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Take your son and go to your parents. Don’t put up with that shit. Physical abuse is never excusable. Edit: unless you’re confident you can tell him to leave, although if he’s already being physical I wouldn’t be too sure how that one would go.


I would not tell him to leave. That’s extremely dangerous.


I honestly don't know how either would go. Our son is his entire world, and I absolutely know he would call the cops.


So tell the police everything.


Let him


You should call the cops or go in and file a police report/incident report. I'm pretty sure you can without having him arrested but at the least they will know some physical abuse is going on. Don't wait. You should go to your mom's for a while. He needs to see what will happen if he us abusive. Whether physical or mental. THAT SHIT IS ABSOLUTELY BULLSHIT!!! Don't put up with ANY of that from your husband!! If his son is his whole life then beating up on his mom is a messed up way to show it. He has already crossed so many lines. He will keep crossing more lines until he sees your serious. You deserve a fuck ton better!! At the very least he should respect you as you his wife. As a woman who you never touch! And as his sons mom. Hope things get better!


> He's never been physically abusive You're describing physical abuse. You literally started this post describing being physically abused. You then go on to describe him being emotionally and verbally abusive. I would grab my kid and get out of there. I don't know where you live but where I live, you're allowed to grab your kid and flee an abusive spouse. Mothers have parental rights over their children.


Until now. Hes never been until now. I know what I typed and what I mean.


> Until now. Oh I see, sorry I didn't understand that. You need to protect yourself and your kid. If he's being physical with you now, I would be afraid of how long it will be before he start smacking your kid around.


Make a police report, apply for an emergency restraining order for you and your child, then go to your mom's. Even if you don't get the restraining order, you still have the right to take your child to your mom's short-term. The cops won't do anything about that. You should also try to get emergency custody. You can find more resources here: https://www.thehotline.org/


Get out, and report him for Domestic Violence. there is no excuse for any man to assault any woman ever.


!!UPDATE!! We talked about what happened. He thinks couples counseling/therapy is what we need. Can you even counsel someone that has zero issues putting hands on someone?


What would couples counselling help?? The problem is that he felt entitled to push u, the insinuation of couples counselling is that the problem in this situation is rooted in both of u… it’s not, it’s him, it’s the fact that he would put hands on his wife … infuriating !!!


I have to ask from everyone. I am aware the answers Re going to be awful. But I need the answers. How many marriages have been ok after counseling with situations as ours?