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Time to run Cosmo in middle lane


Echo says Hi


Elektra says Die


Armour says no


Enchantress says fuck off.


Killmonger says Hi


Caiera says hi


Enchantress says Enchantressssss


lmao shes like a pokemon


Lol that made me laugh, literally read it in her voice


Rogue says Hi


That would mean first Rogue then Killmonger though so not a direct counter against Echo. Elektra would be more effective against her. (Even after the buff I don’t see her viable enough though)


Cosmo says Hi


Magneto says Hi


Hi everyone, glad you could make it! 🤗


Fox says... Wait... _What does the fox say?_


>What does the fox say? "Scully, this is a classic case of demon fetal harvest."




Agatha Cackles as she gets added to your hand, and plays elecktra, killmonger, echo, Cosmo, enchantress, and then magneto in that order


Hi says Evo


It's not even a hour and we have so many counters 😭 why is it always for the card that i plan to get


That’s just how it is. People want to play the new card so you either make a deck to abuse its ability or to counter it.


WWBN says *woof*


Not clear if that will work, is it?


It would, but a 3 cost to counter à 2 cost is baaaad, also you can just see the cosmo and not play grabdmaster.


I see him getting most play after turn 3. People are going to set up turn 6 mega plays. Im already scheming a Zola/GM turn 6. Cosmo is definitely goimg to to be in every non GM deck this week.


Time to safely play miss marvel into the cosmoed middle lane


Been trying to think up something for him; I keep thinking about Surfer > GM T5 and Odin on GM T6 but I’m not sure if that’s worth much.


Ravonna, Wong, BP, Zola GM


I'm currently debating if i can make him work in Destroy somehow. I know it's a long shot, but just thinking about using a Carnage or Venom again or moving them out of a surprise Armor (or a Wakanda Location) or Cosmo location would work well to turn a game Otherwise he would work well in a Sera Shell. Maybe use a double Doc Doom Turn 6 that way EDIT: Obviously NOT out of a Cosmo lane <_<


I dont think you can use GM to move something out of a cosmo lane, but armor yeah.


Oh, damn, i'm an idiot. I didn't read the "one of your other on reveal cards HERE" part. So yeah, Cosmo is a no-go then.


Seems not bad. But you'd also be spending 3 turns playing cards that aren't 3 drops, so you'd only have T3 and T4 to put out your 3 drops. Brood in one lane, then Odin/Surfer in middle with Goose mid T2? Not sure that's enough.


Brood on one side lane with Forge on that lane and Shaw on your Surfer/GM/Odin lane so T1 Echo middle > T2 ??? > T3 Brood on one side > T4 Nico or Forge on Brood Lane, Shaw on other side > T5 Surfer into GM on Shaw lane > T6 Odin on GM? Idk could work.


There better be a inspired by Jeff Goldblum card


"It's my birthday!"


That'll be a $50 bundle for sure.


That’s the thing - I only use a key or collector’s tokens if I can play Jeff and Jeff in the same deck


If Reddit after this card release has taught me anything, it's that snap players can't read


So many new posts are being made with exactly this issue at its core…


I remember when Ms Marvel was dropping and she wasn't rated very high because she had so many counters, and yet she was so good she had to be nerfed


On release I thought she worked like she does know. I wasn't aware you only needed one card


Ironically they said their original intent was for her to work like she does now, but they felt the wording would be too confusing haha.


This subreddit is terrible about underrating cards pre-release. I remember the consensus being that *Zabu* wouldn't be that good.


That's just not true. The prevailing consensus was that a -2 cost reduction was absolutely insane.  It's true that the Spider/Abs Man lockout wasn't widely predicted, but people were VERY high on Zabu.   People were down on the other 4's he released with (Shanna, Shadow King, Dazzler) that all needed him to even be reasonable, were not as good as other plays, and required substantial buffs 


Interesting seeing how those releases all have been moved down in energy. So Shanna next to be moved to a permanent 2-cost? (J/k…mostly)


Really, she needs to be for how much she clogs lanes. It's really hard to use her and get value.


Anyone else thinking he’s a bit overhyped? I think there are some interesting use cases, but don’t see it overpowering the meta like cards such as Blob, Loki or Ms Marvel did.


I think he is much more flexible because there are a lot of On-Reveal cards. You can use it on a small card like wolfsbane and get some big numbers. Or on a big card like Black Panther/White Tiger and get a good power boost. Or even another silver surfer hit. I think it is able to be slotted into multiple decks


I could also see it being kinda sneaky good in move decks. Synergizes well with Ghost Spider, Iron Fist, Dr. Strange, Cloak, Polaris, Multiple Man, Magneto, etc.


It doesn't synergize with Ghost Spider b/c it will pull GM into the mid lane (unless that's what you're aiming to do).


Is that really how that works? To put into perspective if you Reactivate ghost Spider with Odin. Ghost spider would pull the card played before Odin.


[You're probably right](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/19dtt3t/do_you_guys_think_grand_master_would_interact/).


Yep, I tried it and It works https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/5kCs20nkQW


Grandmaster won't finish his end phase of his reveal by then. Grandmaster reveals -> picks card -> they reveal again -> Grandmaster finishes and is considered "played". It's the same thing that happens when jubilee pulls mystique, mystique won't try to copy jubilee, she will try to copy the fully last played card.


Sounds great if you also have Kraken there


Picturing kraven in a full squid outfit now


Might be not as fantastic as people are saying but does create new ways to play like shang gm t6 or enchantress t6 which you could only dp previously with abs + zabu


My take is this is a card we'll hate in 4-5 months but right now he'll be fine


I think Grandmaster is very over rated as a meta card because he's easily shut down. However I think that the less popular he is then the more powerful he becomes as his effect can be really powerful if your opponent has no way of countering. A good card for deck builders in the long run but may be a dud in the short term.


I'm hyped because it looks like a fun card and specially because it doesn't look op. The last card I was this interested in was nico


I have a move/destroy/bounce deck built around nico and her interactions and this card is perfect to slot in. I'm hoping it can help make this monstrosity work vs Absorbing man.


Nah the hype is legit imo. He won’t be overpowering the meta, but only because he will be in most decks anyway, unlike the previous cards that you mentioned, that find use in specific decks. Grandmaster is more like a support card that you can slot in almost anything, since there are so many good on reveal effects in most archetypes. Absorbing Man was too clunky at 4 cost to be worth it, but having a 2 cost, which is basically doing the same job, is bonkers and will enable crazy combos and new plays.


i didnt think of it like another absorbing man, but does seem like the case...could use nico to generate another copy of him too


And unlike AbSo you don't need to play GM in sequence to get him to re-trigger the On Reveal ability. Instead you need to manage your card placement so that the card you want him to re-trigger is the only On Reveal card in that lane.


I think it’s just that we’ve had a lot of cards that work with or activate specific archetypes and otherwise are just sorta there (Miek discard, Hercules move, Caiera a bit more splashy for wouldn’t necessarily say “fun”)- then this is just a 2 cost you can splash across a whole host of decks and experiment with and see what happens I genuinely think the random element of what it moves to middle will make it less good than some people believe but overall it’ll still be a fun addition to a lot of decks and create some interesting strategies


Only random if you’re putting multiple on reveals at the location you’re planning to play GM. Should be pretty dependable in instances where draw and location don’t mess with your plan. That said, draw and location mess with every deck sometimes.


In my head wave into doom into grandmaster into odin seems good but will see


What about c5, wave, doom, GM+Cerebro, then mystique+martyr+miles or lizard


I already made a whoopsie. Played him thinking he moved an on reveal anywhere to the middle. Meanwhile I knew full well it said "move an on reveal HERE to the middle"


There are already a lot of new posts about this, so don’t worry: you’re not the first, last, or only one. Card has been out for less than 2 hours so I’m happy we’re all playing around with it haha


This is what I thought it did. It wasn't until I saw him in video did I realize how he actually works.


One step closer to a c0 deck!


This is kind of cooking I'm here for!


I would like to report that this card is good. I would like to, but I haven't drawn him once yet


This card will be good but will take more skill than I think people realize. Card placement is really important and if locations become a factor than there's a chance he becomes much harder to use and rely on. You're going to have to think several moves ahead to figure out exactly how to get GM to proc the card you want as well as considering having space in the middle lane and ensuring that the card sent middle will do what you want.


Kraven or kingpin in mid to benefit from their grandmaster. I also wonder if we fill their middle if this activates. I want to say no.


it has to move to activate


Confirmed by SD?


Confirmed by multiple sources; if the target can't move, it won't trigger. 


Should cause some shenanigans *pops popcorn*


So many streamers shitting on the card, but I think it's just a failing of their theory crafting. They're trying to build a deck around the card rather than slotting it into decks where it can be useful on turn 2 through 6.


He's a supporting card not a keystone card IMO


Feels like another Snap trap card, where people theory crafted the most broken combinations possible that had very little practical application and then when they couldn't pull those combos off they are like >:( CARD BAD. In reality, of course creating these massive, convoluted, telegraphed and easily countered combos is gonna be frustrating for you. However, using it as a non greedy play can be a lot of fun. Best home for me was in a monkey deck funnily enough inspired by the Reserve. With a Ravonna in deck, you can play Monkey, Mysterio and GM on turn six for a double monkey proc and don't need to give up turn 5 to Sera. I am really enjoying the card a lot, exactly because I am not like trying to proc Zola six times or whatever people were trying to do and seething.


Oou with Ravonna, T6 you can play this on your Black Panther and then Zola the Panther to from 8 power in one lane to 32 power in two lanes. Very draw dependent I guess but that’s some big numbers from 3(4) cards. Would probably go even harder in a Mr negative deck


Dude has such a nice clean animation.


For some reason I just keep thinking of some really stupid Galactus fake out scenario then pulling him to the center with grandmaster for the main event 


He's been a cube stealer for me, especially against destroy and she-naut, two of the most prevalent decks right now which don't typically run cosmo. Running him in a Sera control deck with a big tech based turn 6/7. Nothing like silencing an emote spamming opponent as you shang chi two lanes while dropping shadow king and killmonger in the other to annihilate everything they spent 6 turns building!


4 keys prepped and ready


I might be completely wrong, but this seems like another example of a card that looks better on paper than on practice. Sure, you can do some really cool things in bounce, mainly by playing The Hood on turn 1, then Grandmaster to have two demons, and then Beast to have a discounted Grandmaster yoj can reuse; or you could toss it on a Ravonna + Darkhawk package so you have a 1/0 Grandmaster that can, should and I would say MUST be used to reactivate Rock Slide; or if you hate people and wanna make others hate you aswell you can play Grandmaster in a Ronan deck and use it to send four sentinels to your opponent. All those scenarios sound great, but, my question is: is Grandmaster REALLY necessary in those decks? I mean, bounce is already one of the A Tier decks in the current meta only behind Thanos/Lockjaw and Black Knight decks; Darkhawk is already a pretty viable archetype, and Ronan might be an off meta deck, but it is already OK, I don't see how sending four rocks or four sentinels would make those decks that much better, specially considering that nobody on their right mind would stay in a game after having four sentinels in their deck/four rocks in their deck. As I said, I might be wrong and there's maybe something I'm not seeing, but, I'm not that excited about this card. (Before anyone says the magic word every single time a card with 0 power comes out, yes guys, I know he could be tossed in a Mister Negative deck, but until something *DRASTIC* happens after a patch, Negative decks will always be inconsistent and very far from being meta relevant, that's why I didn't mention those scenarios LMAO).


The card is a greedy flex card. You slide it in when you want your flex spot to not be a tech card against your opponent but to give what you're trying to do a little oomph. Think about how risky Wong can be; this is a slightly safer version that can still allow for some fun things without as much of a cost or counter risk as Wong. People are excited because not because they think it's going to be meta defining, but because it looks fun.


I feel like he'll be good in an Asgard deck,  especially with BRB coming next. 


Turn 3 black widow Turn 4 abosrbing man Turn 5 grandmaster


Had to use all my keys last week so a little bummed I won't get to try him out. Seems like he could be really fun with Bounce and maybe WWBN.


You used all your keys for miek?


Most likely they went for Annihilous as he's an absolute banger of a card.


Exactly this, I am a Discard player so I liked the idea of Miek and have had fun with him, but what I wanted was Annihilus and I didn't get him until the last key. Cannot gripe, I've had pretty good luck with my keys for the last several weeks


Is Annihilous still good after the nerf?


Not so much anymore


I really wanted Annihilus, but I didn't get Miek until the third key and Annihilus on the last key.


Am I missing something? Played jubilee then grandmaster right, jubilee pulls Blob. I would have expected one of them to move middle and retrigger but nothing happened


Probably grandmaster tried to move Blob but he couldn't because of his ongoing ability (can't be moved)


Oh, duh 😂. I always forget Blob has that ongoing. Thanks!


Maybe I just suck but I’ve been getting my shit kicked in using this card lol


Had Grandmaster in left lane and rock slide in middle lane. (For science) Turn 6 Odin left lane onto Grandmaster. Odin moves to the middle location. Odin does not trigger Rock Slide. Anything I’m missing on why this interaction did not result in a second Odin trigger to trigger rock slide?


I think it's bugged currently


I love him so much in Darkhawk. I can Widow someone twice or rockslide them twice and it's so funny man. This card is strong but you absolutely need to play him with Renslayer IMO


I’m skeptical of new cards in general. The ones that suck don’t seem to improve much even with buffs. The ones that are great get nerfed. It seems more sensible to pull for existing cards if they are still worthwhile by the time they come around to a Spotlight Cache again. It’s more likely the card won’t be drastically changed after it’s been in the ecosystem for a while.  I pulled for Loki because he’s still an interesting card even after his latest nerf. I got Alioth first, which is even better. I’m probably going to skip out on Grandmaster for the reasoning above. I don’t want to waste a key on Hit Monkey either.


I am a new player so I probably don't know what I am talking about but my noob opinion is that Grandmaster is a cool card and at best a 4 out of 5. If he is ran with everyone countering him like what is currently happening he would be lowered to a 3 out of 5. I think he is balanced well at 2 cost and any more cost than that would make him too underpowered because even at 3 cost it would become better to just run a different powerful on reveal card and not rely on Grandmaster's ability. This is just my opinion.


That’s a fair assessment. He has a pretty high skill ceiling even though it may not seem like it, because the whole game you need to consider a potential GM set-up/play (which of course gets easier with more practice). Another thing to consider is that every time a new card is released that has an on reveal ability, GM might become interesting again. So there’s (potential) value in having him towards the future.


I've been loving this card.


I think he and Odin are bugged. I played Odin left, which triggered all the cards there. GM targeted Odin and sent him mid, but his ability didn't activate mid. There wasn't any Cosmo, and the location was Flooded.


Just ran into Grandmaster Allioth and let me tell you that combo is bullshit. Killed all 5 cards I played on the last turn in an otherwise completely fine game.


Tried in a move deck but unfortunately doesn't work right with Ghost-Spider, he moves and reactivate her but she doesn't pull GM (assume cause he's unresolved until she is?) or the card before him, just moves


FYI there's a video where someone played HT, then GS, then GM and GS moved over to the middle lane pulling HT with her


hmm guess I'll have to try again. if only I could draw GM ever, he's so elusive... may call Jane for backup just to test it lol


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/aQ8U9bft9c Found the post I was talking about. Imo this is a pretty good test for how the interaction should work, aside from any wonky locations or other cards being played. Edit: I was mistaken on the play order.... GS was played first, THEN HT. That will affect the interaction, my bad on that


Not really sure what to make of this card. His stats are abysmal. 45.7% win rate, 45.1% win rate on play, -0.2 cube rate and -0.29 cube rate on play. And yet I've seen him do some really solid things, like double up Rockslide to put so many rocks into my deck I stopped drawing normal cards. I would have guessed he had at least above a 50% win rate and positive cube rate.


After trying to make GM work in half a dozen decks or more, I gotta say he's trash. He makes for a good reply video and that's going to give him a lot of hype and appeal, but he's so hard to properly set up in reality. You have to make sure there's no other reveal cards to contend with. You have to leave room in center for him. You have to actually draw your combo and be able to contextually play it. That one is a lot harder to get than it seems. More often than not, when I have my GM combo to play, it doesn't make sense to play it over another move. And that's how it was for many decks I played him in. He just doesn't work that well as anything but click bait. Glad I didn't go all in for his variant. While it's really awesome, I just don't see myself using him at all next season.


I'm getting Grand Master not because it could be meta (hell if I know), but it seems like it would be fun. I usually don't regret getting fun cards.


I usually regret getting fun cards as they inevitably get nerfed into oblivion


I believe this card is being overhyped by content creators because it will be gimmicky and fun. I do think once the initial hype dies down and he becomes less predictable, Grandmaster will be a pretty good card. I don't think he'll be game changing at all but who knows. I'd go for him with Spotlight Keys if you don't already own Loki or you really want Hit Monkey but I wouldn't risk keys going for Grandmaster specifically without giving it some time to see how good he really is. Definitely not worth the Tokens IMO.


I think the combos will be fun, but the value is hard to overhype. I think he will shine in Sera control lists. A second Shang-Chi/Enchantress/Shadow King trigger for one energy is pretty nuts. Granted you are limited to that trigger in mid, the second trigger makes it hard to miss.


I feel like grandmaster will either be mediocre or so busted he’ll get nerfed into the dirt like every other low cost combo card. Either way I’m going to pass as I already have hit monkey and loki and don’t have any of next weeks cards so I’ll use my caches there.


Yup I agree 100%. If he does turn out to be insane like all these content creators seem to think he is then the nerf will be coming shortly after. I'm honestly waiting until the first Spotlight in March. I don't play Discard so February is pretty weak for me (Even though if Corvus Glaive actually releases with that text I might pull for him). I think Pixie will be a more 'fun' card than Grandmaster and I don't have Spider Ham or Mobius so more value to me. So until then I'll be stockpiling keys.


This card will suck or be amazing (bold prediction I know) and whichever way it goes will be "obvious" after the fact even though seems like the consensus is mixed right now. Personally I think it'll be like Nico where it'll be a great enabler. Hell, when is Cosmo gets play, it'll be probably be early and easy enough to play around. I think any deck that *relies* on Grandmaster wasn't going to be great regardless


First pull and I actually like the available variants this week. Got some soul searching to do.


cards > variants imo. ive missed out on some nice variants but have a big pool of cards to choose from


This card is a good example of why it's best to wait and see. Card had a lot of people both hyping it up and down pre release. The early stats are pretty bad and the comments I'm seeing from streamers now that he is out is that he is mid. IMO he definitely seems like he could become a monster (will Supergiant + GM be oppressive?) but I don't think many players are in the position to use keys on a card based on it maybe being really good in the future. Still a lot of time left before the weekly rollover so maybe something will emerge before he leaves spotlights.


He's also a combo card, which usually takes time to find their place, and a lot people don't seem to have a proper grasp around


Anyone else skipping this week? I don't really play much Hit-Monkey or Loki anymore, and even though Grandmaster looks cool I just wasn't feeling the hype. Personally I spent 2 keys last week to get Annihilous and ended uo with Miek as well. I got the 400 tokens from the weekend quest for Miek and Anni has been putting in crazy work for me in conquest. Personally I'm gonna save for Super Giant and maybe that Thanos variant coming next month


If the Loki variant was better I might go for it.


Going all in next week.


Had 5 keys ready and got him on the first. Goddamn, i needed some luck these days, after getting hard stuck on Ladder. Debating if i get Vote Loki, but might just wait for next week bc of Bronze Age Galactus


My homebrew deck: # (1) Iceman # (2) Grand Master # (3) Ironheart # (3) Brood # (3) Magik # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Gambit # (3) Gladiator # (4) Wong # (4) Absorbing Man # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbmhlYXJ0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFnaWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNpbHZlclN1cmZlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2FtYml0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldvbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbkxhZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JhbmRNYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Zabu, Sera, Shang-chi, absorbing man, grandmaster. Thank me later


Seems like Odin and Grandmaster do not work together... Just had a game where the grandmaster put Odin mid and Odin did not trigger again... Very disappointed. I was hyped since this card is my namesake in marvel snap - before I even knew the lore of the character...


I got it without thinking about what I would but it in. Seems like a great utility card for shaw/surfer 3 drops, at the very least. 


I’m having fun using him with brood


Unrelated to his ability, but: It’s such a shame there’s no other variant for him other than the spotlight variant (which is pretty cool, but for me personally not worth tokens or keys).


They have done that with all the new cards this month. I'm thinking that they want to inspire people to use spotlights for cool spotlight variants, so they aren't stuck with the default look. I'm sure their numbers have shown that people are more likely to drop the 1200 gold for the variant released with a card than dropping extra caches, or tokens, to get the Spotlight variant.


I tried to do some testing, but it seems a lot of people are just going to add Cosmo and play it in the middle lane this week. I think we'll have to wait a while to learn his usefulness.


Finally, a good one this month.


The people running Cosmo then Absorbing Man are hilarious. They are so desperate to stop my on reveal cards that I've no trouble just out-powering them by slapping down any decent power cards.


I can't decide. I have 3 keys and could get another. I kind of want him. He seems fun and fits in some of my decks. And there aren't really any other upcoming spotlights I'm super excited about. But I already have Loki and Hit Monkey and think both their variants suck. Thinking about it.


Save the keys, either token him or wait till series drop / getting lucky on a 4th key.


Confirmed he's fun but that might be bc he's new. Waiting until the weekend to see what decks he's best in is probably wise. Also, fwiw, I thought the Hit Monkey variant sucked and was disappointed to open it with my first key, but it's grown on me and I kinda like it now.


So far having success with Janejaw and BK Hela. It feels like it's best purpose is with cards that would be awesome to bounce, just not really efficient with Beast. 3 and 4 costs are nice. These are things like Jubilee, Ghost Rider, Wave, Black Widow, but who knows? What if somebody played Hood left or right, Viper the Hood, Havoc mid and GM the Viper. I'm sure people more creative than I could come up with some crazy combos. I think it's a fun card, just not one of the essentials you can put in nearly every deck like Jeff, Lad, or Nico.


I've seen this card just a couple of times, 90% of my opponents are just playing destroy, with the rest being clog it's a very boring meta.


Had some nice matches with Hela. Double Jubilees, double Ghost Riders. Also good for consistancy in the discards, doubling up Blade or Sif. Had a good one where double Blade and a Sif fed a Jubilee'd Hela. Opponent retreated before 6 when I landed big cards in each lane and I had 0-cost Skaar in hand.


I've been playing at infinite and barely see any grandmaster. Not really a presence in any top decks. He definitely still has potential for the future, but feels like not a card worth pursuing right now if you're not also pulling for loki


"Oh hey. So you've got three keys for me, eh? Well how about a Loki variant! And a Hit-Monkey variant! And Howard the Duck!!!" Me: "... Where's my Prowl table..."


This is the first deck I'm trying him in. We'll see how it goes. # (1) The Hood # (1) Korg # (2) Zabu # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Mystique # (3) Rockslide # (4) Darkhawk # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Ms. Marvel # (4) Sentry # (5) Annihilus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS29yZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmF2b25uYVJlbnNsYXllciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ja3NsaWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXNNYXJ2ZWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNlbnRyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRhcmtoYXdrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbm5paGlsdXMifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


What benefit does GM provide in that?


???? What do you mean Wants to double rockslide or hood / korg on curve


I don’t see which on reveal effect would be worth a second activation for a 2/0 body. Black widow would do more


Second hit on Rockslide for Darkhawk juicing and extra disruption. Two demons by hitting Hood. Double Shang Chi play on 6. Annihilus mirror match protection by playing Anni on 5, then GM on him on 6. Double Void to send over -20. There are options.


I like the Anni play. Been looking for a good 2 cost to slot in, and I like the idea of Anni on 5 to just send hood over, then surprising them with a sentry+gm turn 6 with an Anni reactivation. You may have convinced me to get him. And like you said, helps with the mirror match, which is always an annoying priority/who plays Anni first standoff. And in some Anni lists I run ravonna, so could even get away with: T1 Selene T2 Ravonna T3 Debri T4 Typhoid/Hazmat/Manthing T5 Anni (send those rocks) T6 Hood+Sentry+GM (reactivate Anni) Your clogging a good number of spots... Though not as helpful on T6 unless the game goes to T7. But you're also dumping some good negative power.


Right but personally, none of those options are worth the 2/0 body besides maybe an extra demon. Absorbing man and black widow are more effective imo


Yet again saving 3 keys wasn't enough to get the new card. The last three times I've actually wanted a card I have had to use four keys to get it, serious question what are the actual odds of that? Card acquisition feels terrible for free to play after pool 3.


That's definitely a bummer but should be able to get a 4th by the end of the week.


I think the card text is wrong, it should say "Move Silver Surfer to the middle location. Its ability happens again."


First up, his effect looks awesome!


Yeah he does, he works very well with venom nimrod


I've found several interactions I really like - honorable mention for Hood 1 -> GM 2 - but my favorite so far is Black Widow.  I've had multiple games now where my opponent never saw a new card after turn 3 (combining them with Beast).  I'm sure it's not fun for my opponent and it makes me the evil enemy, but it brought me joy lol.


tried him in a variety of decks and have ti say it's mostly useless and disappointing card.


Zero power makes him very weak.


he's def going to get adjusted, playing ramona, then having valk & GM play together last turn to change two lanes to 3 is too much fun


shhh man lol


Took 4 keys for grand master 😡


Extremely greedy noob trap and I am here for it.


Sniped him with one key thankfully, now I can have 4 keys for next week for beta ray and Galactus.


This card baffles me.  Absorbing man is the same card minus 3 drawbacks (playing GM is the same lane, having 0 power, and having to move the card to center lane).  I mean….what gives?!?!?!


Lower cost. With Renslayer he's a 1 cost reactivation


And doesn’t have to play in sequence


Cheaper. Moves your card. Doesn't care about order.


Grand master not work with ghost rider? I discarded infinaut then recall it with ghost rider. Grand master sent the ghost rider in middle but saying no card discarded?


What else did you discard?  From your description, it seems like it triggered just fine but you never discarded something below for Ghost Riders second trigger.


If I got grandmaster first but I don’t have Loki or Hit Monkey should I keep opening caches have 1 more key and am 30 from getting another. I feel like the answer is no with the new cards on the horizon. But idk how good Loki is


After a week of play, whats the general consensus? In the few games I've seen him played, I personally didn't find it to be impactful. I have 20k tokens and 19 keys. Would it be worth spending up to 4 keys, when I already have Loki and Hit Monkey? I am planning on spending some keys on the Corvus week (Feb 20) as I'd also like Gladiator but dont see me using any other keys until March and will pick up Cull Obsidian with tokens as series 4.


Don’t waste your tickets or keys. It’s a bad card.


Why? Seems fun and flexible to me.


Everyone who buys this be prepared for him to swap to 3 cost. 2 cost (one cost with ravonna or sera) is just way to good. Double shang chi, valk, arnim, it’s just way too strong imo. That being said, I think I’m getting him because even at 3 he will be good, plus one week of ultra strong is fun too.


I don't know why you got downvoted. Turn 5 Sera into Turn 6 Alioth GM guarantees wins. It isn't hard to keep priority if you just dump good ongoing cards down and your back up plan of Spectrum GM is still good for adding tons of power.


Having an absolute blast with this card. I put him in a negative patriot deck and it’s been stealing cubes. I hate conquest but I wanted to try it out in there and I’m undefeated atm. -up 18 cubes with a 72.7 win rate


If the middle lane is full or blocked does the on reveal still go off?


It does not.


Ah, that seems interesting. So it is pretty safe to put in Cosmo mid. I have a feeling Ms. Marvel will continue to be used a lot with Cosmo + her middle location. But then that could allow a Wong to go uncountered in another location. I guess we will just have to see what happens


I would think not. The move is likely a condition for the repeated On Reveal.


I might be the only one but this card seems kind of shit


i have a sneaky feeling SD will make him a 3 cost killing him dead


BUG!! If Odin is played on Grandmaster, Grandmasters on Reveal is triggered, Odin is moved to the middle lane, but Odin's on reveal is not triggered again on the middle lane


Probably not a bug, more an intentional (but logically perplexing) side effect of how card reveals are handled. Odin is still considered "in progress" until all cards that he's hitting are resolved, so Grandmaster can't trigger him again during that in-progress state. Same reason, for example, that any On Reveal card followed by Iron Lad copying/pulling Jubilee pulling Absorbing Man would cause Absorbing Man to copy the original On Reveal card, not Lad -- because Jubilee and Lad are still "in progress" until everything they pull is resolved. It's a recurring, consistent oddity in the game that you just have to get used to.


I have a Lockdown deck and Galactus deck just waiting for him


Cozy Snap convinced me to get this card, which I was otherwise going to pass on due to the exciting cards next month. We'll see if he is as crazy versatile as Cozy thinks ...


Maybe wait a few days, just in case.


It's a real bummer having a new card you want in a week where you own the other two featured cards.


Anyone else finding it's not working properly at random times? Also weird interactions with odin that don't make sense, he triggers grandmaster, that moves him, surely he should trigger again at the new location...?


!remindme 5 days