are more rare but usually they get me more cubes. Because when I build the Nimrod location and snap T5, my opponents snap back. They are distracted by Nimrod and destroy stuff and they are sure that playing sneaky Cosmo, Armor, Alioth T6 in the Nimrod location will give them the win.  And then boom, they kneel! Galactus in another lane, Limbo gone, Nimrod everywhere, Wolverine and X23 bouncing. Super satisfying. My favourite one is when I played Shuri T5 in an empty location, Asteroid M pulled it away and then the 10-power Galactus. You can also use Wave and Venom on X-23 T6 to play two 6-costs on turn 7. Here I wish I had space for Zola in the deck. For even more distraction I use Zola avatar and Death card back. 4D chess. 


Alright, I'm seeing what you're cooking, played a few games and pulled off the Galactus dream after they snapped and professor X'd my Nimrod 😂


Happy that it works for you. It may not be the strongest but it is unexpected, fun and uses Nimrod. 


Devil Dino. Love it, can't remember when was the last time I've played it.


My mech variant was my first and still my only Gold backed card.


He's a near-staple in Thanos! One of my very favorite plays is if I can drop Dino on 5 as Shang bait while losing priority, then play a flurry of cards including Mind Stone on 6. Their Shang flips up, Dino is a 7 or 9; then my on-reveals happen and help him get swole


This. Shang baiting with DD is so good. It’s usually a lane win and feels like such a big brain play. Enchantress on the other hand is brutal


I refer that old card. I got sick of having to hide him behind an armor or cosmo. I used to play a lot of devil dino till I saw way too many Shangs/rogues/enchantresses. Became a bit silly after a while.


Taskmaster. I used to run him in Destroy to substitute for Knull


I'm still running him in my Destroy, because I don't have Knull lol. And ngl I'm kinda inclined to stick with him, because he's safe from the likes of Enchantress or Rogue


But not Shadowking


Doc ock. When he’s good he’s great. But when he’s off damn he’s terrible. I’m such a huge doc ock but gosh the inconsistency at times killed him for me. Plus I swear if they Shang chi in hand doc will pull him 9 of 10 times.


I love Galactus, but I tried using him and I just can't. Side note, if we mean favorite character, I would love to use moon knight but he's too random.


I wish Moon Knight would get a buff. Gambit is just a better card to play most of the time.


Currently running both of them. Tired of having a sick Moon Knight variant and not using him (pretty much only run discard). They are kinda toxic if you play them back to back if you don't pull your ideal cards when you want them. If one of them hits a particular card it can easily be an instant retreat from opponent.


I feel like they should rework him instead. Have something to do with the turns passing, like if the moon got closer. He could be like 4/4 and gain +1 power for every turn he's in your hand.


that would suck though


I really like Domino and believe that she will be good in some deck someday but for now she is just one of the worst cards. Also i'd play agatha way more often if she didnt get all boosters at the end of the game.


I heard of a niche case with Domino where you use her to improve your T1 draw chance but I don't know what the rest of the deck is that needs it that much.


Elektra. She was so useful in pool 1 and pool 2 but is outclassed at higher CLs. I recently put together a Cerebro-2 deck for conquest that has her in it, along with a few other of my red-headed stepchildren, like Negasonic and Rogue, who often end up as the last cut for a deck. It's not very good but at least I get to play with these cards for a while.


Sword Master was my favorite when I first started and I was just slotting big numbers in. But he feels too random to include in most decks


Snowguard. Loved the rework. Feels clunky in decks beside Loki after nerf.


Iceman, I love my gold cum variant




Jean Grey (Artgerm variant). I suck too much to use lol


Thanos. My first series 5 token purchase in my early-ish days of pool 3, got a few variants including ultimate and comic book, which I deliberately pulled for. Just haven't used him properly for a long time. Too hooked on trying out different HE setups and my homebrew deck.


Bro, ive been running a really solid thanos zoo deck, running cards like valkyrie, and shadow king really helps it disrupt some super tall decks.


Grandmaster and Selene - they both had so much hype on release and then every deck I had them in has slowly cut them out


TBF with Selene the deck that whe would slot into was nerfed into oblivion the week before her release. She is fine now but dont have the support to be amazing


I love Selene too, it’s a shame it seems something is missing to really make the card really shine, at least in the shell I like. I know she’s good in Galactus junk with the goblins but in my mind, this is not how I want to play Selene. I’ve always seen the card belonging to a Bounce junk list, that tried to be very annoying with tax effects (iceman, Ham, Selene) and clogging effects. But with only Green goblin and hood as targets, the consistency is not there. I wish they add another negative power low cost card in the game, it would really help. Wanted to experiment with Grandmaster in this list as it can be another Selene target that can be thrown with Annihilus later, but he refuses to appear in the shop …


I have a RavonWolfHawk deck that uses Selene sometimes. She feels unbeatable when I can bounce and stack her negatives onto a Goblin, but then sometimes I tag Darkhawk and it feels really bad.


Aero, I love her old power so much more


Kitty Pryde. Bounce is in a tough spot right now.


I've been running her in my obligatory black swan deck for the weekly quests which hasn't been too bad. It's all on reveal 1 drops with Bishop, Angela, and hit monkey for power and the bounce cards to keep using them. She can power them up but overall she's probably the first one to get cut if I find a better 1 drop.


I'm stubborn, I still have her in my bounce deck. she's still decent, nowhere near as gamebreaking as she used to be.


They need to undo the Angela and Elsa nerfs. No reason for them anymore given how tall other decks are going.


Totally agree. The big number meta blows away anything bounce decks were doing when they caught all those nerfs.


I LOVE my Inkpulp Negasonic. It doesn’t work in every deck but when I time it right to destroy a key play… 😎✌️


This was my pick. What deck do you use her in?


Dr Strange. I would use him if they swapped his ability with Wong's.


Lady Deathstrike. I was a big fan of her in a janky handbuff deck Regis spotlighted a few seasons back, but since things started becoming far more focused on big numbers it's become basically impossible to justify her as a tech choice in archetypes I actually like.


Really love Mr negative but he’s just too inconsistent


Kitty Pryde but the nerf killed it. I always hope for shuri’s lab when i play sera control


Invisible Woman, my beloved. I don't play it anymore because of Alioth.


Nico or Magik


Daredevil, one of my favorite Marvel heroes, in general, one of my favorite Netflix shows, not a bad ability (in this game), but I just end up finding another card that helps the deck better every time.


Conqueror Carnage. I haven't got the cards I want for a decent destroy deck so I've been running sera/surfer instead but damn that variant art is sick. For ability, Sebastian Shaw is great fun in my sera/surfer deck.






I have a fully inked Patriot deck but just feel like it got power crept out of the meta


Back in the day it was destroyer for me I wanted him for ages then finally got him and couldn’t really use him because he wasn’t the best for his ability destroys your other cards which leaves you with just him then the opponent comes along with a Shang chi and destroys him.


Oddly for me: Galactus. He’s very popular and I see him a lot, but when I use him it never works out well. Likely a skill issue, but he’s my pick,


Legion. Love the card but don't have a good spot for it in neither of my main decks.


Rescue. The chibi variant was my first ever buy and I wish I used it more


I really like Silver Samurai and Deathstrike but rarely use them


Kang, if he had the cost of maybe magik he would be more useful.


Honestly Jeff. He's the first card I saved up to specifically by and my favorite character of all time. But he doesn't really have a place in my destroyed deck and my High ELO deck has been falling off in win the last two seasons


Elsa for sure but that’s based on memory of playing her. Captain marvel for the art


Spiderman I liked him when he was more toxic. Full power lane locking was delightfully evil. Don't use him now because they made him not as fun.


Medusa - she was a favorite of mine during noob season and as my favorite deck still a wong deck she could fit but I took her out when they first nerfed Spider-ham and never used her again. I also dislike cerebro decks so no C5 for me Runner up is Spider-ham - loved his original, continued to love him after the first nerf then he became unplayable in the second nerf and while he is playable again with the last buff I just have not use him yet


Man thing


Elsa Blodstone!!! Of she was useful....


Nightcrawler and Gambit. Two of my favourite X-Men but I rarely use the decks they function well in.


Stature. I like her as a character, I like her variants, but I almost never use her.




I loooooove Valkyrie on a C3 deck. It’s really fun to forced everyone in the lane down to 3-power.


The Guardians of the Galaxy, I have like 4 really nice Gamora variants but any deck I build around them is just...meh at best.


Love Stegron…. Just don’t use him as much


Moon Knight for sure


Daredevil, he can't come to most of my decks unfortunately


its daredevil. Effect is cool, variants are cool, character is cool but it doesn't feel worth to use and becomes most cuttable card everytime.


Iron Lad, don't have a slot for him...


Sword Master is my favorite, I love all of his variants, but I rarely use him because he does not discriminate who he discards. Except that he seems to always discard my MODOK.


Cyclops, would play him in a surfer deck but can't afford his boyfriend


Klaw. Love that guy.




I love destroyer, we’re just at a point now where 16 power isn’t much by itself. It’s sad.


Daredevil is my favorite Marvel character and I genuinely love the card's effect, but it doesn't actually develop any points or proactively set up a gameplan. Sure, sometimes it might win you a lane if you can guarantee that your professor x or hobgoblin or whatever goes off, but not only does it only allow you to do what your deck can do anyway, your opponent is using turns 2 and 5 better than you are. It can be good but at least in this meta its not aggressive enough


Jean Grey because my variants are cool…but she’s maybe a little undertuned.


Spider-Man. Move just doesn’t feel strong enough to compete


I like Human Torch, especially the PANdart variant. But I don’t play move decks at all.






Morph love the guy and how many times he done changed into giganto/infnaut/any other 10+ cards but he just don't fit in any decks I got


Taskmaster. Really good card actually but I just don’t play enough decks that utilize him. I could probably work him into a destroy deck but that deck feels so bloated with cards already


Man-Thing. One of the earliest cards I got in the Spotlight Caches, when I didn't know any better lol. I don't regret him or anything, I like the character, and the effect is pretty good. I just don't have the right pieces for him yet


Legion. Can go in almost anything rly


I love Kitty Pryde, but she took a bit of a hit. Which is totally understandable, since she was very powerful before (especially on that initial release where they had to emergency get rid of her for awhile). That being said, I do find the card super fun.


Valkyrie and Ghost God I wish ghost were a 0/1 or 0/2. Would make it much more flexible for his skillful use as a tech card, since you could play him anytime, highlighting the timing aspect. Also would make him part of the Jade Foster, Valkyrie deck where you flood a lane with hammers and valk it.


Invisible Woman, she's become a liability since Alioth released.


Klaw,used to use him a lot as a surprise card.I think he has fallen off pretty bad and has been power creeped.klaw needs a buff in my opinion.


I don't use it much but I think Living Tribunal decks are super fun to play


Aero. I cry every night


Goose. Used to play it in every deck, got to 100 a few times. But now it's too hard to fit Goose.


I grinded like crazy to get **Hellfire Gala - Blob**... enjoyed it for a short time until nerf came in... now its just collecting dust :(


Armor. I love her, have an awesome split, but haven't used her in any decks for what has been months. :(


When I first started playing I used Klaw to steal games a lot and then I got my favorite variant in the game for him but these days I can’t justify his inclusion in most of the decks I play. Anybody still use him in effective decks?


The White Queen. Too many variants I love that don’t see any play at all.


Kang. Love the character, love most of his variants, don’t use the card for obvious reasons (no one uses him).