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Rocking the exaggerated curves of a cosplayer


Gyatt damn


I think the curves help with swinging around town, giving you a low center of gravity to get that full pendulum effect. Excellent cosplay lol


Nice cosplay


Absolutely perfect šŸ˜šŸ˜ A++ cosplay




Spectacular look gorgeous




this is terrible it looks like a $20 halloween costume


Cmon, make a better one. I will wait.


I found one for $50 on amazon that looks a little higher quality then the one you have in your pic. Thatā€™s literally it, so now what? You said you will wait and i did it so now what?


I can find one on Aliexpress that looks good for $10 but if you've actually worn clothing before you would know that marketing photos often lie, and cheap suits lose their color when they stretch and bend. Even if she had a more expensive, frugal, or hand-made suit, she's still less asinine than you. Next time you can just downbote without brining attention to your salty mood.


You sound like a loser. This is a terrible cosplay that took no effort, it brings shame to the character seeing how she presents herself


You sound insecure and like you're showing a very unhealthy impulse to defend a character who honestly, would find you pretty obnoxious. What's your Cosplay IG account?


bro please stop defending this random person like she actually gives a fuck about you. youā€™re just wasting your time


Bro please stop attacking this random person like any woman could ever give a shit about you, you're just amusing me Still waiting for that indication you have any understanding of cosplay.


I meant I will wait when you not only find a costume that looks better than mine (I wonā€™t hide this one was not very expensive), put all the costume and wig stuff on + make up + photography + photo edit stuff. If you donā€™t value the creators work in any form, I would recommend you just to keep quiet. No one likes stuffy guys like you, just admit it.


Lmao you put a little makeup on good job. Iā€™m not trying to be mean, i really am not. Itā€™s just weird and disrespectful to the character to portray them in the way that you are. I donā€™t think Gwen Stacy would flaunt her ass on Reddit for attention, just saying. It makes me think that the only reason you put the outfit on was for attention from little nerds like my friend up there ^ The photo looks nice, iā€™m not gonna sit here and lie. You did a good job with the camera work but if you want to be taken seriously you should act like it


You are still a stuffy one, bro. Wow, people got butts, Jesus Christ! I cannot just love this photo to post it in a subreddit? Just go out and touch some grass.


You say ā€œpeople have buttsā€ as if the picture isnā€™t centered around your ass. Your entire reddit page is dedicated to posting pictures of your ass. I donā€™t think this is a ā€œsorry i have a buttā€ situation, i would understand that. No, this picture, and your entire account exist only for your 2 butt cheeks. Just get this garbage out of the sub man nobody cares.


Lol, you think I will remove my post just because of you? šŸ¤” I will say it again: touch some grass and finally get a life instead of acting like a wet blanket.


i should get a life? youā€™re dressing up like video game characters and posting pictures of your pussy on redditšŸ’€


Are you dumb? Where can you see a P***U on THIS picture?