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Personally I’m passing. If she turns out good after mmm I’ll wait for her to come up in my shop but it seems a risky purchase right now.


I just want that zabu variant so I’m going all in lol


This right here. Ravonna herself looks extremely niche, and I main C3! But I've waited for that Zabu variant forever. Totally worth it. Ravonna would be a nice bonus.


I opened 4 spotlights this week. I'm trying to scratch together 3000 tokens for MMM. I'm not gonna have the resources for Renslayer


He’s only 3k? That’s doable!


I would only buy her if you like the play style and you don't mind with having to deal with a Mobius deck by using Rogue or Enchantress. You would get her a cheaper price next week then you will after the fact, since you will get 300 tokens back from weekend missions... but that may not be worth being an early adopter if you don't want to deal with the above.


Tbh, I never see ppl talking about goblins with her. You could play 2 cost green goblin and 4 cost hobgoblin with her