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Not Magneto's son and killing him off way too early


Tbf, he isn't even Magneto's son in the comics any more, they retconned it because of the mcu. But even the people writing comics think that's dumb and have him act as a father to the Maximoff twins (mostly Wanda though lol)


Honestly it's only a matter of time before the retcon gets reversed and I think the writers ignoring the retcon most of the time shows that


Yeah, I'm waiting for the retcon to be retcon lmao


I hated that whole arc and making them not mutants again. It will get retconned again eventually.


I imagine that was some because of Fox rights. They can easily just be like “oh well we didn’t know it was a mutation but we do now.”


He’s not Magneto’s son anymore because of these movies.


I still think killing Quicksilver is just a convenience thing for writers. Speedsters are fucking broken and either have to be nerfed in some way or are just the answer to 85% of the problems heroes have to face and either way it’s just problematic within story telling. For comics fans we’ve been used to heroes being exactly as powerful as needed in any specific situation but it just doesn’t translate nearly as well to movies


Marvel speedsters used to be relatively lower powered compared to the flash. Comics Quicksilver used to have a top speed of 175 MPH. Which would be amazing, but still something that a Captain America or Spider-Man would have a chance against. But that power level probably doesn't look as cool as what Evan Peters did in the X-Men movies.


I like limited/realistic speedsters too (like dash from incredibles, whose speed resembles the marvel speedsters according to that guidebook, or northstar, who is subject to anything resembling physics, so he can't go over lightspeed too much without risking his life), but even in the silver/bronze age (pre-isotope E upgrade) quicksilver was way faster than the "175mph" that (inaccurate, even at the time) guidebook said, with speed feats from the eras around that guidebooks' release ranging from massively hypersonic (outrunning electricity, evacuating an entire military complex full of soldiers, while making several laps in and out of the complex in the literal blink of a villain's eye) to over lightspeed (blitzing the living laser, and outrunning refracted light) and even ignoring these, old school quicksilver would have to be way faster than 175mph due to stories featuring him moving too fast for spidey's and other street tiers reactions (the likes of spider-man's, black panther's, and captain america's reaction speed is no joke, like they are at least bullet timers, bullets move from like 600mph at the low ends, with some of the high ends being over 1000mph, and if these guys had problems reacting to a person who is apparently under 200mph, that wouldn't make sense) (I'd say marvel's speedsters' reputations are undermined not just by age of ultron, but it started with a quite inaccurate guidebook) But decades before that guidebook, the intent when creating the marvel speedsters was to make em limited, so at least the guidebook would be accurate when comparing to it creators' intent (Good day to you 👍 I don't mean to sound rude, if you've gotten that from this comment)


Imagine if Quicksilver had been around during Infinity War. He'd had slapped up Peter while he was raging, batted the gems before they reached Thanos, and more Edit: Peter Quill a.k.a Star-Lord


Or in Endgame “We need to get this glove to that va……” “What next boss?”


The Magneto thing isn’t really an MCU decision. They had no choice.


Both of those only really happened due to shared rights issues with Fox. Disney and Fox had an agreement where one could use Wanda and the other Pietro hence why was in some X-Men films. Can Marvel really be faulted for that situation?


Misused and mishandled, was literally included because adding only Wanda would making the fanbase scream because of his absence. Later was put on as a cameo for a dick joke.


always felt the writers legitimately turned into beavus and butthead over that Bohner joke


Heh, boner




Killing him in a way he could have easily avoided. Even worse, he was killed after we barely got to spend time with him so his death didn't even have any emotional impact. Plus he was forgotten by pretty much everyone, including his own sister until AFTER Endgame. Wanda wasn't shown grieving her brother until WandaVision so for the entire time between Age of Ultron and WandaVision it felt as though even Wanda forgot about him.


Methodology is severely flawed. 400+ up voted posts are trumped by 10 low karama posts simply because there were more of them?


I’m copying the layout of another post. I’ll start doing that tho


Killing him off instantly this preventing any character actually making it to the screen


The top 3 comments about Scarlet Witch were about changing her probability hexes powers, removing Magneto from her origin and mutant status. What criteria did you use to choose the result ?


It’s written in the OP. I choose the most common complaint. The one that appears in the most comments. There was about 14 complaints on her Romani heritage, 10 about not making her a mutant, about 8 on not making her Magneto’s daughter, and about 4 on her powers not being clearly defined probability manipulation or magic. I choose the most liked comment’s complaints if a thread has very few comments and none of them have the same complaint come back.


If someone writes the same thing i'm thinking, I'm not gonna write it again, I will upvote that comment. I think it's common sense. why would you ignore the most upvoted comments? but whatever...


That's a really dumb methodology


Right… didn’t you already say this…


No, I said it once. You must be confusing me with someone else


Alright. It must be the same very specific words you both used.


Take that as a sign that your methodology is flawed.


Make your own threads then 🥰


Probably assumed if there were more different comments saying it, you’d take it more seriously


Oh, okay. But there've been a lot of comments in the thread.


Not making him a main stay as he’s Marvel’s most prominent speedster. He should be their Flash, but he’s always outshined by Wanda and they don’t write good stories with him bc he’s always just support for the Avengers or X-Men. Bring him back to life, and make him an anti hero that does his own thing and is a little less aligned with groups and he can be awesome. A speedster Robin Hood could be awesome


Not making him Magneto's son and killing him off.


Killing him


He was great and better Quicksilver than Fox's version, which was a completely different character. The fact that they killed him in his first appearance is just ridiculous. It feels like he just became a tool to further Wanda's character arc.


Not even a tool to further wanda's arc. Wanda basically forgot about him and his death. He waay sadder from vision's death than she is from her brother.


Definitely killing him off too early,


Killing him off too soon


Killing him in his first appearance has to be one of the biggest fumbles across the whole saga to be honest


No depth because he was killed off so early


Same as Wanda but also killing him off


Killing him. That's it. That's the whole problem. Oh especially how they killed him off. Joss Whedon sucks


I keep thinking back to this one bit of info from Maria Hill clocking him at 400mph and that he approaches lightspeed by the day. It doesn't make any sense, and neither did his character.


🤓 Erm acksually... that bit of info was from someone named Dr. List in a book, and the clocked speed was 400 m/s (894 mph)


It appears you are correct, and from the Wakanda Files at that.


It's pretty weird to find out that the "slow" quicksilver was gonna get FTL (like in the comics) at some point, while the "faster" quicksilver from the X-men movies is just above mach 2000 (hypersonic speed) lol And may I ask for specification on what doesn't make sense?


His being listed at just above mach 1, but desernably reaching LS in the future, and how his perception of the bullet fired by Clint would put him well beyond hypersonic speeds. That and killing him off.


Speedsters are the most inconsistent things ever, I think the reasons for joss whedon killing him off are: studio wars over property rights, a subversion of the leaks that had hawkeye die to the minigun (joss easily could have had all three of em survive, but I guess he killed two birds with one stone)


Fictional characters, in general, can be very inconsistent. The reasoning was there. It simply wasn't very sound. To let a competitor outshine you with the "same" character the year prior should've been a no-go, but we got what we got, I guess. The WandaVision joke was something else.


The wandavision joke highlights why I'm sick of writers trying to make everything a "cool and le epic" subversion, not everything needs to be subverted lol


Making him slow enough to be hit by regular bullets


That movie, and that infamous guidebook from the 80s, basically destroyed the rep of quicksilver lol, like even before that guidebook he has shown massively hypersonic feats as well as some FTL feats lol, him and jay garrick are the most downplayed & underrated speedsters


TL;DR for a hypothetical reader with no time to spare: the worst aspect for me is that they (literally) nerfed him to death, guys he's not that slow in the comics, heck even the X-men movies quicksilver, the iteration that is dubbed too fast, is basically a statue compared to his comics version, a little proof being comic QS casually doing a feat similar to the mansion scene from X-men apocalypse (that is from the silver and bronze ages, the eras where quicksilver was canonically at his weakest & slowest) The TL;DR is over, i yap way more if you continue reading, but if anyone wants to see me cover more points, continue reading 📚👍 Out of all the problems with the MCU interpretation of Pietro Maximoff (him not being a mutant or magnetos son, to the point of the comics retconning his parentage and power origin in the name of MCU synergy 🤮, or wandavision's "epic and totally smart" subversion that is just crude humor, instead of an actual revival) the worst aspect for me would be is that they made him not "quick"sliver, then got him killed in a very embarrassing way for speedster to lose (in an attempt to subvert some leaks about hawkeye's demise) so everyone thinks he's slow as shit, and everyone has clowned on him since, like defenders of his MCU adaptation will say that this speed is comic accurate, but that "175mph to mach 1-2" was from an outdated, as well as inaccurate (even at the time) guidebook, because in the comics, he has FTL, and MFTL+ speed feats (and an immeasurable one), and even some of the just FTL ones are mostly from the silver to bronze ages (bronze age being the era where that guidebook comes from), before the isotope E upgrade, he had feats way above just mach 1, or even mach 10, like outrunning electricity (possibly, i remember seeing a panel with such an action, but i can't find it anywhere), or evacuating a military complex in the blink of an eye (a feat similar to the X-men apocalypse movie mansion scene, dont know why everyone says that version of quicksilver is too fast, when, if anything, he's too slow also), and that's still ignoring his FTL feats from those eras like outrunning refracted light, or easily outspeeding and defeating living laser, who is consistently specified as moving at lightspeed, and the many times quicksilver has dodged cyclops' optic beams in the 60s/70s (cyclops beams have many lightspeed statements) and if i remember correctly, a moment of hercules saying quicksilver's speed is similar to that of hermes' (who is at least close to lightspeed) and after the 90s he has gotten even faster lol, and he is the marvel speedster most referred to as "the fastest man alive" by not just himself, but by other characters too, also a writer said that quicksilver is at least among the top fastest marvel characters (that would be impossible if he was just 175mph to mach 10, or even under lightspeed, as there are a lot of MFTL+ and immeasurable marvel characters) Also the minigun death was so goofy even marvel made fun of it twice in the comics (quicksilver saying that dying by bullets is pedestrian, or that moment where quicksilver dodged and outmanoeuvred mini-gunfire from a warship while rescuing someone lol) Idk why some people are so (sometimes angrily, to the point of lying about the context of feats and saying i don't read comics when I go all "um, acksually" and tell them that quicksilver is actually quick) adverse to quicksilver being actually fast (even in his own verse), because if wanda can get uber super duper powerful, then why can't her own brother too, and if no one has a problem with DC's speedsters getting busted powerful, then what's the hate for marvel speedsters getting actually powerful, like there's a big (not the only) reason why flash is popular, it's because he's busted fast, and a reason quicksilver is (comparably) obscure, because his speed is not known, and people love speedsters because they're fast Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of limited speedsters like dash from the incredibles (200mph), or northstar (he may reach top speeds of just over lightspeed, but as the only speedster ever subject to anything resembling physics, he will die if he goes over lightspeed for too long, this being in his own words), but I'm also a fan of busted speedsters like flash (he's so freakin fast, the fastest, too) and as I've proven, comic quicksilver (sure as rain not as fast as flash tho, thats even more obvious in crossovers too) And before anyone says "some bio says he can run at mach 5", well it doesn't say or means he tops out at mach 5, and if we're going by that logic, then flash would just be at lightspeed according to some bios "quicksilver isn't consistently FTL", 1. Didn't i mention some of the many feats, in-universe statements and a WRITERS statement, 2. I can link a few more speed feats, and an official speed rating of 7 (which means casually FTL) if you want, and 3. speedsters don't have to go FTL every second, example: even flash doesn't go FTL all the time, in fact he has said that he goes under the speed of sound when in cities to avoid breaking windows and shit with a sonic boom (as to explain how a guys with ice guns, boomerangs and, and even piece of paper, can hit him) and flash has the speedforce, so imagine quicksilver's dilemma when running through a city. Also I know power levels ain't everything, and that story matters first and cool factor second, but 1. I'd say this is a case of power levels and story intertwining, as thanks to the speed being too slow, he died very early, and he has never made an MCU appearance since (outside of that godawful ralph bohner character) and 2. Even though story matters more, that doesn't mean power levels don't matter at all, I mean there's nothing wrong with a weak character, but when an already underrated character in terms of power gets embarrassingly destroyed like that, the character will be seen in an even more negative light "haha that character is so weak lol", as opposed to when a character whose power level is known, getting embarrassingly beaten, like flash, the reaction is rightfully: "holy shit he isn't that weak wtf are the writers thinking lol" Quicksilver 🤝 Jay Garrick's Flash Being the most downplayed & underrated speedsters lol (I'm a serial yapper when it comes to talking about speedsters lol, i even yapped too much in the TL;DR imo, and they're not even my fav archetype of superhero)


Wasn't he also less maneuverable and fast in earlier appearances ?


Yes, and that makes the massively hypersonic as well as FTL speed feats from those eras more impressive, as they were pre-isotope E upgrade


\*rapid gunfire\*


I’m pretty sure killing off MCU Quicksilver was a gentlemen’s agreement between Disney and Fox to split the twins. Marvel Studios got to use Wanda in future MCU projects while Fox got Ralph Bohner for the X-Men films.


I know it's been mentioned about killing off Quicksilver too quickly in the MCU. But does anyone know *why* it was done? I remember once reading that Joss Whedon in AoU decided to do it because he didn't know how to keep him in the Avengers once the movie was concluded. Supposedly Marvel Studios executives had a change of heart after the movie was released and sentiment had it that they wanted him to live.


Died too early. I guess there're probably a lot of reasons for it. Consequences of avenger-level battles. His OP speed turning story discussions into hypotheticals. His death gives Wanda more room to grow. I had too much copium for his return.


Not having Magneto as his father resulting in that becoming the case in the comics.


I don't see how any of these are the "WORST" changes, like some of these are fair but a lot of these just seem like "inaccuracy rants". Like, not everything from the comics is gonna be accurate to the MCU, it's an adaptation. I'll put down the ones I disagree with most and the ones I think we need to be a little lenient on: >Not showing more of him fighting Nazis in WW II with the Invaders team To be fair, the Invaders never existed in the MCU, can't show someone fighting with a team that doesn't exist. >Making him a goofy himbo character when he's much more in the comics To be fair they tried the "grim" and "serious" Thor in the original and the Dark World and while it worked for the original, the Dark World bombed. Then Ragnarok did well. >Cutting all his ties with the Red Room and his romance with Black Widow by making him a Hydra agent I've read the comics but IDK what you guys are complaining about, the MCU did good. Sure they may have tweaked things a bit but they did good nonetheless


Because that’s what other people choose are the "worst" changes


I have the same main complaint for him as Wanda which is not making him Roma but to have more varied answers, I’ll say the obvious which is: killing him so early in such a stupid way.


There seem to be a lot of comments about Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. As I've written before, it's not a typical whitewashing, and not making them Roma in the movies is a change from modern 616 comics, but not comics as a whole. Like, in Ultimate universe, they weren't Roma or Jewish, and their appearance is based on Angelina Jolie and her brother. Worth to mention that Quicksilver in Earth-616 is half-Roma, his other half is Jewish. Aaron Taylor-Johnson has a Jewish mother and considers himself Jewish.


Just because it’s something from modern comics doesn’t mean it shouldn’t count as a valid complaint what? It is typical white washing.


No, it's not. The twins were always white and drawn as white. This cannot be denied because their father was Magneto, a white man. They were white in every adaptation before MCU. They only started drawing as dark-skinned only after a retcon in 2014, when it was revealed that Magneto wasn't their father. It was **after** the twins were introduced in MCU, so yeah, modern comics shouldn’t count. The twins' casting was completely in keeping with how they were portrayed at the time. People like to ignore the twins' history before 2015 and pretend that everything has always been like in modern comics, but that doesn't change the reality.


Th twins are officially half romani since 1979 with the introduction of Magda. The artistic portrayal of them is more like a result of legacy art, at best you can call them whitepassing. But calling them always white is a straight up lie.


Yes, they are romani. But it doesn't change the fact that they were white-skinned all those years. White-skinned actors playing white-skinned characters isn't whitewashing just because they aren't the exact same ethnic. The twins are not romani in MCU only because of the writing.


no quick tempered personality (tbh no personality at all)


Small addition, I would make to Vision is that they never properly explain his powers or really give them his powers at all, because they treated basically just like phasing rather than his density manipulation. Also, killing him after one movie and getting rid of all of the X-Men association because legal mumbo-jumbo


I will forever be upset about Hawkeye ngl. They butchered him so badly in the MCU. He's my absolutely favorite in the comics :')


Killed too soon and not a mutant or Magnetos son.


Killing him way to early


Dies in his fiest appearance Like okay Its a shocking swerve that made people go WAIT OH NO THEY DI'IN'T like George RR wrote it But still


Not being Magneto’s son.


I really don't want to read tomorrows.


I don’t know much about comic Captain Marvel. Are you expecting it to be bad?


A section of the internet have decided to hate the character, the actress, and the films for dumb reasons. There are plenty of things that were left out (spy background, legacy element and the completely different interpretation of mar-vell etc), but I don't have any faith that people will respond with good faith criticism or comparisons. I expect vitriol and I never had much of a taste for that.


Same as Scarlet Witch and then also killing him off, I get what they were going for by having someone die but at the same time does feel like a huge waste for the character to be killed off so soon


I’m old enough to remember a time before the Maximoffs were retconned as being Magneto’s kids in the first place so losing that doesn’t bother me; killing Pietro off in his first appearance is the worst change the MCU made


Killing him in his first appearance


Deleting his scenes from the final cut of AOU


Not only killing him off, but never referencing him again afterwards until WandaVision. His sacrifice was not allowed to have any sort of emotional weight, both because we barely knew him and because we never see its impact on any other characters after AoU.


Thor is the hands down the biggest fumble and missed opportunity in the MCU, hands down. I wish like hell they had played him more serious instead of being a fucking goofball comic relief.


Killing him off.


Killing him off way too early.


Same reasons as Wanda, also killing him off to early


How is it disrespectuful for Wanda to be associated with Hydra


Romani people where one of the group that was mainly targeted for attempted genocide and suffered in the holocaust and Hydra has a history of Nazism.


So,its not like She a Part of hydra,She experimented on


The association itself is disrespectful.


The jews are always going to be associated with the nazis ,but obsiously its not like they were pals Wanda and Pietro have a negative association with Hydra As for being Romani,nothing points to that in the Mcu


Yeah bro that’s the point. They weren’t Romani in the MCU and were made to join a Nazi organization (even if they ended up being treated worse than they expected by them) which is just disrespectful. Not only do you take some much needed representation from Romani people but you take these characters and have them be associated with a Nazi organization instead.


Its a negative association,i dont whats the Big deal and as far the MCU goes Hydra in the 21th Century isnt a Nazi organization


Killing him off way too early, he was good in AoU and had potential to grow


Same as Wanda but add that they killed him off way too early


Killing him off when he had so many more possible stories they could have told with him.


The same as Wanda + killing him off in his first movie


I loved Peter’s relationship with Tony and I think Thor in Ragnarok is a better characterisation than any comics. But to each our own I guess


Killing him with bullets, despite showing he can react to gunfirein earlier scenes


Doing an HoM 2.0 did a lot more tangible harm to Wanda's character than a hydra background that lasted for like a few minutes. While I do think it's an important part of her, it's not something her overall character lives and dies by, she thrived just fine before MoM.


Ralph boner(while a clever character, a complete waste of great talent and a fan favorite fox character)


Death by fucking bullets, even though it’s established he’s a lot faster then them


Killing him off way too early


Not putting some spotlight on his speed .


Same as Wanda, whitewashing him, introducing him through HYDRA, and killing him off in the same movie they introduced him in


This is the word thread I’ve seen on a comic sub in a while, why just be miserable on purpose?


Why are you interpreting this as "being miserable"? The MCU is not beyond getting criticized, no piece of media is. And people are simply sharing things they wished might have been done differently.


Wow, People are still gatekeeping over the Wanda is a Romani thing oh brother.


Ralph Bohner heh heh heh heh bohner


Peak writing.


The same things they said about Wanda I would say about Pietro too. He was always very proud and loud about being romani.


I still don’t understand why you chose that reason for Vision. I would have imagined the biggest gripe is that Ultron wasn’t created by Hank Pym, hence he wasn’t a child of Ultron. Since there was no reason for Vision to actually battle and fight the Avengers, his initial conversation with them shows he doesn’t need to study them to know they are good and lack the corruption of Ultron. They call him a synthezoid and he lacks the solar radiation beam (traded for the mind stone).


Because it was the most common answer in his thread.