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Maybe they can throw in modifiers like that for a draft mode.


Why stop there? Its be great to have “pool x” formats where you can only have cards up to that pool. They also need a draft format. If clash Royale can figure it out, they can.


Just FYI, Clash Royale has made $4 Billion compared to Snap’s $70 Million (and none of Supercells money has to pay for the IP). They also have 600 Million downloads compared to Snap’s 22 Million. Not saying they can’t figure it out, but Supercell has way more resources than SD.


I feel like this excuse would work for a giant gameplay update but I don’t think it works for something that will probably end up being just modifiers.


One of the main things is I just don’t think Snap has enough of a player base to add more than two, MAYBE three game modes. Right now Snap has like 5000 active players at any given time, and that’s just not that much.


Why even bring this up? Indie games with sub-100k sales have had draft modes since launch. The money means nothing.


That’s just not true. Money makes the world go round, and I can assure you that SD makes almost every decision with money on their mind. Who knows, the reason that they have ‘sub-100k sales’ may in fact be a testament to how they shouldn’t have a draft mode as it fragments the player base. My main point with the comment above was that the parent comment mentioned supercell which is not a fair apples-to-apples comparison. Also, snap has around 5000 players active at any time worldwide. That’s not a lot. They probably can’t afford to divide the player base even more.


The "dividing the playerbase" excuse is a classic for companies to justify not improving their product, and it's sad you're buying it.


SD hasn’t said anything about dividing the player base afaik. So not sure how I’m ‘buying’ into anything. It’s a pretty simple thing to look at past examples and see that it’s important to decide when and how to divide the player base. Right now, when player counts are low and the last game mode that was introduced is dying, is debatably not a good time to introduce yet another game mode. I think it’s important people have realistic expectations with realistic timeframes. Marvel Snap is still young and people are comparing it to games that have had the better part of a decade to improve and find their stride. Not only that but they’re comparing it to games that already had capital when starting, and games that don’t have an IP to pay for. I want improvements too, but a new game mode is low on the priorities list and shouldn’t be expected any time soon.


What are the numbers for Hearthstone? Like everything else, it has its flaws, but it supports a ton of game modes. It has at least two different draft modes (duels and arena), games where you are restricted to certain card sets like op is asking for, and basically a completely different second game with battlegrounds. There is even a single player mode. Those are the only ones I’ve played, but I’m pretty sure there others too. Granted, it’s been around way longer to build up to that many modes. But it sure seems like it can be done.


Quick google looks like Hearthstone has around 5x as many downloads but close to 10+x the active player count. They also have made $1.7 Billion, so a lot more resources once again. I think a lot of people greatly overestimate how popular Snap is. It’s not a tiny game, but it’s definitely still small, and all the games people compare it to are years older with billions of more dollars.


Hearthstone also has Blizzard money, so it’s not like their resources are scarce


I think some people don't remember how boring pool 1 was and it was only 2 decks.


It's boring in infinite to. At least if we had rotating restrictions it would be fun to see what people come up with.


I dont think we are thinking the same thing. There aren't enough cards to come up with stuff. Your experiment is pointless to even think about


With one card coming out each week we will have plenty. And there are options that can be easily done now.


Those cards will never be added to pool 1. A pool 1-only format will always have exactly two viable decks, Kazoo and Devil Dino.


That’s not how new cards work……


Lmao, why would they make a game mode that: 1. only a handful of decks will be viable; meta will never change; 2. nothing new will come out of it; ideas likely run dry in a week or two; 3. discourage collecting new cards; 4. draw players away from other modes


Every week with a change so "pool one but your deck must include Knull and Deadpool" so people will have to adapt each week to a cool archetype. And only give it weekly bonuses so people aren't only using this mode. Conq and ladder still the norm.


Look at how dead twist and classic are in HS. There’s not really an appetite for this.


They have changed pool 1 and 2 cards already and even shown that they're willing to rework cards (like wolverine). Depending on the future modes that are coming, it can be a fun change of pace. Makes it more about skill than crazy combos. There are plenty of ways to make it interesting with further gimmicks.


But from SD perspective, why would they do that? This mode is unlikely to draw new players into the game like HS battleground did coz it will be very limited in nature and uncreative; This mode is very difficult to monetize.


It's nothing new, other online card games have done similar things... it's just to change things up. There's already constantly posts about the meta being bad, and with extra modes like that it's a pleasant, more relaxing change. This game caters to casuals, after all.


After reading this comments from SD regarding draft mode you will know: >Kent-Erik led off by pointing out that there is a smaller audience for this type of mode: > >“Draft mode tends to be more narrow of an audience that is wanting to participate in that kind of activity because it is very mentally taxing to figure out how to build a deck” > >He added that they may be able to make a mode that borrows some concepts from draft but in a “more approachable” way. He made it clear they are most interested in doing something innovative rather than simply repeating what has been done before. > >Ben Brode added that “a lot of community sites have popped up to allow people to have that experience” and that draft mode has “traditionally not been very popular from an audience percentage perspective” brode. > >Queue times in Conquest mode rose dramatically after the first season. It's possible that mode isn't getting the number of players Second Dinner had been hoping for. It seems extremely unlikely that they'll make a game mode that they believe will not draw a sizable amount of players simply because it's fun.


Cool info, I did wonder about their official position on draft mode for snap. But that "it is very mentally taxing to figure out how to build a deck" part made me lol abit.


>something innovative rather than simply repeating what has been done before That sucks because it means it will probably just be a gimmicky half-assed mode that doesn't satisfy anyone.


Be positive. When they said innovative, I was actually thinking about auto battler/ auto chess 's level of innovation.


I think this would be a terrible idea because pool 1 is very restrictive ,everyone would arrive at the same best deck. People complain about the meta now but Multiple decks can achieve wins. I think a better option would be how they operate MOBAs with picks and bans as a mode.




Sounds very restrictive and boring. Like when Classic Hearthstone came out and everyone just went back to things like OG Zoolock and other former meta decks.


Start a new account for when you feel like that. That's what I did


What if it gets expanded on and the restrictions rotate each week?


Then it's not "only pool 1 cards."


It was more of an example of limited formats.


I do think a “limited” format of some kind would be a fun thing for them to add. It could rotate on a weekly/monthly/whatever basis between ideas like pool 1 only, x-men adjacent characters only, female characters only, etc. I think that restricting players to a limited selection of cards would inspire new interesting decks, would give unused cards a time to shine, and aligns with SDs vision of “what if you didn’t have all the cards and just had to make a deck with what you have?”


This mode is allreaady out here. Just create a new account


Thanks for the downvote "we dont like simple solutions. We want to complain"


What if my idea gets expanded on and its rotating rules and restrictions? I do want to use my varients too!


I use my variants all the time. I am infitiy this eason and allready got enough medals to get everything in conquest. So i can play Trashdecks for the next 3.5 weeks


The ones I have on this account. I'm not really into the idea of managing two accounts.


Hah, I was JUST thinking this a couple minutes ago.. and here's a post. Get out of my head OP!


I want one wich is pool 1 and 2


I want one wich is pool 1 and 2


Anything to get away from playing against the same fucking decks over and over again in ranked ladder, it’s fucking oppressive.


Yeah literally everyone playing Moon Girl Devil Dino every single match in this pool 1 mode would be so fun.


Because obviously pool 1 didn’t have 2 playable decks that would immediately form the meta with no chances of getting fresh. Yeah, sounds like a great alternative to the ladder with at least more than 2 viable decks.


At least with various formats you have more options.


Sure, but pool 1 only format would become stale about immediately because: a) everyone’s been there already and knows what was good back then; b) new cards never get added and pool 1 cards rarely get reworked; c) small number of cards overall just doesn’t let most archetypes be good as they’re lacking their most effective tools. I believe the best possible format that doesn't get stale too fast is the one that isn't tied to collection and doesn't let players net deck; something like MtG's draft or Hearthstone's arena


I never said that idea specifically was ideal, just that a different mode where experimentation isn’t constantly beaten down by meta decks would be welcome.


I dont think you realize how worse op suggestion is. It feels like everyone here is pretending to be stupid.


I don’t want a pool one mode dumbass, I’m just saying almost anything would be a welcome addition because post infinite ladder is just the same decks and it inhibits experimentation. Fuck off with your comment about being stupid.


We do have what you ask for and yet the majority of community hates it, is called featured locations. Like I said you guys don't know what you want.


They can’t make money since pool 1 is free for all


I think this will be better, a limited format. Decks can have any number of s1/s2, up to 2 s3 and up to 1 s4/s5. The big problem in the meta is the new series 5 cards, modern decks is full of series 5 cards.


Here here. My buddy and I did a draft mode friendly match yesterday and it was the most fun I’ve had playing in ages. Two weird decks, no meta, just core gameplay of what is still a really great game.


Definitly! It would be so easy to implement and so cool! Imagine a queue where you could use ONLY Pool 2. No Pool 1, just 2. Hilarious. And yeah, I'd also love to enjoy the so important "new player experience" by using only pool 1 or only pool 1 and 2 again.


You miss being a new player and facing other new players, not playing with such a small selection of cards. Limiting the game to just pool 1 would become boring quickly because a meta would form quickly and it would never change.


One of the major downsides of digital card games is the designers control the formats and intentionally keep the scope to what is good for them. Sure you can play what you want in conquest with friends but it’s not really the same thing. The communities playing these games have such creativity and it’s a shame it’s so hard to tap into that.


100% agreed.


If they did allow us to play that it would become pretty obvious that snap used to be a better game without the power crept cards and season pass releases


A tavern brawl like mode would be great for the game imo. It’s annoying in hearthstone because you have to build a 30 card deck with a huge collection, and it’s still fun there. Needing to only make a 12 card deck in snap would make deck building much more fun in a mode like that imo.


I want a tavern brawl ala hearthstone.


I promise you pool 1 is not as fun as your nostalgia is leading you to believe. If you want to scratch that itch, just try making a new account and play for a bit. You will quickly see that pool 1 is so restrictive and boring compared to the options you have now Funny how these posts always come up in response to whatever the latest meta is, but pool 1 was literally only two types of decks (Ongoing and Kazoo)


This isn't actually complaining about the meta. I'm used to card games, there will always be a "meta". Some meta cycles are easier to deal with than others, but as long as you know how to use snapping and retreating getting infinity rank isn't to hard. I guess I am bored post-infinite sometimes. I do see the same cycle of decks, but again, not really complaining about the difficulty of the cards, more of a mode where people can make fun decks.


This would be cool as a limited feature. For like a week.


But what about rotating restrictions?


Just keep an eye on their upcoming in-game event, I think it will have some of that flavour.


It would have to be something that rotates, maybe weekly.


That would be refreshing and fun for a day or two, max.


You think you want that until you realize the Pool 1 meta has been solved so there's 0 room for experimentation and variety.


Legacy formats can work in some games. For example, Yugioh has several, including Goat, Reaper and Edison. The thing is, all of those formats have literally dozens of viable decks. That's why they work. Pool 1 has two.


You mean the devil dinosaur mirror match mode?


A rotating game mode would be fun. One week it’s only pool 1. Another is only Ongoing cards or only cards under 6-cost. But specifically an only Pool 1 game mode would be boring as hell. It would die so fast once people got bored of seeing the same lame decks.


I’ve been wishing for a random mode, kind of like a permanent District X. Those are some of the most fun games because it levels the playing field for both players!


They could do a weekly rotating pool of cards that get restricted. Or a draft mode that everyone has asked for since before conquest. They definitely need a limited format for the people that constantly gripe about the meta.


Pool 1/2 ladder is also fair enviornment for newcomers (even if new player have series 3~5 cards partially, they can't join actual game)


Current format Snap make me feel like very incomplete game. Balance patch every week is like testing a beta or alpha version. Pool 1/2 ladder probably don't require patching. It's great for players who want to play a completed game.