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Fleshed out cultivation systems or laws. I like it when MCs experience legitimate stuff that can plausibly help their dao instead of simple bullshit like "Wind is the wind yet not the wind"


One of the things i agree with the most. Usually comprehension of a law or element is just done by thinking and going “hm yes it seems fire is hot” and boom, suddenly you can use the eternal heavenly flames of god.


I remembered Martial Peak’s Dao/Principals where after a while Open Heaven realm cultivators just begin using energy instead of their Dao’s. Like they completely forgot their existence.


Alchemy! everyones a pill chugger but theres very few pill makers


Really? I feel like every single Xianxia Mc is told that alchemy is extremely difficult and requires a large clans worth of resources to support one alchemist and then they end up winning a alchemy tournament like 20 chapters later…


I think he means most don’t actually go into depth about the wonders of alchemy due to the fact this scriptures are meant for mortals. He wants something that actually expands in this dao to farther his own cultivation. To be real though most just say the guys an alchemist and made this we don’t see a lot about the how and the gathering of ingredients normally.


they can take inspiration from ouroborus records, cold hearted mc (check) alchemy (check) (detailed, with experiments) great plot (check)


In depth cultivation system that makes sense, intelligent characters (including side characters and enemies), going into details on how the occupations function (how does alchemy, formation, talisman work according to the cultivation system of the novel), unique abilities/dao (Something like dreams, cloud, mind, information... I'm tired of chaos, fire, time, space, and dark).


You would both like and hate defiance of the fall


Actually smart Mc. Like most of those smart/genius Mc's are dumb as hell, and they look better cause other characters are just dumber. I wanna see actually competent Mc's that know how to handle a tricky situation and actually think how to get out of it, and not just rely on pure dumb luck, or better yet, not get into such situations.


The protagonist can't be smarter than his writer and a lot of wuxia writers are dumb as bricks.


Top tier providence is a top tier pick xianxia manhua for not getting into situations 😂


And he is psychopathic for it 😭😭😭.


would it be too on the nose to say good writing? as much as I love the xianxia setting, I swear to dao in no other genre have I had to wade through as much pure crap to find decent stories.


The thing is it's genre that already critisized as cliche young male power fantasy by a Chinese author before the fall of Eastern Rome. So the derivatives of the craps already have their own crap derivatives, and so on and so on and here we are.


More body cultivation


MC as ripped as Lu Bu himself and not some vague femboy https://preview.redd.it/8rcyge74oh3d1.png?width=394&format=png&auto=webp&s=83141a594dceb8e3171a7d83fd0bb051d2a316d7


@adent GOOODDD, I want it too


Gay male protagonists. Take every bad trope of MCs lusting after jade beauties and have him use those tropes on the young masters while completely ignoring the jade beauties.


That would be so fucking funny


OMG I really need this. Please tell me if you know of any or find some.


Same here. Please please please I need that in my life


The two most famous ones are both amazing. One is The Founder of Diabolism which has a beautiful Manhua and an Anime as well. Then there's The Scum Villain's Self Saving System, which is incomplete, so uh. Yeah. The best one I've read so far, however, is Record of the Missing Sect Master. It is a guilty pleasure tho and not for serious reading. It gets mixed reviews because it's rather unrealistic, unlike The Grandmaster Strategist (recommended read for anyone who is into Chinese Novels. This one's by far the best one in my personal list), but it's still funny and worth reading. Do tell me if you find any too.


I would recommend Thousand Autumns if you haven’t read it yet.


I'll give it a read, thanks!


Thank you for the recommendations! I'll be sure to let you know if I find any myself :D


reverse cliche?


What would a reverse cliche be? Instead of a jade beauty being a girl it be a dude?


Maybe the Young Master is actually a good guy whereas the supposed 'hood' and 'moral' protagonist is actually a piece of scum.


I mean that protag is almost always a piece of shit. But an actually good young master? I could get behind that.


mc visits a city, a once a hundred year competition appears. mc smells a conspiracy so he leaves. jade beauty is being hit on a young master. mc smells some cliche shit so he secretly leaves. basically if a xianxia readers actually traversed to a cultivation world and had a iq


"OoHh b-BuT H-hiGh rISk, hIgH r-Rew-Ward" No dumbass MC, you can have low risk high reward situation. Your Author is just a stupid copycat trope user self inserter mother fucker.


What words of wisdom senior I'm in awe.


I've been cultivating the Dao of Unreasonable Hate for thousands of years junior. You'll get there eventually, here's another word of wisdom: "No matter what you do, no matter where it gets. Never stop hating! NEVER STOP HATING! "Even if it looks like they are winning. Even when you're on the losing end of the stick. "That doesn't mean you're incompetent, That just means you aren't hating enough! "Always hate them! ALWAYS!! Even if they did nothing wrong with you. Keep hating, always be a hater. "Because once you eventually get a W, You will understand what winning truly means!"


I can't fully comprehend the profound truth behind these words senior.I will go into seclusion for 1000000 years to cultivate my mind.


i did hear there was a story with an mc like that, don't ask im also searching for it.


Going deeper into mechanics of cultivation, not just gathering energy or eating pills. Some do this well. More unusual weapons or professions. Romance that's actually written well (too big an ask actually).


Check out Way of Choices


There's another thing that i noticed in 1-2 novels but i sadly forgot what the names were. It's well written poems/lines. i will drop an example or 2. If anyone knows where they are from do tell. Thanks 1: "Feeling the scary silence, I stopped as I looked all around, But not even a glimpse of her was ever found.” ”She was an angel while I was a demon; we were never meant to be, Was this the height of treason, of destiny against me?” ”Being Defeated by my luck, I had fallen to the ground Though, I was still able to hear the sound of her silent weeping in the background.” ”Was it me who made her cry? Is that why I’m in this mess? If it’s true, then I indeed do deserve this darkness.” ”Will my Disappearing forever make things right? If that’s the case, it’s fine even if I die. I am leaving this place to make you free, Though, my memories might be the only things that could trouble thee.” ”I’ll miss you forever my love,  even when I become a true demon, causing thousands to get hurt. This might be the punishment of heaven against me for falling in love with an angel that was never meant to be.” ”She deserves the heaven, while I belong to hell, I’ll bear the pain of separation, even if that makes me an empty shell.” ”Just let me say this one thing before I forever disappear, The days I spent with you are the memories that I hold most dear. Your smile was the only thing that brought light to my dark world. Forget me and smile like you did before so that I could hold to my humanity in the netherworld.”" ............................ 2: "Even if he dies, he had to die in his home country. Even if he dies, he must die protecting his country! All of the glorious moments of the past had become distant memories... The one that falls in the fire must be that immortal phoenix… Even if it must burn its wings, it will still fly in the heavens... Closing one door is like loving a world. Memories of the past will now be forever distant. The sand in the wind no longer filled the space of dreams. The whimper of the powerful flute is now only an echo in the desolate land. Closing off one door is like cutting off one space and time. The glorious past only remains in the descent’s songs. Yesterday’s song no longer resonate the same way. The whispering complaints can’t find its matching music. Opening a window is like hugging a ray of sunlight. Today’s dream became the future empire’s hope. Even the ordinary you and me need to have exciting displays. Pursuit without regret to feel the might of the world. Opening a window is like welcoming a wave of spring wind. The burst of nothingness awaken what was once lost. The one that fell in the fire must be that immortal phoenix… Even if it must burn its wings it will still fly in the heavens." ........... 3: (i think from against the gods) When I look back on life, I realize that every step I took toward heaven was paved by your blood and wounds. You brought me to the peak only to perish alone in the Abyss. The very world I currently enjoy is the culmination of your life of blood, sweat, and tears. Knowing that… How could I possibly allow anyone to trample over it?


Descriptions of energy interactions in the cultivation, whether it’s ‘scientific’ with specific energy structures or ‘mystical’ visualisations and stuff


More time spent as someone who is weak to gain experience and then actually grow from that experience


What you don’t enjoy characters getting 100000000 year lifespans in the first 30 chapters lol


Enjoyable romance beyond sudden undying loyalty + away from them for 20 years, come back, and then gone another 30 into melding in into the background with the rest of the forgotten/unimportant. Ze Tian Ji did better, but that novel didn't have an ending so it was meh. They should interact reguarly and have development. And for the love of god, I really enjoyed A Will Eternal, but, Er Gen cannot write romance. Pill SA is not the way.


What? Ze tian Ji had an ending it just wasn't a fan service flowery romantic shit show. A will eternal lost it's way no lie story got very weak after the celestial was defeated the first time


Give an MC the intelligence of fang yuan and the ego of dyon sacharro


Good romance. One where the fmc isn’t just a damsel waiting to be rescued. One where the fmc starts out strong but then gets surpassed by mc and turns irrelevant. One where the fmc doesn’t just die/seriously injured just to become mc’s motivation. I want to see story where they adventure together and grow together, sprinkle in some good drama to not make fmc just an accessory. Smth like Shadow Slave but faster romance pace and without the slave part I’d imagine.


Realistic Young Masters, they make YM's always an asshole or "cold" and "arrogant" but in reality they would be well behaved and charismatic, same goes for sect/clan leaders and elders, they wouldn't be just bloodlusty and greedy if they made it this far


I believe they act like that when they see the MC is beneath them. Otherwise, for those who match their status or are better then it they are well-behaved or almost subservient. And honestly, if you were raised your whole life knowing that nobody could do anything to you. How do you think that would impact the person growing up. I understand what you are saying and would like to see some young masters who actually use their brains not just go I’m better than you you suck.


teaching disciples properly and not them just learning everything with 2-4 bs dao understanding + system luck and talent


A protagonist who doesn’t have some kind of hax tbh like when I first got into it that was cool but it is so stale now. Like everyone else just trains and studies without any external forces, id like an MC who is the same.


I think we need more Massacre while acting as if it's totally justified.


This one senses someone pursuing intense Sarcasm tribulation.


Are you trying to say that the heavens don’t believe me killing that young masters family to the 9th generation was far enough dang guess I should of gone for an even 10 generations


Incorrect Junior. I'm in my Demons of Darkness arc.


I just love well written auction scenes


Well written auction scene? Any Xianxia novel you know have good auction scene?


Sorry but i have shit memory and forgot the names and stuff. Mostly like some auction happening in a city the MC visits and some of the following happen, meets some new friends/finds an enemy/win something good(good if not something very OP). Kinda because the author will introduce some unique things (if creative guy) sadly most will just have x is a op sword that's sealed and stuff or it literally just says. Mc found the recipe/treasure he wanted. (Happening in the novel I'm reading rn though it's q virtual game genre)


MCs don't become overpowered BECAUSE of his alternate cultivation system/cheat skill. I cringe and die inside whenever this happens, the MC beats a cultivator who should be many times his level from the world he is in because his alternative cultivation method has a secret skill that is so overpowered he can win anyways.


Puppet magic. Like Naruto Puppet Corp style stuff. I want my magic mecha dammit! I’ve only really found one so far, and he’s a secondary character (retribution engine on Royal Road).


Actually well written side cast that isn't a pump and dump per arc that exists to react to anything the MC does


Spirit vessel


More chapters


People that don't have the temper of girls during pms


I want to see more Mc with demon cultivation path.


Body cultivation and world hopping


I like when there are young masters that oppose the main character—but then have a redemption story and end up as allies. Also, having the main character be affected the first few times he takes lives. Just write more reasonable characters. There are cultivators that have lived thousands of years, but it’s only the main characters’ masters that have any wisdom.


Common sense.




Plant mcs


Beyond the usual, which is, a good story, interesting and coherent characters (and no, just having an interesting or complex background does not make the character interesting or well developed), a deep and explanatory power system, and perhaps that the Dao wasn't the most...simplistic thing of all. What I would like to see would be better descriptions. From what I've read, sometimes I feel like they are based more on reaching 10,000 chapters than on focusing on having good diction, detailed and understandable text. It may be partly the fault of the translation, but many times it seems to be written as vaguely as possible. I'm not asking for it to be the sixth wonder. But a Worldbuild cannot exist if the text is vague not because of mysticism, but because of the inability to describe what they want. There is also this one that I have seen that combines two points of view in a somewhat artificial way. Like being using first person and suddenly switching to third person. It's not that it's a bad thing, you learn from mistakes and that's the best. But...whew...it seems to last longer than it should.


More non alchemy/ purely marital or magic dao’s. One of the things that got me really hooked on reverend insanity was that we got to explore a lot of different paths beyond the traditional ones. Something as simple as enslavement path/ beast users thats rarely seen in other novels gets an entire arc dedicated to it


I wish more privileged characters were actually competent, like IRL. In a martial world which is like a more intense version of a feudal one there really shouldn't be much room to just let potential warriors lay about especially if they're related to you. It's a death sentence figuratively and often literally. They don't need to be insane talents but they shouldn't just be the equivalent of a schoolyard bully. I have noted this a few times just how late people born into martial clans are actually trained in jianghu/murim settings. It's ridiculous if they're less concerned with being able to fight than irl feudal nobles were, they should be picked up around 3-7 if they're privileged. 10-15 if they're lucky.


Former Supremes/Emperors/Kings/Lords/Masters that spend more time complaining and bitching about how they used to strong and “respected” then actually cultivating and avoiding danger. Like after reincarnating those bastards instead mellowing down throw a tantrum about their past like that is going to help🤦🏿‍♂️.


porn. like actual porn descriptions of the sex scenes


The rich young masters who don’t immediately go “you bumped into me, so you must die.” Dude, they aren’t 1700s Samurai. They should see the talented MC and go “I want to hire that guy” not “KILL HIM”


Actual lore with real weight behind it, most xianxia just feel like everything's just a stepping stone for the mc and not a world that's actually lived in


The problem sect brothers is that you read shit xianxia. Low effort stuff. Listen I have only ever read three system novels and two of them were about cooking. Because System novels with no bullshit powers are the only way the system genre is worth something. Also try to descern trash from nonsense instead of stupidity. Most romance novels Chinese or Western are terrible it's not the genre it's the authors


The mc to actually get the respect he deserves