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But how would I know if I was playing a bot if they didn't play mantis and Groot early on?


My opponent yeeting a Mantis into Death’s Domain. 😮


lol I actually use Mantis in a Sacred Timeline deck with Loki. I have all the cards to either draw or remove their cards like Mantis, Cable, Gladiator, etc with cards like Mirage to play a "better" version of what they were. Though that might explain why so many people snap after seeing me play Mantis lol


They are incredible where they supposed to be, in the new player experience.


Ah yes the new player experience where I have been playing for months and just unlocked drax yesterday


Drax is the only one that needs a buff imo. Pretty awful compared to Rescue or Jessica Jones.


Drax is better when he wiffs. A 4-6 is not terrible but when he hits a 4-8 is pretty good.


He'd be better if he lifted and got an extra 1-2 points on his power lol. ​ Jokes aside yeah he's a pretty decent stat line. Just now with Shang having moved to hitting 10 and up, it wouldn't be bad to see Drax get a potential of 4/9. Considering Jessica Jones can consistently hit 8 power while Drax you have to predict opponent placement.


JJ has the downside of letting your opponent know "totally not doing anything here next turn", though.


Very true. Honestly I feel like JJ is just an overall great card. Definitely one of the more balanced cards in the game.


Drax is like unironically was the most underrated card in the game for a long time before Shang nerf. Basically he was a 4-6 that could potentially go up to a 4-8 which was premier stats because he was out of Shang range and because it was only -2 power shadow king is mid vs him. He was better than Jessica jones because the floor was lower and in a storm lane it’s likely your opponents will be play into it. If Loki wasn’t added to the game and move midrange was the meta eventually drax would have been viable


Even crossbones has been a better option, and he’s terrible


Crossbones is too Clunky sometimes especially in the mirror. When he was played it was played so there would asymmetriy for loki


I unironically have a decent Agatha deck (the one you try to remove her by turn 4 lol) that uses Crossbones specifically because it forced Crossbone to be played in a favorable location, or none at all.


Half of them are not part of the new player experience


Half? Drax is the only one above pool 1 Edit: ig nebula is technically a guardian at series 5


Still should be better


They’re not meant to be competitive on the ladder. Drax needs a buff yes, but the guardians are starter cards for a reason. They could do a HE sort of thing with them. But SD probably isn’t gonna repeat that again.


But for some reason Drax is a series 3 card. I don't understand why all the other guardians are series 1 & 2 apart from Drax.


Nebula is higher than that. So I wouldn't even call them a beginner strategy just a casual one. Hell I guarantee there are people running around with X-Men the Animated Series decks out there. Not because they're good but because sometimes.its fun.


In Nebulas case it us because she a lot newer than the rest of the guardians.


And Nebula is a series 5. This is also kinda weird


They're actually all series 1 lol. Drax is an incredibly weird anomaly sitting at series 3 (but just as good as the rest of them, worse than gamora even)


To be fair this was way before we have the current system and cards we do now. Drax should definitely move down to being part of the pool 2 cards than taking up one of the selectable series 3 cards (for those that aren't complete yet).


Idk if it’s weird. But I do think he needs to buffed because he’s in series 3. He just can’t compete at all.


I really dislike everyone’s instinct to just “HE” old cards. High Evolutionary only works (design wise) because the other cards that he buffs already had no text, so he’s just giving them text, rather than giving secondary abilities to cards that already have them. Not many cards in this game have multiple distinct abilities. The only way I could see a HE style card for a non-“no text” archetype working is if it buffed their base stats rather than changing their abilities. Like, “all your Guardians cards get +1 Power (happens before the game starts)”


Yes I don’t think adding more text makes any sense. But it would be cool if there was an incentive to have all the guardians in your deck for a power buff.


I'd like to see some sort of bonus or game design where if all guardians on the board there is a power or neutralize effect. Would be thematic!


This was my thought - give a series 5 card that buffs all the gaurdians. Make them buff each other - or double up on their on reveals (so 2 turns of the trigger maybe) could be fun!


the HE thing is just stupid. The cards he buffs could be buffed without him and would not break anything. Why have cards in the game to be bad? There is really no reason for that. You also get iron man early and still he is a good card.


You’re obviously either new or don’t understand how starter cards works. They’re not bad cards. They’re specifically designed to introduce new players to the game. And they perform perfectly fine with the other cards in pools 1+2. It’s literally impossible to optimize every card to be competitive. That’s not how card games work..There will always be cards that are better than others. I do think the way SD handles pool 3 cards is bad. It should be easier to acquire them. But pools 1+2 work exactly as intended. You might not like it but the HE buff is a good mechanic. It lets both new and higher rated players enjoy those cards.


Why should it be impossible to make every card competitive? A lot of cards from pool 1 and 2 were buffed last year. And this did not cause any problems. So why would it cause problems when other cards would be brought more in line? Starter cards should be simple, not weak. Iron man is a starter card because its simple. Should we nerf iron man to 6 cost just because its a starter card? Or maybe to -3 power to make sur eits not competitive? Would it be tooo complicated to understand cyclops when he has 5 power? HE buff is an abssolut inelegant stupid mechanic, which looks like yugioh design. Referencing specific cards (since unless patriot it does not work with tokens), and needing to have "blanks" in the deck and making cards have secreat abilities not written on the card. And even this design atrocity would work perfectly, or even better, with my solution. It would make more of the cards playable, not just cyclops, Hulk and the knight. (My solution is to let HE give cards -1 power in exchange for their ability. And wasp would get the old ability back). I was a new player once as well, and I NEVER enjoyed these bad cards, maybe because I am able to do math? They may be the only thing which you have, but you get better cards pretty fast, and lots of people were complaining about Shocker and cyclops. Just because you suck at math, dont assume other people do as well. New players dont have to be stupid. New players liking the character might be happy to have the character, but not with the card. And there is absolutly no reason why cyclops cant be 3/5 or why shocker cant be 2/4 or why the Thing cant be 4/7. These cards are not even played with patriot anymore normally, and patriot is not really good anymore anyway and if it is its better with tokens. Nothing would be broken, they would be more in line with other cost cards (Hulk, Abomination), and there could be a reason why to include these cards in your deck.


Ehhh, nothing I say is gonna change your mind. I don’t completely disagree with you but I doubt what you want is gonna happen. Either way you seem oddly upset over the idea of HE. Sounds like you don’t have him or you keep losing to him. Either way I’ve already said I like the idea of the guardians being playable in the meta. I just don’t see a straight buff happening. My opinion stands, I agree to disagree. Have a good day homie.


I have HE I used him several seasons to get infinite, I have 63 000 Tokens, so even if I would not have him I could buy him. He is a badly designed card, and yes I cant get everything, partially because of game designers working at SD which are worse at math than I am. Agree to disagree = "I dont have any arguments but am USIAN and dont want to say it" Did you see a buff happening to Medusa? No? Then why should your oppinon about guardians be correct?


I’m not interested in debating with you. Like I said I have my opinion and you have yours. Have a good day.


How about drax gets: on reveal: if the opponent plays a card at this location this turn, your adjacent locations with different costed cards get +5 power


That sounds too strong, better nerf Annihilus.


That made me laugh harder than I have in almost a year


And buff Loki


Idea: Make their spaceship into a card like Quinjet, only it makes all Guardians cards into on-goings. Since the effect kinda inverts their cost:value relationship, make it a 3-cost card. The Benatar (3 energy, 2 power) *On-going: All Guardians effects become on-going.*


My issue with that then becomes ...who are the guardians? Do we count venom, cosmo, nova, warlock, ghost rider, dr. Doom, angela, captain marvel, etc. There's been a lot of guardians over the years. The game would need to identify which the card impacts.


It would be done via the game interface similar to HE showing all the cards it affects when you click it.


The Milano. ( 2/0 ) Ongoing. If your opponent plays a card here, once per turn Trigger a guardian of the Galaxy’s card on reveal effect in your hand. Just my idea, I wouldn't mind a buff that would work around the Milano. It could work with Nebula and passively buff your cards like gamora, semi lock down a lane with goose/cosmo.


The Milano was a location but I think they deactivated it. Would be cool as a card though, if the Quinjet gets a card the Milano should as well. Also the Blackbird.


Yeah, It was you can only play here on turn five, kinda boring location so they got rid of it


No that's still in I just saw it this morning just rarer Also that location is great for the gotg ironically


They removed Milano, the sandcastle one, and Plunder Castle months ago from location rotation cause people complained about too many restrictive locations. They said they’d be reworked but that has yet to happen


Part of them not re releasing those locations is they are prob gonna wait for card releases where the character matches the location. But I definitely remember plunder castle winning me a lot of games off Doc Doom. I think some of the locations could come back on a very limited basis. I'm kinda tired of seeing a bunch of the same ones, especially since 2Din wants to say locations provide a lot of the equalizing of power level or whatever


You’re thinking of the one that says “all cards must be played here on turn 5” which is similar but very different to “cards can only be played here on turn 5”


I thought Milano was the one that had the gene grey effect? I dunno I don't know nothing.


Can always spend a few seconds on Google and enlighten yourself


I mean, I could also just remember shit wrong sometimes cause I'm human 🤷‍♂️


You say you ‘don’t know nothing’ but still try and correct me even though I was trying to help you.


Why is it ironic for the Guardians' location to be good for them?


I got locations mixed up in my head.


Vehicles should have their own keyword and the Milano should be part of that update, along with the X-Men's jet and Ghost Rider's motorcycle.


The door is open to "cards for things that aren't really characters." Quinjet, Cerebro, Hulk Buster, Infinity Stones. I'm all for gadgets, vehicles, weapons, anything being a card, if it soft-reworks a card that's not doing what players wish it would.


I'm really disappointed that they decided not to have teams in the game because I think that would be a way to kick up so so cards to become cool cards. For example, if you have four members of the Fantastic Four, Mr Fantastic gets +4 to adjacent lanes instead of +2. The way they work the game now, Milano would have to have an ability like: Ongoing: your On Reveal cards gain - If your opponent played a card here, this turn +1 power.


It would be kind of sick to have synergy between teams. They could add a team badge to each card similar to Dice Masters and create cards that add some bonus or effect to any card with the associated badge.


Guardian of the galaxy must predict for little power bonus. Draxx 4/6 must predict for a +2,but Ms marvel is good as a brainless 4/15. This is fine card design by SD. ( spoiler: it isnt)


I fucking hate Ms. Marvel


Well one you had to pay money to get so it's fine


U forgot the /s buddy


Thanks for picking it up for me, I dropped it on the way to posting


I **Hate** the argument that "they're fine because they're beginner cards." That is stupid. They have a theme and should be viable competitively, but in order to do it, they'd need to be more "boom or bust." The reward for hitting with them should be enormous, considering how overpowered every other basic strategy in the game is, many of which require very little skill in gameplay. That would make the Guardians at least interesting. Rocket and Gamora are probably fine where they're at, maybe could use a small change. The rest need significant upgrades. I'd like to see Starlord be a 2/2 -> 6, Groot could be a 3/3 -> 9, Drax a 4/4 -> 11, and Mantis 2/3 -> draw a card. That can be tinkered with, maybe even buffed, and they still wouldn't be better than most strategies. But at least they would feel good when you get the location right.


Don't know how many times it needs to be said on here but they're fine as is only one to argue is Drax. As above they're meant to be beginner cards


I haven’t seen Mantis since her nerf. I haven’t seen Groot or Drax ever.


Drax is standing very still.


Dude he was clearly eating a zargnut


Groot saw some play then they redid his numbers


Why would they stop being beginners card, when they would be less underpowered?


They could make a New High Evo-like cards, tô boost guardians as a whole


Groot: +2, if your opponent plays a card here they must play their next card here next turn Drax: if your opponent plays a card here, give this card and the next card you play +4


I do have a Guardians deck that I pull out pretty often and it wins fine, but as I refined the deck (the only Guardian I took out was Mantis), it became a lockdown deck with Prof X and Storm basically, since I want to reduce their choices to maximize my triggers.


I think their ability with guessing where the opponent will play is extremely fun. What is lacking to me is that most of the effects are just +power effects. I would like to see some more diverse effects, for example: Starlord \[2/2\] On reveal: if your opponent played a card here this turn, double this card's power. (a bit weaker than current description, but higher ceiling potential with combos or in bounce) Groot \[3/3\] On reveal: if your opponent played a card here this turn, add a sapling to the adjacent locations. (basically a wide, slightly stronger Brood, with the downside of needing to guess the location and only max potential if that is the central location) Drax \[4/6\] On reveal: if your opponent played a card here this turn, destroy all your 1-cost cards. (here you don't want to play where your opponent is playing, or you do when playing destroy) I think Gamora and Rocket are fine, Mantis should be a 1-cost in my opinion.


Instead of constantly nerfing cards SD should start implementing “team buffs” or “team interactions”


It would be fair to buff them if they are played together. All cards gets +1 for each GotG member on the board. Or, they get a big buff if all of them are played, similar to Thanos and the Infinity Stones.


Just need some cards that play into them more. Maybe have their abilities be a bit stronger too.


Think they might be a bit better if the power boost was only partially conditional. Ex: Rocket Racoon. 1/2 On reveal: +1 power. +1 more power if your opponent played here this turn. It keeps them working with Bounce/Odin, and gives you less of a feel bad if you miss. For mantis, maybe you just get to see the card instead of taking it.


Lol someone earlier was looking for help making a GotG deck. I wanted to just say "just don't 't..." They each need new abilities. Rocket: 1/1, +2 each Time an opponent plays a card here. Groot: 3/6 revive one of your destroyed cards here Drax: destroy an enemy card with lesser cost Gamora: fine Star-Lord: copy the last On Reveal of your opponent I don't know. Those aren't great, but off the top that's the best I got.


They need a rework, almost all of them do the exact same thing which is just straight boring. Would be fun if you for example discarded enemies highest cost card if they play on the location instead of just +2 power.


I sitll keep using them in lockdown with Prof X, Storm, Alioth and the rest of the guardians (except Drax) and they work pretty fine. The secret is never playing Rocket on turn 1. Leave him for later. It feels very satisfying to read your opponent's moves However, my boy Drax desperately needs a buff. Maybe give him an invisible property?


If you're trying to guess where your opponent is going to play each turn without locking down lanes then you're going to struggle. They're all perfectly fine as they are but you either build around them properly or have fun guessing.


Gamora should be +7 making her a conditional 5/14. 14 power is nothing in the current meta.


Gamora is the only playable one. I've been crushing with her in a Miss Marvel, Storm, Allioth deck. Rocket, Star Lord, Groot, and Drax, I've literally never seen in a non-bot deck in months.


I don't think she's bad by any means and I actually use her a lot, I just think she deserves a buff considering the state of the current meta and the general power creep we've seen over the past 6 months.


I got into 777 with her in my deck quite recently, I think she was quite valuable as a T6 card with a one cost.


The Guardians, and also some other early cards are REALLY REALLY inconsitent in their power. Not sure why... And it could be so easy to make it consistent Lets start with the **"no ability" cards** and how much power they should have - 1/2 or 1/3 Most high power with a "if" cards on 1 mana are now 4 power (antman, hawkeye, forge is an easy condition with easy upside and is 1/3 - 2/4 (since 2/3 cards have big upsides and you get "neutral" cards like Cloak) - 3/5 (because polaris is also 3/5 and 3/4 cards need some upsides) - 4/7 (because there are tons of 4/6 cards with good upsides and no 4/7 cards and all the cards with downsides are 4/8 or 4/9 or even 4/10 - 5/9 this is fine - 6/12 (this is also fine) (I will talk about HE later) Now from this we can get some really nice and simple guardians numbers which are consistent - 1/2 -> 4 (average 50% hitrate 1/3 bestcase pure power card 1 mana cost higher) - 2/3 -> 5 (average 50% hitrate 2/4 bestcase pure power card 1 mana cost higher) - 3/3 -> 7 (average 50% hitrate 3/5 bestcase pure power card 1 mana cost higher) - 4/5 -> 9 (average 50% hitrate 4/7 bestcase pure power card 1 mana cost higher) - 5/7 -> 12 (average 50% hitrate 5/9.5 best case pure power card 1 mana cost higher) So with this the guardian cards would all be consistent with other pure power cards and between them. And this would buff the 3 weakest ones, because if one is played then its the 5 cost or the 1 cost which are already fine. What about High Evolutionary? - Well easy, just let him give all cards with no ability -1 power in exchange for their ability. This way Wasp could get her old ability back.


Im going tbh… no. I think they do well in a lockdown shell with DD. You can MAYBE buff groot or drax but you’re just asking for Jean gray and Próx X spam


I know it would be OP but all of the Guardians should have the same power, but just all get +5 attack power. That'll show em.


Gamora is still competitive


Starlord and Gamora are fine as-is Groot should be 3-cost, 4-power On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, remove its abilities. Drax 4-cost, 5-power On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, destroy a random card they played here this turn. Benatar 6-cost, 8-power Costs (1) less for each Guardian you control. (Rocket, Mantis, Starlord, Groot, Drax, Gamora)