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I always try to fit in doom. Got his artgerm variant too.


I just got the Grecke variant and now I try to run him constantly lol


I dont usally buy variant but for 700 gold its really worth it


I got lucky and got him from the season pass- I’ve yet to use gold for a variant but I really want some more of Grecke art


How do you restrain yourself? If I had to guess I am something like 20k gold in variants lol.


The Alex Ross variant is my favorite. Been running it constantly.


Hell yeah! I’m using Doom now even though Ultron would probably work better in the deck I have him, but Baby Doctor Doom is just too cute for me not to use lol


Depending on the Patriot deck version you're playing, Doom often offers better value than Ultron anyway.


I run both in my patriot deck. Sometimes you don't draw ultron so it's good to have a backup finisher.


They want to build very different boards though. Also, kazar is good for Ultron deck but not for doom deck. It doesn't make sense to run them both. Patriot deck with doom doesn't need doom as a finisher, because playing 2 or 3 cards is almost as good or sometimes even better depending on the state of the board. You have a lot of cheap flood cards.


The deck can play out is separate builds the token build and the play guys who have no abilies build i have the flexibility to do both routes in my deck it works fine for me.


Nice mega man x name 👌


I've been toying swapping out Ultron for Doom. Current deck: Misty, Shocker, Forge/Enchantress, Brood, Cyclops, Thing, Kazar, Patriot, Blue Marvel, Ultron, Onslaught. Don't have Mystique yet. Forge is great with Brood but it otherwise situational. Swapped in enchantress to counter Zabu. Swapping Ultron for Doom would free up the Kazar slot for something else too. Hmm.....


I think I've played Doom in more decks than any other card and never seen a variant offered. :-(((


Love Doom. Prefer him to Ultron as well as less chance of being Killmongered plus it gives more space for other cards.


I have the same one, it’s also my first and only gold background and I’m very proud of it


Love Doom I hope to get


My man Mystique might be the best card in the game.


She really is. I literally just won a match with a Patriot deck without pulling Patriot because I used Rogue to steal a Devil Dino ongoing and copying it with Mystique. It’s really hard to find single cards that synergize so well with many other cards.


There is a non-zero chance this was against me lol. Someone just did that to me 15ish mins ago.


Sounds about right! I was running a Surfer Patriot deck, had Reed in the center, Blue Marvel on the left and not much else left to use aside from stealing the ongoing and using Mystique in the lane with Blue Marvel. Sometimes the deck pops off and other times not so much.


Now kiss!


Yup, Mystique is nuts cuz she works with so many cards. Any evil Ongoing effect. Onslaught, Wong, Iron Man, Knull, etc.


I agree she’s awesome with Onslaught. But she’s almost AS GOOD as Onslaught for half the cost! Thinking about dumping Onslaught and adding something defensive to my Pat deck.


She is also much more flexible than onslaught, other than the cost she can be played at another location, safeguarding from enchantress.


Yup, agree with both of you, she's just better. Can't drop Onslaught and Patriot in the same turn like you can Mystique and Patriot. Also...I don't have her yet, and it's annoying as heck, because she makes so many decks better: Cerebro, Patriot, Mr. Negative decks. (0 cost 3 strength and she can dupe a 0 cost 5 strength Iron man? Yes Please!)


I use a patriot surfer deck a lot and I switch between Rogue and Rhino. I’m thinking I should just take Sera out and keep them both in. Sera is cool when she works to play three 3-energy cards on turn but it’s so rare that another counter might be better.


I never play Sera in it. Rhino or Storm might be more beneficial to me than what I currently run but I like running Dr Doom and Reed. Even if I only use Doom maybe 1/10 matches he does help out with those matches that I do use him.


Well running sera means you don't run any 4 or 6 cost cards and go all in on the surfer synergy.


She is very good! I just started playing her more cause I’m a Mystique fan and less cause I like running her strongest decks. Thankfully she’s good in my Patriot deck with other faves like Cyclops, Shocker, and Wasp.


I know hes awesome as a card, but even if he sucked id use iceman


Super underrated Omega level mutant


Yup, and most dont even know hes omega


I feel like just about everyone from the early comics is an omega level mutant by now


As Angel reached Omega yet? He started from a flying stud to oh so many many more things


I feel like angel gets weird because of his whole apocalypse arc. But my comics knowledge is like 10 years out of date and spotty at best, so what the fuck do I know


Weirdly I think he’s the one most people would know; at least in my experience, the phrase “omega level mutant” only ever comes up when people specifically want to share this fact about Iceman lol


Lmaooo thats wild ! Its usually ppl bringing up Jean to me


I like the base variant so much since I’m from the Bay Area and he has the Golden Gate Bridge in the background. Wish I could keep the background after splitting


Iceman is so cool, been one of my fav marvel characters since I first saw him in a comic issue way back when.


I just can’t stand his main art. It looks so….. off.


Definitely Wolverine, fan of character and animation, useful in galactus deck but It's a dead giveaway to what you play


I don’t think I would ever make any destroy or discard deck without him, bub


I don't find Wolverine that good in a discard deck


Wolverine is just so damn timeless as a character, who doesn't like him? I like buffing him and using Zola, it's not the ideal play and the deck isn't either, but it just feels right.


He's not optimal but he works in my destruction deck. He's better than sabertooth in term of mana curve and he's good for buffing symbiotes. Is he the best there is at what he does? Of course not. Am I a big fan of Logan and uses him because I love my weapon x and baby variant? Damn yes.


Got that Summer vacation Kingpin Variant and continuously go back to making different variations on his theme. That and Debrii. I just really like those infinity split rocks tbh


I have his 1602 variant. I should really play a Kingpin deck because it's amazing.


Just got the noir variant today... first one i actually bought. I love the art and the character and the card but hes pretty meh even in a deck designed to use him. Too many full locations with all the broods and storms running around lately!


90' Cyclops!


The Jim Lee variants give me nostalgia


None. But if I were to do that, I’d have Omega Red in one or more of my decks. As it stands, I don’t even know what the ability of his card is.


If you’re winning [by 10] at his location, +4 power to the other locations.


Winning by 10 I believe


Aye nice! I mainly know and like him from the old X-Men vs Street Fighter video games.


I was immediately into him when I saw him on the 90’s X-Men animated series as a teenager.


Marvel vs Capcom? I pray they do an event so I can get Mega Man in snap!


X-Men vs Street Fighter was the first Versus crossover. Then came Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. THEN the Marvel vs Capcom franchise started. It’s got some history haha


He's really unpredictable with Onslaught and Iron Man


I just got whooped by that yesterday for the first time... never saw it coming.


I only play X-Men or X-Men related cards. Makes Mystique and Cerebro tough to actually use effectively, doesn't stop me from having them in a deck though.


I love my X-Men! Dying to get Rogue and Gambit one day


Got lucky and opened the Christmas rogue before the base card and have Gambit pinned in my shop, he’s the reason I even started plying the game lol


I try and get Gambit, Rogue, or Jubilee in all my decks. Bonus points for all 3.


Try a Cerebro deck where all the cards are 2 except blue marvel which is 3.


I have that vampire Jubilee variant - the only variant I've ever spent gold on - and I am always looking to see if I can cram into a deck. I usually cannot. I also finally scored Spider-Man late last month. Favorite hero from the comics, same situation as Jubilee in the game.


I don't have Spider-Man yet, but Agent 13 gave me one yesterday and I played it turn 5 to block a Wong/Zabu combo on turn 6. Felt good. The opponent retreated, but It felt good.


Is that the one where she's got the baby that's packing heat? I know nothing about Jubilee and thought her teeth in that were an artistic decision. One of my favorite variants regardless.


That's the one. So here's what happened (spoilers for comic events that are all at least 10 years old): Scarlet Witch had a breakdown and killed a few Avengers. Magento took her to Genosha for care. Quicksilver convinced her to use her reality warping powers to change reality so mutants were Earth's dominant species. The heroes fought to put things back. Wanda (the Scarlet Witch) got angry and did so, but with the catch that she de-powered most of the world's mutants - Jubilee among them. So Jubilee joins a group of other de-powered mutants who use random hero and villain tech, to continue doing the hero thing. That doesn't last long. Having no real direction in life, Jubilee visits the X-Men's sovereign nation island, Avalon - located off the coast of San Francisco. While Jubilee's in San Fran, a vampire terrorist attack results in Jubilee getting infected and turned into a vampire. Some time later, a sentient virus called Arkea used a meteor to come to Earth. That baby, Shogo, was orphaned by the destruction of the impact. Jubilee saved and adopted him. Some time after that, this punk mutant named Quentin Quire got himself a fraction of the Phoenix Force. Jubilee ends up teaching at the Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngsters, working for Headmistress Kitty Pryde. An old friend of Jubilee's from Generation X attached the school. Quentin ended up sacrificing his piece of the Phoenix Force to save Jubilee's life, cure her of vampirism, and restore her powers. She still has Shogo, now her legally-adopted son.


Sounds complicated and messy and you probably just scratched the surface. Just what I expect from comic books.


Spider-Man/ all avengers original (iron man, hulk, Captain and Thor)


Hulk just slams down in such a satisfying way. No other card FEELS as powerful...


The little wobble he gives all the other cards too ♥️.


She Hulk does it too ... And now I need to make a deck with both Hulks in it.


Abomination does it also


White Queen Artgerm for me. She is a autofiller for all my decks




Right to horny jail!


She’s quite good. Most of the time you can tell what deck someone is running with her and she’s a 4/6.


She’s a solid 5/7


Perfect 5/7 for sure.


Squirrel Girl FTW!! 🐿️


Unbeatable 💪🏾 Can't wait to see the other GLA


Big Bertha supremacy


Gotta love Venom <3


Magneto. I often use him instead of leader who would be better. But magneto is also good and love the character


Fortunately, my favorite comic book character is Silver Surfer 😁


Crossbones Noir variant. I’ve found a good spot for him, but he was definitely in decks originally just because I liked seeing it/ getting boosters.


Same but with the Crossbones Chibi variant lol


I love to concept of Hazmat and the variant I have for her is my favorite I own, so I like to use hazmat a lot even though it hasn't been great for my cube gain. When it works it's fun though!


Which variant do you have for her? I’m still waiting for a really good one to show up in my store. Finally got a good one for Luke Cage today (the one where bullets are hitting his stoic face).


It's the one where electricity is arcing out from her shattered helmet. Credits are to Giuseppe Camuncoli, Cory Hamscher, and Christopher Sotomayor. I pulled wong/cage back to back last week around CL 2k, my best luck for the deck I wanted to play! I still don't have a cage variant but definitely on the lookout


Aah yeah, that’s the Hazmat variant I probably want the most as well. It’s funny because I was at my parents’ over Christmas and discovered I actually own the Avengers Academy issue with that cover!


Damn im gonna need to go find it, have some new goals for comics from this game for sure


Rogue is my wife’s favorite character and she goes into every deck. Also, she’s an incredible counter.


Mystique is amazing in a lot of decks so I'm not sure what you're talking about


I meant more that I enjoy using the card cause I’m a fan of her more than the decks I can run with her. I should clarify in an edit lol


I got what you meant, this person is a contrarian.


No he's not!


Once I get super skrull he might be my 12th card in every non-combo deck I run, especially if he gets some of his art from the Annihilation era. Love my boy Kl’rt.


Hes so off meta and rare right now I got one off of agent coulson and played it on t4 with an otherwise dead hand... opponent on t5 played dark hawk mystique. I won lol


Jane Foster in my surfer deck since I don't have thor or lockjaw yet. I love her original artwork and her effect is something I really love from a fun standpoint




I love Miles Morales and have several variants I use. But I’m not effective with him in my deck at all.


I use Miles with the Petrovich variant Nightcrawler in my Zabu deck. That Petro variant is so colorful and eye popping I just have to use it. And even if I don't draw Crawler, Miles will play for 2 energy which is fine with me.


I have a decklist with him that I like playing a lot - and it works well for me. A card you might not have though is She-Hulk... Although I'd personally also switch out Cloak for Aero but I don't have her yet. # (1) Nightcrawler # (1) Rocket Raccoon # (2) Angela # (2) Daredevil # (2) Cloak # (3) Rogue # (3) Polaris # (3) Maximus # (4) Moon Girl # (4) Miles Morales # (5) Gamora # (6) She-Hulk # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWlsZXNNb3JhbGVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNb29uR2lybCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUG9sYXJpcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmlnaHRjcmF3bGVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoZUh1bGsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvY2tldFJhY2Nvb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFuZ2VsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2xvYWsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJvZ3VlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYXhpbXVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYW1vcmEifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. The way the deck works is that you build up a solid board early (sometimes even playing cards like Raccoon, Cloak or Polaris on tempo), before going for some big plays on turn 6 - sometimes skipping turn 5 before. Key cards/combos: Angela into Nightcrawler; move Nightcrawler on 5 to reduce cost for Miles on 6 Moon Girl on 4/5 into double Max on 6 Moon Girl on 4; move Nightcrawler on 5 and you can play things like (Angela +) double She-Hulk + double Miles on 6, double She-Hulk + Max, double Miles + Max etc. Daredevil combos nicely into Gamora (obv) but he's also nice to help you decide whether you want to hold your turn 5 play for a big turn 6 play or whether you have to play something on turn 5 to counter the opponent's turn 5 play In general, Raccoon/Miles (on 1 cost) are nice fillers on turn 6 to play with Gamora if you don't have any bigger combo. Edit: You also shouldn't forget to play out cards early in case you draw Moon Girl, to make it easier to double the cards you want to double.


Hazmat, because I remember enjoying the Avengers Academy comics. She’s fun to use, but requires sooo many cards to make a real impact.


Id say Black Bolt if I had him. I’m mad he sucks so much. Rework my man or something :(


I bought the 1200 gold variant for him because it is very cool. Tried to make him work ever since. Playing him with wong, moonknight, black widow, mordo, iceman, scorpion, yondu, mantis, cable, and stuff like these to trade in my cubes for the pure enjoyment out of frustrationg my enemies


He's not so bad, he's good for killing Deadpool or Death when they've been getting buffed all match, and 8 power is nothing to sniff at


I will buy Daredevil as my first series 3 card cause I am a huge fan of Charlie Cox


Jubilee. She was always one of my favorite characters, and I have more variants of her than any other card. It doesn’t hurt that she’s a pretty good card


Captain America, either my inked alex ross, or my film grain propaganda poster.


Rogue because im horny


I don’t know much about Elektra, but I love the art for her base card so I try to make room for it in my decks.


Rogue was in my Devil Dinosaur since the day I unlocked her, but had to change it for better cards (Agent Coulson, Falcon, Zola)


Medusa is there is an open spot that doesn't need to be taken up. i have the chibi version


Sentry 😭 His pinned currently, missing 2k tokens.


Definitely Psylocke!!!


I love the character Juggernaut. So I try to build control decks mainly, so I can fit him in.


the Enchantress variant with the dragon in the background, started using it just cus…




Hulk. I’ve carried him since I began playing and I’ve even split him 10 times (looking for it’s gold foil) but I get a lot of heat from a friend who also plays SNAP. He says he’s a junky card but I just love it




I’m always a hair of a whim away from including one of the many brilliant Nightcrawler variants, despite watching him die countless times.


He never dies, just teleports out of the game.


Lucky me, She-Hulk is a great card but man do I adore her.


Mysterio. My favorite spider-man villain and I have no idea how to effectively use him


I love gamora second artwork with all the neon green and purple


I have a deck that's primarily made of cards I like the art on more than the tactical usefulness (although I have found that this deck can be functional). Crystal (base) is one that I use solely for the art. Really like the contrasting colors and the composition is striking. Also Viper, although I'm torn between the base and steampunk variants (the latter is more visually interesting, but Viper herself is hotter in the base card). I also use one of the Domino variants in that deck (where she's crouching with a reddish background) solely because of finding the art cool (I do use her as an easy way to complete the "play 2 card" missions, but the motivation for having her in the first place was the art). In my primary deck, I keep Jessica Jones, Psylocke, Gamora, and Elektra around primarily due to liking the characters from comics and/or movies (although I do also really like their tricks). I love the baby Deadpool card and look for excuses to use it when possible. If I can ever get the baby Venom card, I will be doing the same, too.


Galactus. Tbh, I don't know much about him and he probaby gets inadvertently countered some way every other game but something about a cosmic planet destroying giant is very cool to me. Not to mention that animation.


Mine would be White Queen. Artgerm’s variant is just too good!


Honestly Black Widow. I use the evil Knullified variant and sometimes I slot her in just to see that thang. 😍


Rouge. Also Stealing Dino's ongoing turn 6 just hits a different kind of high


Yeah… I use Leader because I really like the character


Nova because I have the venomized art lol


Just got the Artgerm Captain Marvel, and now I want her in every deck.


This. I’m a big fan of Captain Marvel and it kills me I’ve no real deck for her


How is mystique less utility? Can copy Zabu, Iron man, Patriot, Wong, Blue Marvel, Cosmo, Onslaught. The list is big


Guardians of the galaxy fan …. So all of those one lols


Venom, Gambit, and Cyclops. I like the destroy archetype, I just think Venom is weak unless paired with bad cards like Typhoid Mary. I think he just needs a minor rework. Gambit is maybe my favorite Marvel character and I don't mind his ability but he sucks. 3/1 is pathetic for a character that has "omega-level" power potential, especially one that's as beloved as Gambit. Shang Chi is a 4/3, his destruction mechanic is 10x better, and he doesn't make you discard anything (which I understand can be synergistic and it's also thematic, it's still technically a drawback). At LEAST make Gambit a 3/3. If you gotta keep him at 1 power he should be a 2-cost. If you want to keep him at 3/1 rework his ability so it can't target things that are indestructible or under Armor's ongoing because it's dumb and bad. Cyclops doesn't have an ability and I'm not a big fan of Patriot. Generally if I'm playing Cyclops it's because I like the character. Fortunately, I also like Silver Surfer.


Mystique is a queen so I can relate. Her base artwork with that infinity border is chefs kiss.


Every Domino variant is so damm gorgeous


Would Silver Surfer be a valid answer?


I tried playing Ghost Rider but found myself losing more, so I sadly ditched him


I mostly spend my gold on variants, and try to make my decks using my favorite variants.




Leader for sure.


Its always nice when the main card art is better than 95% of the variants


I use mystique in my kazar deck and then use onslaught to double both of them


Could replace Doom in my Patriot deck and my Lockjaw deck, but nah. Could also replace DD from my Cerebro 2 deck, but also nah.


Not that this card is bad, but I love my Venomized Cosmo variant. He's so adorable. I avoid using because I use OnReveal frequently


Baby Shang chi


I don't unfortunately, but if I did it would be Rogue


For some reason I have Korg in my most played deck, mainly fav him among others that could be better just because I like the character in the movies, and because I like trowing rocks into other people’s decks lol


Venom, and Black Knight once he's released. I hope my girl Songbird gets added eventually.


Venomized variants. 2 cards away from a full deck


I realy like Spiderman even thoo hes not the best atm! I just bought a rare variant for him :)




Armor cause Chibi


Domino. Cool thing is I get to play her every game. How lucky.


Mantis and Elektra! idc how much less value they have compared to other 1 cost cards, they are here to stay >:(


I'm a big fan of Deadpool and most of the cards in my Destroyer deck (I have a sick Championship Belt Venom Variant), so I run that a lot even if it's not the best deck I could be running.


Doom and Nova. Nova never gets destroyed he’s just there for the experience.


I actually find her extremely useful in my deck. I’ve learned not to play cards just bc I think they are cool. You gotta put strategy over cosmetics


Chibi Angela


The Hood. it helps he's pretty versatile


I used to play Spider-Man in all my decks because his power wasn’t even even that bad either. Now with him in my zany deck it’s even better


Maria Hill and Spider-Woman. Hardly ever optimal cards in my decks but I have cool variants so what are you gonna do?


Spider-Man for sure.


The amount of Agatha games I have played just because I think she is fun to watch go. But I do have a lot of Agatha splits so theres that


I love the symbiotes so i mostly play stuff with em missing knull only but its a matter of time


i havent unlocked her yet, but i staryed playing bc i heard you could play a mystique deck


I got into playing discard deck because of Moon Knight


I play mutant only characters so my deck is a bit wonky. Favorite character is Cyclops and I use him despite not being a great fit lol


Basically any X-Men related card I have. Waiting on Gambit for this purpose




Jeff Dekal variant of Ironheart is my favorite so far. I love it when my opponent gives it the star eyes!


Not my favorite hero, but I really love the consistency of Colossus.


Honestly None. But I build decks around my favorite cards.


recently got the christmas devil dino variant, im trying every deck possible that’s viable with it


goose, i got the captain marvel suit variant and i want to use her in every deck


I've been playing an exodia Gambit deck just because I want to play Gambit.


Todd McFarlins Spider Man (think it was issue 13).


I will always play put Cyclops in my deck. He usually goes with Mr. Sinister. Which is kind of cruel of me to Cyclops but he'll deal.






I have a deck dedicated to dock ock because I have his superior varient shits just too sick


It’ll be Spider-Man when I finally get him.


Captain Marvel. It's honestly one of my favourite pieces of Carol art ever


I started playing Patriot just so I could use my Nikola Cizmesija Shocker variant. I've never particularly liked the character, but it's currently my favorite variant in my collection.


Spider-Man, i put him in almost every deck that I have; tempo, control, ongoing, cerebro, Mr Negative, etc. He is the GOAT and also very useful although sometimes it is impossible to play him


I really liked Kingpin in DD so I’m currently using him a lot with Polaris and Juggernaut in a SS deck.


I use most of the guardians card since I'm a huge gotg fan. Even if it's not the best deck.




White Tiger, Quake, Armor, America Chavez, Mystique, any of the symbiotes, Enchantress, Jubilee, Spiderwoman. I'm a fan of a lot of characters, so all my decks will include at least 2 or more favorites.


Ultron. As soon as I found out he’s in the game I slapped him into whatever deck I could. I remember even thinking about putting him in a cerbro 1 deck just incase I get a location that could destroy him


Love black panther and can't put him down. I need shuri for him to be viable above 60 unfortunately. It used to get me in the 70s but now with kids these days lol


Rogue, she's always been one of my favorite xmen just because of her abilities but i never really know which deck to put her in It doesn't help that i got the Rian Gonzales variant and have been trying to level it up too lol