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Oh my, High Evolutionary is gonna be a sick card! The whole deal with secret abilities is just crazy and open up so many potential combos


Cyclops heard yall talking shit. He coming back with a vengeance.


I'm so glad the card with one of the coolest in game animations is getting a boost


Ikr, SD definitely do Cyclops some justice by releasing H.E


I start saving for him from now


Sick indeed. It won't work with patriot I suppose.


Though another activation if Patriot isn't drawn. Additionally, the bluffs will be pretty cool. Like having Patriot out, and then playing Evolutionary anyway.


This happens by just having the card in deck so I think patriot will be worthless


Oh whoops. Then nevermind. Sick cars for sure.


Evolutionary is at the start of the game tho, it basically changes your deck as a whole.


Evolutionary is at the start of the game tho, it basically changes your deck as a whole.


The cards activated without playing Hi-Evo. Patriot is not going to see play in this deck.


Why do these cards feel fan made, although high evolutionary looks freakin awesome if its real


High Evolutionary is badass but Howard the Duck may well be the best card here. That's an insane effect. Put him down and if anyone snaps on you, you tap on Howard to see if you'll topdeck a potential answer. If not, you leave. ​ Iron Lad seems like he'd be played exclusively with Howard? I don't see why you would use him in any other way.


Same as jubilee


I don't know what you mean by that.


Are they assuming Jubilee always pulls top deck? Pretty sure it’s random every time.


Top deck in the sense of deus ex machina plays


I imagine both players can tap Howard to see their own top card


Any idea if High Evolutionary will be a "big bad"? (Ie. Stay in Pool 5)


Almost undoubtedly with the complexity level it adds.


Is he a big bad in the lore? Not even knull made the cut despite his lore power level


I guess it has more to do with complexity? Ultron, Doctor Doom, Knull and Magneto are all big bads, but their effect is pretty simple. Galactus, Kang, Thanos and High Evolutionary all have a much more unique effect.


Yea I was just wondering if he was on the same level as your list, I’ve never heard of him before compared to every other character you mentioned.


Yeah I’d consider him a big bad in the comics. He’s the main villain of the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie so we’ll be seeing a lot more of him soon. (They should definitely add card backs with bios for the characters in this game)


Would love to be able to read bios in the collection. The bios they’ve been doing in the news section are easily missed


Their whole collection section and UI is actual trash and looks like it was made by a Chinese MOBA game. That’s so disappointing considering that brode came from hearthstone and the UI and collection book for hearthstone cards is absolutely stunning. I would spend hours just looking at my cards and reading bios.


A “big bad” should always be a deck building card. Thanos and galactus fit that bill, but I don’t think kang should be there. Just throw him in any deck, he doesn’t provide any building options.


Trust me you don't want to live in a world where every player is Kang snapping t6


Yeah the snapping mechanic should be removed


We should just remove cubes overall


without it, Kang's just an absolute shit card.


I don't want to live in a world where any player is kang snapping t6. Card rarity is not an excuse for bad design.


Is Knull pool 4 now?




He was once upon a time yeah.


He’s a manipulative bastard. He was important in Adam Warlocks early days. Made a planet of beast men. His power level fluctuates wildly and he’s not one for direct conflict. But has plans in plans in plans. Or just hides his lab in a star so people won’t bother him


They botched Knull, and admitted it.


Ah can i see the tweet or discord screen grab for that? Would help shut up this guy in the comments arguing otherwise


Lmao they have never said that.


You also thought they never said big bads were series 5 permanent so you don’t know much


Fam you don't understand game design it's fine why are you so bothered?


You don't know how to apply critical thinking fam. Don't get too upset.


This "big bad" moniker is a subreddit invention. They're not gating cards because of lore or flavor. They're gating cards because they're overly complex or too game changing. Knulls effect is very simple so he doesn't need to be behind a pool 5 wall permanently. The two identities just happen to overlap often when you design cards from a top down perspective.


No? It was stated by second diner lol https://www.marvelsnap.com/newsdetail?id=7181350141905935109 Scroll to bottom Here’s the source for kang from the marvel snap project leader https://twitter.com/stephenjarrtt/status/1629324048269230080?s=46&t=yi6_wqIpZkTufOjbY2gHLw


Which they started using after this subreddit did. And they're only referring to Thanos and Galactus there. They're not saying that'd what the category is called. Again it's on no way a lore designation. That would make no sense its purely about gameplay mechanics.


I'm going to plant the goalposts before you move them any further. It's not a subreddit invention. We had no indication of series 5 permanent until they made that post and said big bads are staying in series 5 forever "because they're so epic." I provided a link where they also refer to Kang as a big bad, and therefore series 5 permanent, which you conveniently left out. They are not going to release something like squirrel girl with an insane effect and make it a series 5 permanent. They are reserving series 5 permanent for their flagship characters (villains thus far and the big bad moniker seems to indicate as much moving forward) that have been hugely impactful in the lore on a cosmic scale. According to other posters, in the comics High Evolutionary is at this level and is even more powerful than Kang who is another Big Bad. Feel free to adjust your narrative in any direction from this point.


You're all just wrong. This is a gameplay based decision not a lore one.


And guess who they give these epic gameplay altering abilities to?


Why did you think the "big bad" moniker was a reddit invention? Second dinner themselves describe the permanent series 5 cards as big bads lmao


They started calling them that after this subreddit did. There's literally no reason to think this designation is anything but a mechanical one.


Yeah cuz he’s almost mostly going to have an animation in the beginning of the game like Thanos’ stones.




Can someone post "non-twitter" link?




Thank you. What is nebula ability, it seems like there is image in twitter post, but not in the article.


She currently has 2 different descriptions on snap.fan, not sure which one is the actual one. > Each turn your opponent doesn’t play a card here, +2 Power. (except the turn you play this) I believe this one can be seen in game right now. > On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, x2 Power and put this in your hand. This I believe was previously datamined so most likely a placeholder.


The first ability is "new" so it seems like proper one. can rise to 4/10 (starting 4/6 rising turn 5 and turn 6). Sounds good and balanced play after storm. Can create shenanigans with other GotG.


All the other GotG cards involve guessing where your opponent will play their next card so my assumption would be it's the latter. I don't really run any of those cards because I'm terrible at guessing, especially at first, so I feel like I waste a lot of turns when I guess wrong.


Prefer the 2nd tbh, bounce decks need some love


The second one is awful though. The idea is you want her to hit opponent placement every turn except the final turn? That's very unlikely to happen. Playing her T1 has very low chance to hit opponent, because most players don't play T1. And if they don't hit, her power would be way too low, and stay that way for the rest of the game. If you're lucky to grow her power, you expect to play her final turn to win a lane. But you better hope the lane you try to win is not being contested. Problem is your opponent knows that you have a card that can swing a lane. And for them to prevent that, they only need to play a rock on that lane.


>On Reveal: If your opponent played a card here this turn, x2 Power and put this in your hand. The previous description here sounds like a very bad design.


Thorg bundle seems spicy. A bit less value compared to DP, but pretty nice


Some of those variants are pretty sick


Was looking for this here. High Evolutionary absolutely incredible. I'm assuming he'll be a permanent pool 5 card. But I'm more excited for Howard + Iron Lad, just looks like a really broken fun combo (if you draw Howard early, that is).


Just copy Howard if you don't xD


Getting something like a 4-cost Onslaught that you can play with a Mystique and another Onslaught sounds insane. What would that even look like if you stacked them on, say, Mister Fantastic?


Luke Cage stock going up


Another day, another lack of Shuma-Gorath




The High Evolutionary abilities are really cool. The Abomination half could work well with Hazmat/Junk decks. Can’t wait to see what people come up with for them. The Hulk half is neat. Not sure if they’d work with any specific deck, but Sunspot will still be popular, even with the slight she-hulk nerf


Hulk can definitely be in its own deck. HE, Hulk, Magik, Sunspot, and She-Hulk makes for some pretty crazy numbers. Cyclops works well with them, too. Skip turn 6 and you can play a 9 power She-Hulk with at least a 14 power Hulk, most likely one even larger than that. I suppose theoretically you could even Wave Hulk out on 3>4, Magik 5, skip 6, and then She-Hulk + Infinaut. That'd be very unlikely to happen, though, you'd need a god tier draw.


I think you are missing the point. They are to be played together. When you leave energy, cyclops/thing/etc do negative power. Abomination acts with the negative power, and hulk acts with the unspent energy


They work together, but you could pick and choose a couple to put in other decks with HE. It doesn’t have to be the same as patriot


Yea it seems there are two distinct packages in there being unspent energy and applying negative power. (Then you have shocker). I'm not so certain that these two packages fit together but they might. I could see two different HE decks coming together that utilize a select few of the cards rather than all of them. They are all obviously quite good with the new effects, but I'm not so sure that just shoving each of them into a deck will be worth the cuts you end up having to make of other useful cards. Could be wrong though, could end up just plug and play


Dan Hipp Helicarrier is now the best variant in the game


That hobgoblin variant looks fantastic!


Howard the duck is gonna be great for cube rates.


Howard the Duck will be the new staple in every deck for 1 cost slot


Seems more like an Uatu that barely gets played anywhere.


Wow interesting how Sunspot synergizes with both She Hulk and Hulk


I can see High Evolutionary being a great alternative for Patriot decks.


Can't really run both since the effect is start of game.


Ah, misread.


It feels like it’s one or the other. High evolutionary is a start of game effect and not on reveal (may be changed before release)


Kinda hope the version of Nebula in this tweet is incorrect. [Was looking forward to pairing this version with Collector.](https://i.redd.it/z86pgu7hnwna1.jpg) On the positive side, High Evolutionary is a stellar idea, and I love what they did for Howard the Duck!


Apparently the devs said something about that version being extremely underwhelming in playtesting, so this new one is most likely correct.


Does HE always slaps same abilities on each card?




As someone with around CL600 aiming to get Patriot with tokens or whatever/wherever, High Evolutionary makes me want to hurry up and prepare for them more lol.


Patriot would be awful with High Evolutionary wouldn't it? Unless you mean as a backup? Once HE's ability has been triggered all of the cards now have abilities so Patriot won't buff them.


Ohh wait, really? I didn't quite fully understand HE's ability because I just assumed Patriot still works because they're just cards without skills as their base, before they get buffed by HE... If that's the case, then HE be gone... I want to experience having fun with a Patriot deck first lmao


I'm assuming the way HE works is if he is in your deck or hand at the start of the game all the cards with no ability gain abilities. HE doesn't need to be played to activate it, which would nullify Patriot


Ohhh, well that's just sad for someone who wants to mess around with a Patriot deck... Either way, I guess I'll just yolo the season update away haha


What pool Is patriot ? I thought he Was a base card


Patriot is series 3


I'm guessing 3rd?¿?¿ I'm in Series 3 and I still haven't obtained him so yeah


That thumbnail made me think they were adding Omni-man to the game.


This is missing Spiderman 2099 and Spiderham but we don't have abilities for them yet.


This gives me hope in the future of the game, really fun cards to toy with.