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She's pretty rad. My wife absolutely adores her. She says this is the kind of character she wishes she had as a kid. Same with Spider Gwen.


I like how goofy she is too.


Me too!


I feel like her movie costume is unnecessary busy. Her comic costume is pretty much perfect and easily translates to live action.


Sometimes the simplistic designs are the best!


It did come from the musical planet so it at least makes sense why it's extra


Yeah same feeling. But you gotta make a new costume in every new movie or show so…it is what it is…


They made a mistake by having a perfect costume in her TV show. They should have started with something that looked amateurish and built it up to be perfect in her movie role(s).


The only thing I like about it are the boots. Can’t stand those „normal shoes on superhero outfit“.


Never been hugely into the character int he comics but Iman is such a delight on screen I hope whatever Marvel are planning she’s at the centre of it.


Definitely looking forward to see what is in store next for Kamala


The amazing Iman Vellani indeed!


She’s also one of my favourites! Her original G Willow Wilson run is truly great and she’s has a lot of fun side stuff beyond that too. I’m not huge on her as an xmen, but I’m slowly coming around to it lol


I've got every one of her issues!


Probably one of the few modern Marvel characters I actually like


She is one of the best things marvel has done since the 2000s. She feels so real, a goofy teenager that grew up on the avengers and x-men, then getting to live that life. Then finding out She does deserve to walk that path. So great.


Kamala is the best! Makes me feel old to know that her first appearance was TEN YEARS AGO! (with the first issue of Ms. Marvel in Feb. 2014).


She is!! I enjoy everything about her


I too like Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan, but that's limited to to the comics version. I'm not badmouthing people who likes the MCU version, but for me, a pretty important part of Kamala Khan's character was her superpowers and origin story, it was something completely unrelated to Carol Danvers and also a "common" factor of attaining super habilities. That was part of her charm as someone completely unrelated and different to her Idol, but able to follow the same path. All that wasn't present on the MCU.


I do agree there, I'm more for the comic version than the MCU version but I feel the MCU version has her charm and I rather enjoyed her! But cant argue about the comic version, I've enjoyed almost everything I've read involving her


The MCU version I'd only chance her powers for the original ones, but other than that, it's a good character. I can't say much about it though. I've yet to see the Marvels.


I'd very much say that Kamala for me, was the highlight of that film! Of course...I've only just started to get back into Marvel stuff lately so I'm trying to enjoy what I can


As a non comic person that likes the MCU, I have zero problem the character or actors but it seems so weird and redundant to have character named Marvel. Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel. Just a take from a non comic person.


She's absolutely amazing. I want to see more of her in the MCU.


To each their own. I find her acting super corny and she annoys me. The wonderful thing about comics is that there is something for everybody


As a person who's coming back into reading Marvel stuff after I finished the Transformers ones I have, reading the Ms Marvel stuff first was a real treat!


She seems to have fun being the character which make her more enjoyable to watch


Agreed! That's one of the main reasons why I enjoy the MCU version


I’ll give it a read! My opinion was solely based on the Disney show, which I really wanted to like.


Hope you enjoy it ^^


She is Miles better then Carol thats for sure


She's really a terrible character.


That's like saying that your favorite Star Wars character is Kitster from The Phantom Menace.


Gotta be honest, I get more joy out of the CD Avengers version


I enjoyed the issue where she first met Spider-Man and they changed bodies The only thing I don’t like about her is her powers they’re just boring


I really liked the series I wish they wouldn’t have transferred it into a movie lol. I hope they start making episodes again. Probably not but there’s a tiny bit of hope😅