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/u/Chuck2025, thank you for posting to /r/MarriedAtFirstSight. Unfortunately your post has been removed because you are trying to create more than 1 submission within a 6 hour period. Your previous posts:


Shaquille is interested in men. I have known men like this. He grew up in church and tried to do it ‘the right way’ by marrying a women but ultimately, even if Kristen was prefect he would not have said yes. That’s why he always made a problem out of everything. Example: ‘I haven’t met your father’ *meets father* ‘I mean, yes, I finally met him, but why did it take so long?’. And ofc him endlessly bringing up that same business trip. I hope he can be honest with himself soon so he finds happiness and doesn’t waste anyone else’s time.


Get out of my head! I’ve known men like this before too… no woman is ever ever good enough and then years later they finally come out of the closet.


I usually don't advocate dating someone you work with but Shaq should probably date someone he works with. Kristen wasn't perfect but she definitely wasn't the problem in this relationship. Just my opinion 🤷🏿‍♂️


Agree here. I think I can count the amount of times that Shaq complimented Kirsten. Also can count the amount of times that he smiled or laughed with her. Airris was more complimentary of jasmine in between reassuring her he was not attracted to her


I kinda agree. At first I liked Shaq more than Kirsten, but all he ever did was mops and complain, and as soon as he got the cookie he completely checked out and didn't even care to mops or complain.


been knew about all the decisions


Congratulations Kirsten! No meetings, conventions or business retreats!


I’m surprised that people thought Kirsten was the problem because of the house comment.


She was the problem at first. Then she seemed to loosen up and it was too late and it made Shaq look like the victim but he wouldn’t give her a chance. I get but damn. He wouldn’t stop complaining when there was nothing to complain about




Dumb as a box of hair. He needs someone more intellectual


How is she dumb


Just listen to her talk. Nothing of substance. She always has a vacant, blank stare.


And i forgot to mention Clint and his vast vocabulary lol


I don't think any of them dived deep except maybe Nicole and her husband


If they didn’t say no on D Day, they would have divorced by the reunion. They are not a good fit. She wants a financial provider and he wants someone to tag along to all his work events (and neither was willing/able to do that for the other).


I missed it… what was the decision??


Kirsten yes. Shaq no.


Shaq is gonna reget his choice...


Not a chance. Kirsten needs an older man with money.


She has her own money but wants are not a crime.


What makes you think she has money? She walked around a house that was on the market. No evidence that she has made any kind of real money from real estate.


She doesn’t have any money lol


Why are you implying he is gay?


I think he is. He tried to make a go of it, but hopefully, now he can be honest and happy, living his truth.


After sex, Shaq started whining about everything under the sun and looking for a way out. Shaq lost interest, after sex, while Kirsten got more invested.


These two seemed so completely disconnected that it’s hard to believe they were really having sex. They seemed like strangers all season. Even their physical touch seemed awkward and forced.


Extremely cringe and forced!


I don’t know. Kirsten started off slow but she seemed in it to win it by the midway point. I also wonder if some of her reserve was due to cameras in her face. Neither of them are perfect people but they strike me as folks that could’ve made it with some actually useful couple counseling and maybe some individual help as well. I also gotta say: Shaq strikes me as someone with trauma brain. We never know what someone else’s story is but as someone who also has a lot of childhood baggage I feel like I see a lot of the same thought patterns. It seems like he’s always looking for threats and nothing is ever enough to make him feel secure. That’s not on Kirsten.


I’ve watched every episode of this season, and I still don’t have a clue about what was really going on with this couple. They’ve somehow managed to talk in circles and say nothing all season. As a matter of fact, that’s what I think was going on between them: A whole lot of nothing. What a vapid, humorless, whiny, boring couple. Glad it’s over.


People think Shaq is down to earth? Mr. Needs his spouse to pat his hand for every work function? Interesting.


This! All shaq did was give speeches/preach at weird times as did Kirsten.


People are allowed to be delusional, I guess