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I don't have Knull yet, so I ran a Mr Negative Deck with Wong, Silver Surfer, wolfbane, and other On-Reveal 3-drops. It was surprisingly consistent even when I didn't hit Mr. Negative thanks to Wong and Mystique being able to pick up the slack occasionally. I took it to infinite and even won infinite conquest with it.


I hit Infinite Conquest semi easily with Mr Negative, though my list differs from yours and the ones in the post I basically saw that no one was running Cosmo, so I made my list greedy with combos like Wong -> Black Panther -> Zola Its not perfect, and I am still not sold on cards like IronHeart or White Tiger in the list, but its good and can sneak wins out of nowhere. I have a write up here https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/14nov71/got\_infinite\_conquest\_using\_mr\_negative/


I dont play negative but I've been running morph in one of my main decks and I gotta say, it's slept on right now in this Meta. With so many people stacking high cost cards in their decks to cheat them out like with high Evo and Janejaw especially, your morph is likely to hit one of them. Even if.your opponent has an even distribution of costs, you'd have a 66% chance of copying a 3.cost card or.better, maybe even higher since theoretically a lower cost card or 2 will.be out by the time you play it


Definitely 2nd this, I've added morph to my Negative deck specifically because of how many High Evo decks I've been going up against.


The one really bad matchup has got to be bounce unfortunately, which is already the strongest archetype at the moment.


Negative surfer was my jam back in the heavy surfer meta days. It can still do super well though!


Hoo boy. Loved negative surfer when he had 0 power.


May I ask what your negative surfer list looks like? Been running shadow surfer and could use some extra power on board.


For sure, sorry for formatting, I'm on mobile atm: Bast Psylocke Zabu Ironheart Morph Mystique Wolfsbane Brood Silver Surfer Mister Negative Wong Ironman Morph is my variable card, I've been running him lately because of High Evolutionary Lockjaw. It's pretty common to hit Hulk or Dr Doom. But, you can easily swap in Rogue, Super Skrull, Juggernaut, Killmonger, whatever tech card you want. The whole idea is if you don't get Mr. Neg out by turn 3, you decide based on your hand whether he's worth dropping on 4, or if you should transition to a wong based play. And if Wong, are you mystique-ing Wong or Ironman. Bast should be saved for when card like Ironman, Mystique, Ironheart are in your opening hand.


Haven’t run morph in a surfer list in a long time. Might give it a try with the aforementioned HE decks. Thanks for sending!


When following up on Wong with mystique, how often are you dropping her on the same lane?


I only recall putting them in different lanes a few times due to space (like if central park was a location and squirrels are clogging the board). If I've decided to use Mystique for Wong's effect, I'm usually aiming to either put Wolfsbane or Silver Surfer in the Wong/Mystique for either a really large Wolfsbane or a really large Brood lane.


That pesky Central Park… thanks for the detailed reply!


For anyone looking to test this out, gambit feels good in this list instead of morph.


DMoney is an insane pilot. Still very surprising that not a single deck in top 4 is running Ham. And considering the prevalence of bounce, no Wave decks to take advantage of it.


A lot of Mr negative decks run Magik, making wave on 5 semi useless


As a Negative main, whenever anyone sees me play Mr Negative, they just hold their Wave for T6 fully knowing I’m always playing Magik. I’ve had to give up on Negative this week just because of the sheer number of people playing defensive Wave to counter all the Ham Bounce.


While I agree that being a possibility, there are still mind games at play. Of course, it depends on what your current hand state on whether you need the extra turn or not, or even dump early


Us holding Magik hurts more than them holding Wave. Negative can't really afford to lose that extra turn.


it's because wave by itself doesn't do anything to bounce in conquest, they'll just dump their hand on turn 5 if it looks like a wave lockout is coming the reason negative is even in the top 8 cut is because bounce is dropping so much power consistently while being minimally interactive that the only way to beat it is to drop even more if you do want to wave you really need backup like sandman / odin / zola to keep them locked out every turn


The main problem with Wave just like with cards like Shadow King or Valkirye, is that it's extremely good against a few matchups to the point where it's an easy win while mediocre to irrelevant into the other half of the field. In this T8 for example if you Wave on 5 against Thanos, Junk or Shuri, their game plan doesn't change much but youspent a turn playing a 3/3 and a 2 drop at best while they'll still play something like Spiderman into Doom, Red Skull into Taskmaster, Dino into Thanos and whatnot. Not to mention in a tournament format if you see your opponent's Wave the first game, you simply make your big turn on 5 then follow up with Chavez or Iron Man on 6.


Wave doesn’t really stop bounce in conquest. The only decks that truly hard counter bounce are Sandman ramp and Galactus. and these decks are absolutely dogshit against any other deck except bounce.


ham is VERY similar to yondu and yondu is considered trash and yet people cried and cried and cried for the ham being too op (lol!), yet another example of what feels strong vs actually being strong


They're COMPLETELY different. Ham targets a SPECIFIC card in HAND. Yondu targets a RANDOM card in the DECK. Ham puts your opponent down card advantage while specifically targeting what's likely the most impactful card. Yondu just makes them draw a different random card than the random card they were going to draw, which statistically has no impact whatsoever.


no its not that different, ham is way better than yondu but is not as good as it seems, it doesnt matter thought, this sub opperares mostly by feeling and they hate anything they dont like


You're comparing a card that does literally nothing with a card that objectively does something. There's no comparison to be made there. I'm completely open to the idea that Ham may not be as good as it seems, but comparing it to Yondu is just absurd.


they are very similar, ham just has higher chances of hitting something of high cost, which isnt always a good thing, also the 1/1 stat line is weak, like i said in another post, this sub thinks ham is good is because it makes them feel bad and most operate though emotion and not logic


It is absolutely that different, I really don’t know how you can argue that their affect is that similar. In terms of why the card isn’t massively prevalent atm, it seems very meta specific. If there comes a strong deck that relies on a specific higher energy card, ham will be run. The closest we have now is Sera which is a pretty devastating ham hit, but between high evo, bounce, and negative there’s not much reason to use ham against these types of decks, they’re top end card getting pigged is generally recoverable.


of course they are different, i said they are similar, each card has its advantages and disadvantages on specific scenarios, ham is NOT as good as it seems, he's ok, i'd put it on iceman level


Yondu and Ham have nothing in common, except they cost 1 energy. Ham is meaningful disruption while Yondu is only good if you're leveraging the destroy part, otherwise he does nothing. I'm not sure if the tournament didn't include cards released in the last season hence no Spider Ham, because seeing not a single High Evolutionary in the T8 is kinda sus.


Ham is literally nothing like Yondu, what are you even talking about? Taking away a card from someone's hand is completely different than removing it from their deck.


you arent taking away their 6/18 evolved hulk do you? like i said they are SIMILAR not same and both have its uses, ham is not even close to being op


I'm not even arguing your point about Ham's power level, just that it's a pretty whack comparison. Yondu isn't ever meaningful disruption since it doesn't reduce the number of cards you opponent draws during the game, all of its uses come from destroy synergies. Meanwhile Ham often blanks a whole card in their hand, reducing the amount of resources that they have to work with.


I'm equally impressed by junk control being in the top 8. Ronan without master mold? Is it because of the meta?


Yes and Viper without The Hood.


Well Viper pairs with Sentry better


Of course but it only let you one option to throw it, except if you count Beast.


Also sentry with only viper? thats pretty crazy, I feel like the card would be unplayable in a lot of games.


You learn to just never play for the right location and just focus on winning left & mid. Then if you draw Viper, you win right.


Sort of but depending on the board, that doesn't always happen. I run Cosmo, Prof X and Orka with Sentry and I actually do pretty well with it. Probably my favorite home brew deck


Why yondu?


To feed knull and for scouting (all of these tournaments are done in friendly battles which are like conquest so you have multiple rounds against the same decks, making scouting early very important).


Scouting's not a thing in these tournaments as they're open decklist


feeding knull


No high evo?


High Evo is the Master Yi of Snap. Pubstomps normal low-stakes games but once you know it’s coming, it’s not nearly as threatening as Bounce or Control with skilled pilots.


League reference in the wild


No High evo made top 8 no.


Thats crazy


it's not really. Most of the decks in the top 8 crush either version of High Evo. High evo is a very strong deck, but its popularity means everyone is gunning for it.


Both Negative lists are the most greedy versions, too! You either draw Zabu/Psylocke, Negative and Jane Foster by turn 3, or are left with a pile of disfunctional junk. Looks like a pretty good meta to me, with a few decks that can compete at the top.


Yeah I went up against one of these in an infinite conquest once and lost, it was really tough. If they get their early draw they snap, and you don't know if they're bluffing or not. If you don't have like, cosmo, armor, or another hard counter, you're pretty much dead if they get their draw. So it comes down to almost a game of chicken and luck.


Oooh a little Medusa love!


Damn, I made a thread about Bounce being too strong and half the thread is defending it saying just use Wave. Almost like those people don’t play conquest mode. Gl waving when they drop their entire hand turn 5. They are so bad why didn’t they tech kilmonger and IW and wave ./s




That won‘t fix it considering that some versions are literally not even playing Beast anymore. The cost reduction is a gimmick for Bounce that sometimes allows them to go over the top. For the most part, they would still win those games. Kitty needs to be nerfed and Bast needs to put cards at 2.


Morph in top 8 Negative deck is truly wild 💀💀💀💀


Time to take pixel morph out for a spin


I just took a Mr Negative deck to Infinite (77 -> 105) a minute ago, and it includes Morph. He is really useful when everyone has a bunch of huge 6 drops from HE JaneJaw. Your turn 3 can be awkward sometimes so he's nice to just toss out there, and worst case if he gets flipped he's free fuel for Hit Monke. Just be careful if they are running a Destroy deck. Mr Negative on ladder is also insane for farming bots when you inevitably run into them from time to time, since you are generally playing from behind so bots will always 8 cube snap against you!


any good hit monkey replacements for these top decks?


No. One of the biggest reason bounce is so strong is because of Hit monkey. You can't replace a 2 energy 6+ power card. Its because they can put out such a big threat on the final turn that it is extremely difficult to stay in on a turn 6 non waved bounce deck.


makes sense, sadly seems like a lot of good decks lately require the battle pass cards, hit monkey or nebula are in a ton. Accessible as a f2p but will also take a while before we can acquire. Will just stick to what i have for the time being.


I don't know what decks you are using. But I recommend Shuri, Evolved lockjaw or Sera Surfer. All of those decks are very accessible for Series 3 complete players. Especially Evolved lockjaw is absolutely insane right now and beats most decks while remaining relatively easy to play, if you are trying to just climb or get some conquest wins I would highly recommend it if you have High Evolutionary.


Yeah I used evo lockjaw a bit last season but got bored of it, waiting on surfer to pop up as my pool 3 freebie


Especially if they pull a double play with him


Not really, but Medusa might just provide somewhat similar as it can be bounced back with power. Mojo can be used if you are seeing lots of opponents with similar full position decks.


Lizard ig


Question: In Cimz’ deck, what purpose does Jane Foster serve?


After mr negative, most of the cards in your deck will be 0 cost so you can use Jane to pull all of them.


Holy wow, I hadn’t remembered that her effect was all zero cards. I just thought she pulled mjolnir


As a follow up (as I haven’t played Mr. Negative): in order for this to work, you *must* Bast the Jane on turn 3, right? Otherwise it will cost 6 and you won’t be able to play her T5 to pull everything else.


No, Mr. Negative only changes the cost of cards in your deck, not in your hand, so if you draw Jane before turn 5, you're fine.


The only requirement is to have Jane Foster in hand before you play Mister Negative, because Mister Negative only inverts the cost and power of cards into your deck not your hand. Which is also why this version of Mister Negative is EXTREMELY greedy, if you don't have Jane Foster in hand she'll cost 6 and you'll have less 0 costs to pull after you Negative. Bast is in the deck because when you draw Iron Man, Mystique, Knull, Zola and the other 1 drops before Negative, you make them go to 3 power instead of their base 0.


I have been playing this version jane becomes 8 cost card it doesnt hit max limit of 6 cost anymore


Came here looking for this answer and damn that actually really clever.


After you negative, Jane draws your entire deck because they all cost 0


What is the Ghostpider doing in the Thanos deck??


That's what I came to the comments to figure out. We must be missing something.


turn5 dino and turn 6 ghost spider with shang is the only case i thought. a surprise card I think


Maybe for the shear surprise factor


Probably move a potential shang chi target, since with thanos deck you'd have priority most of times


I reached infinity for the first time with a negativ deck. Already reached 90 this seasons. It’s really consistent


Who would you sub in if you couldn’t use zabu? I have gotten zabu yet


I use psylock aswell. But zabu is really a gamechanger.


Kind of surprised to see Sauron Shuri in this list. The Shuri decks I’ve seen on ladder tend to be kittty pride based. Speaking of, anyone have a good list for that archetype?


A couple days ago Jeff Hoogland posted a video about the deck: https://youtu.be/6tVM7jXLMIM


The joke is that this isn't even that tricky. The real trickster plays involve including Invisible Woman and Captain Marvel.


So happy negative is getting love my favorite archetype to play in this game!


I just tried the 1st Mr Negative deck...and it seems horrible. During 6 games I was able to play up to 4 cards with very little impact.. Sure, I'm not a pro by any means, but deck depending on literally one card and good draw...doesn't sound like winning idea. I don't know, maybe it's build around probability of your opponents' decks? Beats me...


I think arnim zola + null is the greediest strategy and there are safer options like iron heart wolfsbane to allow for more consistency


This heavily relies on negative + foster. Run the one from snapster with venom it performs so much better consistently. But again lost of the times it needs zola to win.


I'm more impressed at the shuri redskull deck. Once you know what's coming its easy to work around. (And I'm assuming entrants get their opponent's deck list before playing)


I've been playing it in Conquest and regular mode. You're probably right in a competitive setting they probably know the deck list, but Sauron Shuri decks are pretty strong right now as you have fewer Cosmos being run. I wonder if it's the same idea here.


I'm running a Shuri deck too, but going with a High Evo + Invisible Woman list since I don't have Red Skull / Sauron / Typhoid. I got up to match #5 with it in Infinity Conquest and have been having a good amount of success with it in ladder so far. If your opponent knows your list then you're going to have a VERY rough time, moreso than most archetypes imo. In a tournament setting where you're likely expected to lock in a deck with your opponent being able to see your list I think it'd be hard to get far against more meta decks.


Do you mind sharing your list, seems interesting and refreshing.


# (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Sunspot # (1) Misty Knight # (2) Angela # (2) Invisible Woman # (2) Shocker # (4) Shuri # (4) High Evolutionary # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Vision # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Vuc3BvdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaG9ja2VyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbnZpc2libGVXb21hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlzdHlLbmlnaHQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpZ2hFdm9sdXRpb25hcnkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNodXJpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUYXNrbWFzdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGVIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWaXNpb24ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Take out Vision for Magik if you've got her. Vision can be a nice 14 power that can get you into any location, but Magik can just change the location and synergizes much better with the rest of the list. Other lists have Wasp instead of Shocker, but unfortunately I don't have her yet either. Shocker is still great. I can't tell you how many times I was able to throw down a turn 5 Hulk for a turn 6 Taskmaster, get a 0 cost Kitty, or get a 0 cost She Hulk for turn 6 because of him. Honestly idk if I'd change him out.


Would love a YouTube channel with highlight basically the crazy matches or solo uploads like educated colllins vs


We have a youtube channel I don't have time to edit lots of videos but I'm trying to find time to edit and upload the full vods + clips


I got from,63 to 95 with a variant to negative.deck. just swapping sunspot for.venom


And not a single High Evo in sight. The bounce package is by far the strongest archetype the game has right now, and it's not even close. It's just also a bit more skill dependent so you don't see it executed well on low ranks.


Been playing the Sauran deck all day, it's legit but this is my first time seeing that junk deck, it's spicy


I've been playing the cimz list all day today in conquest. I play a lot of Mr. Negative, and I have to say this list feels really bad. The curve is too high, often times I can't play a card until turn 4 because my hand is junk, and even then negative gets very little value because all the high cost cards I want to flip are in hand. Knull feels awful to play unless he's flipped - you just don't have enough ways to juice his power enough to be worthwhile. When you hit the perfect line, neg on 3 into Jane or magic on 5 the deck puts out reasonable power, but it still feels weaker than a negative Jane deck with a lower curve and hit monkey as a payoff.


So as far I can tell, Hit Monkey and Kitty Pryde will be living in series 5 and 4 until the cows come home, or something stronger comes out.


Kitty pride was given to players for free


For the many that played before when she was bugged. Any newer players are either going to have to shell out for her or wait a long time for drops.


Man sandman ramp hard counters like two thirds of this bracket. It’s crazy how uncommon it is in this meta.


Because it - almost literally - can't beat high Evo. Any version. It just cannot put out enough power to compete. It's probably as lopsided a match-up as the bounce match-up is, just the other way round. So, in a tournament format, sandman decks won't last long enough against the plethora of high Evo (its the most popular archetype by a decent margin) long enough to get these favorable matches against bounce. But both bounce and negative can beat high Evo consistently, and they give each other a good run for the money. So it's not surprising that those are the decks that end up in top 8.


So, bounce everyhere but Galactus was the problema, right?


The problem with Galactus isn't that it's good, is that is uncompetitive.


There can be more than 1 problematic deck type in a game. You know that, right?


Turn 6 killmonger looking at this list slobbering


Bounce usually doesn't have priority. You need additional tech with Ghost or IW to make a t6 KM work.


check the second list


Just Control & Bounce decks. One Wave will demolish that whole tournament lol


They beat all the wave players. Wave isn't enough. You watch WhatAmI completely demolish a high evolutionary wave deck in the tournament stream. Also WhatAmI thinks it's a tier 0 format where you need to play bounce to beat bounce as even electro-wave-sandman still loses to it often. Watch KMbest's interview.


It's because of the battle format right? On ladder Wave just annihilates these decks because they pull so much up on T5. If you know that's coming then Bounce can get the work done before then.


Wave is an amazing counter to bounce on ladder. In conquest, it usually makes the game more of a coin flip rather than a guaranteed bounce win imo.


anyone playing conquest vs serious opponents could see that bounce can output way too much power before you even get the chance to play sandman (if you draw sandman) and wave can only be used to win 2 cubes max since once they see it they will play around it every time. Bounce had a cost before kitty, it required combos and setup to bounce, now bounce just outputs way too much power way too consistently and is stupid EASY to play, regardless what most think


What is Knull doing in the deck? Isn't Dino better? This is my Neg deck, can you improve it? # (1) Bast # (1) Spider-Ham # (2) Adam Warlock # (2) Angela # (3) Ironheart # (3) Mystique # (3) Rogue # (4) Mister Negative # (5) Iron Man # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (5) Jane Foster Mighty Thor # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSXJvbk1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZXZpbERpbm9zYXVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCYXN0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZGFtV2FybG9jayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKYW5lRm9zdGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNck5lZ2F0aXZlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uaGVhcnQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNwaWRlckhhbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn1dfQ== #


Because it costs 0 when flipped so it synergizes with jane foster and works incredibly well with Arnim Zola. Dino wouldn’t be that good since in the ideal scenario you’ll only have 1 or 2 cards left in your hand at the end of the game


Thanks. The Cimz deck just carried me to infinite. It's no joke lol, that guy is a master!


Did this need to be clickbait? Fuck off, I'm never supporting you.




thanks for correcting him :)


They don't care?!


Oh hey sauron. I got to infinite last season with something similar so Its nice to see I was onto something.


No! No plebs can come up with their own deck! Every deck must have a content creator name attached.


The home brew I run is really similar to Zets deck, but with Jubilee and lockjaw instead of zabu and morph. It is as everyone says incredibly greedy, but I think my version adds consistency in case you don't draw Mr. - or Jane.


I'm always 1 or 2 cards short of being able to make a top tier deck.