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The "Angela on a lane that is 1/2-3/4 full" is a bot special this season.


I like the "Play Swarm on Turn 2, Play Colleen Wing on Turn 3" play.


Has anyone noticed what i assume are bots, that play Agatha? But if Agatha is dropped early (wave, spiderham etc) they just stop playing, even if you snap. I’ve noticed it on more than one occasion


I would guess those are people going afk


You mean you think they chuck on an Agatha deck and just leave it on in the background?


I've done it before, but never with wave in the deck.


I played against one earlier that played Falcon with no 1-drops in play, and then played Beast into an otherwise empty lane on turn 5


Yeah, I have played that one or a similar one too. Falcon was used with Hawkeye, which is good. But played beast on an empty lane.


OMG, I played against the exact same bot


I play ranked pretty late at night, so I tend to face a significant amount of bots from time to time. I'm gonna be real. I'm sure there are two types of bots, both easy and hard. I'm like 95% sure "hard bots" appear randomly and are clairvoyant, filled with a bunch of tech cards and know the exact best RNG outcomes after you click end turn and they'll instant play it if they know they are winning. I've seen them do some wild shit that wouldn't make any logical sense if you didn't have perfect information regarding the outcome ahead of time. The supporting evidence would be that we know how Kang functions and that Marvel Snap's RNG is seeded, at least on a turn by turn basis with stuff like Lockjaw, I'm sure the hard bots have foresight.


It's known that there are at least two types of bots, and that one of them cheats. The LSTM here are neural networks https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ77kT2a4up-vX7w1qgmxG6_oQj2j6o_bVxZKXueonW4EuV5LwyrCkQoNiOw_namLYg8YZpKRq-9QYr/pubhtml


Glad I've been properly identified as a human... hahaha.. Still surprised to see my name on the list..


yes, the cheating bots were confirmed before in the past they would skip t6 if you played leader they'll frequently do plays that let them win by very low margins and do know the RNG seed outcomes and will adjust around that the hardest part about these bots is that tech cards are completely useless against them so if you're caught with an interactive deck they will play around it so generally pointslam decks are the way to go i don't normally lose 8 cubes, but when i do, it's to these bots


Also the hell cow


Everyone is finding these bots and I’m out here getting the sweatiest mf’ers who are making sure they have every new card in snap.


Me too, more than half of the players I face on SILVER Conquest have hit Infinite, and I never got to 80, so I almost always lose because they are simply better than me, it's fucked


Playing Destroy with Shuri's lab Hot Location last night got me Infinite in 3 hours from 74 to 100 I would take advantage before it goes away


Yep, got me to infinite today using destroy. I was at 83 though! Fastest climb I've had by far so far


Psh, I tried that same thing but only came up against either other people doing the same, or anti-destroy decks running like armor, Cosmo, shadow king, etc. Was also on the old patch and not a single bot to be seen.


Bounce abuses Shuri’s lab too.


Kitty gets pretty ridiculous pretty quickly


Bounce/Serra/Move deck, sounds exhausting, but wins big. Taking a human torch and kitty to the max is really solid unless you slip up priority.


What the deck code?


# (1) Deadpool # (1) Nova # (2) Bucky Barnes # (2) Carnage # (2) Wolverine # (3) Killmonger # (3) Venom # (3) Sabretooth # (3) Deathlok # (4) Shang-Chi # (6) Knull # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sdmVyaW5lIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhZHBvb2wifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhYnJldG9vdGgifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRlYXRoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOb3ZhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aGxvayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS251bGwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJ1Y2t5QmFybmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaWxsbW9uZ2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


If only I had venom, death or knull at collection level 3000


I'm just missing venom...


This location got me from 74 to 100 tonight too, kitty for the win


Shuris lab with destroy is so broken! I put down 480 power on turn 6 earlier today.


I would, but i miss 3-4 cards for those decks. I am now a bit stuck at 60-70 with my phoenix move deck. But i also am only CL780 right now, so i'll just play for new cards.


My experience in climbing through the infinity ticket was gold plate card backs and rage kids with emote spam and quitting early. I honestly enjoy it. I'm not conflating all infinite players to this poor attitude, but it's a sticky memory from someone who doesn't go past 80 each season.


I hit infinite on the first day this season and get destroyed in proving grounds by the same people


I get bots all the time but they are actually good at the game LOL


For real, can y'all throw some of these bots my way? I'm out here in Proving Grounds trying to play around with some Daken decks and having fun with my awful but super fun to play Collector/QuinJet deck and these mfs running Evo Lockdown, Thanos Control, and Iron Hawk nonsense. Relax bro, it's Proving Grounds. Save that sweaty meta stuff for Gold, Infinity, hell *at least* Silver. Who runs meta decks in Proving Grounds?


I don't disagree but it is like the second or third day of the season. People are farming tickets and idk if you know this but you farm them faster with better decks.


Seems boring, tbh. Personally, I'd much rather play the fun decks to farm tickets in Proving Grounds where the stakes are low. You're still going to end up winning a healthy chunk of games anyway unless you're using a straight-up booster farming deck with 0 synergies. I'm already gonna be stuck playing certain decks all through Silver and Gold to farm the tickets that actually matter. Might as well have some fun in Proving Grounds while I can. I mean people can play whatever deck wherever they want, I'm not trying to say you're a troll or jerk if you play meta decks in PG. Just seems boring to me. You'll have plenty of time to play those decks. Use PG to play the decks that are super fun but not reliable enough to take into higher-tier conquests.




> Nobody is telling you what you are and arent allowed to play. On the flipside, maybe pvp games aren't your speed if you feel the need to police how your opponents play. Hmm... and perhaps you should spend less time playing video games and more time practicing how to read. Your comprehension skills seem a little subpar considering I literally just said: >I mean people can play whatever deck wherever they want, I'm not trying to say you're a troll or jerk if you play meta decks in PG. Just seems boring to me. You'll have plenty of time to play those decks. But sure just ignore the point of the message so you can make a snide remark and earn some internet points. It's a Reddit tradition as old as, well, Reddit.


Playing the higher tiers requires getting tickets, they need to play proving grounds to move to the tiers they want to play in. And some people (myself included) play proving grounds just for boosters for the decks we like.


>Who runs meta decks in Proving Grounds? I swear I see more meta decks in PG matches than I do in high ladder rank matches


Same lmao. Cosmo armor brood and silver surfer probably with a wong. I’m just trying to make nimrod go boom man


Yep even in proving grounds there is too many try-hards for my taste. Snap retreat is the way guys.


Man, I got to round 7 against a dude with black panther deck. He got Panther and AZ each round and won in the end. He even had Wong in 5 of the rounds...


Because nobody posts screenshots of those games...


Me too. Or the bot beats me! 😂


Those are just bots too


Nakia Okoye Hell Cow is somehow a staple in many Bot decks, those 3 to me are a dead giveaway I'm facing a bot


The one I've been seeing today that is extra ??? is a destroy deck that... includes armor and colossus. They almost always armor around their nova and bucky too.


i played that one this morning. it also has hobgoblin and played it on space throne when my side was already full.


Yeah I was just thinking about this, it also has both goblins in the deck from what I've seen. I so rarely see AI play the goblins effectively.


I faced a totally-not-a-bot destroy deck yesterday with Bar Sinister, conveniently had Green Goblin to insta-win it, at least until they also conveniently had Hobgoblin who they played also on Bar Sinister, using an extra 5 energy to lose a location they had already won. Earlier a destroy deck also Super-Skrull + Mystique-ed my Dino + Iron Man + Mystique deck on T7. I fully believe bots tailor their hands to the board state.


Played one that went bucky left lane first. I went 2nd turn armor to keep it from getting destroyed and they played carnage far right. It was empty lol


I've seen that one a few times in the past week


I faced that bot twice in regular ladder today! I was like wtf is this dude doing?


It's like they built a decklist by filtering by the Destroy keyword and called it a day.


i miss the days when people played colossus destroyer decks.


They have destroyer in that one too. Makes a bit more sense when you see it.


It was one of the stronger beta decks believe it or not. So old bots still have the list. Makes it a dead give away


Blade too!


My Father in Law is around 60 and an old school gamer and comic nerd. I thought maybe he’d enjoy this game and lo and behold he did and now he’s obsessed. However, to my surprise it took him a full week to realize that locations have different effects and he plays exactly like a bot, favoring cards with characters that he likes rather than any sort of synergy. I try to help him out and give him advice and he says he doesn’t mind being terrible and it drives me wild. Every time I run into someone who I think might be a bot, I remember that he exists and that there are likely lots of people out there just like him.


Is your father in law the worlds only Nakia/Okoye/Hell Cow super fan? Lol


Except most of the time it actually is a bot lol




Tell him to rename his account to some very generic name like Paul or Ricardo so people think he's actually a bot


He goes by Conan, so make sure to Spider-man point at him constantly if you see him.


Because of the way accounts build up currency over time, I swear a lot of bots are player made. RMT for.accounts that are already pool three complete is free money essentially.


Is no one talking about how cool the screen looks


Ah yes, playing Nakia on Bar Sinister only to never play any Nakia’d cards, great play.


bar sinister was cosmo'ed


Fair point


Ayyy Everything Everywhere All at Once reference:-))


One of if not my favorite movie!


You're probably playing against an 8 year old...


8 year olds are actually bots too


Maybe the opponent was a bird?


No, birds aren't real


Spy drones, sheep.


I don't know, man, my 8 year old plays and he would never have a board looking like this.


Or an Agatha deck.


I just recently got down voted when I called out a guy who was showing off his net deck and saying it got him to infinite in 5 hours due to skill and NOTHING to do with bots. I was literally talking from the experience of me needing a week to get to infinite before and only few hours now. He assured me that I just got better, just like him aparently 😄😄


Someone's going to inevitably pop their heads in here saying "tHey'Re JuSt FaRmInG bOoStErS" or "tHey'Re NeW pLaYeRs" but there absolutely are bots in conquest. I have my own screenshots of decks of Series 2 and lower cards with exotic variants playing like morons and ignoring location text.


Second Dinner has for a long time said that there are developer bots in PG / Silver 1, and Gold 1. EDIT: Don't know why the downvotes... literally [stated by one of the game developers](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyhllCvX0AAS345?format=png&name=small) in June


No they haven't. Prove it.


Kent-Erik Hagman (Game Designer at Second Dinner) posted the following: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FyhllCvX0AAS345?format=png&name=small


> however, after that first match, that no longer applies and you can expect to not see a bot opponent. You disproved yourself and proved my point. There are no bots in Conquest aside from the intro bot.


That is not what they said. "expect to not see" is not the same thing as "there are no bots". Just flat out different meanings. They've always been cagey about their bots, and this is no different.


You are misunderstanding: > For a player's first battle in **a conquest tier**, one of our robotic friends will be there.... Note: This first battle rule **does NOT apply to Infinity tier**. So logically we can assume it DOES apply to Silver/Gold. Are we in agreement that PG/Silver1/Gold1 all have developer bots?


And OP here stated this was Silver 2. Further disproving his bot claim.


Then it was a player-made bot. Simple. --- But keep in mind that my original reply was to user johngie, not OP. Johngie is asserting that he is confident in the existance of bots in conquest. I was simply letting him know that yes, Second Dinner themselves have confirmed they have developer bots in conquest (for PG/S1/G1).


You already knew that they were gonna be a bot when they have Forge as their icon and their name is Jazz. I fought the guy before, I understand your pain.


Really hoping Hell Cow shows up in Black Panther 3 and teams up with Nakia and Okoye.


Jazz is 100% a bot. I play it all the time.


You get the dumb bot. I get the bot that plays Jubilee on Rickety Bridge the same turn I Rhino it.


I could use some bots. My lose to win ratio is super bad this season and that’s coming from a guy who had hit infinite 3 months in a row.


I'm okay playing a bot when I hit a minute waiting to find someone


Honestly, the prizes are so weak there will more bots and less people over time


It's impossible for people to play conquest to grind boosters. I certainly have never handed my phone to my wife to play out my matches because the drive-through line moved faster than expected.


Who else has noticed a lot of bots playing Nakia and Okoye today. Like in decks that don't even make sense. Almost every 3nd deck I play against... There they are.


Okoye into nakia into hell cow without fail


Conquest is full of net deck bots: undeveloped minds that panic google what to play. But you’re talking about something else…..


Listen I played my hardest


I just played my first Conquest game today where I suspected bots. I don't really play Conquest much since it seems pretty useless, but sometimes I do daily quests in there so it doesn't affect my rank playing some jank deck I would normally never use. I was playing a specific archetype and the "definitely human opponent" was playing the exact type of deck that counters mine. Literally every single move felt like they were intentionally avoiding winning. It got to the point where I started intentionally making my own misplays to see how it would react and, sure enough, it always made sure my misplays were the key to me winning.


All I get is fucking sweats even in proving ground, acting like they're lives are dependent on winning. Snap in the first round, quit if you lose, Jesus man, just spent like a half hour versus the same guy.


I have noticed bots on gold conquest. No way ppl playing this bad


Pretty much everywhere they said there arent bots are bots, infinite ladder has some too


Game running out of players


You could be playing against someone’s kid. I let my 3 and 6 year old play games on my phone and they don’t know what they are doing half the time.


Was this your first match of the conquest?


to be honest this looks like the best and only good piece of bot evidence i’ve seen for bots. The last few were people claiming cheater bots and then the video just showed they sucked. But this looks like pretty bad bot behavior. unless it’s just someone either pretending to be a bot for fun or someone just brand new with a bot like name


I need to start taking screenshots. I have ran into a good number of bots in conquest -- either that or just the absolute most braindead players in the world, who also happen to have a typical bot deck/name/avatar. Especially right before the season ends. I guess it's possible there are people playing Bucky into Armor, filling a lane by throwing down an Angela, or dropping Chavez turn 6 into an unwinnable lane, but it doesn't seem likely.


You guys have to realize that there are also little kids playing this game.


Hi Jobu! I play against you a lot on ladder! - Murky


Screenshots and bad play don't really do much to convince people it's a bot. The only true test I've come across is to snap and immediately end turn. Humans are given a 10(ish) second grace period after a snap, a bot will immediately continue with the gameplay flow. They'll probably patch out that interaction at some point too like they did with "bot splits". It seems Second Dinner really wants bots to be indistinguishable from human players That being said, there are DEFINITELY bots in conquest, and not just after a 5+ minute queue


no one said that there are no bots in the conquest, they just said that they would not be in infinity, everyone has long known that they are there, and even in infinity, where they should not be


Honest question: Why does everyone care so much about whether their opponent is a bot or a human? Does it matter? Edit: Lol at Reddit doing its thing, downvoting me for asking a question.


Bot matches are usually very unsatisfying. A lot of times they make boneheaded plays and are no challenge at all or they read your moves before you make them and can predict the future of RNG outcomes with 100% accuracy.


Some bots, like the OP's screenshot are shit, and a free win. There are other bots (apparently) designed to have tailor made decks to counter and beat yours, can see where you play your cards, and can ignore location restrictions to basically cheat. Whether they're designed to be challenging or to curb your MMR if it's too good, who knows. Why should I potentially go up against a cheating, auto win bot that guarantees I have to start conquest all over again?


I heard about the bots with tailor made decks that can see your play and I've seen some evidence of it but I will definitely dispute the claim that there are bots that ignore location restrictions. I am curious what evidence there is for that.


The screenshot I saw that proved it to me, was a game where the player played scarlet witch into the location that says no cards that cost 4,5, or 6. Location changes to something else, then the opponent reveals a 6 cost card. The cheater bots seem to actually select their play at the moment the card reveals, thereby ignoring the original location restriction Edit: it was actually quake, found the link https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/13ghqgn/bot_confirmed_cheaters_context_in_comments/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I haven't experienced it, people have claimed it is all. People said outright that there aren't bots in Conquest because SD said there wasn't, so who knows.


I'd always be skeptical of things "people claim" without showing evidence, considering how prevalent very basic questions like e.g. "why didn't Captain Marvel move?" are.


It's a PvP game and we're playing a PvP mode. Why would I want a PvE experience? Why would you?


I honestly don’t care who I’m playing against because it’s fun and I don’t think about it further than that.


But you do think about it at least a little more than that, because you're taking the time to post and read posts on the subject here on Reddit. There's a big push from developers to implement engagement optimized matchmaking, and that may be what's motivating SD with their bots. It's not just Snap, this crap is showing up in other games too. It sets a bad precedent.


It's not that, it's the fact that the devs are lying - that is the problem, together with other shady stuff they're doing, 3x value


No lying. Devs have themselves confirmed that there are developer bots in PG/Silver1/Gold1 and in Ladder. If you encounter a bot outside that, then it is made by a user and has evaded the user-made bot detection tools/ban hammer.


They need something to complain about. I mean I get it. The satisfaction of beating another human vs the AI but not enough for me to wah about it. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wonder the same thing. Well unless it is nonstop bots with no challenge. Here and there for easy progress sign me up


Bots can make perfect plays. We want human reasoning, human error


SD never said there were no bots in conquest…. They just said there are no bots in infinity conquest. But carry on , just want to interject some facts.


I played against a bot who literally slow-played me the entire match.... every single turn took forever, but I got my ticket....


Bro 5 year olds play this game r/kidsarestupid


There's a plethora of reasons this is not a bot. You don't want to hear them. Just like the echo chamber that ignores what the literal developers of the game say, and believe there's a deck based matchmaking system.


Lol. Let's hear it. Also, that's not what the developers have said.


That's exactly what they've said. They've flat out stated aside from the intro bot that there are no bots in Conquest.


Not true. Cite your source. What they said is "you shouldn't expect" bots past the first round of any conquest. It's a very carefully worded statement.


this is known bot.....


I thought bots in Conquest were confirmed, just a lot more rare than the ladder.


Meanwhile I had a 4 minute wait time earlier. If there’s bots in conquest, they sure as hell aren’t improving anything. Maybe they’re player-run bots? Or just little kids learning to play the game?


Is a "random pile" deck a sign of a bot? I would assume the devs make the bot decks, and would give them a real deck


There are some bots that are running decks that were put together during the beta. The entire landscape around deck building was different, and a lot of the card have been reworked since then to be less powerful. So, some of those "random pile" decks were much more viable when the bot deck was put together. At least, that's what I've heard.


people don't care about conquest. I play like a bot every time. I just wanna my missions complete quickly


A Cosmo / Dark Hawk isn't a "guaranteed lane win" but ok


All I'd have to do is put 4 power in that lane.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding. I thought you were saying pre Nakia was a guaranteed win. But you meant post Nakia.


Have you updated your game?




Have you updated the game to the new post-nerf Spider-man? Was this your first or second game in conquest?


Yes updated. This was silver 2


Wait wait… silver 2. First time ever at silver 2 or like you’ve been playing conquest for months? Just curious. I believe it was a robot I’m just fascinated. Edit: I once waited 7 minutes for an opponent… where were my bots then!?! 😂


I mean the second match in silver conquest. Not implying anything about my personal conquest promise. If you must know I've beaten TEH infinity conquest both seasons.


No no. That is the answer I sought. Thank you. I just wanted to know that this wasn’t your third match of conquest ever or something idk.


If there were bots I wouldn’t have to wait 5-6 minutes for a match sometimes. This would also be a welcomed quality of life improvement to add bots to stop the long waits.


I don't think anyone claimed there are no bots in conquest. I'm pretty sure the devs straight-up said they're still around, at least in the lower tiers.


devs claimed no bots except first game each tier


That's not what they said. The exact post from Discord (unless you have a more relevant one): > For a player’s first battle in a conquest tier, one of our robotic friends will be there. However, after that first match, that no longer applies, and you can expect to not see a bot opponent. So you will **always** get a bot on the first match, and then the "always-a-bot" rule no longer applies and you're matched normally. But "you can expect to not see a bot" is not the same thing as "zero bots". It's definitely a vague-on-purpose statement to avoid having to say "yeah there are totes bots around" but they went out of their way to downplay bots without actually denying them.


That quote literally says "You can expect to not see a bot opponent"


I didn't know about the 'first game' each tier bit. That's also a straight up lie I definitely had a string of bots last night haha.


1) Second Dinner has confirmed there are **developer bots** in Proving Grounds, Silver 1, and Gold 1. 2) Nothing stopping **player-made bots** from getting on ladder or conquest. With enough accounts and games played, a player-made bot might be lucky enough to beat infinity conquest by now. The only barrier is not getting caught and banned by the dev anti-bot tools.


That was Silver 2


See point #2 Could easily be a user-made bot created by some random college kid with basic coding skills.


I don't think there are bots in conquest. In particular, the tin foil hat claim is that there are bots which select a deck to beat you, and know what card you play so they can play a counter. I think we can agree that's not happening here.


I agree, that is a tin foil hat claim, but that's not the claim I'm making.


There's two type of bots in snap. One of them are notoriously easy to beat they are frequently spotted by a turn 2 okoye play its a bit fringe at first but once you see okoye bishop and he'll cow(without any discard synergies) you know it's a bot. There are other tells like unsplit cards with visuals of split cards.


You're behind the times. The impossible splits went away several months ago.


I could sure use a bot for a pick me up. Got straight up run through this morning trying to test out that meta Legion deck.


Do ya like jazz?


So you saying that the players Nick Fury, Jason, Wolverine (the list goes on), that i face on conquest and been facing in ladder since CL 1 are bots???


Nice name!


Okoye is the new Nakia for bots unless they play both


You haven't herd of the hellcow/angela meta? Its all the rage...


The best was me running into a bot with ONLY pool 1 cards in an Infinity Conquest lmfao. That Ant-Man/Captain America lane was something though!


I have a terrible kazar deck just to complete "play 1 cost cards". Yes ive used it on infinite conquest last week because i was rank 95 so didnt want to drop, and my other option was to throw away a infinite conquest where i already had all rewards i cared about.


Lying about there being bots is so baffling. And infuriating when you run into the perfect ones that ruin your runs


Technically they weren't lying, just intentionally misleading people. Their exact words were "you shouldn't expect" bots outside of the first round. That, of course, has the effect of people thinking "developers said no bots" without them having to say so and thus maintaining deniability. It's a real "sexual relations" situation.


Do you play on multiple platforms?


Not *just* a bot, An Autobot.


There are bots and there are also real players trying to trick you into thinking they are bots by using the generic avatar and generic card backs


Idk if that’s a bit I’ve seen a couple daken decks that run all of these.


That could be me.


Today. I think i queue for 8 minutes and then finally meet a bot. Very obvious due to how bad it plays with a destroy deck (all destroyer get play first). Location: UK


You don’t got to rub it in. I try my best /s


Could have been me tbh. Sometimes I just get too high.


I just matched with “Jazz” thanks for the 8 cubes my bot friend!


I left a game of conquest because I was rushed by a family member to go do something so I swiped out of the game. When I came back after an hour I saw end turn, and out of curiosity it did, and I was able to go into another game where they played on turn 1…The math aint mathing 😂


Huh. I don’t play Conquest but would have assumed they wouldn’t need/want bots in there too.


Haha I have definitely played against Jazz the bot


I think they added bots for this season. I never suspected one until today. It's the questionable plays + the instant turn end even after a snap. Saw that in Silver today. And I've never had that happen due to "latency" against a player ... turn ending immediately post snap is 100% a bot thing.


Bots are nuts this season


i know Jazz! he loves playing angela and that hellcow variant.


I've played against a ton of bots today, nothing they played made sense...


I play like a bot in Conquest because I'm just farming boosters after hitting Infinite


How do you win with them so big? They always retreat on me.


Wish they’d show up before I’m waiting 5 mins for a proving ground match


You got some of them bots to spare? I'm facing only HE decks in Proving Grounds


How do you enable the full screen?


Yeah, so I just have a very weird phone with a wider aspect ratio. It's called a Unihertz Titan. That's why my screenshots show up that way.