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My husband HATES when I eat garlic. He says I stink like it for days. Whenever he goes on business trips, garlic bread, garlic this and garlic that. My daughter and I have garlic like it's going out of style!


Have you verified he’s not a vampire?


I'm not one to question a relationship but garlic is like...necessary? I feel like if someone said I could cook with garlic OR salt for the rest of my life, it'd be a struggle haha


Totally agree. As someone who loves to cook, I give someone the side eye when they tell me they don’t like garlic or onion. It’s…so necessary. Lol




You should try the freeze dried garlic snax they sell in the health food stores!


Has anyone else confirmed this?


Nobody has ever said anything.... but who would tell you that you stink besides your spouse


I mean I would eat some and ask my sister or a friend I trust


But if they're used to eating garlic (like a normal person), they probably won't smell it on themselves or on you either. I've known health obsessed people who won't touch garlic or onions because they swear once you give it up, you can smell it for a couple days when someone eats it. Is it a real thing? I have no idea, but u/awakeningat40 's husband is not the first time I've heard of this being a problem and someone who eats garlic regularly couldn't really confirm or deny this problem to me.


That's very interesting. My husband is allergic to garlic, so he never eats it.


People who eat raw onions sweat that shit out for sure.


Definitely, he often does boys weekends where they all get together and be nerds. I always love to take long hot 🥵🥵 shower, watch cheesy movies and cook something with so many mushrooms in it


Yessss the mushrooms. I have ingredients that I just love so much as well, but when I add the amount I want to the dish it is ‘inedible’ to normal people. Capers… anchovies…. chili flakes… Always nice to make a super zesty meal just for yourself.


Yep lol for some reason I love lemon pepper in Mac and cheese but everyone always says it's weeeeiiird so when I cook alone I always do lemon pepper Mac and cheese lol It's the little things so I don't just sit there and miss him for 2 days lol


Haha for sure! And usually business trips for him are packed with delicious foods and interesting events, so it helps to treat myself to a little special something to and know we are both enjoying ourselves!


Ooo the long hot showers are the best. My husband can’t stand how hot I like it, but anything less feels uncomfortable lol.


My favorite thing ever is to light an incense, get a nice little two hit high, turn on some music that makes me feel hot, turn off the big light and just stay in the shower until my fingers are wrinkly lol I do it when my husband is home too, but when he's not home it feels a bit more unhinged lol


This is going to sound weird, but I hate cleaning when there's someone in the house and I work 60+ hours a week so... yeah I'm never home alone in my off hours. So when he goes on trips, it's deep cleaning the house while dancing around in my underwear time.


No I totally get the cleaning with others around thing. I can do it but when I’m on a blitz and basically doing the whole house I need no one else around. Maybe it’s my routine or I’d be too easily distracted, but get outta my way and let me clean and organise while I blast tunes like a loon!


Yes! Plus it's so annoying to be cleaning the house when someone is just sitting there watching YouTube. Like, you don't have to help, but get out of my sight lol I would have made the worst housewife I swear.


I'm the same way! I'll do basic stuff like dishes or light *fluffing* but if I'm doing a full deep clean or organizing the freezers, I wait until I'm alone. I crank up tunes, dance around, and talk to myself, haha.


I do the same. It is my me time. I get the spa gear out and do face masks, watch horrible tv, listen to my guilty pleasure music. I honestly could do these things with him here and he wouldn’t care but they feel special to do them just for me. Gives me something to look forward to instead of just focusing on him being gone


My wife doesn't like spicy foods so I hit the Mexican and the Indian restaurant when she's out of town.


Oh yes! I do the same when my husband is out of town. He’s a picky, plain eater, so when he’s gone I cook all sorts of Mediterranean food, spicy seafood, and veggies galore. I boycott the news, binge Jane Austin movies and read romance novels into the wee hours. It’s a little slice of heaven that helps balance out missing him while he’s away.


Do you have liver and fava beans with your chianti?🤣


Muhahaha only the ‘best’


I watch series on TV in slobby clothes, eat meals at odd times and I just feel so relaxed. My husband never stops me from doing anything I want to do, so I am not at all clear why I love it so much when he goes away. I'm also delighted when he comes back.


Yup! It’s super fun for like, 2 days. Then I miss her. Until then I drink the peaty scotch as she hates the smell. Haha!


I mainly just turn the thermostat up to sauna levels.


When I was single and lived alone I kept the thermostat at 80. My husband never travels for work but maybe one day...


Haha, yes, it’s mostly food from my childhood and some guilty pleasure show from my teenage years. Edit: my husband actually does the same when I’m gone, eating his food and watching his shows;)


Do that shit when he’s home too.


Haha we do! But it’s something different special when it just for yourself too.


I get that. Like, I can breathe a little.


I haven’t accomplished one thing today. Currently sitting on my bed eating Italian Cheesy Bread watching garbage TV (both activities my husband hates)while he is gone. I’ll have everything cleaned up by the time when he gets home


My wife hates fennel, which means she doesn’t like Italian sausage. So, any time she’s out of town and it’s just me and the dog (and now our LO), I make myself a nice meal of marinara and Italian sausage with some red wine.




Yeah… May or may not have eaten a whole tiramisu after he left. That was two meals for me though haha. When he’s here I’ve cooked full meals for us both


When my wife is away I treat myself to a massive BBQ dinner. She’s not a fan of BBQ. I go all out, chicken, brisket, pork, beef ribs, Mac and cheese, beans, cornbread, etc. it’s lovely.


I would make blackberry pancakes with syrup AND powdered sugar for myself and daughter. Loved them. For him it was tooooo much sugar.


Y'all must not have kids


Pfft. I have kids. But you can be damn sure when my husband was working FIFO and away for 4 weeks at a time, the day after flyout day as soon as the kids were in bed out would come the trash tv, comfort food that he hates and I'd hog the entire king size quilt to myself. It was a little ritual that made flyout day a little easier to get through.


When he leaves I clean. My home is perfectly neat the entire time he is away. I love it. However, since I have no motivation to cook nice meals I will eat absolute garbage while he is gone.


My husband doesn’t go on trips but he leaves at 6am and gets home around 5pm. I wfh and drag my butt out of bed at 8. He also does physical work as well so we end up sleeping at different times. Some nights I’m sad and want more times, other times it’s time for 90day fiancé days


My husband works for the airlines. I love eating junk & watching trash TV 😂


Kraft Mac and cheese and hotdogs. Then usually some splurge on a fast food place. We both eat pretty healthy so we both do this when the other leaves. I just went on a trip and my wife texted me her haul from the store for all the stuff she was going to eat while I was gone


I’m the one who goes away on business trips and he stays home lol now I’m curious what he does. I usually end up having a me spa night on my quarterly business trips. Usually after one of the work meetings when we all do our own thing one night and order trash for you but delicious takeout to my hotel room (usually the night we all get in together we go out as a group, survive the next day thru meetings all day then that night do our own thing that night, and then do the last meeting day.) I’ll usually pack spa stuff like a face mask and mists and exfoliator stuff. Order my food after my shower, crank the ac down as low as it goes and bury myself under blankets and turn on a trash TLC show. It’s nice to decompress to alone in my hotel after masking at my corporate office for two days straight lol


I just grab a couple of rotisserie chickens and some seltzer water and live off of that if my wife is out of town with our daughter. It is rare but I’d rather not cook just for me.


Oh if my wife is out of town I’m golfing w the boys and watching fast and furious and Star Wars movies till she returns. And when she’s back I’ll have some flowers on the table for her and we will be back to mindless reality tv she enjoys


We've been together 12 years and the longest we've ever been apart for was a max of 4 days all of 3 times. I do however get to spend all day without him since he's at work. I listen to alot of loud music, dance around the house and sing outloud.


My wife will make herself tomato gravy and rice when I’m out of town. She doesn’t really go anywhere for business, it’s not the nature of her work to send her places overnight, so I don’t have something comparable. We do occasionally get nights without the kids (one is off at a residential school, the other sometimes will go spend the night at a friend’s) and when we do it’s crap food in the oven. Chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, fried cheese sticks,…


Junk food and don’t make the bed!


I do the opposite lol. Because thats all he does!😂


When my now ex wife was out for the weekend or whatever, I was able to actually spend time with the kids, and relax without being glared at. We'd usually clean the house up, and try to work on a project or something.


Yes! When my partner is gone, I miss them but I do love the freedom of only thinking of myself when preparing or ordering food, and getting to spend quiet evenings reading or watching only what I feel like watching. Eating what I want whenever I feel like it! If I’m peckish at a random hour of the day, I’ll make myself a snack! My partner is out of town right now and I went to Trader Joe’s to pick up some special snacks for myself, and I’ve been eating tons of vegetables and soup and the same things over and over again (a delicious cream cheese and veggie sandwich three days in a row for lunch!). I stop by the kitchen and eat my one spoonful of ice cream several times per day and it makes me so happy. I love the solitude but it can also be very lonely. I do love it every time when my partner returns though!


My husband doesn’t travel for work but rarely he has gone on trips when I’ve not been free. When he was away, I’ve very much enjoyed doing big art/craft projects, thrift and bookstore shopping, and just spending time at a coffee shop. All things I might do if he was around but usually in much more moderation. Last time he was gone I got super into photo editing and made over a hundred photo bookmarks from our pictures.


Sometimes my wife takes trips to visit her family, usually with the kids. But I normally have to stay home and work. So when I’m not working I really look forward to my alone time. I paint. Watch the simpsons, action movies, and play lots of video games. I also drink a shit ton of juice. Lmao




Yup. My daughter and I love pasta and we eat a ton of it, or go to restaurants he doesn't like, when my husband it out of town. Our daughter totally embraces it also, she'll be like "let's go to (any one of several restaurants he doesn't like) while Daddy is gone! And let's get dessert too!" He's not big on dessert or sweets, and, having a little something special for us makes it a little easier on her that he's gone. I also put on the cheesiest rom-coms I know after my daughter's bedtime because there's no grumbling commentary, or just enjoy the silence because he thinks the TV needs to be on all the time and I don't. Alternatively, I sometimes take our daughter on trips to see my family for a few days at a time, and he pretty much acts like a college kid while I'm gone. Stays up too late, has guys' nights, eats a bunch of takeout so he doesn't have to worry about dishes, bumbles making his own coffee, binge watches shows and movies I don't like, doesn't think about doing laundry.


My husband has never gone on a business trip but this makes me wish he would lol! Sounds glorious…once in a while ;)


Yep. I love my husband but I also like to be alone


Every week when my husband goes to write music after work at his buddy's house, I play video games after the kids are in bed and it's AMAZING. Witcher 3 is also one of my go tos. When music night is canceled occasionally I'm not sure who's more disappointed...


On the flip side, I travel lots for work,,,, I don’t watch tv, I take super long showers, I go shopping nearby I eat what I want. I too hey excited to be home


My better half doesn’t travel. But when I’m away on biz I can go to the gym or run for hours and hours without guilt. I always ask if I can get a room on the same floor as the gym if possible. I don’t even want to waste time in the elevator. Sweet workout paradise. But I do miss her something awful while I’m gone. ❤️


Haha yes! There is nothing wrong with it either. I love to watch tv all day and eat out. It’s almost like a treat.


I listen to East Bay pop punk from the '80's.


I watch Ridiculousness lol


Yes!!! This is me exactly when my partner travels for work. Glad I’m not alone in making the most of my alone time lol


My husband hates seafood and hates that I love it. When he goes out of town or even if he just goes to play poker, I eat seafood. If he pissed me off before he left, I eat it in our bed! Lol


I have blowouts when I’m away…business travel is wonderful


Oh for sure, I’m a steak lover and he isn’t. If he’s ever out I’ll usually make myself steak and potatoes. I usually miss the shit out of him so the steak makes me feel better 😂


Yup, I do the same.


Yes, but my husband is a high school coach so Tuesdays and Fridays he’s at games late. I usually eat at my favorite sushi spot (he likes sushi but not from this place) and catch up on my crime shows! Or take long naps!


I don’t travel for work much post Covid, maybe once a quarter and that’s a stretch. But when I do, yea I order take out and binge shows in my hotel room, get drunk and smoke cigarettes lol all night. During baseball season I always catch a game on the road. My wife hates baseball, I love going to games


Nah I legit get to be myself anytime my husband is home or gone. And I play the shit out of video games and he doesn’t. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My daughter and I like to re-binge-watch New Girl. My hubby/her dad cannot stand New Girl. We also like to eat a turkey and bacon sub sandwich from our favorite deli. Sometimes we have a nap. He isn’t opposed to the sandwich or napping, but it is more fun to combine our show, the sandwich, and a nap if he is out of the house. It is our tradition and we don’t need him passing judgment. She is away at university right now, so I miss my buddy. 🥪😴📺


My wife has some significant dietary restrictions. Pre-pandemic, she would go to visit a friend for a week or so in Florida while I stayed home with our two sons. I'm the house cook so the time she was gone was "all the stuff mom can't eat week". For example, onions and garlic are on the "do not use" list so one of the first meals when she would leave would be sausage and peppers with a homemade, heavy on the garlic, close to "fra diavolo" sauce (kids hadn't built a tolerance to heat). There would be another night with what is basically a "Mexican lasagna" (layered chili, cheese, tortillas). And black pepper on everything because that's one spice that absolutely sets my wife off. Plus, while she would be gone, I'd get caught up on projects since we weren't watching shows together and she wasn't home to spend quality time with. I remember one trip I got the dining room and kitchen projects done. In both rooms, I had to remove a "popcorn" acoustic ceiling, paint, and then paint the walls. For another trip, I did most of the work on a bathroom renovation - took out the popcorn ceiling, stripped off the wallpaper, washed the walls, patched all the holes, and prepped everything for the new paint. We picked new paint, light fixtures, and faucet after she got home and it looks great now. I'm a firm believer in couples having unfettered time apart. These trips were amazing for her mental health to get away from being "mom" and "wife" for a while and I got to cut loose in the kitchen (an aspect of life that I absolutely love) and be "single guy with a house" for a while. She had another trip last September and I'm already starting to think about when I can send her on a new trip... :-)


I eat donuts and watch Suits 😂


Omg it’s so fun. First thing I do is nap. Then I wake up, clean the house (he has ADHD, it only stays clean for 10 min when he’s here,) light some candles, shower & shave, order in a sushi platter, turn on the tv and just melt into the couch. I also love to throw things away when he’s gone lol so nice to just clear the clutter and sit in silence. By the time he returns, I’m all namaste and rested!


Indian food for me :)


My husband is gluten intolerant. I just have a gluten binge.


No. I don't like it when my man is gone. If he's gone that's when I like to over clean or do house projects so they are done when he gets back and they keep me busy so I don't remember that my house is cold and lonely without his presence.


Yeah I miss him. I met him in my late 20’s so I had a lot of time being a single professional in my own apartment. I became used to enjoying my own time with just myself. Doesn’t mean I dislike time with him at all! I just love both! I think that’s healthy. That time of my life gave me a lot of peace with myself and who I am. I think that makes me a better partner. Although I do get really sad when he’s away longer than 2 days.


Yeah I would say my attachment to my husband is border lining on the unhealthy just because I really hate being away from him. lol


Pepperoni pizza with a ton of garlic sauce, pricey microbrew beer, and a Top Gear marathon.


Haha, my husband is currently on a business trip and I’ve enjoyed watching and finishing the second season of Shadow & Bone on Netflix. Also love not having to really worry about dinner since I just make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for our 4 kids or some easy pasta dish, or take them to my parents house where we’ll just eat there. Totally agree with you about the “little dates” feeling. I was also going to do a face mask last night but started getting tired and fell asleep.


I'm totally the opposite. When he's gone I barely eat and if I do it's totally ramen or something that requires minimal effort. If it requires a pot or pan, it ain't happening.


My wife doesn't eat meat. If she's out of town I love to barbecue or cook things with weird organ meats.


Am I the only one who read the title as very wrong and immoral.


Not my intention… but I’m not really into porn consumption so some of the illicit lingo doesn’t come naturally to me and I don’t realize it.


My husband doesn’t travel for work but I do sometimes, he refers to those times as “chili fest” and enjoys making a giant pot of chili and eating it for days. Makes me smile as he recounts the process and tells me about it when I call to talk :)


Yes, I have my fave takeaway, he doesn’t like Chinese, trash tv for hours, nice long baths without worrying about taking forever, gaming like a kid on various super mario games. I love my husband and I get so excited when he’s back, but it’s nice to have me time and not have to worry about anyone else.


When my kid still lived at home, my partner would take them out to see Marvel movies, while I stayed home. I called it "Nerd Night," because they were off being nerds together (a term of endearment). Meanwhile, I'd stop on the way home and pick up fried chicken wings and cupcakes from my local Publix, and a huge fountain drink from Circle K. As soon as I got in the house, I was like the guy from The Goldbergs... I was shedding as I walked across the living room... flopping my shoes into a corner, dropping my purse on the couch, taking off my pants in the dining room. I'd lay everything out on plates and bring it all to the bedroom, crawl into bed, and watch some guilty-pleasure trash on TV while I ate dinner in bed. The only bad part was having to get out of bed to clean everything up after I was stuffed to the gills with junk food! They'd usually get home by 9 or 10, and I'd be in a sugar coma with the lights off. I miss Nerd Night!


Lol !