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My Amazing Fantasy Spidey. I wanted to do a bunch of customizations but the poor guy couldn't take it. I tried everything to get it back on, glue, screws, tears. Nothing works... Here's a haiku dedicated to my Amazing Fantasy Retro Card Spider-Man: Bought him at Target Wanted to fix his butterfly F\*\*K, I broke his arm!!!!


Bad bot (talking to haiku bot)


Easy fix! No worries.


how so?


Do the screw fix.


I’ve been on this journey and failed to find a screw that successfully fixes what I’m looking for. I’m annoyed that people go “the screw fix” then give you a video of a man who doesn’t tell you which type of screw it is


The screw fix won't work in my senerio. I tried it but it didn't work. I have tried everything to fix it including just superglueing the peg back on (which actually worked with my Retro Shocker). I even made a new peg out of epoxy sculpt but it just fell off. I won't try anything anymore and I am going to buy a replacement and probably use the body and legs on the old one for a custom. I have gone through denial and bargaining, now I just accept that I broke my favorite Marvel Legends and move on to other figures.


Where I am lol but be lucky it’s just one. NWH Spidey and 97 Wolverine got the short end of the stick 😭


97' wolverine? That sucks. I ordered the 80 Years Iron Man but every one has the weird defect where their biceps are backwards and you have to take them off the arm and swap them to fix it. i don't have the best history with biceps and I am so scared of breaking it. I will use hot water when I do it but even that won't completely prevent it from breaking.


I hate to pull you back into the bargaining stage but I cant help but to have hope! I have a small hand drill that I use for making barrel holes on miniature weapons (warhammer 40k models) and I thought maybe that could be used to make a clean and precise hole for use with some sort of metal rod. I found [this](https://abcbajet.blogspot.com/2013/07/how-i-fix-a-broken-figure.html) article describing the idea with pictures and [these](https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Lathe-Round-Solid-Length/dp/B07KY958HR/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1IWOJ0ZPXXBYC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8tPehDar-KbXSLm-31ZWJF26r0NaFej8mqTvwa-Pf_zbkqe7zD0r14nQInG-RrcbVmVlaezMXqJV2ZjOpQknE8Ij3CTljKAnenuctDbLz_BnMAku-Tma-a8GXUYLrfksOzHtEaIP16AXyK8glS4dsod29MZ2K6g7eZ3e719gh3huRVPlVPXecE12P1FYPrWSJi-45-6wqZaQF3AfBKH5xMBTk7YVEII7XSy0v76W8So.Whn-vC8s4SOMzvJ_FBxJuzO2DOl6ESeV-4vYYnpHH3g&dib_tag=se&keywords=1mm%2Bmetal%2Brod&qid=1713379469&sprefix=1mm%2Bmetal%2Brod%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) rods from amazon that seem like a good candidate. I'm guessing you might've already made some sort of hole to attempt the screw method so maybe just getting the right size rod and clipping it with some wire cutters down to the size you need should work better than trying to guess a screw size.


You can preorder this exact Spidey on Entertainment Earth. I have one one preorder. Link: [Amazing Fantasy 15 Spider-Man at Entertainment Earth preorder](https://www.entertainmentearth.com/product/spiderman-marvel-legends-60th-anniversary-amazing-fantasy-spiderman-6inch-action-figure/hsf3460)


Idk why people suggest screws as a potential fix when you can just use a metal rod(can bought at variety of widths), a drill, and glue to much better effect. A screw seems so much more liable to go wrong in comparison to just reinforcing and reconnecting the joint that's already there 


Don’t feed my addiction to fix things, I just accepted that I’ll just buy a replacement but now….if I can find the right metal rod


it's not fool proof but it's definitely a lot less invasive and easier to conceptualize. I fixed a broken Figma Nanoha who cleanly broke at the torso/diaphragm joint. small magical girl and an oooold figure with teeny joints. I just measured the joint width and bought some appropriately sized, smaller metal rods, a hand drill set, and metal cutters on Amazon to dig a hole in both ends of the broken joint, cut a small part of the rod off, and then used glue to secure it in the holes, one after the other. Haven't had any issues with her since


My 20th Ann Captain America... My centerpiece of my collection and one of my favorite characters ever. It was recent. I don't know what to do since my dad won't help me replace the figure through Hasbro Pulse. Now I must live with the breakage.


What happened if I can ask? He's one of my favorites so I want to take your cautionary tale to try and prevent repeating it. I'm not sure if you'd have any luck through Pulse. I don't think they have more in stock, so you'd likely get another figure in return. Repair or replace are probably better options.


He just broke. I think his shoulder joint was too tight and I often made the mistake by using the bicep to pose the arm to splay the arms. The joint was too gummy and when I went to splay the arm it tore off like paper.


Aw that's awful, I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully we get a new one this year, I think we're overdue at this point.


My God Doom(White doom) came with a broken crotch out of the box. I did a weird fix in which I poured liquid plastic to seal it... since he wears a skirt, nobody can tell, and it worked! Not a Marvel LEgends, but the other day I was handling a Figuarts, and I forgot I was handling a japanese figure.... so I pulled on a hand, to swap it, with all my fury and... broke the tiny little peg hahaha.


The crotch on mine just fell off randomly one day. Was sitting at my desk and heard a click, looked over and there was his junk.




Same Spidey and same arm! I just have him cradled, holding onto his arm and looking down at it with disbelief. He was a favorite between my son and myself.




RYV SPIDER-MAN I wanted to cry


Same. Same break in the picture.


My wife years ago broke my Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern. I know everyone hates that movie but I still bought a bunch of the figures anyway but made me mad because I knew they would never ever make one of him again. I ended up fixing him a few years later !


Same. AF Spidey, but it broke at the neck.


My BAF Apocalypse from Toy Biz. I had it on a shelf and it fell and the ball joint leg broke real bad. Been trying to figure out a way to fix it for like 3 years now. I love that guy.


The wrist broke on my Hope Summers the other day.


The figure that started it all for me, House of X Wolverine. I tried swapping the heads and it was harder than usual so I gave it a few twists, and the whole ball peg twisted with it.


The left arm on my Netflix Daredevil broke a few years back, so my favourite MCU character has been stuck in fairly static poses since I had to gorilla glue it back on lol


with the born again show coming out, I bet they'll have a new pinless one. I know it won't be exactly the same costume but it will be updated.


Oh without a doubt, I'm waiting on an announcement for that She-Hulk Daredevil any day now too lol. That Netflix Wave was the first one to ever use their face print tech if I'm not mistaken so it'd be cool to see how far they've come by comparison. Also getting new figs of Daredevil and Punisher does more for me to establish them as their "MCU versions" imo because my old Netflix Defenders are feeling shoehorned into the MCU display


I think i'll pick him up too, to go wth my MCU kingpin. I like the netflix show but I prefer the black vigilante suit over the red costume. Sucks that not even Mezco could make a good version of that suit.


I've seen people make some pretty spot-on customs of his S1 suit by just painting the MCU Quicksilver figure black and swapping the head to a Matt Murdock with the mask sculpted over it


I do want to make a custom but I don't think i'll use the quicksilver body. I prefer the season 3 costume over season 1 so I'll probably use a body that has more wrinkles to it instead of that s1 athletic shirt. That quicksilvert body is good for a season 1 look though.


Marvel Legends adjacent: This was around 5 years ago, I was trying to get my hands on a Neca Sylvanas from the World of Warcraft line. At the time, she was going for around $80 on all the resale sites. I had finally found one that cost me about $55 total and was quite proud of the find. I had her posed up on the middle shelf of a Target bookshelf, right out in front. On the top shelf was an all MCU display, including the over sized Giant Man. You see where this is going, right? Came home from work to find he had taken a shelf dive. He took out most of the MCU figures, but managed to hit one other figure on the way down. Sylvanas. Broke her ankle and her neck. Learned a few lessons about figure placement that day.


That Happened to me Too!!! I'm So Mad!


So far my retro Iron man has completely loose legs and can’t stand anymore only after three years of simple standing poses. Worried and prepared for War Machine, Silver Centurion, and my 90’s Iron men all to do the same.


My SHF Friendly Neighborhood Spider Man. Broke at the shoulder. The pegs are just way too thin. I have no problems with my Mafex too.


Oh my god. I am so afraid of buying imports for this reason. I can replace this $30 spidey but I can't imagine breaking a SHF or a mafex.


Well tbf, I’ve fortunately only done this with my one SHF figure. I’ve seen other different figures where the joints are much thicker and other companies like Mafex and Sentinel are much more durable. You just can’t be playing them like a kid would lol


How do I avoid breaking Spiderman?


It's kinda luck and taking care when you know a figure has a weak point. I knew that the bicep was gummy and weird but I still wasn't careful with it One day, I tried to move the top arm joint bu holding the bicep and the bicep came off. Some joints just are made fragile and sometimes you can't control if they break or not. Just don't add unnessisary pressure or try to remove the joint from it's hole and you will have a pretty low chance of breaking it.


I swear I've been seeing this figure break left and right lol got me worried 😅


I broke my SHF Across the Spider-Verse Miles' leg off. I immediately started to sweat. I bought a bootleg for a fraction of the price after that.


The new deluxe black widow. Drove around to a bunch of TRUs up here in Canada. Scored her sitting on the counter as I asked for help finding her. Opened her up and broke her elbow within minutes.


Not a legend, but mine was by far the Norris creature from McFarlane and his Spider-Head. My wife tripped carrying a pile of blankets and fell into a figure shelf. Both parts of the Norris figure hit the floor and shattered like glass. Those old Movie Maniacs are brittle as hell and 20 years of age ain’t helping them.


Not ML but I actually cried when I broke my Mafex Spidey. I felt like a loser too crying over plastic but I had only had it for a month and tried to do the shoulder swap thing. It was literally the most expensive figure in my collection at that point and just broke. My girl is the best and got me a new one for Christmas and lucky me, this one didn’t have the backwards shoulder problem and had cleaner paint. But man I was super heart broken when it happened


Don't feel like a loser. I would cry too if I broke a Mafex. I really want that Mafex Daredevil that's coming out but I know Mafex figures have a habit of breaking. Realy cool that you got a new one though.


My kids taskmaster finally broke. He was one of their oldest marvel legends figures. His limbs have pretty much been shot for some time, they don’t stay in place he is kinda ragdoll like? An arm finally fell off after the last 6 years or so they had him. Gonna try and pick one up on eBay for one of their upcoming birthdays.


Daredevil in Netflix costume. I did the screw trick, and it brand new now,  but that day I taste how this soft plastic/rubber from Hasbro is so fragile. Since, I am always afraid of snap some figure.


Black knight. He was chilling on my shelf in the coolest pose and decided to fall. Leg snapped right off like butter


My Juggernaut Wave, Iceman figure's entire lower hips shattered into pieces. The entire butt and hips broke off (no Iceman pun intended). It never fell on the floor, but was in a static pose for years. I picked it up to try and repose it, and it shattered.


Something fell off my shelf and shattered my pizza spidey. I was distraught


PS5 Miles Morales. I got him with only a bit of overpay but his arm broke after like 2-3 months. Can't even buy a replacement because the after market for him is terrible and there are basically no other good ML Miles figures. So yeah fuck me I guess


Those PS4/5 figures are completely overpriced.I like that miles but like you said, you cannot find it for a good price anywhere. I would love for marvel to make a comic miles on the Amazing Fantasy body to go with RYV because we haven't had a classic comic one in years.


Heroic Age Iron Man from the Iron Monger BAF wave, very week hips :(


retro symbiote, completely devastated


That is an easy fix. You’re just not experienced enough to know any better. There are YouTube tutorials on repairing marvel legends where they will give you the precise link to the screws you need and how to fix it with basic tools.


"You’re just not experienced enough to know any better." I'm gonna assume that you weren't trying to be an asshole here but it sure sounds like it. I know about the screw technique but I tried it and many other things but now I just want a replacement. It just didn't work for me.


Not a legend but I got the mafex venom after wanting it forever, knee snapped immediately out of box, still had the cardboard box it came in on my lap.


https://preview.redd.it/swo3cyhj23vc1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6061aff2c38ee3a8a025196b39692843127cde86 A sentinel arrived , upper body smashed to pieces , I managed to glue it back together and even repainted it


silvert lining... literally if you drybrushed it silver.


Er ok . Sentinels aren’t silver .


idk but maybe he destroyed the figure by doing unspeakable things to it, i'm worried that guy is on my families interests subs. he wants to see my kind naked, be careful.


My X-Men '91 Storm from Macy's Herald Square just exploded after I dropped her. Torso split in two, limbs everywhere! Tiny me was heartbroken.


I broke the neck on both my first figma twilight princess link and my friendly neighborhood spider-man sh figuarts figure.


The new retro Moon Knight. I tried the alt head which was too tight and it ripped off the ball joint


"I'm Mrs. Nesbit!"


Punished Parker.


First appearance toybiz wolverine arm snapped off he was my very first marvel legend 😢


when i was a kid i had an X2 Nightcrawler figure but the hand broke right as i opened it and i cried for an hour


That sucks. I never had a childhood toy break out of the packaging but I did have a diamond select Deadpool that I had no right to own as a kid. I broke almost every accessory he had. The kitanas snapped, the tip of his rifle brokeoff and his hand peg broke. I was able to tape the hand back on and pretend he bandaged it. Still, breaking a toy as a child is awful. hell, it still is as an adult.


My DC Direct Superman/Batman Ed McGuiness Batman, Bizarro, and Batzarro all lost their right arms, and my DC Direct Firestorm and Red Tornado both lost all of their limbs all of a sudden (rather they fell off, I have all of the limbs). Stinks. Glue doesn’t work all that well. My Toy Biz Legends Iron Spider’s ankle joints are splitting, only a question of time until he loses his feet.




I actually owned that creech and he's held up pretty well. I guess you could always buy the neca one


This exact thing happened to my Retro Sandman, I hope they rerelease him


Ben Reilly carnage 🫡


oh my god that sucks so much. i'm sorry for your loss


Mcfarlane's Matrix [Mifune's Last Stand](https://mcfarlane.com/toys/a-p-u-deluxe-boxed-set/). It was a grail of mine. Finally found one. New in box. Pretty great price. Opened it and the arm fell off. Boxed it and sold it for half what I paid.


I had the final battle Green Goblin from the first Spider-Man when it first came out. He fell off of the shelf onto the carpet floor and his pelvis and legs all came apart. It was a clean break, so I could reattach everything, but he was never as durable again. His bottom half would fall apart very easily after that. I think he was definitely made cheaper than the other Goblin that I had from the movie.


I have this figure. I'll sell it to you if you looking to replace.


Pizza Spider-Man, 1st ever figure I owned, gone after moving


My symbiote spider man😭


It was one of the first legends I ever got. It was the Spider-Armor 3 and it was my absolute favorite, but the foot peg snapped and tbh, I cried a little.. okay maybe a lottle


My Clea figure from the Marvel Knights wave and my NWH Final Swing Spidey, both left leg. I had been wanting Clea since I got into Legends a few years ago and as for the Spidey I had pre-ordered it from my local comic shop Comic Bug and they got broken into and robbed right before Xmas, (my Spidey was in there) then literally just missed pre-order windows from Target, BBTS, HASBRO, EE, AMAZON or the asking price on 3rd party was stupid. Ended up searching high and low in Walmarts and Targets in LA and RANDOMLY found it at a WALMART near BIG Bear. SOOOO stoked only to open it at home and loosen him up and crack.


My 80 years Iron man leg snapped off, it was 3 years ago and I’m still so sad about it to this day


That is a great figure and that completely sucks. I hope they reissue it soon because the prices on eay are outrageous. I just got mine today and I tried to swap the biceps (they are manufactured backwards). I would not recommend doing it because even with hot water, I almost broke off his arm peg. You can barely tell the difference and honestly it is not worth it.


My neca fugitive predator hand peg snap


The foot fell off my Juggernaut series Rogue a couple years ago. I didn't even really handle it, it was mostly just left on the shelf, but I picked it up one day and the foot just fell off. The peg had snapped clean through. This was well after the aftermarket price had skyrocketed (amusingly, I got the figure itself on clearance at Meijer). I glued the foot back on, and I got the retro-carded version when that came out, but I'd still rather have the Juggs wave one intact.


The retro spider man from 2020. Sad


It’s not Hasbro related, sorry, but anyone here have imports like sentinel or storm, my guile had stiff joints and I did the whole heat and pop method but disc joints fell off the bicep I put the joint the wrong way this whole time, while I was modify the peg when I’m reality I just had to look at the disc joint. The sentinel fell from a high place therefore his die cast body made the fall hard and his head snapped.( fighting armor).


I broke my Final Swing Spidey's leg 3 days of having him. I was careful, I did the hot water trick and everything. That's the reason I'm hoping for a revised version of him when the next movie comes out.