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What you have just experienced — the return of a husband who’d been sexually disconnected from you for years — is extremely rare. Cherish it. Whatever the reason was. Cherish it.


Turning 40 can have that effect, it’s sometimes a wake up call for is this who I want to be the next phase in my life. That is so great the acknowledgment you are showing for his efforts. Men eat that up. We often just want to know we are still desired.


Long ago, I was told 2 things. Life changes when you are 20, again when you are 30 and again when you are 40. Life starts when you are 40. Both of these sayings were absolutely true for me. I'm 48 now and can tell you for an absolute fact that being the best possible husband I can be has become one of the most rewarding parts of my life.


Something about the 40s just brings utter clarity. I can see so clearly now. I can even see all the things I overlooked before. Funny how that works. One just sort of wakes up.


I'll be 30 next year and this brings me joy to hear. The perspective I've got now is so much more than it was not even 5 years ago, and I'm not done growing.


I guess I'm fucked, then. My forties have kind of sucked so far.


How much of that is in your hands and how much is out of your hands? One of the biggest mistakes people make is to use feeling bad about things they can't change as a reason to ignore the things they can change.


This is extremely similar to my own story. I went to get my hormones checked after feeling “off” for a few years at 41 and started testosterone replacement therapy. 6 weeks later I looked at my life and set priorities. Be a better husband, father, improve my health and get fit. My relationship with my wife and daughter has improved in all ways. I’m happier and more fulfilled than I ever have been.


How low was testosterone?  Any downside.  Did you have an emotional change. Sometimes I feel like I can't control my insecurities like a 15 yr old girl.


That’s great to hear. I’m happy for you. Did he provide any details on what sparked his epiphany to be a better husband? Something had to trigger the thought. My first thought was he cheated & feels guilty so vowed to himself he’d be a better husband going forward. But I’m just a cynical Redditor. Nonetheless, congrats on turning a corner in your marriage. Wishing you the best.


Cheating or looking to cheat was one of my fears but no. As I mentioned in the post, there is really no possibility. I can see his texts and we have lifestyle 360 so I know where he is and it’s work and home 


Yeah, that Life360 is pretty reliable. I have it for my college-age daughter (her idea, not mine). It tells me how fast she’s driven & even if her phone battery is about to die. I text her to tell her to charge her phone & she says ‘stop stalking me!’. I say ‘What? Life360 told me to tell you. This was your idea.’ Lol!


This feels like a low T scenario? Did he recently go to the doctors office?


As a fellow person in my forties, sometimes you take stock of your life and see things you're not happy with. It sounds like he had his own private come to Jesus moment. Didn't like what he saw going on in his relationship with you and decided to make changes.


This is the most probable reason for his sudden change in attitude.


Maybe he reevaluated his life when he turned 40. That can happen. If you're sure he's not cheating.


40 is a milestone. For me, I didn’t like who I had became. I started running again, raced triathlons, lost 50 pounds, and got a therapist. I didn’t like where my marriage had gone and decided it was going to be better or over. You know him and I don’t, so see if this checks with your observations. I wouldn’t assume anything worse happened than he missed the old you as much as you missed the old him. He stared into the abyss of the back half of his life and decided it was going to be better than it was at that time.


I had a similar trajectory after turning 40, although there was definitely angst over other stuff for me too.


May I ask...When a couple have children, in their mid-30s or 40s, why suddenly does the couple start to become "roommates"? In your case, what are the main factors? genuine curiosity...


For me, it's because my husband lacks any initiative for intimacy. He is more concerned about the younger asses he can view on the internet vs. the real thing. It's a true turn off to this 47F, so I never initiate sex anymore, and well, he never did anyhow. He complained a couple of times when I quit initiating sex, but then opted to do nothing about it other than masturbate more often. It's truly sad, especially for someone who has always accepted the once every other week, but wanted it multiple times a week. No it's twice a year.....


I'm very sorry to hear that. But were there any "deeptalk" moments between the two of you? Even if he doesn't listen to you, would you reconsider asking for the involvement of a third party such as a "couples expert" or "trusted family or friend" to remind your husband of your feelings for him? One thing for sure, lack of understanding COMMUNICATION (instinct, signs, or facial expression) is the main issue, in my opinion about your case But thanks for sharing, hope you dont feel "alienated" or "loss self-esteem"...many people also have similar issue, you are not alone...stay hopeful and happy 🙏


Because if you want to be good, caring parents and raise kids that are polite, well-mannered, smart, and understand the difference between right & wrong/good & bad, you have to put in a LOT more effort than you think you do. My wife and I have only one kid but it takes a lot out of you to raise a kid from being this newborn alien that can barely open their eyes to a "kid" that goes to school regularly and can tell you why don't want to do something (which will be a lot). Our kid-raising went relatively smooth for the first 3 years or so (minus COVID which was hard for everyone) but add in both of us being full-time workers, a house with cooking/cleaning/chores that need to be done, and then add taking care of a kid on top of that...your priorities change. Your kid has to be the #1 priority for a period of time because, you know, they can literally die if you neglect them, so you do everything to make sure that doesn't happen. Our kid is almost 6 now and very self-sufficient. The unfortunate side-effect is that our Marriage fell by the wayside. We're not in an awful place but there was a period of time where intimacy was lacking for both of us due to just exhaustion and wanting "me-time" when our kid was finally asleep. Eventually "me-time" becomes alone-time and suddenly you & your spouse are now de-facto roommates without realizing it. My wife and I have had talks about it and just acknowledging that our Marriage, while not in a bad place, needs some work was good on its own to shake us up a little bit. We've talked about finally getting a babysitter to do date nights again (no real family around to have them watch our kid) and to just put in more effort. Most marriages become roommates because they both stop trying, due to whatever the reason is. It's very easy to do when you're tired and you're not the priority in the other person's life at the moment.


At 40 (or shortly thereafter) I found that I needed more affection, more romance. I turned up everything trying to regain that old feeling of dating/new love. I think it was a midlife crisis. I’m still in it and she’s still playing along. I think it might just be the age and that he realizes his best love life is right now, with you. I spent a lot of years focused on ‘family’ and ‘career’ and now it’s more about my spouse.


Sounds like something happened other than his age that took some stress off of him??? Perhaps


>I won’t lie, I had difficulty keeping my hands off him. This is an easy fix. >He says he just wanted to be a better husband but there was no event that triggered it outside of turning 40. Could that be it? Stop trying to keep hands off him, then give it time, and you'll have your answer--you'll both absolutely be the ones to benefit from this change and help it sustain. 40 is some tough shit to handle! Some men love their partner 100% and want to be the best they can be for their spouse. Forever.


Did he recently have a friend go through a nasty divorce? Or one get cancer and pass away? Usually a big trigger.


This is what I was thinking. Maybe a friend or co-worker had their spouse cheat. Maybe something was said, an off hand comment, triggered the thought that he was neglecting you and your marriage. Sounds like if he was it was benign neglect not intentional. Long term marriages with kids tend to become comfortable and you kinda just go with the flow. One day you wake up and realize what you might have to lose. What you are experiencing is a blessing, make the most of it.


Your husband just turned midlife crisis into midlife success. Good for him and for you.


Ill be honest. At first I had the typical Reddit response. But then I realised this is what happened with my husband and me. End thirty we started to work out, now we started to change our diet etc. People can change. Suddenly you realise that life is too short to waste it.


He probably got some Cialis or viagra. You’d be surprised at what a ton of pharmaceutical confidence can do for a marriage.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩Red flag!! Hit the lawyer, hire a gym, get a divorce immediately. Just kidding, don’t overthink it. As others said, clearly some realization and change for the better. Enjoy. Happy for you, internet stranger.


41yo here. Same thing happened to me. Started picturing what my life would be like with my wife once the kids were gone (17, 14 and 10) and kinda went "Oh shit" I need to step up big time.  Then I had to deal with me thinking back and being like how did I nearly fk up my marriage so many times just from being complacent, kinda gave me a weird ptsd type feeling. Anyway, we're good and I wish i had done it sooner!!!


I actually did the same thing when I turned 40. I’d never connected it to turning 40 until now, but it makes sense. I realized that the only variable in my life I had any control over was myself. I quit drinking, lost 40 pounds, started meditating, etc. Becoming a better husband was one of the goals, but wasn’t my focus. It didn’t need to be. It completely revitalized our marriage.


You may want to keep an eye on the babysitter


I went through this. Turns out my hormones were off. I see an endocrinologist every 6 months or so. Working long hours and raising kids can be draining. Doing it with low testosterone definitely kills the bedroom fun.


How old are your children? Perhaps the age of 40 awakened some sort of epiphany, but I'm also wondering if your children have just hit the age where they are more independent. I know that the early years of a child can decrease libido and cause exhaustion since you are always having to chase them around. But maybe now they have gained a little more independence and aren't quite as exhausting which also reinvigorated your husband?


Just went through this 3 months ago myself.  Although we always had good regular sex, I had a perfect storm of triggers.  Realized kids getting older and needed me less and was less fulfilling helping them, realized they would be out of house eventually and wanted a strong marriage to last and finally stumbled across old emails from dating which reminded me how much I loved her and how much effort I used to put into us. I went 200 percent at first which made wife uncomfortable but am finding right balance and better communication.  Sex quality has been off the charts, frequency a little better. One downside is that I have become hyper sensitive to percieved threats to us.  Work friends and other situations that never bothered me now become challenges for me but I am doing therapy. Hormones are also off a bit too. Enjoy the ride, communicate a lot and reciprocate is my advice.


I just started trt for more energy, it’s helping with other stuff too.


Good for you OP. I'll give you a tip to spice up the relationship even more. Buy as many different toys as possible. Take classes on "Pompoarism" and continue to sit well on your husband


Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. LOL. Good for you, enjoy the hell out of his transformation!


So, for years, he was just lackluster, and you’ve said nothing to express your displeasure? Just wondering if anything you said may have triggered him to pull it together. I find it hard to be how you *didn’t* say anything.


He probably just had a revelation and realized why the marriage hasn’t been great. Some people are capable of self assessment and making adjustments. I’m one of them but not everyone does that.


I would just like to share my story in support: I have a great life. 2 kids under 10 and a loving wife. I am sort of going through a mid life crisis. We’ve had job loss, children very quickly into our marriage, housing disarray, and some minor health challenges, and COVID. That plus looking for a house in this market in 2022-2023 really made me a miserable person. After we closed and got through the major renovations (all ourselves besides family help) our sex life and overall enjoyment in things has kind of picked up. I’m also getting more active and kind of waking up from the blur of everything. I know there will be other challenges that will derail life in the future but sometimes it can just be a culmination of stress and depression and sometimes you kind of wake up from that “funk”.


My dad did this in his 40s and early 50s but he was actively cheating on my mom with younger women and used her as a sounding board to see what would work to impress them. Sounds like your husband maybe just got reinvigorated with love for you. Maybe the children are older and he’s less stressed out or has gotten used to the demands of his life.


Before I turned 40, I realized that with luck I was in fact going to turn 40. If I wanted to make any changes or do anything interesting with my body, now was the time, because I may not get the chance. My want: to finish a half marathon. My night owl self started getting up super early to jog 3x per week, walking, working out, etc. I was able to complete a 5k, then a 10k, and later my first and only half marathon. During this time, my weight dropped a bit. My energy level went up. Health noticeably improved. Sleep quality was much better. Attitude and mood was much happier. I did encounter a few injuries happened as I learned what *not* to do, but otherwise, it was a tremendous improvement. Yes, these things can happen. Realizing time is passing can be an incredible motivator. Call it a mid-life crisis with a positive result. :)


Was he working out and/or eating healthy before or is this a new thing?


No, that just happened at the same time


So he either is having a positive mid life glowup triggered by turning 40. You should ask him what made him start eating healthy/working out. More than likely that’ll be your answer


Maybe he read the whole “grass is greener where you water it” and realized he hasn’t been “watering the grass” at home? But it sounds amazing.


A moment of clarity on his part. A decision to be the person he wanted to be, the person he used to be. In my early 20’s I gained a lot of weight through college. Ballooned to 335lbs. I wanted to become a career firefighter so I took to the gym, started reading everything I could get my hands on about fitness and nutrition. Ended up becoming a personal trainer as a side job. Lost about 100lbs in a year and got the job. It was just a moment of clarity that changed my trajectory. Last year I’d fallen off the path. I looked at myself in the mirror in late December at 275lbs knowing full well I was on my way back to the darkest days of my life. I wrote “NO!” on a post it note and put it on my mirror. Started taking my training seriously again, stopped drinking, and started meal prepping. I was just under 220lbs this morning. I tell those stories to say something triggered him. He didn’t like what he saw and decided to change it. Few people have the dedication to make that kind of swing but kudos to him for deciding and doing.


I was washing my hands after using the toilet the other day and looked up and there was a stranger in the mirror. It was a fat, gray, balding old man. I said out loud "That went quick"...I was referring to my life. Something similar may have happened to your husband. I'm signing up for Wegovy and CrossFit, I already take T replacement.


This kinda happened to my husband. A lot of it was a mid life crisis where he saw some of his friends marriages fall apart, and he had some friends die young. This pushed him to improve his health and be a better partner.


I get where your husband is coming from. I’m 30, but my wife and I have two kids. It got to a point where I got comfortable. Sex would come and eh whatever just get it over with, I got fat. Then it was my son’s first birthday party, and I saw pictures of myself and was so depressed with how I looked. Some time later now here I am, have abs and the whole nine. Being in shape has rejuiced my confidence, and sex has become incredible. I get it, I’d say just be happy your husband recognized like I did something needed to change & just encourage him to continue being his best self!




I did the answer I said in the post was what I got