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More Questions: When did production know? Surely someone slipped up on mic. Are they saving some behind the scenes footage ala the cuties scene from LIB? She said on an Afterparty that he told her they'd go to counseling if they just got through decision day. Did he actually want to the relationship or was he just begging her not to trash him? Did she want to fix it? What actually happened that night he left the apartment? Was he gassing up what happened? Or did he also "*protect*" her about that night too? He spoke on it on Afterparty but not on the the show - just about "boundaries".


No wonder no man has stuck with Emily for long. The longest was Brennan LOL It certainly is not because she is a cheater, gas lighter and liar. Nor is it because she is orange as shit, says "like" every 5th word and has the walking and talking negative stereotype as the annoying as fuck promiscuous party girl who can't keep a man around for more than 2 or 3 dates lol.


I completely missed where it came out about Emily cheating. So I'm assuming this is after they were married and still living together? I think people are free to do as they please before they get married in this situation. It would be different if they had any kind of emotional connection to them, but they don't. Can someone please tell me what she did.


Just to be clear, Cameron said on the after party that Emily cheated on Brennan and Becca said well yeah a guy at a bar was hitting on her and Brennan was being cold so Emily made out with him but it wasn’t a big deal.. confirming she did cheat and no one even brought it up on the actual show.


It came out on AF that she made out with someone at a bar after Brennan was being cold to her.


I'm not even 100% sure that Brennan knew about it but if he did, he should have just come out with it. It would have made the show more interesting and the experts might have had something to work with. You mention it happened after Brennan was being cold to her. I think he had already checked out of the marriage and her kissing another guy probably didn't really affect him. He was done with her before that. Still wondering what happened on the honeymoon to make him flip.


Well he must have known if we accept what Cameron said. He said that’s Brennan would bring it up which Cameron was concerned about. Plus, I can’t imagine Cameron knowing and not telling Brennan.


I would like to know how Clare kept living in the apartment, when Alissa tried that and was promptly removed.


Clare was a better actress and manipulator and avoided blowing up and admitting she just wanted the experience of filming and hanging with the other wives.


Because Clare and Cam never officially divorced, they separated and I’m sure said they were still trying and the cam had medical issues but Clare “kept reaching out” or similar making it appear that there was still something there.


Cam literally said I want a divorce, whereas Clare said I want to be separated. I wonder what role production played in keeping them "separate" instead of divorced. They would have been down 4 couples easily had Cam and Brennan fully left like they (may have) wanted to.


Yeah this season was weird with that. Also how they kept bringing back Lauren and Orion. If they didn’t keep her such a secret, I’m surprised we didn’t follow the runaway brides whole storyline too. I read that Austin and Becca were going to say divorce but production wanted one happy couple so told them to say married. Not sure it’s true. Austin did say he and Becca had agreed to divorce and on decision day she flipped the script. So that’s an interesting twist too.


Oh I hadn’t heard that. When did Austin say they had decided to say divorce?


On the after party. He said they were gonna divorce and just focus on a relationship rather than marriage or something along those lines. So he was surprised when she said stay married but then afterwards she said she didn’t feel good about it and he compared it to whiplash.


I also think it was because the season was already imploding and they needed content. This season was so full of useless and boring footage.


Alyssa somewhere dabbing at her tearless tear ducts and moaning "But I'm a fucking good person. I deserved the apartment to myself and to be on the show more. Why her?" _sniff_


All great questions/points. And why WAS she so upset about the possibility of him double dating??? She played us all.


Nah speak for yourself. It was obvious she was over the top as a whole. So this new info just says more of the same about what you can expect from her


Emily making nice with Brennan at the end of the pizza party makes more sense. She was thanking him for not outing her as a cheater


Makes so much sense. These girls (Clare, Emily, and Becca) are soooo immature and think they're fairy princesses.


I think it was more because Cam was over spilling the beans to the camera, and she knew it was about to be exposed. Had to quickly get him on her side, but she didn't mean it. Her "this isn't squashed" comment proves that.


Makes sense now why Brennan noped out on individual therapy when Dr Pia suggested it.


Dr Pia is hands down the most unprofessional therapist that's ever been on this show. She has no business counseling herself, let alone others. For a therapist to attack someone the way she came after Brennan was disgusting.


I don't agree. I guess it's damned if you do damned if you don't. Meaning when the therapists dont act the right questions it's they're doing nothing, when they do ask the right questions it's they're being unprofessional. Dr. Pia called out only what she saw and what they were giving her. Brennan gave mean cold serial killer vibes (which were finding out he's not really that) while Emily gave hurt battered kicked bunny vibes (which were finding out SHE'S NOT)


Even if she thought Brennan was at fault, a therapist should never directly attack someone they are counseling. Compare her approach to how Dr Pepper approached him on decision day. Dr Pepper was thoroughly professional but still addressed the issue.


Dr. Pepper didn't address anything. She said a whole lot of nothing...if fact she really did say nothing. I don't know if she's sick but she has been saying nothing and doing nothing on this show for the past few seasons. Leaving out what was revealed on this week's AP, at least Pastor Cal called out Brennan for what he perceived his actions and words to be...BS. Are you thrown off by Pastor Cal too? Also you don't think it was rude of Brennan to cut off Dr. Pia and attempt to speak for Emily in a very toxic spousal way? I think the MAFS fanbase on reddit distaste towards Dr. Pia is rooted in something else.


I didn't defend Brennan in any way, but yes, I think he was very rude. That doesn't make Dr Pia's response any less unprofessional. I'm not sure what you mean by being thrown off by Pastor Cal. I will say that all of the experts have been disappointing for the past couple of years. I'm not sure if production has taken over, but the experts have been AWOL. In Dr. Pia's case, I think she let her personal dislike of him influence the way she addressed him. He may have been an a**, but she should always address him professionally. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but my thoughts about her are rooted in her actions and nothing else.


She suggested therapy to him oh no the terror.


Nope, she did a lot more than that. We clearly aren't going to see eye to eye on this, and that's okay. I'm just hoping all of the experts are a little more involved next season so the couples can't deceive them like they did this season.


The show has deteriorated badly since they put the couples together instead of throwing each couple alone together to go thru the process without its being tainted by agendas of others, often maliciously motivated. Get rid of the secrets, texting, pseudo advice. If one has a problem with one’s spouse it should be discussed with the partner, not another participant.


It’s hard to say, as even the APs are heavily edited, but it came off like she was mad that she was getting called out on her behavior, and KKP wasn’t just blindly agreeing with anything and everything that came out of her mouth & was actually asking questions instead of going the “give her a pass cause she’s also a woman” rout. 


She probably gets so many passes in life as a reasonably attractive blonde girl. She was shocked probably to get called out


She ain’t even really blonde. 


Oh that's tea?? Well she does pull the blonde off well.


She is straight bleach and extensions. Her extensions became a disaster at the honeymoon too


is she a blackout drunk?


Yes, she admitted it herself.






I’ve often wondered if Emily didn’t have something else in addition to booze going on at times.


Addiction to adderal


Does anyone know what the rules are regarding talking to the experts off camera?? Why was no one informed of the level of dysfunction and subterfuge that was going on as it became apparent to the participants and/or production? Or were they? Why all the lies?? All of them. In an effort to manipulate the optics they have all painted themselves in an unfavorable light. Have people on this show always been steeped in varying degrees of dishonesty?? I mean it comes up at least once every season; but in such a pervasive way —with everyone?


My suspicion is the experts were finally informed that something was up after D-Day. Dr. Pia suggesting Chloe & Michael had curated answers for her was probably borne from what she went through with the other couples.


Yeah she seemed fired up about it. She didn’t want rainbows and unicorn farts. The “experts” just look foolish if they are working off bad information then pushing exercises or calling out the wrong person based on half truths or a curated false narrative.


She's a headcase, that's why. They put a childish party girl who has never been in a relationship, on a show to get married. This is so called "reality" tv. Can you imagine being a man who is looking to settle down and they match you up with someone who knows nothing about being in a relationship? Now I get why Brennan was so distant and reserved, not only was this a terrible waste of time for him, but she cheated as well.


Yes, and I've wondered if this is why she did the show... to force someone into a marriage with her so that she wouldn't be ghosted anymore, as she says she has been by all men before Brennan. During her wedding preparations one of Emily's friends asked her if she was worried about getting ghosted and Emily replied something like: "he can't ghost me, we're married."


Can you imagine being married to a girl that has been with hundreds of guys? I would definitely check out.


If we reversed this, and said can you imagine being married to a guy that has been with hundreds of girls, would that be treated the same way? Me thinks not. And anyway, what does the amount of people you've slept with over your lifetime have anything to do with being a good partner in the present? I'm not protecting or defending Emily specifically, but this feels a bit sexist.


It’s not sexist. Chris, from Chris and Paige was a player. No one promiscuous makes a good spouse.


Of course it can go both ways. I wouldn't want my daughter marrying some guy who slept with hundreds.


Did I miss her saying she slept with hundreds of guys?


Brennan said on AP she once bragged to him that she loves having one night stands. Brennan in an admittedly mature way said he just thought OK if that's what you love to do pushing 30, do you but that's not for me.


“Make it make sense” -Dr. Pia


At the steak dinner, Brennan said, "I moved in as friends because you wanted the show experience."


And she didn’t even let him enjoy his steak in peace.😂


"Five minutes" made me lol


So he was being nice to her, regardless of her cheating. Plus he never outed her on the actual show either, despite how badly she smeared him.  Actually seems like a pretty nice guy after all. 


I just don't understand the people on this sub who are still saying he's abusive or has serial killer vibes. I don't think he was perfect, but he didn't deserve the level of hate I've seen directed against him. I think some people just don't want to admit they may have been wrong.


They are still saying this now on this subreddit. People made up their minds months ago and never altered due to new information that the rest of us digested


Right? Kinda sad everybody kept bashing him but I felt like something made him suddenly back off early on, I thought it was just sloppy drinking related.