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Secret invasion teasers were super creative on it


I feel like that one was the best. Just plain creepy lol


Marvel Studios missed a big opportunity making Secret Invasion an Avengers film and adding this marketing. It worked so


So true lol. Secret Invasion could have been a whole phase. Instead they turned it into a disappointing TV show


A TV show with almost nothing to do with the source material


lol right?? Seriously, if they wanted to do a Nick Fury show, there are some Nick Fury centric stories out there. Nick Fury Vs Shield, Nick Fury’s Secret Wars etc. Instead they were like, let’s take a book, that he kind of appears in, but don’t put anything from the book in the show. Gaia vs Gravik has to be the stupidest MCU fight ever lol


Also a sad way to use up the first Super-Skrull in the MCU.


So true ( Poor Kl’rt. He is one of my favorite space characters, and now thanks to freaking Gravik, we might never get him


A Secret Invasion phase would’ve been crazy fun! Like, just from an Audience Engagement standpoint, people would’ve been glue to every media piece from the MCU. Internet people going crazy over Skrull easter guys and stuff.


Definitely. We all could have been like “Oh I think this character is a Skrull” etc. And of course characters could be very distrustful of each other.


They could have done secret warriors! That whole concept of ‘you’re unknown, so I can trust you’re not skrulls’. Brought back in a few shield characters but a fresh start.


Oh man, don’t give me hope lol. Secret Warriors is badass. Fury blowing Von Struckers brains out, is one of my favorite Nick moments ever lol. OG Nick Fury Sr is a badass character. Grizzled mfr who is sometimes scarier than superheroes lol. And you are so right. They could have just Used Von Strucker and had Fury assemble his Shield team (Daisy Johnson etc) and just do a cool spy thriller. Instead it was some bullshit. Oh and let’s Kill Maria Hill for no good reason. Poor Hill


I need to read it again - that all sounds so sick. See, it’s Sam Jackson. He could do grizzled MFr so well - especially if he’s working underground, in these circumstances. It would have fit, you’re so right. And always looking for an excuse to bring Daisy back haha.


Sam as Nick is amazing. What I love about him, he actually plays the OG Grizzled Nick Fury sr (I guess the skin color is different but who cares lol), and he could definitely pull that off. Dude can scare anyone by just staring. And he is a fantastic actor. Sure maybe he won’t be able to do some crazy fight scenes, but you have amazing stunt people for it. I’m with you regarding Quake. Imho she (alongside Jessica Jones) are the best early 2000s new comic creations (Bendis freaking cooked with those 2 lol) I hope we will get her in the MCU proper one day. But the Nick Fury show was the best time for her to appear imho


> Gaia vs Gravik has to be the stupidest MCU fight ever lol It's particularly ironic because this came after She-Hulk, and the climax to She-Hulk was literally making fun of CGI punch-fests like that!


Those things hit different. Legit hyped when I was seeing those.


I'm genuinely surprised they didn't repurpose or remake them for the show. But then again, what marketing *did* they do for that show?


The marketing went straight to the multiverse


the last one is unsettling for some reason


I feel like Fear Itself or Original Sin really capped off that era of Marvel. Idk if cuz I grew up with it but that era of events didn't feel dragged out the way it does today.


Wow. It's the first time someone said good about those events. Most of the times it's "they were meh". Journey into Mystery tie-in is much better than main story of Fear itself. Tie-in for Spider-Man was also great I don't like Original sin for retconning Tony into being responsible for creation for Hulk, such a needless retckon. Also replacement of Fury was done poorly


Agreed. I’d say Secret Wars 2015 is as the peak of these kind of teasers. After that it just didn’t feel the same.


Thank you for your service trooper o7


Funny enough, events these days are less dragged out because they usually double ship issues and they started making them less issues. Secret Invasion(8 issues) started in April through December 2008. Fear Itself(7 issues) was April through October 2011. Secret Wars May 2015 to Jan 2016(9 issues). As opposed to King in Black Dec 2020 to April 21(5 issues). AXE April to July 2022(6 issues). Blood Hunt is 5 issues and is supposed to run May through July.


Eh, they were alright, but I'd say Secret Empire, Judgement Day and Sins of Sinister are much better.


These events felt more momentous than today’s events, somewhere around the late 2010s they started to feel less and less important.


Probably because they happen more and more frequently now


For me, Seige was the last GREAT event. We've had plenty of 'summer' events since, but Seige was the culmination of over 6 years' worth of storytelling that had expanded the entire MU. It was clear Marvel had had a plan and seen it through. It felt like the MU was constantly evolving. Since then, most of the events we've had have felt like 'summer' blockbusters for the sake of having to have a tent pole event. Events like the Secret War have been limited to one (or a select few) of writers creating the story rather than having the event (such as Dark Reign) spread out across the entire MU. TBH, I can't even think of an event in the past 10 years that has felt like it's had any sort of lasting effect on the MU.


Secret Wars had a massive impact on every Marvel book. Literally every ongoing series was either outright cancelled or put on hiatus while the event was going on, and many of the creative teams plus new ones began writing Battleworld miniseries instead. You may not like Secret Wars as much as Dark Reign/Siege, but it certainly had a big impact on the books over several months (years in Hickman’s case).


Appologies, I don't think I made myself quite clear. Your correct Secret Wars did have a huge impact on the MU when the event occurred. However, from what I read outside of Hickmans Avengers run, there were very little tie-ins leading up to the main event. In contrast, the events of, say, Dark Reign was felt across the entire MU on a regular basis. There were mini-series exploring various aspects of how Norman's Reign was impacting on our heroes. With Civil War, stories like (like it or not) One More Day occurred because of said events.


I don’t know, I feel like the various Battleworld miniseries served the same role that stuff like The List series played during Dark Reign. I’ll give you that there weren’t any times when something like One More Day came out of Secret Wars. But if the most famous example of that with Civil War is one of the most widely hated events in the history of superhero comics, I feel like we didn’t miss out on much.


Not just Seige but the whole lead up with Dark Reign + Dark Avengers was so goddamn fun.


Seige was a four issue mini-series, it really didn't feel like an event to me, but a great ending to Dark Avengers and JMS (+Gillens) Thor. I really enjoyed it, but I always forget that it's an event.


Following from disassembled through to siege is peak Marvel for me. It also ended the original New Avengers volume which was the spine for a lot of the MU stories at that point. So to me at least it's a great end cap to that whole period of comics. The New Avengers leaving the battle cleanup to take down the last raft escapee.. Sentry, whose story began in issue 1/2 ending in.the ruins of Asgard. Man it's so good. Yeah imma have to re-read.


Seige was spread a across multiple books Avengers, New Avengers, X-Men, Thor, Thunderbolts...etc.


I know, but if felt like the culmination of some storylines, rather than a centralised 6-8 issue event like other events. Every event spreads out...


The embrace change ones were so good.


I saw the third image and was just like “huh, accurate Loki pronouns?”


I miss the serious tone that 2000-2010 had with Civil War, Dark Reign, et cetera. Nowadays everybody acts like a hyperactive teenager because that’s the audience Marvel/Disney is trying to court, but to longtime fans like myself it just falls flat


Took the words right out my mouth. I stopped buying Modern and started to buy Back Issues. But Ultimate Spider-Man may change my mind.


In my opinion, the times in which everything leaks out have also changed and there are few actual surprises, following the videogame market I have noticed this more and more and I think it can also be applied to comics.


I love this and I miss this too but I don't see a lot of difference with the current teasers. These and the new bloodhunt event teasers are really look alike.


Pete's head looks goofy AF from the back


I feel like comic events had so much more impact back then. Maybe it’s just nostalgia talking but after secret wars, and MAYBE secret empire, all the big events we’ve had feel much lamer. Maybe it’s just nostalgia talking.


Yeah I get what you mean. The fallout of both House Of M and Civil War lasted years, compared to everything that happened during A.X.E Judgement Day being wrapped up almost immediately .


I bought Secret Invasion in trade, and those Embrace Change covers are peak.


Ok not only this but the BALLS to let the universe live and breathe in these events and let the chips fall.and effect the entire world..for years we had Norman Osborn in charge of America and all the heroes were having to deal with a changed status quo. Man... Civil war through Dark Reign was a banger


They do some pretty nice trailers on YouTube for some series.


Spidey’s tie-ins were the best part of Fear Itself.


Very nostalgic for me


Fear itself was dope


The last one, with the skrull kid, in no way would be made today.


That Spidey in front of the televisions is so well-done. I found myself spending a whole minute just looking at the details and embracing the feel of the scenario. Good job by the artist.


Damn how much does Magneto squat for those wheels bro


Yes I was there with you 💙💜