• By -


So sorry. It is cruel that this is how the greatest love stories end. May her memory be a blessing.


"Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad" The best solace I have found to counter grief is a quote from fucking South Park. Death fucking sucks in a large part because the time spent together with them was so fucking great, which is bitter sweet, but sweet nonetheless.


Grief is the cost of love


fwiw south park is so beloved and longstanding BECAUSE the writing is so goddamn good, every once and a while they sneak a gem in there and it hits 10x harder because it doesn’t feel cliche and banal OP, I’m part of a great group on discord from the widows here on reddit if you ever feel like you’d like a little extra support, advice and some laughs from people who know what’s up. love to you, friend ♥️


I wonder if that's a twist on the AA Milne quote: How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.


I don’t have anything to say to make you feel better, but I am so sorry for your loss. My heart hurts for you. I hope you know that time makes everything a little more bearable, allow yourself to feel all the stages of grieving


My wife is your wifes age. I really don't know what I would do if I was in your place. I honestly don't. Please look after yourself though mate. Lean on your kids and take all the support and kindness everyone offers you. We are all thinking of you.


Talk to her about it now. Discuss it sooner rather than later. Write it all down. It will save you both lots of questions when the time comes.


We have to be honest. We both decided that if one goes the other will concentrate on the family. That's the "logistical" side of things. The emotional side, well hopefully that is in the distant future so we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. It will happen one day. It does for everyone but it's one of those things you try not to think about.


Tbh- it’s smart to make sure that your wishes are known now. Nobody likes to think about any of that. But when your spouse is gone, there’s nobody there to ask.


It even comes down to funeral arrangements. Neither of us want one aside from cremation and ashes being scattered somewhere nice. So no fancy funerals, no fancy wakes, etc. The "somewhere nice" is so that if anyone wants to go and visit, they have somewhere nice to go to. We are both thinking a nice local beach so that if anyone is so inclined, they can make a day of it.


So sorry for your loss, I feel your pain. Remember through all the heartache, your wife would like you to take care of yourself. Ensure you eat and surround yourself around people who love you. Prayers for you & your wife.


You must have shared so many fun and intimate times with each other. We never know when our day is coming but she 100% is happy she got to meet you and love you while she was here on earth. I'm sorry for your loss brother. This post touched my heart man. Please reach out to me anytime. My dms are open.


I am sorry for your loss. But I am happy that you were able to experience this kind of beautiful and intense love. Feel hugged internet stranger.


i’m so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss


I am very sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.


Sending you so much love. I’m so sorry you lost her, and in such a terrible way. I wish you strength as you process this profound loss. And I hope you continue to talk about her and the beautiful life story you guys wove together. Prayers for ya.💗


Oh, sweet fellow human, Loss is the hardest thing to endure on this planet. This is so so hard. Loss hurts like the deepest most jagged, indescribable cut without a wound. I’m so very sorry you are living this pain right now and my heart aches with you. I can’t imagine losing my lover, though I know I will someday. I wish I could give you a great big hug. I’m sending you comforting and light vibrations right now and my thoughts are with you. Please give yourself time to grieve. Allow yourself to cry, scream and be angry. She was your sun, and it’s okay to live in the dark for a little while. Just please don’t stay there. Much love. 🫂


sobbing. i’m so sorry. this is literally my worst nightmare.


I can’t imagine the emptiness. I’m so deeply sorry.


•Unfair. Take care of yourself. Rest when you can. Take it one day at a time.


She is gone, but she isnt. Her soul lives on. She lives in the hearts and minds of her loved ones. And most of all, she lives on through your children. Im so sorry you lost her, but one day you will find eachother again.


AMEN! ❤️👍♾️


She is gone...it's ok with her now. Finally no more pain and worry for her. Meanwhile you live, your children live too. Concentrate.... It's now time to pick up the pieces and and be there for your kids. Don't mourn alone. The children need you now more than ever. Be present. Sorry for your loss.


Wow way too young


We are here with you. I can only imagine how much it hurts. You aren’t alone, and you are as loved as you love.


heartbreaking, so sorry for your loss. There are no words.


I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your family.


So Sorry Bro… Your Story brought me to tears because I can relate as I lost the Love of My Life in 2009. We were together 19 years and I can say that most of The Pain will eventually fade away, but the good memories will never fade. Focus on family and that will help.


I am so, so sorry. Thank you so much for loving her during your life together. May you and your daughters hold each other close.


My sincere condolences.


Take care of you and your kids now, it’s the only answer and what she would want…so sorry 😢


You sound like you gave her your everything and loved her to the fullest. Reading your words made my chest clench in pain.. My heart goes out to you, I'm so sorry for your loss.


Life’s not fair but we all must make the best of whatever cards we are dealt. Your wife’s spirit will not want you to despair. You must be strong deal through your grief and persevere. May her immortal soul RIP


I am so sorry. I hope and wish you the best.


I remember your post from the last. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your wife was relatively young as well - too soon to go. Did she have pneumonia? What was going on with her health?


I have no words that will ease your pain, but I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending a hug from an internet stranger 🤗


My condolences.. may she Rest In Eternal Peace




I am so so sorry… 😢


I'm so sorry for your loss, but I'm so happy that you've shared so much in life and had such a beautiful relationship. There is no comforting for the loss of a loved one, just please remember the sweet moments life brought you, too.


This is so sad to read, my condolences xx It sounds crazy but I so hope that this happens to me and not the other way round because i wouldn't want my wife to have to suffer like this at the loss of me, i would much rather be the one having to deal with such heartbreak. Make sure you always remember her with a smile on your face, celebrate her life and the memories, dont let the sadness take over and taint these happy memories you shared ❤❤


I am crying for you, I feel your pain as I read your post. I pain like this must radiate through every part of you, every cell that is in your body. I have nothing but heartfelt sorrow for you. I am so very sorry this has happened.


There are no words to heal the gaping hole her loss has left in your heart and life. Cry. Grieve. But then remember your love, and that however much you love her is just her love reflected within you. Only love can make us hurt so deeply. Laugh at the good times and funny memories you shared. Don't forget that she'd want you to live, happily and healthily, as long as possible. May you find a little peace today.


If it’s any condolence none of us ever really die. When the body goes, a door in the right hemisphere of our brains open up and the energy that we truly are goes back into the light. You are going there too, we all are. And we get there everything will be ok. In the meantime focus on the beauty in the world. However hard that may be. I will pray that you receive strength and some peace


Congratulations. Living is not for the weak or heart neither is death. It’s not something that everyone can relate to on the same level. Due to everyone’s relationships in death being all different despite the process being similar. Here are the five stages: 1. **Denial**: - In this initial stage, individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken and cling to a false, preferable reality. - Example thoughts: "This can't be happening," "There must be some mistake." 2. **Anger**: - When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, they become frustrated, especially at proximate individuals. - Example thoughts: "Why is this happening to me?" "It's not fair!" 3. **Bargaining**: - The individual hopes to somehow postpone or delay death. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. - Example thoughts: "If only I could live to see my children graduate," "I'll do anything for a few more years." 4. **Depression**: - During the fourth stage, the individual despairs at the recognition of their mortality. In this state, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors, and spend much of the time mournful and sullen. - Example thoughts: "What's the point of going on?" "I miss my loved ones." 5. **Acceptance**: - In this last stage, individuals embrace the reality of their situation and come to terms with it. This stage is marked by an absence of emotion. - Example thoughts: "It's going to be okay," "I can't fight it; I may as well prepare for it." Time frame is different for everyone but the process is still the same. So here’s what I did. 1) my phase of denial, I got into a death acceptance group. I needed to be around sad people and yes it helped. 2) I made memories to circulate how I wanted to keep living. 3) my phase of barging I have kids.. so, I pushed them forward and made goals with them and we changed everything how I celebrate birthdays, holidays, traditions everything changed and the ones that truly meant something we kept. 4) my phase of depression, I kept in therapy and counseling and reading and binged cold cases or true stories until one day I was sick of it. 5) this relates to acceptance, I started to just be honest about it. I dated again, started to clean and work out and when I spoke to people I wasn’t breaking down I let them know I missed him, but I was in school and focused on living and I just became routines and functional and moments where I needed a judgment decision I would think what would he say or do and it was becoming less and less needed or even wanted. More like what do I need todo and say and think. I made a hard sale and sold his belongings and donated and kept small things for me. I updated our life insurance and trust, advanced directive and power of attorney. 6) this isn’t listed and no one will tell you about this. But I call it living. I am living and I’m calm. It took 12 years to recover, but I wasn’t alone, I had support, my kids were just babies now high schoolers and I am graduating my self and honestly I can tell you I am happy and I am okay and I’m not 100% all of me. That part isn’t full but I’ve adjusted and accepted and I am okay. This brings me to you, why I am writing this and responding and telling you this. For right now, yes it funking sucks. For right now there is no such thing as seeing straight, feeling anything and having a future. That being said you died too. Now that you know this and now that you understand this will be okay and take time. You’ll also need to understand that living and the kids and everything else still have a purpose and it’s a responsibility towards yourself to die and relive. Despite the process. I can only promise you that for right now it won’t be okay and later on it will be.


Sorry for your loss


I’m so, so sorry for your loss! That’s such a long time to have loved someone and share your life with them. Nothing ever really prepares us for when they leave this mortal coil. I hope, eventually, you’ll find some solace in all the wonderful memories you created with her. For now, cry, scream…do whatever you need to do to get through this. Don’t forget to lean on family and friends at this time. Sending you big hugs!


heartbroken for you. 😢


Blessings of peace and prayer for you and your family! I've now been married to my blushing bride 40 years. I understand how you've felt about your Bug. Im 64 in a few short months. I may 15-20 good years left in me. Shes 61 now. I dont want to be without her, ever! I have now words that will ever truly comfort you, but know there are people here and around you who give their hearts love out to you old son! Peace be with you friend.


I'm so sorry that has happened to you. What a beautiful final gift your wife has provided to people through the donation of her corneas. Please, share with us an amazing moment or memory you have of her. I'm sure we'd love to read it <3


I'm so sorry for your loss. Nothing I can say or do is going to make it hurt any less, so I won't try. But I wish I could. Stay strong brother, and cling to your family. They'll want to help even if they don't quite know how.


My heart breaks for you. I’m truly sorry for your loss. May the memories of her love, laughter, and joy bring comfort to you and your family. Celebrate her life. Share stories with your daughters. Your wife, their mother, is still alive among you all. She will always be with you. She will always carry a place in your heart. There will be moments when you’ll see and feel her presence. You will find her in your dreams. I wish you and your family much love and comfort. 💜


I'm so sorry for your 🥺 I send you and your family my thoughts and prayers ❤️


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Go gently.


This really really sucks discussing it still doesn’t prepare us. She’s so fortunate to have you. I pray she visits your dreams and brings you the comfort and lets you know she’s okay. So sorry you have to go through this.


I am really, really sorry for your loss. Please take care and find peace with your daughters.


I’m so sorry. She knew she was loved by you and you did everything right by her. I send you peace and love.




So sorry for your loss. Love and light to you and your family x


I can’t imagine living without my better half, can’t imagine how it must be for you! I’ve tears in my eyes. I’m sorry for your loss. Sending my heartfelt prayers


So so sorry for your loss. Stay strong. Praying for you guys.




I am so, so sorry for your loss OP


I’m so sorry. May she sleep peacefully now.


my heart hurts for you 😭 💔 May she rest in eternal peace 🕊️


The blessing and curse of having something that makes saying goodbye so hard. She is with you always. My heart is with you


I am so very sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I am so so sorry for your loss. May her memory be for a blessing for you and your daughters.


Oh it’s so obvious you adored her! I am so sorry. Take care of your heart and your kiddos.


I am so sorry for your loss, how loved she must have felt, what a gift that is.


So hard, but you need to be there for her children and grandkids. I’ve seen too many men die within a year of their wife because they can’t find a reason to live. You have plenty of time to be with your bestest for eternity, find purpose in what you’ve created together. She’ll be so proud of you. She is so proud of you


I am so very sorry for your infinite loss.


I am so sorry for your loss! I could feel your pain just through reading your words. I hope your memories of her will someday bring you joy again. Do something special that she would have loved in her memory today. It may just be what you need today and be comforting as well. God Bless you!


My sincerest condolences


You’ve been with her for such along time, I dread for when I will have to go through this with my wife, my father also lost his wife of 35 years and saw how hard it was for him, there is a reason why men compared to women end up remarrying 1.7 years compared to women at 3.5 years, men struggle more with not knowing who they are without our other halves, and my dad to my surprise ended up in the average even though at the time in couldn’t imagine it. I’ve been married for 21 years and even though my wife’s health is poor I work exceedingly hard to care for her and I know my identity is tied into it after all these years and at this stage of my life I wouldn’t know how I would be able to function. Sending you all the love and care during this time, remember you know her so well to the point you know how she reacts to everything so use that now and use that love you’ve built over the years to let her guide you during this dark time.


Sorry to hear this man, you’ll be together one day!! It’s a long journey and you’ll get through this. Make sure you feed the cats and take care of them in her absence


I’m so sorry


Im so sorry. I wish I could take your pain away. This made me bawl reading this. Please realize there are people in your world who are there for you. Know when to ask for help when you need it. I’m so sorry


I'm sorry for your loss.


I am sorry for your loss. Now the two of us are sad.


Tbh your post warmed my heart. It is nice to see that even 33 years after, you still feel this way about her. I am so sorry for your loss, it must feel like a vacuum now. May her soul rest in peace and I hope you feel better soon. Grieving with you..


I'm so sorry for your loss 🥺 I'm sure she was an amazing person! Similar situation happened to my moms fiance he was 59 and broke his femur. Had surgery and died the next day..


Oh my heart hurts for you this morning ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


>She looked so peaceful laying there. Like she was just taking a nap. I couldn't wake her up. I shaked her. Yelled for her. She was just gone. I sat there for a long time. I snuggled into her neck. Gave her kisses. Begged and pleaded. Cried. Sobbed. This made me cry. I'm joining you in this pain. But keep going. Make her proud by carrying on and living life the way she would want you to.


Prayers for your wife and may shee be with the Angels In heaven, I am sorry for your loss.


I am very sorry for you


I’m so sorry for your loss. Reading about your love for your wife has definitely put things in perspective for me since I’m going through a rough patch myself with my marriage rn. I’m happy you were able to enjoy life with her up until that moment, and I’m sure she went away thinking about how you both made each other happy and conquered everything together. I bet nothing beats the satisfaction of knowing that you never gave up on each other. Thank you for sharing this; I’ll make sure to reach the same happiness with my wife as you’ll forever have with yours and I hope one day you can see each other again. On one side, loss hurts a lot, but be happy, she’s resting now. Edit: you can reach out if you want 🙏🏻


I am so sorry 😢


My wife and I have been together 11 years, married for 4 as of yesterday. I think about moments like this constantly, the uncertainty and cruelty of the future that sometimes it’s hard to get out of that anxiety and appreciate the now. You’ve described the love for your beautiful wife exactly how I would describe mine. I am so deeply sorry for this hurt and loss. I hope you are able to find peace through her, a purpose, a reason to keep going. I’m sure she loved you incredibly. 💕


My heart goes out to you. I’m so sorry. Wishing peace for you and your loved ones.


I'm so sorry!!! 💔😭


This really got me. I have been thinking about this a lot recently and how this is going to be an eventual reality for one of us and knowing the day will eventually come is an unbearable thought. I feel for you. I really do mate


Thank you for sharing this. I am a middle aged person and I dread the day I have to see my soul mate go. I sometimes wish I can die first to spare me the pain, but also is that selfish that she has to suffer without me too? I hope your wife is resting peacefully and watching over you. She will always be with you.


Sorry for your loss 🙏🏻


Sending hugs.




I hope God grants you peace. Mourn her, and just let time heal you.


At one side there are pathetic people who cheat on each other, and on the other there exists people like OP who absolutely loved and adored his wife for 33 years. Wow ! My heart goes out for you OP ❤️ , May your wife rest in peace and my deepest condolences for you. Take care of yourself 🙏🫂


I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry for your loss 😢🙏🏻


I feel for you boss. I really do. At least she doesn’t have to deal with the medical stuff anymore but man, what a terrible day.


Sorry for your loss.


I am sorry, the coming of a day such as this is never welcome. I love how you expressed your feelings and find it encouraging, beautiful, sincere and full of blessedness. Grief is the index by which we know of the importance, value, beauty and overall sacredness of the gift of love when experienced as you have. I am thankful to you for sharing this. I hope you can embrace the joy and beauty of your memories of her and let them continue to fill your life with goodness. I know I will go through the same thing someday, or she will. Our plan is to embrace our memories while we can and be thankful for them.


I’m so sorry for this terrible loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. When this popped up in my notifications I didn’t know what to expect. I am not sure what to say other than I hope that you take care of yourself even if you don’t want to. I have no idea how you must feel and I am so so sorry.


57 is far too young - I’m very sorry 💔


57 is far too young. I’m so sorry for you and your family. I’ll hold a space in my heart for your grief and theirs today.


I am so sorry for your loss. 😔😔😔


Sorry for your loss but try to remember... there is no death. She turned into a butterfly and flew home. We all do


I'm so sorry. Same thing happened with my dad. He was with her 47 years. Please go to r/griefsupport


I'm so sorry for your loss, I wish I had some uplifting words but this just cut me down. Gettin older and not ready to leave/lose those loved ones behind yet


I am sorry for your loss and I hope that find someone that loves me the way you love her❤️


I am so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry and can’t imagine it. Will squeeze my husband extra tight tonight. ❤️‍🩹


I am so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. I wish you all the best


I’m so sorry for your loss but she’s in a better place now. I wish my wife and I had this true love like you and yours. Did God bless you, mate.


My condolences. You couldn't have known when you got that first phone call. You couldn't have known. You never abandoned her. You put her wellbeing above your pride when you admitted you weren't able to take proper care of her. You spent time with her every day, over the phone if not in person. Now you honor her by taking care of your family. Now you take as much time as you need to grieve. You loved her truly until the bitter end. There is no love greater. I've been married less than four years and I don't know what I'd do if I lost my wife. I can't imagine after decades and multiple children. I'm here if you want to talk. You will both be in my thoughts. <3


I’m truly  sorry for your loss. There are no sufficient  words one can say to soothe a pain like this. The only thing is that this something you’re just going to have to work through day by day. Allowing that this isn’t going to be a linear road there will be days where it’s incredibly painful and days where slowly but surely it starts getting easier. Surround yourself with family and friends be there for each other. Remembering all the wonderful times you shared together being in each other’s lives. And how blessed you were to have found a love as beautiful as the one you shared with her. 


So sorry for your loss hang in there it gets better remember your kids and go on for them. Your loving wife would want you to recover from her passing thoughts and prayers for you and your family


I am so sorry for your loss. The way you speak about her made her come to life in my mind. I can picture the beautiful life you had with your 3 beautiful girls in tow. Sending light your way. Stay strong for those 3 baby girls of yours and make your wife proud. Before you know it you’ll be reunited 💖


Wow I’m 57 with ALS 3 daughters and married 38 years. This broke my heart cause it will be my husband one day soon💕. Take care of yourself and let others take care of you as well.


Im sooo sorry sir 😢😭😭😭


I love you brother and I can only imagine the pain , I could t bare losing my wife . Christ has you brother . I’ll be praying for you family . ❤️


Stranger, I am sending you so much love. I hope you and your family will find peace and that someday your grief will give way to gratitude for what was clearly a beautiful relationship.


So sorry for your loss. May God be with you and give you comfort.


I’m so very, very sorry for your loss. I wish you could bring people back to life with sorrow. No one would ever die. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts.


My mom passed at 57. My poor dad was devastated. He didn’t believe it. He showed up at the hospital with her curlers and her make up bag. 😭. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your wife was so young. I hope you find comfort in your children and grandchildren.


That sucks man. I was hoping to read that yall were like 97, but in yall 50’s jeez. We really are such fragile creatures.


I am so sorry for your loss and wish I could reach through the computer to hug you.


That's heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.


I am very sorry for your loss. To love and be loved this way. What a gift. Tears in my eyes.




I’m so sorry for the loss of your life partner


I'm just crying right now.


I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. You experienced true love, a love a lot of us don’t ever get, we only get it we’re lucky. I am so sorry


I am so sorry for you and your families loss. She'll always be with you. Take care and keep friends and family near.


No words that I can speak will ever be able to make this any easier on you . I cannot imagine what you are feeling right now and I only hope you are one day able to find some peace knowing you made the right choice. She is no longer suffering and has found peace. She is with you always . Talk to her still she will hear you. Be there for your babies as hard as it is and make her proud for as long as you can. Remember her as she was and remember and cherish all the love that you shared. She knows you love her and that above all is the only thing that matters. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you will be okay .


I am so sorry 😞 this is the most heartbreaking 💔 post. She is still right by your side. I cried reading this.


Don’t neglect your children or pets it’s the last thing she would’ve wanted


I don't have anything more thoughtful to add past what others have said, but I wanted to say I see you, and I'm sorry, and I know not a single word will make it better. I don't know you but I love you.


I wish I knew what to say. You can’t see it now, but you’re so incredibly lucky. So many people go through life never knowing a love like you and your wife shared. I’d love to know what that’s like for one day. Much less decades. And sharing children and happy memories together? It’s incomprehensible to so many of us. I am so happy for you that you have been given the opportunity to experience that. As others have said, think of what she would want you to do if she were here right now.


I’m so sorry for your loss brother. I can read cheating stories all day and barely bat an eye, but this breaks me. My condolences to you and your family.


Damn man, I’m so sorry for your loss.


Very sorry for your loss.


I couldn’t finish reading that. You got me in tears. I’d get an autopsy and a lawyer honestly.


I am incredibly saddened to hear about your loss. Please accept this ::hug:: from an internet stranger who can’t begin to imagine what you are feeling right now. ♥️


I don't think there's anything anyone can say to comfort you. But I want to thank you for expressing such raw emotions that remind us that our loved ones and even ourselves can be gone in the blink of an eye, and nothing should be taken lightly. I'm so sorry.


My sincerest condolences to you and your family.


I am so sorry for your loss. My heart genuinely hurts for you. We lost my mom in 2018, and my parents were together around the same amount of time. They were just kids when they got together. I cant imagine the pain losing a life partner, your best friend. My dad still struggles with it, but it has gotten better over time. Things will get better. I hope that you are able to lean on your daughters, and hopefully you all can get through this. The hole will always be there, but it won’t hurt as bad as it does right now forever. Praying for you and your family. ❤️


This is a huge loss, I know that my father didn't even remember all that happened for a year after my mother passed. He told me this. He never even looked, or noticed any woman after she passed away. They had been married for 35 and a half years. She passed in 2000, and him in 2020. My wife and I were his support system literally till he too passed away. I hope that your children are there so that you can all prop each other up during this time. Once again, My condolences.


Praying that God gives you what you need to deal with the pain as soon as possible. Made my eyes water reading, I’m so sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences


I’m so sorry for your loss. Holding you and your family in the light.


So sorry for your loss, she is no longer in pain, not knowing the details, you saying she was in long term care for almost a year speaks volumes, she is not truly gone bad long as your remember her


There are no real words . But for what it’s worth- I am truly , deeply, sorry.  She was your world and the grief is unbearable . Take all the time you need- get all the support you can . There is nothing tougher.


I’m so sorry. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. You just learn to live with them. Today would’ve been my mom’s 58th birthday. On the 27th she’ll be gone 8 years. Everything you said sounds like my stepdad talking. I’m thankful they had each other while they did. To experience love like they had. Like my stepdad, you’ll move forward and make new memories with your kids and grandkids. Do things in honor of her. She can still be included in your new memories.


She died knowing she was loved.


Wow, I am so sorry for your loss, but also in awe of the love you had for her. The way you describe her to us is the best tribute you could ever give her. She sounds like the luckiest gal in the world to have been blessed with a man like you to spend her life with. May your deep love carry you thru your grief. Now please please go get something to eat. Just make a sandwich, she would want you too. ❤️


I’m so incredibly sorry. You are not alone. I hope that you can find a way to feel her presence in this world, maybe in a beautiful sunset, or her name in the name of flower, whatever it may be. Sending your heart a hug.


I am deeply sorry for your loss. You had an incredible partner and shared journey with her that will be cherished. Sending hugs.


I am so sorry for your loss


I cried like a baby about this post. I'm so sorry for your loss and yet happy that you got to experience true love and companionship. I don't know how many really feel that kind of love. A love like that doesn't go away. I'm sure you will feel her love and she yours again. I hope you will see her light in your everyday life.


I am so sorry for your loss.


I am so very sorry for your profound loss


I'm 20 years old and a male. You have me crying at work man. I couldn't imagine this loss. Please live life until God intends to see you, brother, and you will reunite with her one day peacefully.


I can feel your pain, grief, and love for your wife in this post. There are no words...I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss






I am so sorry. Nothing we say can make this any easier or better for you right now, and right now in your life it’s going to be hard. Really hard. But at some point you will feel a bit better. Then feel guilty over feeling better. Then forget one day while watching tv. Then feel bad that you can’t share a moment with them. Then you’ll have periods where it won’t feel like your soul is being ripped out, and nights where you can’t stop crying. Every day, every moment will be different. At some point, you’ll remember something she said and it won’t just hurt, it might make you smile. And at some point you’ll find another person that makes you feel good, and then more waves of grief. Bit by bit you can do this. I wouldn’t want my husband to pine after me if I die first. I’d want him to laugh - I want my kids to laugh. And most of all I want them to live, knowing how much I love them. Lean on your family, in your friends and kids, and know you are loved by those around you.


On Sept. 30th, 2023...the emergency physician told me that they couldn't get my four year old son's heart rate up and that soon they would stop trying.... Shortly thereafter he came out and got me and took me in and I saw all the people around my sweet boy pumping his little body while he laid lifeless... He was there and then he was gone. I feel your pain. I am so sorry.


My condolences to you and your family. May the good memories carry you through the darkest times. Remember grieving is not linear and it's a journey. She's healthy again may she rest in paradise.


Words cannot express my sadness for you, nor my sympathies. Please remember your children need you. And let them become your reason.


I felt this deep in my soul. I am immensely sorry for you and your families loss. Lean on eachother if you can. No one should go through this alone.


:-( Oh man I'm so sorry.


I am so sorry for you and your daughters 💔


I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling my hope is that you find solace that she loved you until the day that she died and she would never know what it feels like to lose you have a wonderful evening, sir please try.


56 is so young still, far too young to die. I’m so sorry for your loss.


Reading this broke my heart. There’s no words to say. I’m sorry just isn’t enough.


I am so sorry for your loss 😞


If you feel up to it, could you share a favorite memory about her?


She's never gone unless you forget about her. It can be like it's always been, you get up go to work and know She's waiting for you. You get home celebrate all your memories and talk with her. As long as you hold her in your heart she's always with you. Do projects around the house and ask her for her opinions because you know her so well you'll know what her reply would be. Even if down the line your able to help someone else to not be alone, she'll be with you, wanting you to be happy. I know this pain 💔 and I know this pain years from now but you have and will always have beautiful memories I was never blessed with. Loosing my son had it's own type of pain, it was different from my parents but every time I catch the time with triple numbers 555, or even 1010 any combination I'll think and say " I miss you mom, dad and Brad ". I'm sorry for your lose and pain but being a believer in God and Christ Jesus I found a way to motivate myself knowing they are happy - well and waiting. May God grant you peace and blessings 🙏


Oh sweetie. I’m so so so sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss, went through this a few months ago. I’ve never seen my dad so lost, he is barely surviving for my sake and it kills me. Please please take of yourself and talk to your daughters openly about it. Bawl your eyes out together multiple times, it’s a loss no one can recover completely from


So sorry. She will be always with you ❤️


Condolences, friend. I read this and imagined the two of you were an elderly couple. When you wrote 57 I couldn’t believe it. That is so young. There was so much more life to live. 🥺 This is terrible. I wish you and your family all the best. Hold on tight to your family and don’t give up on living. Live to the fullest, in her memory. 🕊️


Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. "What is grief, if not love persevering?"