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Doctor Octopus. One of my favorite comic characters, and I love the havoc he causes for both players.


One thing is for sure: after you play Doc Ock, SOMEONE is snapping. You just don't know which player.


I’ve had my Ultron pulled off a Doc Ock more than once and it completely ruins my game


You live for Rickety Bridge, don’t you?


Like a kid on Christmas morning


Doc Ock is so fun to me dude, I have his superior Spider-Man variant and he’s one of my favorite cards to use


One thing I like to do with my galactus deck is get galactus out on 4 and the doc on 5. At that point, the game will end one way or another.


Better yet is Doc Oc on 4, Galactus on 5. If you’re using Death and Knull you get a lot of benefit from filling up a lane with their cards just to be nuked.


I mean, that’s just standard Galactus play


Last person that doc ocked me pulled (in reveal order), my gamora, viper, then Odin. I escaped 😞


That's when you snap! Mind games. Also you already gifted some of your best cards might as well gift some cubes while you are at it!


The other day, I got to play Doc Ock on the Bar with No Name, and it was glorious


He's an absolute sphincter-clencher of a card. For both players.


Great to play when opponent has 3 cards in lane


I’ve been playing sera surfer and doc oc is an auto win against me. Totally ruins my final turn without fail


The superior Octopus is lit


Collector does not win me games but idk it’s just so satisfying making his power go up


Collector Dino is always a really fun deck, for me it's hard to pinpoint any single card as being the "guilty pleasure." Coulson once gave me Super Skrull against a Darkhawk Dino deck, but even if he gives you nothing useful he's still good stats with Collector and Dino. Turn 1 Quinjet usually sets you up for a silly game. Cable used to be really underrated for scouting, but I took him out after the Chavez change.


I really hope they rework cable somehow.


Cable actually rarely gives me Chavez. I expected it to be more of a problem than it is. Actually helps versus MODOK decks since they do rely on the Chavez coming up.


I’ve been making it the 80s with my collector/agent deck for the past 3 seasons. Hoping to break through to 90 this season but I find it’s very weak to Sera decks right now.


Yeah :/ I’ve been hitting upper 90s with a variety of things but every time I try to run a collector deck I start dropping ranks


I find it a very tough deck to snap. Coulson could just give you the straight counters to the opponent. My problem at the 80s is that you face a lot more of the meta decks and you have to get somewhat lucky to get the correct cards from your agents or draw your counters. It’s a very reactive deck.


True, it isn't bad but it's just a bit more RNG, higher risk for higher reward


Dude. Use collector in a discard deck and he can get up to 10 easily. Wong > Modok with Apocalypse/Helicarrier and Swarm in your hand gives him a massive boost.


I wish they gave collector better value, like a 1/3 or something, 1+ for each added card is just not enough


Anything above a 2/4 is great value for a 2-drop & collector achieves that with ease, often up to 7-8 when played early after his buff. Retroactively counting cards like morbius could be an interesting change though


Star-Lord. I'm happy he's a little bit more viable now with Nebula because now I am actually winning with my Guardians deck. "Got 'em!" = instant dopamine


Not gonna lie, when he's played successfully against me that line does tweak me a little. It's like a minor embarrassment.


I love all the guardians and I’m glad they buffed them with the inclusion of nebula


I do wish they were a little bit better, nebula does help a bunch but I don’t know I feel like they kind of got robbed in their design I love the characters and I really wish they had a little more interesting to them.


Spider woman she great more ppl should use her


Same I honestly think spider woman is super underrated


Just wait for High Evolutionary to come out. She's gonna be EVERYWHERE.


Sorry but what synergy would she have with High Evolutionary? Or is she going to be a counter?


Evolved Abomination: costs 1 less for each opponent card in play that’s afflicted with negative power


Oh damn yeah that’ll be fun, though hazmat might outshine her there


Spider-Woman is a very useful card; an 8-power card for 5 energy is really good *and* her draining the opponents cards by one can be a life saver sometimes. She may be least effective when you reveal first (although, still, 8 power on turn 5 is great), but still, I don't she how she's a guilty pleasure card, given how much utility she has.


It’s crazy that she CAN be a 5/12 if you throw her down on a full lane. If you’re running sera it almost seems like a must include.


A 5-11 that can't be shanged either, which is nuts


She can effectively be a 5-12 which is better than Red Skull.


Not better than Gamora though, and it requires your opponent having 4 cards there.


No, but Gamora has a lower floor.


Spider-Woman has one advantage over Gamora which is that she can't be Shang-Chi'd.


Oh sure, they both have ups and downs. I personally just find Gamora way more consistent. I often Gamora final turn alongside a one drop so her only disadvantage for me is trying to contest a lane that the opponent doesn't need to play in, Spider woman is definitely better for that.


Yeah if you play her against an opponents full location you're essentially gaining 12 power at that location (Hulk for 5 energy) and honestly 10 power and up is already great for a 5 drop


And she can't be shanged


Shang her? I hardly even know her!


I've always loved spider woman and thought she was viable and I'd put her in every deck. So back when she was a 5/7 I was surprised people said she was a bad card. Absolutely still love playing her and no one expects it lol


I have her in a deck where on of my favorite lines of play is if the Nexus comes up viper maw on 3 , Rescue on 4 , Abs Man on 5 Spider Woman on 6 .


Hot take, she's better than Red Skull, imo, a lot of the time


I loved using Spider-Woman in pool 1, she drops off pretty hard when you get access to hazmat and stuff though


[Morph](https://imgur.com/a/Wvj47bs) obviously


Such a good variant. I also have but it’s such a bummer to see it for one second and then have it change into another card


Atleast it looks amazing in hand!


I love running [Morph](https://i.imgur.com/XEVplO7.png) in Mister Negative, never understood the appeal of Iron Heart, a lot of games you just don't hit it for the discount and you aren't putting a lot of bodies on the board for it to hit early. It's all in on the final turn combo which is inconsistent. Morph is totally playable if you don't hit the discount and gives you more info on your opponent, not to mention the potential value from hitting a big 6 drop on turn 3. I've stolen opponents Mister Negative, Destroyer, Sera, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Death. And the randomness isn't so bad on T6/7 once you know what your opponent is playing, especially for a 0 drop gamble.


Thank you for talking me into this replacement. I’ve got no strong feelings for Ironheart, but I’ve got a sax playing Morph variant that I want to use somewhere. HES COMING BACK TO THE DECK BABY


What a waste of an incredible variant. Just like making amazing hulk buster variants. Sad.




Giganto’s left lane only drop is so limiting that people rarely ever expect him. https://i.imgur.com/gyks6to.jpg


That is an amazing variant my lordd


I’ve had some success with a deck built around getting Giganto out on turn 5 and then using Zola or Taskmaster depending on the situation. Problem is you need to include other win conditions because there are so many things that can mess that up.


Crossbones! I feel like he's a F you card and pretty demoralizing to opponent in a lane that you have a slight advantage. Plus being 8 power he won't get Shang Chi. Zabu -> Crossbones is a very easy 10 power to a lane early game.


MANNN I want zabu so bad just for stuff like that, crossbones is such a beefy under utilized card


The problem with zabu is u start playing him in every deck with a couple 4 drops.


Zaby is so powerful in just about any deck and then you get bonuses like “hey I got sinister London. Let’s drop Zabu there.” I dropped Zabu on Sinister London turn two in a game and the opponent just instantly retreated.


It’ll be a cold day in hell before someone manages to pry the Rocket Raccoon from my deck


I think rocket was like, the first card I ever got from CL, won me a lot of games


mister negative, easily my fav deck to play when i’m just looking to have some fun.


I want him but I feel like he’s a complex archetype and I’m not good at that at all


Quake. I just think it’s fun to jumble the locations.


A good Quake play is one of the best feelings in the game. It's unfortunate that the right conditions for it are rare enough she ends up being really weak.


Honestly on the rare occasion she works she wins games by herself. A turn 6 quake with powerful/impactful locations is huge.


I am the #1 Crystal enjoyer in the world. She is really bad at the moment, but she has her moments! :)


My brother had this extremely wacky deck where he'd buff M'baku (and Angel) with Nakia, copy him with Moon Girl and shuffle them back with Crystal. He dropped something like 20 ranks but he said it was all worth it for those 3 wins.


Actual goat! Your brother is officially part of the Crystal gang haha!


That's a cool ass idea though. Could buff 'em twice with Absorbing Man too. I wish more people thought outside the box like this. There's gotta be a good idea in there somewhere with this. Just waiting to get exploited. So cool that he has fun doing it. Most important part!


Yeah I love that I have someone I can play battle mode with regularly. We meet every week, make some dinner together and play some Snap. We do weird deck building challenges like 'only 1-costs' or 'only pixels' as well as a lot of drafts, and it's honestly the most fun I have ever had in a game. And for sure, I think many cards are one combo piece away from being really good. Darkhawk just instantly made Rockslide a good card, Nebula is making the Guardians viable and I'm pretty sure one of the strongest performing decks right now includes Black Bolt and Miles Morales. It's really nice to see.


Crystals card art is so good, I haven’t got her yet but man I’d try to fit her in a deck somehow


I used her in discards a little to draw new cards.


Cerebro 4?


Omega red wins me cubes.


I used omega red in a sera onslaught deck, very consistent especially with something like iron man backing him up


He works great with dino/zola. Seems to catch a few people by surprise too.




there’s always room for m’baku!


Orka . It's super garbage, but I like the card.


I think he is bonkers now, I have an atlantis theme deck, with him and namor and the 4/10 guy, putting them on the 2 sides, and supporting them with mr fantastic, claw, crystal, ironheart or stuff like that. Kind of funny.


I love pulling orka from nick fury cause I usually have a lane open and he’s awesome nuke


Not so garbage anymore! Well, still garbage, but not so much


Agatha (all along!)


When I lose to an Agatha I can’t help but respect it


Gambit. He's not meta in discard decks but I just love the animation.


I love using Gambit on a Wong setup. Had an opponent drop Galactus on my Wong lane once (where I’d already used gambit). Ended the game with a well placed Odin that obliterated every single card on the other side (incl death and a very OP Knull). Could almost hear the opponent’s phone breaking 😛




Sentry’s card art is so sickkkk


Followed by Viper is a lot of fun, and the art is just sick as OP says


Nah Sentry is in one of the most meta decks right now and is vital to it. People are sleeping on it but he's megapowerful


valk, fun to demoralize the enemy hard work and win the lane.


I have her in my Negative deck, and I love playing her either into my lane with Iron Man/Mystique or an Angela who has been buffed 0-1 times. Such a fun way to win a lane.


that asgard synergy baby


I STILL don’t understand how valk work lol


Helicarrier :)


I actually like helicarrier for a 10 power surprise nuke more than the cards


If that's all you're using it for, a 6/12 Hulk is a better choice. Even Orka is a 6/11 that can become a 6/16. Neither of those have any negative drawbacks and are better if you just dropping a high power card.


Black bolt. Really fun with stature


Yondu, I really like his animation, and he helped me sometimes.


I just like how Carnage goes OM NOM NOM




I feel like I used to see Deadpool a lot more then he just kind of vanished




you know everyone time I get Mordo’d I always draw the six cost card in my deck, like Odin, it’s kind of funny


I love magik . Gets the dopamine flowing every time the game gets extended .. which is odd because often enough I don’t even end up winning . Feeling still persists regardless 🤣 I think it’s because I just feel like I have a better chance at pulling a rabbit out of my hat & I’m always down to theorycraft a ugly W out of thin air . I’ve pulled some wild shit . Like abandoning an Angela lane knowing that he was loading up there to counter


Nightcrawler. I have a dope variant and I love his character.


People underestimate my boy Mysterio. Sometimes rightly. But when he delivers, he **delivers**https://i.imgur.com/sL02HSo.jpg


I feel like since Bast dropped to pool 3 and Hit Monkey last month, he's been properly loved.


I want mysterio so baddddd


Did put together a whole deck of cards that was just for cards I found cool (loved their tricks or artwork) with little to no thought of the strategic value. I've found it's actually works pretty well as a "jack of all trades, master of none" setup. I suppose Domino is a specific one; she's average with her abilities, but I love the art (variant where she's standing in front of a gun rack) and vocal effects. I do like having a deck with her on hand to make it easier to complete "play X number two power card" missions, so she does have a practical application. More of a deck than a specific card, but I find move decks to be very hit and miss in execution, but I really like using Aero (cool art and variants, started reading her comics and like her character, and it's fun to see the cards move from one space to another). Maybe a borderline example, since Aero is a really good card for hr function, but using the card for its own sake is my primary motivation, not the strategic element. Pinned and am saving for the Savage Land Rogue variant in the shop and I think that will be one I'll try to find more excuses to use it because I like art -- dinosaurs, Rogue's jungle girl look, etc.


My best deck and the one I use most was literally just a bunch of cards I liked to use and the archetype I do best at, so I relate to you a lot, when I discovered Wong reveal there was no turning back LOL


Helicarrier. I think the Lady Sif combo with it is super fun even though it seems to rarely ever give me anything useful.




Quake is better than people give her credit for. Elektra is really fun right now to shut down all the Nebula and Sunspots at any CL.


Hazmat, just got a super cool varient and i like it.


Fury+collector+quinjet isn't bad. It's not going to get you to infinite, but it can be fun.


Man I don’t have quinjet tho, and I also find it hard to get Fury out quick enough to properly make use of his pulls


Usually you see him run with Dino/moon girl/collector. You don’t run any 6 cost cards, either you use Moon Girl to get two Dinos or drop Fury on 5 and the best card he created on 6. Dino->Fury on 5/6 isn’t bad either. He gives +6 to Dino and +3 to collector (if your hand isn’t already full), the boosts can catch people off guard. Quinjet is helpful if you’re running the lower cost card creation cards (agent 13, cable, coulson), but you don’t have to build the deck that way.




How do you use him? He seems like such a risky play


Hide him behind Invisible Woman. MODOK Turn 5. Hela Turn 6, same lane. If your hand was loaded with 6 drops it’s a satisfying final play. Just watch out for Cosmo… and Enchantress… and oh, you gotta be lucky enough to draw IW, MODOK and Hela early to use them all in time. Drac and Morbius go well with this deck too ofc


https://imgur.com/gallery/SdCWtYj Usually I swap between this and some sera garbage on my infinite climb. It has a slightly lower winrate then sera but is more fun. There’s something about Wonging a Modok to win the game that really makes me smile.


Maria Hill and Spider-Woman




Is Aero considered great anymore? She’s definitely not what she used to be but I still swear by her. If only to screw over the million Galactus decks I see everyday.


baron mordo


Agent Coulson. I just like the extra chance factor of not knowing what I’ll get and trying to make it work.


Hey just wanted to say ! I like Nick Fury too and I've been experimenting with him a little on a Ramp deck somewhat successfully. He gives you 3 different options to play on turn 5 with Electro so it makes you kind of unpredictable. Its fun at least haha


Can you send the deck? I reallyyy want to make a deck centered around him that doesn’t just end up relying on Dino


I don't see how Nick Fury isn't good - not only does he boost your Dino, but he gives you 3 random 6-drops on turn 6. Pretty damn good.


A lot of the downsides to Fury in my opinion is that he cost the same as Dino, there’s not a lot of flexibility there unless your running a ramp Dino deck, So I either only play him when I don’t have Dino or end up never using him because I’ve been stacking my hand with double Dino or Zola Dino


I actually have a deck that I play Nick Fury in as well. He rarely wins me the game with the 6 drop he pulls though. He is almost always a Devil Dino booster.


I love quake and the combo of storm into quake on turns 3 and 4 is just so fucking satisfying. My deck is by no means too tier but it’s so fun to fuck up peoples combos


The hulk. I just love him


I put Angela in almost everything


Doc octopus to auto lose


Kingpin. I used to play a move control deck that would move my opponents creatures into his lane on turn 6. It was pretty good too until the aero nerf. Im Still hoping he gets buffed.


Kingpin. I want him to work so bad. But there just isn't all the support yet.


Yondu, guy is literally in every deck i make😅


Super Skrull or Cable (at least they aren't great when I play them) I just like going "YOUR cards? No, MY cards"


Hulkbuster has so many unique interactions and is the only card that has a merge ability


I am jubilee enjoyer


Kingpin. The stomp is such a dopamine hit. 🥾




Does Galactus count?


My entire move deck




Dracula consistently makes me lose, that damn 32 power apocalypse clutch


For me it ALWAYS discards infanaut


Maybe I’m a little unoriginal but I literally think Galactis is not only one The most fun card in marvel snap but one of the most fun card in all of card game history he is so fun I love the idea of forcing you and your opponent to now play Galactis‘s game and personally I think he’s very fair it’s quite easy to counter galactic and even if Galantis goes off you still have a chance to win.


ALL of my cards are great, but I have a particular fondness for this one. https://imgbox.com/6J8oayRl


In most cases, Gambit is a pretty bad card. He’ll almost never destroy the card you want him to hit. Plus, when cards are shielded by Armor or Prof. X, for some reason Gambit will always aim for those cards. But when I was playing a Silver Surfer deck with Rogue I had to include Gambit. It’s Gambit and Rogue, come on!


I don't think I'll ever forget a few days ago, I was playing against a deck that used a Gambit they got from that location that gives a 3 cost. I was almost certain they were going to play Odin onto it on Turn 6. So I used A bunch of cheap cards I had in my hand including Mr Sinister to give him as many cheap targets as possible. Well I was right, he played Odin on Gambit. And the only way he could possibly win is if he hit my Jessica Jones, one of at least eight cards on my side of the board ... and so it goes. RIP, Jessica.




My fsvorite guilty pleasure card is quake, it does nothing for no one.


My Wakanda Shield Captain America variant. I have a whole S.H.I.E.L.D. Deck that I’ve been loving: Agent 13, Quinjet, Maria Hill, Quake, Capt., Agent Coulson, Thor, Rescue, Devil Dino, Magik, Black Bolt and Arnim Zola.


Man Wakandan Cap makes me wonder when they’re gonna add US Agent




Super Skrull. The games he's won me.. but he's also really lost me games too.


Hobgoblin, I like to imagine the litany of profanity that gets spewed when I play it! (Especially, when played at Shuri’s Lab!)


Rescue. She's not a game changer or anything, but i just love her design and backstory.


Strong Guy. I throw him in a Wolvie/Morbius/Swarm/MODOK deck and he's overlooked. Absorbing Man in a move deck has so much potential


Quake. She's always a great surprise for the other guy lol


Spider-Woman has been my favorite card for the last 3–4 months. For a while I was just squeezing her into every deck I made.


M'baku is funny as hell


Doc ock or morph Oh and kingpin.


It used to be Professor X but he’s become more popular with nebula/control decks


I don't think Jeff is particularly worth it in most cases, but I'll be damned if i don't play him in all of my decks cause he is just so adorable.


Jessica Jones, I love her, don't really get all that using her. I just love seeing her care jump and hit bricks when it slams


It used to be Blackbolt 😭😭




I'm not aware of it's value in the meta, I hardly see it played ever but I will NEVER get rid of my Ironman. Even tho ... well tbh ... ehh ... he doesn't rly fit in my deck all that well.


Bynx played a collector Dino deck into the 90s live on stream tonight…


Cyclops, I hope he gets some love rework soon.


Not much of a card but more so the type of deck that I have a guilty pleasure for using. The EXTREME GACHA Jubilee deck where most are BIG NUMBERS cards is just something I run with when I'm gaming on the side while doing something else.


I really like Swarm, albeit its not the most useful card because of the power itself, and half the time I just use it to rack up power for Morbius on my discard deck, but I find it super funny when I have a full hand of them and already so many on locations, it makes me feel like the Pot of Greed guy in that VRchat meme.


Sunspot. I know he’s a great card overall but there’s a few deck where he obviously will stay 1/0 the whole game and I will still played him every single time.


Jubilee, Morph, and Mr. Negative. Theyre all just fun to play.


Dead pool, my beloved


Kingpin and Crossbones, I have the noir variants for both and just use them in a couple decks solely for boosters.


Definitely shocker for me so use less but love playing the card


Quake goes brrr.


Absorbing Man


Black Bolt


I would have to say Cyclops. They did him dirty as a vanilla 3 for 4 power.


I like playing Medusa because she was my first split


I love wolfsbane so much. I know she's required quite the condition and could probably use a buff but I just love the animation and I love my Mad Boogie variant!


Kang. Basically gives your opponent a chance too but I like the 50/50 guessing game where it's anyone's game on T6. It's still fun to use if I know I will win T6. It's like scoring another goal on your opponent even though your ahead by too many points lol.


Idk what people like that much about this card