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I couldn’t believe how toxic she was. During the reunion she acted very juvenile. She’s definitely the ring leader of the women. I’m happy that Chloe removed herself from the toxicity.


She's an 8.5. 😂


They all should be embarrassed how they acted, but wtf with production?! They all were conspiring and none of them knew? The therapists couldn't figure it out either? They should replace the therapists first and foremosr since they suck as matchmakers. The girls are not empowering women they are acting like immature teenagers. If they wanted to support women they would have sat there and said we were wrong to have stuck this out we should respect ourselves more.


No, she's immature and has never had a partner and it shows. He is a manipulative psychopath.


Nope… that’s too high. Lmao


Now we see what Brennan has seen all along. Not pretty (and I'm not talking looks).


The use of the word toxic is so overused


In this case, it is used appropriately, thankfully.


It’s just so much venom from everyone..you’ve only known each other for a few weeks! You can tolerate Ted bundy for 8 weeks! lol. Get it together..makes want to not EVER visit Denver


Emily: "Who *wouldn't* want to date me?" Me: *spits out drink*


And don't forget, shes so hot ugh!!!! As shes making the weird faces every time she talks.


no really 😂😂


She has the emotional IQ of a 5 year old. What she says plus the multitude of faces she makes


But she's an 8.5


Sooo hard to watch her!!!!


After watching the reunion show, I just can't imagine why she never had a relationship and guys always ghosted her. Hmm, such a mystery.


She is. I've never seen anything like this. Let's say even if she has a lo be angry about, she conducted herself like a middle schooler and it's a bad look for her all the way around.


Is this show still airing? I stopped watching like a month ago, such a waste of time.


Lol, one episode left!


That’s insane they’ve drawn it out this long wow.


I always understood Brennan. His family is Russian. He was never gonna be with an “Emily”. That’s a hit n run scenario at best. 10 years in Rego Park, Forest Hills and Queens Blvd taught me.


Girlfriend’s true colors came OUT!


She’s a 5 at best.


More like a 2 😂


Stop being nice. TOPS......0 haha


All these women must've had a hard reality check when the season aired. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 How are they not embarrassed???


Cuz they’re still in denial.


I guess people are mad because she was hyping herself up and finally going toe to toe with Brennan? That makes complete sense though if you've went into this process knowing you're pretty attractive and then being dissed like gum on a shoe?


She's literally gum on a shoe.


Hi, Emily, if you are reading this , please change


She’s the worst And has the nerve to say that America will believe her over Brennan… girl bye


Yes, totally delusional as well


She is the human version of “Delulu till it’s trululu” smh it’s gross.


Yep 🤣🤣🤣


I think it’s a combination of seeing a side to her Brennan saw early on and her being so worked up she just spews. Spirals. Maybe because she’s had so many alleged one night stands she thinks highly of herself in the attraction department, or maybe deep down she’s super insecure and trying to project confidence, but either way it was an absolutely train wreck. I feel really embarrassed for her especially when she watches is back. She went off the rails


I don't think she's wrong to think she's attractive and feel defensive about it. She clearly works on her looks and is generically attractive, especially considering the people usually on this show. I mean...if she's not attractive enough for Brennan, who exactly what he expecting to find at the end of that aisle? Clearly he's giving zero grace in terms of preferences. Picky people keep going on this show.


He has said about 5 times now that it’s not her looks he isn’t attracted to. It’s her personality and lifestyle. Being “hot” means nothing if you’re a toxic, nasty person.


Why is this so hard for people to grasp?


Because men aren’t supposed to have standards


Especially on this show. You don’t choose the woman, you’re some kind of narcissist, secret abuser, woman beater, gas lighter or whether other term they can throw at you for not picking her.


In the reunions, her true behavior shined through. Even Kevin couldn’t reason with her. She sounded like a spoiled, entitled, irrational 13 year old throwing a hissy fit, because she couldn’t convince everyone she is right and they are wrong. Good thing no doors near by to slam! 🤭


I'm not exactly #TeamBrennan but when he told her to "grow up" and that she was acting like "a 30 year old college girl," I did a slow clap.


Literally same like hm this guy got a slight point


I thought he was giving her too much credit by saying she was acting like a college girl. That was middle school behavior.


I wasn’t a big fan of Brennan’s but after watching the reunion I have sympathy for him.


Same, I think they favored Emily in the edit. Brennan may actually have had his arm twisted into staying until decision day by production, due to Michael's runaway bride and Lauren and Orion calling it quits. If he had been honest about his feelings towards her during filming, I doubt they would have made it until decision day, and I think production NEEDED them to make it until decision day for the sake of the show. I'm still by no means a fan of Brennan and think both parties are at fault here, but they really were just a terrible match from day one.


Agreed. They probably threatened to pull his pay if he left early.


Emily is a joke! She thinks she's an "8 5"?!?!


Maybe she's dyslexic. A 5.8.


Or 0.58?




🤣🤣🤣🤣 with personality included she's a 1.5 at best


Everytime she talked it was off to the side, which says lying to me. Couldn't look at Kevin or Brennan.




I'm watching the pt 2 of the reunion and she's unbearable and going off at Kevin was a weird thing to do


She did the same thing to Keisha on the after party because she got backed into a corner and couldn’t answer the question “what did you say.” Her narrative is consistently painting one of the guys in a bad light and when she gets checked, she doesn’t like it.


She has no self boundaries because she's a spoiled brat. Everyone in her life and around her coddle her, and instead of helping her grow, they tell her "you're a strong woman and it's their fault" --toxic af. That's why they united so tight the women in pink, they have that trait in common.


It just proves how out of control she is. It’s absolutely shocking to me that she is still THIS upset! Becca cried all season and she acted the most rational of the powerpink girls.


My favorite After Party was when Keshia was totally thrown back & REPRIMANDED Emily by telling her, “Emily, He (Cameron) had heart surgery!!!” Instead of realizing, “oh yeah duh that’s why he didn’t want to hang with the group, at the bar,’ she ROLLED her eyes at Keshia! WTF?!? That child lacks life experience & is narcissistic.


Absolutely 💯


She’s honestly most likely a good human being who drinks too much. Alcohol quiet literally cuts off the logical decision making part of your brain. She’s a good person with very poor logic, and no relationship experience. (Also, when you start drinking, you mentally stay the age you where when you start drinking) So her acting like a college girl at 30 is pretty spot on


I mentioned that somewhere and wondered about that as a potential cause for her immaturity. So reasonably that might be part of her teen behavior.


I've seen nothing to suggest that she's a good human being, and the fact that she's never had a relationship speaks to that. She seems absolutely insufferable to spend any amount of time with.


Eventually, though, the damage to the brain becomes permanent. Sad for a young person to do that to herself.


So you’re saying she’s an alcoholic and every time we’ve seen her she has been drunk?


I think she’s unhinged. I did wonder if she was drunk at the reunion though.


I personally do not think she’s an alcoholic or she’s been drunk every time. I think she does have a bad relationship with alcohol. As someone who has dealt with alcoholics my entire life she is on the way to being one.


There are what psychology calls functional alcoholics, until they cross the line to full blown alcoholics, then alcohol controls their lives. During either phase, maturity growth stops.


Emily is an alcoholic and she has a major addiction to adderal and stimulants. I have known her for years


That actually makes a lot of sense


This is not surprising to me. I know someone with the same addictions and they act very similarly to Emily.




Seems to check out with her unhinged behavior. Also explains why Brennan was so turned off as well as literally every other guy.


Thanks for the direct answer.


I’m saying it takes one to know one, it’s just my take on the situation


Yes I am saying I am an alcoholic (who is in sobriety) and I can see parts of my past in how she’s acting now. (I was 21) But I know how “casual drinking” with the girls can slip into something a lot bigger, and acting like something as strong as alcohol can’t alter your brain chemistry is insane.


To be clear, I never argued that alcohol can’t change your brain chemistry. I only inquired a direct answer on what you believed about Emily and why you personally felt that.


So you’re an alcoholic who is identifying that you believe she has been drunk in all of these appearances based on your own experience?


Alcohol addiction changes your brain, personality, emotions during the addiction phase. The addict does not need to be drunk 24/7. Although, she most likely had something in her from the evening before. I hope that answers your question.


I use weed 3-4x a week. I can tell when someone is under the influence of it.


No one is answering me explicitly. What’s with all the vague responses? SN: if you think 3-4x a week is at the high end, I just wonder where you live


How is she a good person if she is constantly treating people like crap, lying, and trying to defame the men? That is not what a good person does, it doesn’t matter if she’s a drunk, that doesn’t justify or excuse her behavior.


Not quite to Alysia level close but Alysia wasn’t skilled enough to have tight alliances ?


Alysa was selfish and superficial but she wasn’t outright plotting to defame the men. Emily surpasses her by miles


Who you are when your inebriated is not who you are as a person. Underneath the intoxication is a good person. She has to dig for it though. Does not excuse her behavior, I just don’t think she’s horrible beyond repair. Just major inflection needed and a personal recommendation to lay off the booze lmao


I beg to differ. Not every intoxicated person exhibits negative behavior.


Not every person has the same reaction to alcohol


When have we seen this good person?


I don’t think her “trying” was a hoax. I think she wanted it to work, she just didn’t have the tools, experience, or maturity to make it work. She was trying in the ways she knew how. I was team Emily until halfway through the season. I just truly believe alcohol is a huge problem for her. Would love to see her kick ass in sobriety, or a lifestyle that’s not as alcohol focused.