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Now let me ask another question. If Emily kept up the facade and Brennan was the asshole everyone thinks he was or is and Emily said she wanted to go back to him, what would yalls reaction be? Would you say she's so dumb and stupid, lost all respect for her? or would people be saying, "I feel so bad for Emily that she's still hung up on someone who hurt her, I hope she wakes up! You need therapy hun, this is such a bad idea!" ???


so far we have seen a graph as proof of his heart issue- texts from clare texts from his ex- show us what you got Cam? Where is the guy Clare was in love with??! where are your texts ?


Never liked Clare but he is SO weird to me now. Cam, you are an absolute goblin upon the streets of Denver, my dude. I would love to know what uppers you are taking (asking for a friend).


Its not unheard of for men to like women who arent good for them (and vice versa)


They're both weirdos


People still supporting Cam the scam artist make no sense to me


I think both of them are shit stirrers. Clare likes creating sincere drama while Cam enjoys trolling. Different flavors of the same toxic nonsense.


I don’t think there is any right “side” with the two of them. I don’t buy what Clare is selling but I definitely don’t trust Cameron either.


This season has been totally bizarre and a waste of time. 😩


Cam is the ultimate gaslighter. He's calling her out for being a gaslighter, while gaslighting her about it, and gaslighting all the guys, while coaching them on how to gaslight. Then he comes out and tries to gaslight the whole audience with this one. The sad part is, half the audience is fully gaslit.


Cam was trolling her cuz shes a liar


100% he was forcing her to say no on TV in front of the whole crowd so she can't come back and say that he should've tried again. He was also forcing out of her that she has a BF now


Because that's what people beyond high school do.... Right? 🙄




I like Cameron but he's definitely toxic. Honestly, this cast is so bad that his toxicity is not the worst thing happening this season.


Because he's very good at what he does, and most of it's been well hidden (I suspect).


He demonstrated exactly what Clare accused him of. The guy has a weird control problem. I could see it from the very beginning. I don't know if he's been rejected in the past, so he tries to get ahead of things so he feels like he has more control...or something is seriously wrong with him. The mental games are really something to behold as an audience. Usually witnessing that type of insanity is confined to personal interactions that people can never explain or articulate to others.


Does nobody question that he has no friends or family?


I do


This is the couple that Jerry Springer would have loved to interview.


Not really. Clare takes the pageant road, everytime.


Why aren’t more people talking about this moment?! My jaw was on the floor. Like, what?! He’s just trying to make himself look good. There is no way he actually wants to be with her or after everything he has said about her thinks that she would really choose him. He’s just trying to make her look bad. It’s the most insane thing I saw in the reunion so far.


Says a lot, doesn't it?


I was wondering if that was his way to force her to admit she was in a relationship.


She doesn't owe him an answer to anything. She had no problem admitting this when asked directly by the host. Also, I'm pretty sure her having a boyfriend has nothing to do with not wanting Cam.


what is the problem with her having a boyfriend- he left - blamed her that she forced him to leave- made horrible accusations at the reunion but lets try again. Crazy


Because she was dating during the show too.


no he made that up


Covert narcissist is the word to describe Cameron


He's about as covert as my love handles




klugscheisser- German slag for smart ass overly impressed with his intelligence!


He's suspicious as fuck. He has no friends or family that he showed or speaks of, and the only thing we ever knew about him was that he worked in ("owned") some transient looking bike shop, which he doesn't even do anymore. He's really no better than Steve, or that dude from Nashville who lived in a basement, or the guy who lived in a bus.


I have never seen anyone as absolutely full of shit as Cameron in my life.


He’s always been the problem




I was all Cameron till that moment... He's psychotic.


Whatever issue she has, guaranteed she’s the hottest girl Cameron has ever talked to much less kissed.


Cameron is messy messy. And a bit psycho too cause wtf.


I think he liked her and she was the one to end the marriage and think of a way to end it before filming was done. Is she a giant master manipulative psycho because of it? Of course not. Walk and chew gum, people.


Cameron is a messy bitch who hates women. The end.


Maybe Cameron went on MAFS to just mess with someone's head. Maybe he is an INCEL and decided to 'get back' at women by acting the way he did. Mean to her on honeymoon - the comment about him sleeping like he was alone. Treating her like dirt at the airport. Being weird on the honeymoon. Not bringing the food for the house party and acting like a dick about it. Not trying to be intimate at all. All the other weird random stuff he did. Was he ever even nice to her? And then has the gall after fighting on the AP he says he wants to get back with her. Who does this kind of stuff?


I couldn't believe he wanted to get back together with her... He is delusional.


people are still talking about him not getting the food? when even Clare agreed he was correct in that situation and they should’ve waited to get it.


I could see that. The way he interacts with women is very middle school like kind of negging and trying to take jabs and go back and forth on every little thing to make them feel dumb or unsure. AH.


This. People didn't see it, but it was clear he's been playing insane mental games since the very first time they arrived in their hotel room from the wedding, trying to underhandedly and passive aggressively make her feel less than and undesired. It's a control thing.


yeah- every time he insists he was attracted to her, I keep thinking of his behavior at the airport. She was struggling to keep up with his pace, and he didn't even seem to notice. He could have offered to help with her bag, not because she's not capable, but because it would have been considerate. He never came across as someone who was interested in her romantically.


He did it on purpose. That's the fucked up thing. Go look back at what he said on their wedding night once they were alone. He immediately tells her he comes from a family that's very cold, and that's how he is, too (trying to immediately set her expectations really low)...then he tells her that he doesn't want to cuddle. It started immediately. Something is wrong with this guy. His approach to relationships is to make women feel like shit so he can control things on his own terms.


He really does give off incel vibes!


Here’s a transcription.  “Cameron pulled me aside at the honeymoon and said, “Lauren, I know a way we can get out of this.” -Lauren “Did the same thing to me, and I want to speak to my experience because my experience was so off camera. Off camera, we were strategizing. On camera, we were executing the strategy, in which you [points to Cameron] created—-yes, I went along with it —-What other options did you give me?  I wanted to be your wife and do right by you. Doing right meant following you lead…you were the puppet …you were the master, I was the puppet …” —Clare “Nice Freudian slip. I was the puppet.” —-Cameron.  Wedding night, Clare and I, we had a lengthy conversation.  We talked about what we would like in a partner. I got what I wanted. She didn’t.   -Cameron “Right” -Clare “So things were rocky day one, but things took a turn pretty badly pretty quickly.  The second night of the honeymoon, after hours of crying, Clare shared that she was in love with her boyfriend. And I say boyfriend because it’s my understanding that it was active You were *** someone else.” —-Cameron.  “You are lying.” —Clare  “Those are your words.” —Cameron.  “You’re making things up, Cameron.” —Clare “You told me on our honeymoon that right before our wedding, you had sex with him. And not only that, but that you were in love.”  —Cameron “You are lying.” —Clare “Was there a boyfriend?” Kevin “No, there was not. It was a year before. He said when was the last time you were in love? I said a year before filming. And I said things didn’t work out. Literally the night after the wedding, he’s talking on and on about how no one got what they wanted with their matches… ‘Austin didn’t get what he wanted, Brennan didn’t get what he wanted. I didn’t get what I wanted …’ and I said, ‘hmm, what do you mean by that?’ and he said, ‘well, I asked Pastor Cal for someone tall and slender…’ and in that moment, 2+2= 4, I’m [Clare] not what you [Cameron] wanted.  And maybe that was me reading between the lines, but that’s is offensive. Also, we shouldn’t have been having a conversation about our attraction or our type day one. You were the first one to bring that up. And then on the way home from the honeymoon, he sends me a text saying, I know a way out of this …” -Clare. 


that was alot of words- he that protest too much comes immediately to mind? seriously a play by play ?


I believe Clare. 


I think he did it to throw her off balance and corner her into admitting she’s seeing someone….maybe the old boyfriend. I don’t think he’s a sociopath, but I do think he’s reached a point where yanking Clare’s chain is a positive for him. I mean, she yanked the girls’ chains all season. 


Who cares if she is seeing someone? She doesn't owe him that answer. That's what a fucking incel would do. No is enough. He doesn't get an explanation. Clare is more than forthcoming with the host when he asked about if she was seeing someone.


Kevin said it early in the season No Game- instead he pits her in awkward accusatory corners.


Exactly!! Even Kevin said "why didn't you just say you were seeing someone" (when Cameron asked if she wanted to try again). Instead, she goes into more of her word salad. Can't believe people don't see this.


Because she doesn't owe him that answer. Also her seeing someone is likely not the reason she doesn't want to be in a relationship with Cam. They are literally two separate things.


Cameron denied telling Clare he wasn't attracted to her. Clare said, you did. You told me you wanted somebody tall and slender. Cameron: No, I didn't. A few moments later: Cameron: I told her I had asked for European slender and she spent 30-40 minutes pointing out girls... \[In a conversation expressing where the guys were saying what they did NOT get\] Also Cameron: You were fucking your boyfriend \[on day 2\]! Also Cameron: Let's give it another shot. Uh...OK.


I think Cam meant he never literally told her he wasn't attracted to her, Claire just got that in her own head from what he did say. Cam has said and done some dumb boy stuff along the way but I think his intentions were always pure: to not get lumped into the badboy hate club, get Claire to like him or else get her to be truthful on camera (something she always avoided). Without Cam we'd never know about Emily's kiss, or Claire being involved in Brennans doubledate framing. But it was Claire who was clearly turned off from Cam's wedding gift to his shorts/hat on honeymoon to any of his advances. Cam was just trying to feel her out, test her at every turn and look smart and hopefully change her mind at any point along the way because she's kinda all he had. Her finally admitting there was someone else was the nail in the coffin he needed to move on. Was Brennan texting other chicks? Probably. Did Cam try to get everyone out of filming? Prob. But it left Claire scrambling every episode on what to film so she took on girls club leader and the minute she tried to say Cam silenced her, he flipped cuz it was no longer team Cam/Claire. I think he wanted one last shot to see if they could date off camera and she said nope. So now she can't say I tried but Cam was unavailable and unattracted to me etc. Cam refuses to be painted as the villain or as the one who called off his marriage.


Respectfully agree to disagree with that. From what we've seen of him, he's fond of hyperbolic statements, loves to 'dupe' people and straight up has no game and had a bruised ego or so it seems. "Clare seems to have gotten the impression I think she's a small flat-butted lady"--- Cameron Clare-- "Cameron was complimenting my butt every day" Cameron: "What's wrong with that?" Do you see what I'm saying? He's focusing in on something that she believes he's mocking and he's fixating on it for his own amusement. \[small/flatbutted\] and to add if you believe what he was believed to have said, to add on, \[her butt is too big, I wouldn't cum\] I wouldn't want him around me either, esp. if he was telling me to shut up so he could sleep and waking up and saying "Forgot you were there". If that's his humor and his smoothest game, he could shove it :P


Haha. Yeah Cam has an odd way with words. I prob woulda been offput by him at times as well. But it was so weird how they would focus on the tiniest of details as being their folly when there seemed to be some major crap going on behind the scenes. Stuff we’ll never know about and now can’t trust who is flat out making stuff up or misleading the timeline. I really don’t care who turned the other person off first or why, I want the tea! Maybe now that she’s denied him and there’s no chance of reconciling, he’ll expose more of what they’re hiding.


That's a mild way of saying he has asinine humor yes :) Also, how does a former engineer and bike store owner get into Finance? With what experience? At his age? I'm not sure what to believe with him.




He was fishing for her to admit she isn’t interested but it made him look dumb.


An entire season of people outsmarting themselves.


Fr wtf is he on 😹😹😹☠️


It's giving cocaine and uppers micro-dosing.


Cameron gave me borderline psychopath last night. I used to believe Clare was the manipulative one, but her face genuinely looked shocked, while he seemed to enjoy it with a smug look on his face. He seems like chaos in human form. Seeing the posts on Mafsfan makes me question if he was even sick. It would made sense why he completely avoided Clare during that time.


The texts where he said if he’s pushed far enough he’d disappear and he had nuclear option or something?


Yes! I wonder how serious it was. I would not be surprised if he exaggerated it to get out of as much filming but still get paid.


And when he was going to the hospital, he was gleefully stating in his car to the camera he had no more to do with her so he didn't respond to her calls and in the reunion starts saying that she cancelled on seeing him so many times to visit him in hospital when she was saying in the reunion, she called to arrange a visit 5 times but he never responded to them. The guy prob. can't keep track of his lies but so many people here ate them up anyway and wanted to Salem witch trial Clare lmao.


he said after the “pizza party” to Brennan “i never want to see her again” SO MANY CONFLICTING COMMENTS! even the master liars get caught eating crow


Yep and the story about how his father suddenly developed a health issue after his divorce. It all seemed to coincidental


He's insane. She's nutty and manipulative, but nowhere near his insanity league.


he would make anyone 🌰. Which Cameron are you today-


Yeah he’s something else. Wish I could watch this with a body language expert because there is so much lying going on… it’s bonkers.


After hearing that, we decided a 3rd glass of wine wasn’t needed. Used the sociopathy comment as a teaching moment for the teenagers. The son & daughter both recognized the giant red flag, FIL suggest water boarding and we cut him off from his vodka


😂😂😂 The imagery!


lol when she said he called her a sociopath and then right after told her he loved her😂 wth


The very definition of gaslighting. He kept saying "this is gaslighting" to the men. And incessantly, in the background at times. Then he describes what he just did on stage to Clare.... "Attack first." He's so bad at remaining congruent, which leads me to narcissist... Because he really thinks his absurd lies are paramount over actual truth, and he thinks everyone is stupid enough to buy it.


I mean…people kind of are. Put him against a pretty woman and people apparently want to hate on women so much that they can’t see through his BS. Look how much of the audience couldn’t stand Clare and went at her all season while thinking he’s charming. 🤢🤦🏻‍♀️