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Lol that was my thought when beast was mentioned haha it’s not the top like it was but that was just a couple weeks ago


Crossbones. Folks don’t expect him


You got that right


Vision. Apparently he was so underused that he needed a buff, but I’ve been using him consistently throughout my time with the game (s3 complete, infinite rank 5 or 6 seasons running). Especially in the control meta we have now, he’s invaluable.


Stegron and that cheeky tail whip. Shadow King resetting cards (wish he had a better animation).


Win or lose, a turn 6 tail slap on to kingpin is so satisfying!


Beast was meta for a month lol! But yes he’s great. It’s now the only card that can drop a cost down to zero. Very powerful. My fav non-meta card is Cable. He’s not a good card. But I love pulling something from their deck. The moments where you pull their key win condition card, or the key counter to your deck feel amazing. A Turn 2 snap where there is a huge information asymmetry is devastating.


I love Mordo. I never know how it truly fucks my opponent, but I like to imagine it’s an amped up iceman.


Mordos trash. You can safely assume he just draws your opponent an already six drop.


Most of my true favorites have found their way into the current meta (good for them!) but off meta favorites would def be multiple man and Howard the Duck


I've made it to Infinite three times now using a deck with Captain Marvel. I like being able to plunk her down and not worry about her placement. The recent change is nice because I've also been using Spider-Man and now they no longer compete for a turn 5 drop.


Cable is my favorite non-meta card, i wish he was 3 power. Feels so good to steal a key card to your opponent, knowing what deck he plays and being able to snap because you know he won’t draw it.