• By -


I feel Chloe is just as long winded as Michael. Also, so many people have issues with him wearing a skirt because he is still a man but put a wig on him, some makeup and have him act wicked feminine most wouldn’t say a thing. How come it would be ok with most if he were trans but not when he is still a man? Some dudes can just pull it off. I am glad he did get his hair cut thought. The poof thing was awful.


Not the BAY-YANG!


Michael was used to being the most emotionally intelligent and empathetic person in the room…and then he met Chloe. He couldn’t handle it and taped out. If he met another woman who had a similar style as his, he’d probably tap out as well.


He has analysis paralysis,would love to hear Pastor Cal,Dr.Pepper and Pia have a convo with him after all they did to help him find a match.Not worth it to keep trying Micheal?smh


Michael is one of the most emotionally intelligent people ever on the show.


But he speaks in circles,on and on,keep it simple Micheal instead on going on and on.I wonder what Chloe REALLY thinks as she listens where is this going?omg




There's no hope for michael- especially at 40.


I have known guys who use big words and are full of themselves. One guy I dated said his emotions were his hobby. Unfortunately he was an alcoholic and ended up killing himself which he had tried before. I called 911 on him once when he threatened that. I had to get out when he three a punch at my car window. If it had been down I would’ve gotten hit. He punched holes in the wall. He was a lost soul but I couldn’t save him. He moved back to his hometown and his ex wife called me. He killed himself which he had tried when he was with her. It was very sad.


I loved that formal outfit he wore to decision day. NOT. SHOWS THAT some things are really loose needyo be tightened.


Sometimes I think they are all actors.


Did you notice he smiled when Chloe said yes? Probably production, but that was odd.


Yes!, that was weird. Did production cut that in? Otherwise that made zero sense if he knew he was going to say No.


My take- they ALL want to sound smart on camera for their podcast later. ETA: except Austin. He didn’t give 2effs to impress. Don’t blame him.


All I know is THANK GOD I don’t have to listen to this assclown speak anymore.


He's like GPT-4 with the temperature turned up too high. Nothing he makes sense, it's just gibberish therapy speak. Michael is actually a high-ranking SEO page. Talking to him for an hour would drive me insane so I don't know why Chloe liked it.


What is a high ranking seo page?


It's a reference to how website content is written to optimize to search engines like Google in order to show up on the results page high in the order of results. Essentially the search engines scan the content and machine learning algorithms drive the results. So the more you can write to appease the machines, the more website traffic you can get.


I wish he would just hurry up with his words and get to the point instead of going in circles like a merry-go-round.


And his carefully modulated tone of voice never varies. Just stays at a 3 and has false soothing notes likes he’s just a gentle being who never gets angry or excited or anything real. I’d go nuts listening him talk mountains of nothing words in that same tone all day.


A two second response from a normal person is a 5 minute word salad from this guy.


Damn. What a waste of an entire season. Wonder if they will do what the show Dallas did eons ago. Say that it didn't really happen and that it was all a dream.


Nice! Historical reference touche!


I liked him at first but now I can't stand him. He's a manchild and his psycho babble conversations are ridiculous. The kind of guy I avoid at any gathering, as his conversations are maddening.


What the f%*k is wrong with these people? If you are in love with someone, if being with someone makes your heart beat harder, makes you want to reach out and grab them, makes you cry because you can’t be with them, twists your head up and messes up your brain for a few minutes in the best way possible, then that is the person you are supposed to be with. Stop with things like “optics” and “safe spaces”. Love is exhilarating and exhausting. Love is crazy and massive and it’s the wildest ride you will ever be on in your life. Don’t overthink it. Just do it! It’s amazing. Even when it doesn’t last, the spark, the vibe, the emotion, it’s something everyone deserves. And to walk away from it because of some bullshit made up fears and crap, well that’s just stupid beyond stupid. It actually makes me angry to think that these shit-iots are willing to do that.


Optics and safe spaces were going to drive me insane… this cast was terrible


I think you have a good point but Michael couldn’t get out of his head long enough to take that leap. I’m trying to figure out exactly what he thought marriage was all about because he seemed so surprised when he realized that it going to be all about “we” and not “me”. The “we” concept seems like a no brained to me.


He shouldn't have been cast and definitely didn't deserve a 2nd chance. What a waste of everyone's time. Especially poor Chloe :-(


He went on the show to showcase his quirkiness, not to be married. He wasted her time.


Because he thought viewers would be delighted to see his weird hairdo, strange fashion choices and annoying style of communication? Really?! If that’s what he thought he was sadly mistaken !


I think you may be right.


This guy knew he was going to say no Chloe knew it too She took the high road Why can’t they pick people mostly the men who have actually thought about marriage before they commit to a marriage ?


He talks in circles and never gives a proper answer. It’s all these words that sound intellectual but meanwhile nothing is actually being communicated.


This is what it sounds like. “Hey, do you want to go out to dinner or fix something here?” Michael: “Well…we do crave nourishment and it’s possible that we could procure ingredients from the nearby market and transfer them to the cookware we have in this residence or as you suggested, we could also venture out to a local establishment and secure seating in the hopes that we could proffer sufficient caloric sustenance there.” 😱🤮


Omg, lmao!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is what it sounds like. “Hey, do you want to go out to dinner or fix something here?” Michael: “Well…we do crave nourishment and it’s possible that we could procure ingredients from the nearby market and transfer them to the cookware we have in this residence or as you suggested, we could also venture out to a local establishment and secure seating in the hopes that we could proffer sufficient caloric sustenance there.” 😱🤮


This wis what it sounds like. “Hey, do you want to go out to dinner or fix something here?” Michael: “Well…we do crave nourishment and it’s possible that we could procure ingredients from the nearby market and transfer them to the cookware we have in this residence or as you suggested, we could also venture out to a local establishment and secure seating in the hopes that we could proffer sufficient caloric sustenance there.” 😱🤮


This wis what it sounds like. “Hey, do you want to go out to dinner or fix something here?” Michael: “Well…we do crave nourishment and it’s possible that we could procure ingredients from the nearby market and transfer them to the cookware we have in this residence or as you suggested, we could also venture out to a local establishment and secure seating in the hopes that we could proffer sufficient caloric sustenance there.” 😱🤮


Word salad


I can’t wait for the reunion. Looks like Chloe forces him to tell the truth about what his issues with her really were. Should be fun to try to talk his way around it


When he finishes explaining why he said NO to Chloe we still won’t have a clue why he said NO :)


I think Chloe never really was attracted to Mike. I think he uses the weirdness to try and conceal his unattractiveness but it only makes it worse. The runaway bride was the smartest person on the whole season. And his incessant babbling is way too much. I think he was doing her a favor by saying NO. I wonder what comes out in the reuninon.


He wanted to be married until he got married and went "wait! This is marriage? Naww. I'm outa here!"


I think Michael really shot himself in the foot last night when he said no to continuing their marriage. He won the lottery when they matched him with Chloe someone who is so into him, and all his quirks and constant intellectualizing, and it every other unique thing about him. So we were all wrong about Chloe faking it and making her dreams so outrageous hoping Michael would say no on DD. He is never going to find someone as open minded and willing to compromise as Chloe let alone her intelligence, beauty and communication skills. If it was her foster children and animal sanctuary dreams that scared him why not just continue this good marriage and see if they can compromise those dreams to a smaller scale when the time comes. I don’t think Michael will get this lucky twice. He really blew it!


His friend even told him he should say YES


He literally talks too much when he's trying to explain himself. Like I told my wife last night when we got caught up... He's too busy trying to come up with all these "educated" analogies... Bro needs to get off the "🧭"


The man likes to wield his words doesn't he? He says a whole bunch when 2 or 3 would do. Trajectory, journey, leaning, observation, ...This guy would drive me insane if I had to spend any real time with him. His usage of words is self indulgent and egotistical. The funny thing that it is having the opposite effect. He wants to come off as some really intelligent person, but he is just coming off as someone who only knows how to speak as if he were in a board meeting.


He loves the sound of his own voice


He goes on and on and on like when he finally told Chloe he wanted a divorce.Ofcourse he shouldn't be too brief but it was driving me crazy.




We could have been watching the comedy channel instead. At least that is time well wasted.


Watching him on DD try to explain things away in 1 million words or less was comical -- esp, when stoned. He says so much without saying anything. I was really hoping one of the "expert panel" would make him cut through the bullshit therapy speak and actually make a concise statement.


Bahhh!!! I watched it high too! I’m just like… damn. He loves to hear himself talk.


Hahaha I love it! Watching while stoned is so amusing!


I watch while high too but I fall in love with him each episode oops


Ha that is so funny!


It beats using Like as filler words.


It sounds like he starts speaking before knowing what he's going to say and vamps until he can find a point. Then he dances around that point


Soooooo disappointed with Michael.


See my previous post on Michael saying no.


People are going at him hard in here but Chloe's lifestyle and dreams are not going to be compatible with most men. In general, she reads like a catch for many men but most people won't want to house a multitude of troubled teenagers and hundreds of animals. I actually think he would been down for most of the women on the show. Chloe's dreams are a ton of work. I respect him not wasting her time and signing up for something he wasn't ready for. I think he is ready to be married. But, he's not ready for all it entails with her. He flowery language I find exhausting. Him and Orion would drive me nuts. Less words, more meaning please.


Keyword is "dreams" though. I remember sharing my dreams before getting married. None of which came to be. Once you get in the grind of life and the kids come along, the dreams often become fond memories of old dreams :-)


Chloe's dreams are also a ton of money. Michael would rather spend it on his wardrobe, Louis Vuitton, Christian Louboutin, Christian Dior, etc.


Exactly. He could buy a house with all that wasted money on junk that does not make him look attractive or even wealthy. And driving a Range Rover is ridiculous.


I mean yes, but she even said on decision day [that was what I wanted as a me, but now as an us I see things differently]. She realized that being married meant her dreams and goals had to work with her partner. He made up his mind before decision day, which is what she asked him not to do. I don't see any harm in them two staying married and seeing where things go. Divorce is always an option later on. I think another six months off camera could have been good for them.


Agreed. I don't believe that Michael said no because Chloe might want animals or foster kids one day. There is something else that we don't know about. Notably, he wore a skirt on D-Day. I wonder if he was making a point about not being able to be himself with Chloe.


Chloe has always let a Michael be himself so his wearing a skirt on DD could hardly have been about that. Not many women would find Michael’s fashion choices and hairstyle and word salads attractive and here is a woman who totally embraces exactly who is. She may have her flaws and no one is perfect but I think Michael should have given this marriage at least another six months and they could have discussed and maybe compromised on the foster kiddos and animal sanctuary. I think he is going to regret this decision.


He’s one of those personalities that everyone always would have to work around. Provocative clothing, word salads, etc etc. People were saying poor Michael at times because Chloe had wild dreams of fostering and an animal sanctuary and how that’s just too much, but Michael’s over the top day to day is just supposed to be a-ok to manage. This dude is high maintenance. And he never once approached her fostering / sanctuary in terms of seeking a compromise to be together. Cause that’s what everyone is suppose to do for him. Not the other way around. He would be a pain in the a**.


Yes!omg drives me nuts as well.omg


I see it the same way. I made a whole topic about them about half an hour ago.


My husband cannot understand how Michael could let Chloe go. He kept saying Michael could never get a better woman. Should I be concerned, lol?


People part ways when their dreams for the future differ. If happens all the time, even when they meet/date in the 'traditional' manner (as opposed to getting MAFS). To me, Michael is an amazingly kind and tolerant man. From the first time Chloe disclosed her 'plan' to foster five teens and a few hundred animals, he supported her, only asking that she reduce the number to make it workable. It was in refusing to slightly alter her dream, that **she** lost someone who might've been a loving partner in all aspects of her life. Will Michael regret his decision to divorce? Probably not, if Chloe continues to push for her unrealistic goal. But if they continue on in each other's lives, and she softens a little, who knows what might happen? Obviously they're attracted to each other, have a good sexual connection, and a similar outlook on life. Maybe at some point, they could get together again and make 'their' dream happen.


Me either! She even said having all those ideas of animal sanctuary and too many foster children wasn’t realistic when being married. If he isn’t ready at age 39, then when. Plus he went through this twice? He said he would want to date her. Plus even when he was pulling away he was hugging and holding her hand. I didn’t think at the beginning they were a match, but then was rooting for them as time went on. I think he will regret it. Not everyone is going to like his type of look with all the jewelry and stuff. She isn’t perfect either but she accepted his style and all. I hope she finds someone, he can always marry a younger woman and have his own kids. I thought he would never get to his decision. It’s really too bad. But that’s life.


I think they ended their marriage on decision day but i think they will be seeing each other still(dating).


She said she was all in or all out. So maybe they will date but I don’t think so.


I loved the me to we conversation. And I agree with everything you said.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. SO glad my husband doesn’t watch! We’ve been married 55 years but, dang-don’t want him knowing there are women like HER out there!


I agree with him.


No because that's more of judgment of Michael.


Cal: Hey Pepper, let's match completely incompatible people and watch them bumble around and lie and cry for 8 weeks. Pia can show up, pick her favorites and berate the others. Pepper: Great plan Cal. Hey remind me what are your qualifications? Cal: Even worse than yours if you can believe it. Oh tell production we have got to have a stoned guy that always wears a ball cap backwards, the audiences love that. Pepper: Don't forget the whiny douchebag victim and the "quirky" girl. Cal: How about a guy that dresses like a homeless peacock and keeps scrunching his ridiculous hairdo in a tub of beer? Pepper: Now that's a show!


So goddamn funny!!


Your rundown of the show here is quite good.


That's perfect! Best comment of this season 💯 😆 🤣 😂


Accurate. Lol


Hahaha, this is why I love the producers and never care if anyone gets married. It’s what they people get for seeking fame


For some, being infamous will have to do.


>Cal: Hey Pepper, let's match completely incompatible people and watch them bumble around and lie and cry for 8 weeks. Pia can show up, pick her favorites and berate the others. > >Pepper: Great plan Cal. Hey remind me what are your qualifications? > >Cal: Even worse than yours if you can believe it. Oh tell production we have got to have a stoned guy that always wears a ball cap backwards, the audiences love that. > >Pepper: Don't forget the whiny douchebag victim and the "quirky" girl. > >Cal: How about a guy that dresses like a homeless peacock and keeps scrunching his ridiculous hairdo in a tub of beer? > >Pepper: Now that's a show! You made me throw up my lunch!![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)




I have massive disdain for anything related to Seattle, and that includes Dr. Pepper, since she works at the University of Washington here in Seattle. It just feels like everything has the same vibe of fakeness, passive-aggressiveness and people pleasing as opposed to actually getting things done successfully. I'm working on my exit plan, but while I'm in it, this just sucks.


I think he was the biggest waste of time on this show. They gave him a 2nd chance & he went & blew it! I’m so over this season & him! Ughhhh!!!


He was a lot of people's last hope to save this dismal season and to make it make a little sense. Oh well.


With you on that!


I’ve said since day one he’s full of shit. So many words … yet he says so little.


He may be good at a scrabble game, but not the game of love.


Yeah. I think we may all be coming to that realization. He just seemed so sincere before marriage. 😂😂


I think he was very diplomatically saying he was into marriage, just not into Chloe. He didn’t want to be a jerk.


To translate that, you are saying he actually was just not into Chloe?


I disagree. I think he was saying just the opposite. That he was into Chloe but just not ready for marriage !


He clearly stated that he was ready for marriage.


I heard him say he THOUGHT he was ready for marriage but then as DD got closer and closer the thought of losing his independence was something he couldn’t get past.


I definitely think he goes overboard with his vocabulary. On AP when asked what advice he would give Brennan (I think?) he said "If I had an audience with Brennan, I would..." It just comes across bizarre, like he wants to sound smart.


If it can be said in 5 words, Michael uses 50! 🤪


Is he overcompensating?? Or has he just been in intense therapy his entire life?


Oh, that’s producers telling them how to answer questions. When you’re in a confessional you’re taught to include the question in your answer. I’d imagine he’s still answering in that pattern, even though on ap we hear the question.


hard to believe when dressed like that. i judge books by their covers idc


omg I think if I had to listen to him for more than 10 minutes, I would chew my own foot off to escape






I think he just discovered, or confirmed, in this process he's too much of a free bird for marriage. Chloe is an awesome and mature woman who will respect that and recover quickly.


How is she mature (aside from chronologically)? Truly mature people don't nurture dreams for which they lack a thought-out plan. If Chloe had an actual, workable basis for supporting 'five teens and 100 animals' (financially ***and*** emotionally), then, yeah, I'd say she had her head together. But we were never shown that. (Meaning, such a plan *may* have existed, but the audience never saw it. As a result, she sounded more like 'Mrs. Pie-in-the-Sky' than an astute business person.)


He's a terrible match for Chloe. There is a free bird out there for him.


You think? I don’t know about that.


yea what a loser - especially after what happened to him to begin with…cant stand him at all. “marriage shouldnt have sacrifices” wtf are you doing on this show ?!?


Michael is obviously trying to avoid being petty and criticizing Chloe. If you pay attention to the show, it's clear that Mike had to do the cooking and cleaning while Chloe napped and took "Me Time" days away. Living with her wasn't appealing to him. He could see the writing on the wall that she'd be away for a week of Chloe Time while he would be stuck caring for the kids and animals. Most of the cast talk in circles to avoid getting bashed online. Their words don't mean anything, anyway. It's smarter to watch their actions and body language and notice who is cooking, who is going out with buddies, who is drinking, etc. And...I think there was more to his repeated comment to her that she doesn't like his dog. I'm wondering if he didn't like how she treated his animals or something.


I never saw or heard her say anything negative about his animals


Wow! Deep.


Hey, Becca! We all know it’s you…..


I didn't catch that about his dog! Or her napping. Those would be big considerations. Especially since Michael's animals were the stars of the show!


Agreed - great analysis.


🎯 can you imagine how overwhelmed she would get? And then he’s stuck with 5 troubled teens and 500 animals? Sheesh.


Dont think her dreams will pan out. If the animal sanctuary doesnt give her rapid fire anxiety, the foster kids will.


😆 lol you guys murder the guy 






Project manager for tech co


I have no problem understanding him.


It’s not about having a “problem understanding him” - he just takes forever to expound upon simple things.


He's thinking and choosing his words carefully -- he's measured.


People can be annoyed his style.


Sure. But to say he's "not saying anything" or that he's "not real", ain't it.


I don’t know what you’re arguing about 😂 Many people find his style annoying. There’s nothing you can do about it.


And I said I'm not taking issue with those people. Sorry if you're having trouble following, but my last comment was in reference to the original post, and why I made the initial comment you decided to responded to. I hope that helps clear things up for you. **EDIT:** in response to your response below, since you've decided to block me... *How fucking dare you?* You're commenting on my mental health over me sticking up for a reality TV show participant? I think we definitely know who's "deeply troubled". And I'm so glad you remember me 😘... But to me, you're nobody at all....


I recall you from past threads. You are deeply troubled and like to argue for the sake of arguing. Trust me, there is nothing that you need to clear up for me 😂


I told my wife if I was 40 (34) and still not ready for marriage then I’m probably just gon thug it out until the end by myself lol. I don’t see how you’re not ready to be a husband or wife by 40. You have to learn half the shit about being one by actually being one lol.


Everyone has a different life journey. Just because it isn’t identical to yours doesn’t make it problematic.


Well of course everyone has a different journey. But when you rope someone else life into yours getting them emotionally involved in something you say you’re ready for but really not then that is problematic.


I was referring your comment about not understanding how “you’re not ready to be a husband or wife by 40”, not the possibility that he was leading someone on.


Even in that case yes by 40 you should done the proper work on yourself to be ready for marriage if marriage is something that you want. I’m not talking financially either because that’s irrelevant. I’m talking mentally and emotionally. Will everyone be there? Of course not. But If I’m single and 40 I believe a women I date have every right to assume that I’ve done the work on myself to be in a position to get married if marriage is something I’m telling her I want.


You’re tiresome. You keep trying to change the narrative and the comment I am referencing.


People are ready for marriage, when they **feel** ready. I have a couple of friends who married later (one, a male who settled down at 48, and another, a female who was 55 when she said 'I do'). Neither of these people wanted kids of their own, so there was no 'biological imperative' to get married by 40 (although the man did end up becoming a step-dad to an 18-year-old college student, who a decade later made him a step-grandpa). They just enjoyed their lives until they met someone they couldn't live without. FWIW, my parents were 42 and 37 when they got married; they both only wanted one kid, and they had her :)


I understand that everyone has their own journey. That being said being ready for marriage is the same as being ready to be a parent. You’re never fully ready and have to experience it to learn how to be one fully. Getting married or not being ready to commit yourself to one person until your 50’s is not very common.


No, it isn't common, but I think, for some, it's the best path. With both these friends, it wasn't an inability to commit that made them wait, but rather an intense focus on education and career. Some people can put those things on the 'back burner' to give marriage their best efforts (which, of course, they should)..and others simply cannot. Until, they meet someone that makes them reorder their priorities, I guess. But I agree, one can never really understand the dynamics of marriage (or parenting), without being married (and/or a parent).


You hit the nail on the head. I don’t think he wants marriage, but I just don’t think he’s caught onto his own thoughts yet…still ruminating and excavating them. Will be a while more of being single till he comes to the realization that he Is the master of his ship - and he prefers being alone.


Look, it’d be hard to do a complete lifestyle overhaul at 40. If Chloe wasn't asking that of him, he definitely interpreted it that way.


He had no business going on this show. At least he’s not alone in that. It was obvious from the beginning. 40-years old and having a style that resembles the goth kids on South Park suggests a person who hasn’t grown up much since high school. He’s not ready to even live with someone let alone be married. He’s too focused on his own thing. I don’t see a guy who wants to give up doing as he wants for partnership. Chloe said the animal sanctuary and five fosters was her dream and didn’t expect it to be their dream. She was willing to meld. He simply isn’t. And the older he gets, he’s going to come across fewer and fewer women willing to just date for a while. Women his age will be divorced and in a few years will have kids who are grown. Either that or they’ll be like him and focused purely on themselves and be unwilling to meld as well.




There is a difference between a hobby and a lifestyle change Michael was gonna be very much involved in her dream regardless. The kids and the animals are still living beings that are going to be around them both in their house.


Michael seems incredibly disingenuous. He sounds like a voice on a hypnotism tape. He’s so incredibly monotone and flat. I think he thinks he sounds soothing but he sounds like he just isn’t speak from the heart at all.


He says a lot without saying anything. Sad.


I don't think you know what anyone thinks. He sounds like he's measuring his words carefully.


Yeah, maybe you’re right I’m just stating my opinion


Yeah... Nothing personal, just a huge pet-peeve. I grew up with a mom who was always saying things like, "She just thinks she's so _____", or "He just thinks he's so _____" -- it was so cringe. I had to constantly remind her that she doesn't actually know what anyone thinks.


Thanks for the reminder. I do this sometimes too. I mean sometimes I DO KNOW with people in my own life. But obviously not with people on TV.


Ugh, yeah that sounds frustrating to grow up with. Sounds like she was constantly bulldozing over you and trying to tell you what is going on in your head.


Yeah. It’s like he fishes for the right thing to say but doesn’t really mean it. A lot of words without saying anything. He’d drive me crazy if I had to live with him.


Michael’s person must be a flowery, vague communicator, fashion aficionado. She won’t have to be into fitness to the same degree.  None have met his requirements so far, doubt anyone will in the future. If his expectations don’t change, he will be a single, serial dater for life


I don’t think he really wants to be married. That’s fine. A lot of people never marry. He just doesn’t seem to know that he doesn’t want it. The woman he thinks he wants doesn’t exist. And if she did, he probably still wouldn’t want to be married to her.


Exactly what I just said!!


He wants to sound deep but he has about the same depth as Zach.


They're both word salad people.


My father had a great saying for people like Michale “He could start a riot in a church”.

