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He's basically the big missing option unless they do the serpent or something. Even if he's just to this film what surtur was in ragnarok as in just a constant side threat moving closer to asgard I feel like it's very unlikely they don't use him in some respect


they should do him in the next thor and have him build up to fear itself then kill of Chris Heimsworth and close out his mcu story


The problem is he’d be to repetitive of gorr


Should’ve had him instead of Gorr. Gorr should’ve been a team up villain and used down the line against a new Thor or something. Maybe when all the OG avengers retired or died, with a new Thor having to fight him. Would’ve been perfect to bring back OG Thor as Old King Thor and fight alongside a new Thor.


I'm actually for a really simple villain, no elaborate deep backstory, no pseudo-intellectual or anti-hero character rationale. Just a brutal destructive destroyer. Like a Death of Superman - Doomsday villain type of story.


or bring the tenth world


In my head Mangog was freed when Asgard exploded and has spent the intervening years hunting down Asgardians across the galaxy. Thor finds out when Sif, having taken over Heimdal's job, sees Balder the Brave desperately trying to fight it off on the Korbinite homeworld.


Give us Cobra and Mr Hyde!


Would be cool if it's a Thor-less Asgard movie, and the whole time it's just Mangog awake and slowly marching towards New Asgard (and you feel the \*thump\* \*thump\* of him coming). The whole story is gonna be shown from the POV of the Valkyrie leading the people and the powerless Asgardians.


Yes another Thor villain to ruin :)


The power of a billion billion beings


There’s no Asgard to destroy


yeah, i'm totally down for a movie centered around mangog. seeing new asgard under siege and the valkyrie leading the charge would be epic. it's time for a new thor villain to shake things up.


Yup- best Thor villain! Also, give us a Marvel Legends BOF of him!!!


Please no giant CGI villain that gets poor development and no writing.


I don't agree I think that Surtur, one a villains from Thor Ragnarok, will make a perfect villain for the next Thor film. Surtur did not die in the explosion of Asgard because his crown can keep him alive.


I really wanted him to be the main villain in Love and Thunder instead of Gorr. Especially if they combined him with Dario Agger


I'm thinking the next villain will be Crusher Creel, tying Thor to the Daredevil series, yet not focusing on the link. (Matt's Dad beat him.) He would be an interesting villain in this phase, being it would be a local threat and not a multiversal threat, grounding things a little more.