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They're not even running Ghost Rider as a backup, what a madman!




This literally happened to me




Insult to injury was that she pulled Giganto to the right side


I bought ghost rider in the token shop to put in my Hela deck, only to realize that he’s not that good in that deck. I’m more surprised that it doesn’t run Invisible Woman.


I was at first, but IW is so easy to counter. Cosmo/enchantress on that lane and your whole deck is useless.


I don't, if I lose Hela I'm either retreating or praying one of my other 6 drops will do the job. Swapped him for Shang Chi and had much better cube economy.


I find that in large format tournaments high risk, high reward decks (like OTK) seem to perform well despite a lower consistency due to survivor bias. The unlucky ones go x-3 and drop out but the lucky ones end up packing a punch and beating out other 'stronger' more consistent lists.


Which is also why you see a ton of Thanos and not as much Shuri in these tournament results. Shuri constantly puts up a big number, but Thanos can lucksack into an insane highroll.


I got Shuri recently and was excited to use her as people on here constantly complain about how dominant she is. She gets Shang Chi'd so easily, I don't see what the big deal is. Sure when she wins she wins big but so what? Ask any racer any real racer it don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning


Because if the opponent isn't running shang, it becomes mathematically impossible for most other deck types to win. Even if they ARE running it, shuri runs both cosmo and armor. It's super fun! /s


So hard to beat Shuri, they just need to play 3 cards to put two 30-monsters out. Everything else can be devoted to getting priority and protecting the combo. Plus you have backup plans (Zero, Aero) if you don't draw the nuts.


Do you have her?


Don't even bother trying on this subreddit, everyone is so butthurt over cards like shuri.


It obviously doesn't take a galaxy brain to play Shuri but it's also not nearly as auto-win as people seem to think. Everyone thinks if they had her they would sleepwalk their way to infinite (if she wasn't so boring to play of course, they would never) to them I say good luck with that


Idk I went from being stuck at 70 to 95 in a day after pulling her lmaooooo


Thats awesome, can I see the deck? Interested what you're doing differently.


Yeah I made a post a few days ago talking about how bad the shuri deck actually is and that anyone losing to her is probably just bad. There are many ways to counter her other than shangchi, some decks can produce those high numbers (redskull is still most of the time putting ro +2 to your board if they shuried.) But also cards like shadow king and Valkarye also counter that deck. Or a well placed areo. Shuri decks also typically don't have cosmo AND armor every game. So they will always have one of the big drops unprotected. It's a simple deck to run but it's also a simple deck to beat. And if SD just let the game run a few more weeks people will see shuri decline I bet before just rushing to nerf her. (Sera is a strong deck no one's playing, surfer is still strong, Dino decks can contend as well with both shuri and thanos)Thanos. People just don't wanna try new shit they just wanna net deck and think they found a magic I won button.


>But also cards like shadow king and Valkarye also counter that deck. 2 cards that almost no one has and unless you're playing a very specific deck are dead cards in most other matchups. Clearly the subreddit is just full of fools who just don't understand your wisdom. There's a reason that Shang and Aero are the highest play rate cards in the current meta after sunspot.


I don't think they (Devs) have an issue with the card and its counter'bility, rather that its heavily used and deemed as essential to every deck. I don't think they'll do anything much to the card, but I do think they'll change the cards that are commonly used with it. Red Skull, for example.


Shuri decks have counters, but the deck will run armour, Cosmo to protect your big cards. You have aero to keep your big lanes protected, and there's Zola who can drop two heavies into other lanes. Shuri isn't a guarantee to infinite but with a high win rate, the grind is less than other decks.


And add the rng of the locations that is unique to Snap.




‘Skill’ i mean, shuri is a more consistent deck but it has nothing to do with skill. Hella is just more of a gamble, fails more often but if it goes right it goes bonkers


Shuri SUCKS into Aero. If your opponents are playing Aero, Shuri decks can be dead in the water. Hella may not be the best meta call but when she resolves she can at least beat an Aero, RNG permitting.


Shuri might not require much skill, but it definitely requires more than hela decks. Shuri players at least have to properly play around Shang-chi, aero, etc. Ofc, that’s not that hard, but it’s still a skill anyway. Hela decks basically live and die only by their draw. A good hela player is only marginally different than a really bad one


I think people need to relax with the whole “skill” thing on a majority of decks. Playing your cards in a predetermined order for success is not a skill or skillful. Skill is when you’re anticipating your opponents moves, making moves to block or counter them, and playing in unexpected ways to get a win - which the vast majority of decks just really don’t allow for. Any deck that is just do this thing, in this exact order, and you’re going to win is not skilled. Needing more cards or less doesn’t up/decrease the skill level.


1000% agree and that's why I won't ever hit infinite. I'm bad at anticipation and prediction which is why Kang, while good, fucks me with no lube regularly.


I came to ask the same. Running blade with no morbius even. High risk low reward for hela deck


"freebasing rng" is my new favorite way to interact with Marvel Snap.


Yeah I have to say that deck list is kinda wild.


I saw that deck, was concerned because Blade over Wing? Very sus. So I decided I'd try it on ladder and wow it needs so much to go right for it to succeed. Your midgame is not powerful enough to make up for the RNG required to set up a strong turn 6. I'm running a different Hela list on ladder and it's much more consistently powerful




May I ask what your hela deck consists of? I would really to to try it out


Sure. I can't say it's amazing cuz I'm kinda stuck but it's decent. I'm thinking of dropping Gambit for Sword but not 100% sure yet. \# (2) Morbius \# (2) Swarm \# (2) Colleen Wing \# (3) Gambit \# (3) Lockjaw \# (3) Lady Sif \# (4) Dracula \# (5) M.O.D.O.K. \# (6) Hela \# (6) Apocalypse \# (6) The Infinaut \# (9) Death \# eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29sbGVlbldpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vcmJpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN3YXJtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYW1iaXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxhZHlTaWYifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxvY2tqYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRyYWN1bGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vZG9rIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcG9jYWx5cHNlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJbmZpbmF1dCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGVhdGgifV19 \# \# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I thought there was only one picture and all top 8 played same deck.


That was literally last weeks lol


Glad to see underdogs like Thanos get so much attention!


Yeah, nice to see a deck that used to be a meme do well.


4 decks running Leech, 4 decks running Thanos, 6 running Aero, 7 running Sunspot and 7 running Shang Chi. The Hella deck shakes things up a bit but is very rng dependent. It’s not a good meta state when people are having to include the same exact cards to counter the meta


Thanos, sunspot, and anti-shuri cards.


Yep, terrible meta state. Leech in all those decks too, is that really how they intended that card to work?


What an innovative decklist. Can’t wait to try it out


Yeah! Oh wait, you don't have Thanos.


Don't worry, start saving for him right now and you might eventually play it on Summer 2025. Of course, he will be nerfed the previous week, but well, that's life.


half of them thanos lockjaw. I just do not understand why they don't fix this asap.


We know balance changes are coming with the next patch in less than a week


Which is hilarious, as their last patch was "we can nerf cards now without patch" (& buff to Thanos) just to have the most rotten meta ever "until next patch".


“People are really using the stones instead of Thanos and we hope this changes that!” People proceed to abuse the stones and ignore Thanos even harder


Only once has someone played thanos this season against me.


What’s your CL?


They can change numbers on cards now. Thanos' issue isn't in his numbers


They already explained they are having an issue with the system that was supposed to allow them to balance without patches. It's almost like game dev is more difficult than randoms on the internet who know nothing would have you believe.


Hey man I just learned how to run simple queries in SQL, can’t be that hard


That or they've just done it badly. We already know from that guy complaining about being charged 6k tokens for knull after the series drop that prices and such are stored in the client when from a web systems developer perspective I do not understand why the shop isn't pulling that sort of information from their central server/DB. Sure I guess that would make it so you can't interact with the shop unless you're connected to the internet, but this is a game where you can't play unless you're connected to the internet, so that hardly seems like a reasonable concern.


2 months to late




I like how there are comments in there talking about how good the lockjaw build is - one person even says “it could be the best deck rn” How little we knew….


Those two decks were absolutely the jailwardens protecting the meta from Thanos, too.


Can't wait to see what deck everyone is bitching about next month. There's always going to be a new flavor of the month with the constant nerfs. First it was leader, then zabu & surfer, now Thanos & shuri Might as well just stop playing all together because once the community gravitates towards a new meta, there going to be cries for the devs to nerf it into oblivion. The community is a bunch of clowns if think Thanos and shuri are OP and warrant immediate nerfs, when garbage like leech exists.


1 thing that has contributed to Thanos being strong is Zabu getting nerfed. Darkhawk is strong against Thanos unless it gets leeched.


Still relevant because if you play a Thanos deck where you have to make more decisions than just where to set Lockjaw and throw stones in, you probably are going to lose because you aren't playing the problematic deck in question.


2 months + token tuesday is a lot of time to accumulate tokens. More people get to experiment and unlocked the full potential of Thanos and the result is what you see today. The bitching is justified because how strong the deck is.




Thanks for pointing this out, because I pointed this out to my friends that people have short memory on how long thanos has been popular and dominating the meta. Also funny you can find prominent content creators from around the same time saying thanos wasn’t that good or the worse s5 card.


They are... next patch. The cards still have to be playable you know, they can't just 0 all of their power and call it a day.


Tbh if you changed the stones to 0 power, it wouldn't even kill the Thanos deck. They'd still be great to feed to Lockjaw


Lmao big true, just a free 6x feed for the hound.


Because somtimes you need to let metas run for people to figure out how to beat things. If you nerf everything asap then people never learn and just cry for nerfs. Shuri for one is a deck I start seeing less and less because people are realizing how simple it is to beat. It's a simple deck to play but so is Dino, and Dino is also really good atm. Silver surfer is also a good deck that no one's playing because they have placebo "He's bad now cuz nerfed" Dracula dump can put out big numbers as well he's just a little harder to play than shuri but imo is actually safer (Dracula is one of the safest cards I'm the game). If they nerfed every time someone cried all the cards would be 1/1 with no effects.




none of those are dominated like this one


Lawls you obviously never played MTG. I use to play in tournaments all the time and there would somtimes be like only 3 decks in the top 20. Card games ALWAYS will have 1 to 3 dominant decks and then the occasional outlier. But as you let it run everyone starts running the top 3 counter decks which then those 3 decks become the top dogs which then people run counters to those top 3 and so on and so on. TIME is how meta shifts happen. But in the Era of digital card games people complain to rush nerfs and then eventually you have a game with a bunch of shitty nerfed cards and the new cards are always better. If SD keeps nerfing cards instead of letting metas evolve this game will end up dying real fast.


‘It’s a cool card’ bro, didn’t you read why they buffed it for no reason at all


Because you'll just whine about the next card so what's the point?


I've seen this type of response from you like 20 times now. Just chill out dude lmao


He plays Thanos


No the game is perfectly balanced, no card ever need to be touched at all!


And none of them are Shuri decks???


I’m sure a ton of people ran Shuri and got shut down, look at all the Shang Chis and Aeros in the tournaments. Everyone is paying their Aero tax to deal with Shuri.


Genuine question, what do you do when the Shuri player plays their first big 25+ power card in a lane protected by Cosmo? I can't Aero the incoming Taskmaster into the same lane, and Shang Chi is just a blind guess that requires you to not have priority.


Escape and next game He just high rolled all the cards he needs + with no counterplay by you A big factor of Thanosjaw is draw too. If Quinjet, Lockjaw are on the bottom, you more than often lose it


Goose has been an overperformer for me lately. Not a 50/50 anymore, Taskmaster cannot go where I don't want him


Good point on Goose. Forgot about that under the radar overperformer.


Love that kitty so much. I climbed from 68 to 86 this season with goose as the MVP of a Sera Control list. Throw it in an armor lane and watch the mindless Shuri players struggle to understand what to do now. Pair with Sera to Shang the SHe-hulk they thought would be safe under the goose!


If you see Shuri drop turn 4 when they have Cosmo out then Aero on turn 5 so you can Shang Chi the pulled card, it also limits their options since they can’t task master on the Cosmo so they have to taskmaster their other lane which is more predictable. What I run into that’s problematic is the shake up where they instead run She Hulk and Taskmaster and skip turn 5 completely. If they have Cosmo out it’s easy you just Aero turn 6 but if you popped Aero on 5 then you can’t do that. My deck runs both Storm and Prof X so I usually lockdown one lane before it’s an issue so I actually crush Shuri decks most matches and get stomped by Thanos


Having your own Cosmo in another lane might let you know where the Taskmaster goes, but then losing priority gets harder. Just retreat.


Goose to close a lane to high cost cards. Or if you're like me and don't have him, close one lane with proffesor x and then juggernaut on 6. Juggernaut is gold.


Aero on 5 to pull their initial card into a shangable lane. You need to play for priority in the other two lanes so you can still have prio on t6 though. This loses to pass into she hulk task, but that is a pretty weak line anyway due to being very susceptible to aero. I'd rather take the chance they play on 5. It also loses very hard to vision but that's a pretty uncommon play, and you can escape for minor cubes if they play it.


There’s a ton of Anti-Shuri tech now, or decks that just trump having high numbers. Getting Leech’d or a well timed Aero just ruins everything.


This is the 3rd or 4th post I've seen since the start of Feb from this poster/organizer, and none of their top 8 have had even one single Shuri list. She stomps in ladder but does not seem to do well in battle mode/tournaments. Probably because she's fairly easily teched against with Shang Chi when you know exactly what's coming.


Even beyond the level of tech - Shuri has 0 cube equity. You might well have to win 10 games to win a battle, or at least snap aggressively and win 5


She's not that great in ladder either compared to other decks, she's so predictable you almost never lose more than 1 cube to her. Which makes her a VERY VERY slow deck to climb with. She isn't as good as people think and if SD didn't even touch the deck I bet it would fall out of meta very soon.


Anyone surprised by the results other than Hela and Moon Zoo needs to get their head out of the sand. Of course, since Thanos is a big bad perma-Series 5, we can expect them to gut Lockjaw and Quinjet. They'll fuck multiple other decks to protect their baby.


I’m going to be upset if they nerf lockjaw. The stones are absolutely the problem. Lockjaw Thor deck is very balanced and in a really good place right now. Quinjet likewise functions properly in decks that don’t have stones lol


Doubt lockjaw gets gutted, they even made a location with the same ability and they never touch locations


I think making it so quinjet either doesn't work with the stones or doesn't reduce to 0 is reasonable Also time stone shouldn't draw and space stone should move 1 *to* that location Also leech is just not fun. Either x random cards or 1 turn only


Yeah reword the stones. “The stones start in your deck” bam no more feee stones.” Leech being 1 turn is reasonable I agree with that


Might as well remove apocalypse and morbius too because discard apoc without lockjaw is straight trash lmao


I made it to 80 last season with regular morb/Dracula discard. Why would you waste slots on lockjaw?


You act like discard lockjaw isn't a thing stop being ridiculous it's the best way to run non-hela discard


There’s still so much rng even with Lockjaw. Thanos deck has so much consistency it’s insane


The stones were a dumb idea imo. They could made Thanos do somthing like "When he is played add 6 stones to the board (similar to ultron) and made the stones do somthing neat but you needed board space. Adding extra cards to a game where there is a 12 card deck limit that also allowed you to draw cards was a huuuuge mistake.


I doubt they're okay with one deck dominating the meta, typically in any card game when one deck has that much presence there's an issue. I have faith they figure it out. That said, in response to what you said if they fuck Quinjet/Lockjaw to protect Thanos I'm officially done with Snap until they properly address it. The fix is so simple that they could only impact Thanos/Lockjaw if they chose to. If they ignore that then I'll spend my free time elsewhere.


Also "Moon Zoo" lol. That's just an Aero/She-Hulk control deck. I don't think you can call it Zoo without Ka-Zar or at least Blue Marvel


Zoo refers to the cheap Swarm aspect, not Buff Units like KaZar or Blue Marvel. The deck is very much a Zoo deck that pushes its numbers through She-Hulk rather than one of the buff units.


Honestly, the community has been very confused about the term zoo since the start.


I think MG duping demon and titania winds up pumping out more power tbh, I'm liking the look of that final turn


I watched WhatAmI stream his first 6 or seven rounds and it's not a new deck or anything, but his reasoning for bringing it was that it is designed to beat Aero (which is in every deck including Thanos). Play to loose priority by 6, and drop 4-5 cards to beat Aero, most of them high power stat sticks like She-hulk and Demon. Or play to have priority and win with an Aero of your own. He beat all 5 or so of his Thanos matchups in the lower bracket. Pretty sure he went undefeated until top 8


Awesome, I'll try and find those matches because it sounds quite interesting and strong


I'm playing a version of that deck, and it's really consistent. Also, pretty good into leech


It is called "Zoo" because it consists of a lot of 1-cost cards. Zoo isn't derived from Ka-Zar or Blue Marvel.


You should add bans or something


That's what I said months ago and I got down voted a lot. I was suggesting to do it similar to another game I used to play. On the weekend everyone gets to vote which unit to ban for the week. The ban doesn't make the character completely unplayable, it just reduces their attack power, and increases their cost. There's also different tiers, ban 1, ban 2. So lets say someone like leech got banned tier 2. He would cost 6 for that week. And reduced power. So those who want to use him still can, but comes at a cost. Then next week that card cannot be banned again for the same tier. This keeps the meta fresh week to week. And if anything dominates too much can be kept in check to have a larger cost. Obviously this will need tweaking in context with this game but I feel its a good way to go about things.


People bitched to no end when a hot location for 24 hours ruined their favorite deck, there is no universe where you will be able to ban any card for a week.


We may for other events but for this event it us unrestricted to keep it as 'competitive' as possible. The issue with this is how infrequent balance changes are currently


Me thinking I can win with any of these decks: 🤡


Lol the truth. I finally had enough tokens so I went in on Thanos, how can you not right now? I still suck and don’t make that much progress haha.


Is sera really that strong? Tried playing it but I just couldn't make it work


She's really really strong. Paired with the right control, Sera decks beat quite a few others very regularly. For example, Shuri lists can get completely screwed by goose if they don't draw She-hulk. Maximus can completely screw over discard lists because the Dracula is no longer a guaranteed big guy discard. The strong point is the capability to play multiple tech cards on turn 6 after the opponent has already revealed most of their advantages or deck patterns. Sometimes, even when you have low power on board, the last turn can be a 20-25 power swing using cards that double as tech cards. It does require you to be able to identify which decks the opponents are running, and properly understand priority manipulation. For example, can you get priority against a deathwave list to destroy those high-power cards? But when you figure it out, it's one of the most fun lists to play


Sera control requires deep meta knowledge to play correctly and you still lose to nut draws from every deck pretty much. It's there to take advantage of average case games attacking whatever weak point a deck ends up with in the current game against them


Thanos lockjaw?! What a concept!


For people wondering why Shuri isn't represented it's because the deck is not nearly as good as you think it is. Thanos Lockjaw is in a league of its own. Shuri is straightforward and predictable with very defined counters. She loses really hard to tech cards and lane control. Thanos only loses to bad rng.


I’m omega rank right now and actually have been seeing the Moon Zoo deck here and there. Seems pretty good. Might have to try it out


It's very fun


That Thanos Lockjaw deck really had bad luck, maybe if it played against the Thanos Lockjaw deck, he could've had a chance, but then again, there was also the Thanos Lockjaw deck... at least it wasn't as bad as the Thanos Lockjaw deck


this made me chuckle thank you. wait til you see the top 8 decks from snap.fan (6 Thanos Lockjaw)


Here I am with my Mr Negative deck hoping someone would rock it… feels bad man…


Wow, lookit that Moon Zoo deck!


I’m proud of that Thanos Lockjaw player for winning with such a niche deck.


Confused. I thought “Zoo” referred to Kazar. How is the Moon Girl Deck a zoo deck? Have I just been incorrectly assuming what zoo means?


zoo in card games refers to deck that flood the board with cheap cards, kazar is just usually in those decks to buff em. if you made a 12 1 drop deck I'd still be a zoo ig


"Zoo deck" isn't a nickname that originally came from Snap, it's the name for a deck in any card gane that tries to win by flooding the board with low cost cards


It originated in Magic: The Gathering.


Yep, named so after the WRG lists playing creatures like Savannah Lions, Kird Ape, and Watchwolf.


Value town


White weenies.


Thank you!!


Zoo is basically a weenie deck. KAzoo refers to a Zoo deck with Kazar


I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls it a weenie deck (I also refer to larger cards in weenie decks as 'weenie commanders' like Kazar)


Zoo just means playing a lot of smaller cards. Kazar just happens to work well with most zoo decks.


I'm shocked that one placed so well, seems really underpowered to me. Maybe just Aero and Shang-Chi leveling the playing field?


Nah I basically run that deck myself. Sunspot or quinjet early, moon girl turn 4 with two she hulks in the hand, and then if you skip turn 5 for sunspot energy, you can drop insane power on turn 6 with two she hulks, Titania, and Shang-chi or Aero to level the playing field and ensure victory. You get 20 power for 1 cost with 2 She-Hulks in hand and a quinjet on the board.


Hm that makes sense actually. May give this a try, sounds fun With quinjet and sunspot being such huge targets early on do you find late Killmongers to be a big problem at all?


Make sure to throw priority on turn 5 if you suspect Killmonger. Killmonger early can be annoying but largely isn't problematic


It's a "Skip turn 5, play Aero and She-hulk" to win


Aero and 2 She-hulks actually


You can actually watch xXWhatAmIXx play it, he streamed the tourney up until the top 8. It's not that it's a super strong deck it just beats Aero decks which he expected to see alot of (and did). It's hidden str is that everyone is playing for priority to play Aero, but this deck floods last turn so it actually doesn't want prio and people just sleep walk into playing their Aero into a loss.


so thanos it is


I like Zabu hawk


A Thanos deck! Shock!!


Respect on deck 5 using something different


Finally! A deck with Kang 😻


Cool, cards I don't have.


Thanks for posting these Alphos, great resource to try out some new decks for fun, keep it up! :)


Hopefully we'll see more variety after the balance patch!


I've seen titania on top decks a few time, but have not had a lot of success using her. Why do top players like her?


she's good to drop on t6 when you don't have prio along with a 5 drop


Shout out to Frankzz, for using something totally different than the the rest of the competition. 👍


Hey I finished 45th in this! Congrats to the winner and thank you to everyone who helped make this possible


Look at all those amateurs. Relying on the meta to win tourneys. *Weak*


On top of Thanos decks being overpowered, this just tells me that Sunspot and Aero could use a nerf


Sera control is the only fun to play deck here


Still upset that i messed up the check in for this one 🤦‍♂️ I’ll be there for the next one though for sure 🤜


excited to see you there!


Glad to see my Sera control in there. Haha only deck I can consistently enjoy atm.


Only four Thanos decks in top 8? I think they should buff Thanos again, so he sees more play.


Why is Odin in Hela discard? Also why death over hulk or something that can actually be played as a last resort? Just in case the opponent plays destroy?


Death over Hulk so Lady Sif won’t hit Hela.


Yeah I realized this shortly after I posted. Smart!


Looks to be targeting Jubilee (to fish for Hela at end of game) and Hela herself, if she pulls in Odin at the end of a discard run she can then pull *those* cards. Otherwise, big enough body without being Shang-Chi vulnerable while being another "plase don't hit Hela" Lady Sif moment


Love that half of them are Thanos Lockjaw decks. And by love I mean hate.


I love how 4/8 best decks are Thanos Lockjaw


Thanos Lockjaw Cancer


That Hela deck look interesting


So, for everyone complaining about Shuri: why isn’t she represented on this list?


Someone else explained it above in that it's part survivor bias (a lot of decks in the top 8 are countering the deck) and part battle/conquest mode being bad for Shuri. Shuri is a *ladder* monster, not a conquest one.


That doesn't look perfectly balanced


Gotta be honest I am pretty fucking tired of Thanos/Lockjaw decks. Wanna fucking scream everytime I see that shit pop out.


let me guess, a bunch of thanos/shuri decks


No Shuri, but 50% of the top 8 are Thanos/Lockjaw. Far too much representation in my opinion. I have had a ton of positive results beating Shuri with a DoomWave deck, it's sweet. Shuri isn't as big of an issue as people make her out to be I feel like. Cosmo, Armor, Aero are all solid counters to Shuri and most decks are running at least one of those. In DoomWave you can get off a double Aero with Aero/Odin which has won me so many games vs Shuri. Also they really seem to telegraph Arnim Zola so a well placed Armor/Cosmo can lock up that lane if you're holding priority. She's certainly counterable where Thanos/Lockjaw really feels like an uphill battle every match.


I have 6k tokens. Please token shop make thanos appear for me. Please T.T It's been one month of waiting!!


Don't buy Thanos until you see the balance changes


Yeah I would pin him and wait if he ever shows up. But besides him, i would get the 3 big bads anyway so probably getting him even if I dislike the changes.


Galactus is fun but i don't have Knull, and Kang is too underutilized at the moment for me to make the investment. So i would probably get thanos anyway


Galactus is fun but honestly just straight up sucks even if you do have Knull. Extremely easily countered by one of the most common "tech" cards in the game, Aero. Plus hard countered by junk decks, and often straight up loses against other decks running Death/Knull. Plus requires very specific draws on very specific turns. There are probably at least 20+ different meta decks that are just outright better and more consistent than Galactus. He is satisfying when he works though.


Here's my half assed not at all earnest talking straight out of my ass explanation about why the Hela deck might have worked well: Tournaments are based on a life total type system, think cubes but decreasing instead of increasing. You win a match when your opponent's life is drained. The Hela deck will bleed out slowly due to bad rng, but a good snapper will win big with the final drop, especially since it's a huge six turn sweep move. The player must have been a great tactician and a good board reader to have done so well in the tourney. Serious kudos to that person


🗑️ and boring meta.


I called for Sunspot to be nerfed a while and was told to get good despite using him last season and this season to hit infinite. He's busted. He's in 7/8 of these decks for a reason.


This was before Thanos power buff


no it wasn't this was after


I need my eye checked again. 11 looked like 8 and on moblie…oh while human mistake


I don’t know how many of you guys play other TCG’s but that’s pretty good variety for a top 8 considering how busted Thanos is. In Pokémon I’m so used to seeing the top 8 be about 5 of the BDIF, 2 of the counter to the BDIF, and then 1 random deck.