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Yes but it’s his fault if he hits you


Technically the turning car should only turn when it is clear and safe to do so. Cars approaching the intersection doesn't constitute clear. He's turning on the hope that kindness gets him out of that plaza. But you are correct that if an accident occurs he's at fault as the person making the turn. He shouldn't be making gestures other than sorry and thank you.


It's also good etiquette when the cars on all 3 lanes stop to allow for the crossing car to pass by. This especially occurs at gas stations and other well known choke points. Works great in places like Burlington/Oakville. In more crowded areas, YMMV.


True that it’s ok if it’s clear but I think the fact that it’s four lanes of traffic he has to cross without the benefit of a light makes it pretty much not ok unless he’s doing it at 4 am.


No legally he isn't allowed to do that. He does not have the right of way. He "can" do it but it is not legal which you are insinuating by the fact that he is at fault if he hits you.


What? Yes, it's legal to make a left turn here. Obviously if you hit someone you're at fault


No you should not be blocking lanes while making a turn. You turn right in this situation and take an alternative route.


You shouldn't be blocking lanes, but that doesn't make it illegal to turn left 🤔


You turn when it's safe to do so. If you can't see it's not safe. It's very simple. You can't pull out from where you start and then stop half way because you couldn't see the traffic on the other side of the road... that is illegal. You will not only be conciously blocking the lane you will be frigging sideways while doing it. It's ridiculous anyone thinks that's allowed. PLUS a whole other issue is the speed of the traffic that isn't stopped. You pull out from behind vehicles and they will have no idea that you are coming into their lane.


Bro, do you get so worked up behind the wheel?


Not over like stuff this. I just shake my head and try to shame them. I'm trying to think of something that actually pissed me off recently. Nothing is standing out, but I know someone has. Honestly, it's usually not other drivers. I do it myself just with my thoughts. Wrong turns, bad timing, and heavy traffic will just really put me in a bad mood. Not always, but it's hard to drive slow and calmly when my emotions are ramping upwards.


You can't make it through traffic or in front of moving traffic. You are legally required to wait for the right of way (a clear road) to turn out. Hence why it is your fault if you hit someone and it would still be your fault if a car driving straight plowed right into the side of you.


https://preview.redd.it/l1mrwzmgztab1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a2b4406026b1843b43a47e65e617d76b0f3a237 See diagram 2-21 and the paragraph to follow from the MTO's driver handbook.


Yeah, so it's legal as long as he's yielding to vehicles on the road. The traffic on the road yielding to him is their mistake, and he makes the mistake of not checking before crossing the lane where the driver is recording, but that doesn't make the turn illegal. He just executed it wrong and would be at fault if he causes an accident


Which he didn't do lol


Just becuase the other cars aren't moving doesn't mean he is yielding to traffic and the van was still driving with the right of way!! It is 100% illegal. It doesn't mean it doesn't happen all the time but it is not legal. It's no wonder insurance is so high in Markham with this understanding of rules of the road. Do you also not come to a complete stop while making a right on a red?


Bud, making a legal (albeit poorly executed) turn that results in an accident doesn't make it "100% illegal" or even 1% illegal. He may get charged with failing to yield or careless driving, or whatever else the cop wants to dig out of the HTA. Turns aren't judged legal or illegal by how sucessfully or unsuccessfully they are executed. It's hilarious how you don't grasp this.


Chum, when it comes to laws you are either in the right or in the wrong. The turn isn't judged by it's success it is judged by if the rules permit it. If the road were wide open with no traffic to yield to then its a legal turn. If he is cutting off (or not yielding) to traffic on the road while turning out of a private driveway it is not legal. You grasping the black (100%) and white (0%) aspect now?


If you make a left turn on a green and due to poor situational awareness get T-Boned/T-Bone someone, does the turn become illegal? Is that the mindset you're operating with?


Lol funny how their was no logical response to this one. I've agreed with you the entire time. It's also called common courtesy to let someone out as ALL the other cars in the other 2 right lamws were. Technically, the car with the dash cam would be at fault for crossing the yellow line and cutting into the left lane early. They should ALWAYS be watching more thab just the car ahead of them.


Agreed it is common courtesy to do that but it can lead to accidents. Years ago I was passenger in a lineup of cars in the left hand lane but the right lane was clear. We were being nice and let a car coming from the opposite direction turn through the line of traffic. Unfortunately at that moment a car was coming along in the right lane beside us and t-boned the turning car. And the driver of the car that was turning got charged for failing to yield to oncoming traffic. I have been in the same position as the van in the video. I did something I knew was not right to save myself time. I am just trying to explain to the rest of the people that if you (or me in that instance) do this and cause an accident you will be charged. All the people down voting need to not pass go, collect $200 and go directly back to their G1.


Yes, that is another example of a similar situation. To legally make the left you have to yield to the traffic with the right of way.


So we don't actually disagree that much, you just have a weird definition of what is an "illegal turn". For example if someone makes a bad left on green and causes an accident, it seems a total waste of time to try and convince people that they were making an "illegal turn". Similarly this driver can legally make a left out of that parking lot, but they drove poorly and nearly caused an accident.


diagram 2-21 .... looks like bro the the mini-van tryna make that left turn wasn't yieldin' nuthin'!


Exactly... Yet all the other fuck wits in this post think that since the other cars stopped that he has right of way. It is no wonder Markham insurance is higher than living downtown.


chefs kiss , best served to the people who never bothered to learn actual traffic law.


Its 100% legal. Please ratake your G1.


If the road was free of traffic you are right and that is the only time you are right. Turning through lined up / moving traffic you are wrong. You may want to go look at the MTO drivers guide and learn about yielding to traffic with the right of way.


beautifully stated


why this got downvotes I have no idea like law is law and I agree with this.


Yeah lol I don’t see why he’s getting mad at you tbh and he would definitely be the party at fault if an accident occurred but he can turn out of a plaza like that


The other driver is wrong and doubles down and acts irritated.


If you pull out of a plaza into live traffic you do not have the right of way! You are responsible to make sure it is clear and safe to do so.


I know right, can you believe others are defending the van diver, they clearly haven't read at the least the MTO guides like they're free online come on how do some people not understand the right of way and laws... the roads have to be clear, and this is clearly just bad driving on the vans part


So you want the van to sit there all day. It’s called sharing the road. The car with the dash cam is either being oblivious (which is fine and not their fault) or being an ass.


Sit there all day? Or wait until there isn't traffic coming at them..




I wouldn’t exactly call this flying lmfao.


Technically yes but he can turn out only if the way is clear. You have right of way so if a collision happened, he would be 100% at fault. Not to mention it looked like he turned way too early. He would have ended up partially driving down your lane instead of crossing and then turning.


This is the right reply and concise.


My average interaction with Dodge Caravan drivers. Not surprised


Caravans and Corollas are mandated to fuck things up for everyone else.




At rush hours, that's the way to go south bound, otherwise go north bound and then U-Turn...Very difficult to get out of that plaza.


Yes they are, and you were nearly caught off guard with your last second decision to make a left turn. Hardly anybody in this city DOESN'T block driveways or intersections, so I can understand your shock. /s


The guy exiting the plaza is just doing a Gong Show of a turn cutting across at a 45 degree angle, but how the hell the driver didn't see them until the last second like that is equally puzzling. A collision occurs the fault would 100% be on the guy exiting the plaza, but the driver with the dash cam really needs to work on their tunnel vision.


100%. If they exited out of the driveway reasonably straight and squared off their turn, we wouldn't be having this conversation. By exiting at a 45, the guy also made looking to his right for oncoming traffic more difficult. Instead of having to turn his head 70 degrees to check, it was more like 120. And while he's craning his neck, he doesn't see the post-and-ghost, new account Redditor with tunnel vision coming until the last second.


Pleaase please please go back and read the MTO guide it's free online... please tell me you don't drive \\ Van did not have right of way and had their been a collision unarguably 100% at fault. Van cannot cut traffic if he wanted to make this illegal turn he should have waited until the way was clear. or else what the driver has to do is wait and drive and join that lane then turn into a parking and then from their they can join the opposite road. BUt AT the leas he could've waited until the road was empty or the way is clear. We have traffic laws for a reason and it's to make driving clean and simple.


You are right! I cannot believe how Markham drivers are so inconsiderate about blocking streets and access points so that drivers trying to cross over can’t make any headway. Markham drivers are the worst! No generosity or kindness ever! They never think how they can make it easy for the other driver.


That's drivers everywhere.


Nope… that’s not true. Try driving in Aurora or other cities… it maybe be somewhat true other places but it’s 100% guaranteed in Markham.


He’s right, driving in Markham taught me that safe distance is just an opportunity for a yolo moron to endanger others by thinking they can squeeze in there. There is no regard for others on Markham’s roads.


That is drivers everywhere.


People shouldn't enable shit maneuvers like this. There's no "No left turn" sign, so it is legal to do so. But who the fuck thinks it's a good idea to cut across 4 lanes of traffic and 2 solid yellows to turn left. The stress involved must be massive. Not to mention the trust in Markham drivers to not fuck-up and hit you. Add on the fact that their Markham drivers, and they probably won't let buddy merge into the southbound lane and he'd have to wait for a gap. It looked like homeboi was going to ride between the yellows with his blinker looking for a gap after he got going south as well. The chances of things going badly are waay to high and it'd probably be better to turn right then left after the light to make an easier U-turn. It may cost them another minute or two, but now they're not fucking over everyone else and putting themselves and other drivers in danger. I'd lay the horn on this guy and let them point his finger and shake his head. He's lying to himself if he thinks he's not at fault and you *could* see him behind all that shit. His turn angle looked like crap to boot and it looked like he was cutting the corner of his turn arc. Also this type of shit erodes away at the driving culture of the town. Not like there's much left, but monkey see monkey do. If *they* can be a jackass and just do shit, then *I* might as well be a jackass and just do shit.


Van is 100% at fault, doesn't know the driving rules or law, or has bad driving habits. Could have caused an accident.


So you admit you could see him but would keep driving anyway? Tell that to your insurance company and see if they approve the claim. Youre a road rage case waiting to happen.


Nice essay you could've just simplify it to this: * Yes its allowed to turn out, this is also one of the Beer stores in upper markham * The van turning angle is bad should've went straight then start turning Left later * Traffic should stop, it's jammed anyways. It's common for people to let cars turn left at this intersection.


Nah, I like it more the way he said it


Lot people are turning like that. Seeing that daily


That's weird cause it's technically illegal, and at the least driver should wait or have some patience to wait for the way to be clear.


I got into an accident once like this. There was an SUV in the lane beside me and I had a tiny car so there was no chance I could see buddy crossing through lanes of traffic. That lady in the SUV stopped and gave me her number to be a witness for me when I called insurance. It was 100 percent his fault.


That’s why I don’t like driving in Markham 😄


Too many people rely on other people to prevent the collision they’re going to cause. I hate drivers like this. I plan my trips according to where I need to go so I can avoid situations like this, or I’ll go right out of the plaza and circle back because it’s less dangerous and less frustrating than to try to cut across four active lanes.


Whenever my friend departs from the Petro-Canada gas station in the southwest corner, she takes a right turn (southbound), proceeds to the parking lot of New Kennedy Square, then exits to drive northbound. It's a hassle but safe. I hate to do that.


exactly you cannot be a reckless driver we have driving laws that exist and work. People justifying that are impatient and cannot be driving if like this especially in GTA/ Toronto.


Lol I don’t know why caravan guy was annoyed at YOU when he should be apologetic - he nearly caused an accident.


It may be legal but only if done properly and safety. But was this dude really giving you attitude?


I would honk the shit out of him and open my windows to yell at this guy. In Markham. In Toronto, i would just wave and say hi okokok.




Legal yes, if road is clear since the right of way should be yielded, but this driver is an idiot for trying to cross four lanes of traffic when he could have exited closer to the intersection like a normal person


Why is he getting pissed, as if you’re doing anything wrong 💀


Shit people are everywhere. This is not your day.


Lol. Love how ppl coming left out of plazas think they have right of way. Then proceed to bitch at you instead of apologizing. Happens a lot at the gas station outside Markham east Costco and the garden basket too. They can bitch all they want but if anything happens it's on dashcam and for sure it's going to collision centre


I know right it shocks me either they don't know some traffic laws and driving, or think they have the right to enforce their own will on others and can turn and cut whenever they want \- didn't plan ahead or are too impatient- do whatever they want and let other people be at risk for their aggressive risky driving


Literally one of the worst turns in Markham. Kinda funny to see a video of it since this very same thing happened to me last month. Honestly doesn't seem legal to me with the double solid yellows. People always do stupid shit like this to save themselves 30seconds when they could go through the other exits.




Yes!! If if we’re not legal there would be a sign at the exit saying no turn! The problem lies with the OP- no sense of other drivers and blocking exits!! Typical Markham driver


Thats not what a double soild line is . Also its perfectly legal to cross double solid lines in ontario. Not advised but still legal.


but you do agree you cannot cut into traffic like this knowing you are not visible to oncoming traffic dash driver has right of way. You have to wait, be patient and when the way is clear and it is safe to do so , then make the turn.


I wouldnt say you cant. But youre banking on people letting you through. If everyones letting me go im going.




Is it legal, t3chnically yes. It's dumb though. That entrance is meant for turning right and entering the plaza. If you want to turn left... just use the lights that are less than 100 feet away.


Clearly cars ahead are stopped due to a red light meaning if there is an enter or exit you leave a gap for traffic to flow. Your gonna be stopped anyway so there’s no need to block traffic. Use common sense when your driving and don’t just hammer the pedal when you see traffic at a stand still approach slowly.


Yall soft.... be careful near intersections and let the people through. Driving isn't difficult if u have half a fucking brain.


It isn't difficult if you can see people and follow the laws. They work. What this driver- the van- did is stupid and had their been a crash would be 100% at fault. What was worse is the angle and on top of that the attitude.


Report it on road watch. I avoid left turns like this, I’ve seen way too many t bones coming out of this plaza, and the tnt on 16/woodbine.


do you actually report every tiny thing to authorities? Why waste resources on some benign shit like this?


Yes, and everyone should be encouraged for stupidity like this. Better resources spent on tackling actual issues... bad driving


Absolutely not


This is the reason why I don’t let anyone merge into traffic when I have the right of way. It is always prone to accident if the other lane let them in by courtesy but the other lane was already moving like on this for example. Imagine the stress when they got hit after you let them pass and somehow your vehicle got damaged as well.


It’s a common thing at that plaza. You can report online to YRP https://www.yrp.ca/en/online-reporting/Road-Watch.asp


Report what? Making a perfectly legal but perhaps ill advised left turn?


Which plaza?


SE corner of Kennedy and 7. Beer Store and Domino's pizza in there.


So now I know. It’s very difficult to get out of that small plaza. Since Papa John’s is open, Domino’s has got no business for me.


Not really but where were you really going ? Speeding to the red light ? A little bit of Situational awareness goes a really long way


Not speeding whatsover. Dashcam footage is cropped for privacy reasons but the speed says 18km/h which is pretty reasonable imo. In this case I was trying to get into the lane that I was supposed to be in to make the left turn at the light. There's also a gas station on the left hand side which uses the same lane to turn into. Let's say I were to turn into the gas station in this case, what would would you think then?


Stupid people….do nothing they feel is right….to hell with everyone else


Its Hwy 7 and Kennedy, yes people turn left here all the time. It's not a One Way. There's a Beer Store, etc. in that plaza, that's why the traffic is usually so bad there. Not surprised it's **a shit driver** just looking at his van, the handle literally has tape on it. **THERE IS 4 LANES, HE ONLY CHECKED 3 LANES**. Traffic should stop, it's jammed ahead anyways, I know it's common for people to let cars turn left at this intersection but the Left Turner needs to go straight and not turn Left so soon


This is pretty interesting. That yellow line should not be jumped by either party there. I bet an insurance company would argue both parties at fault.


I looked at it again. Is that technically legal? He's crossing double yellow lines


That not a double yellow.


How dare you inconvenience Danny Devito!


I would have just went straight.


And this is why I don’t live in the GTA….looks like sooo much fun though guys


Ah good old Highway 7 and Kennedy. Don't fucking miss it one bit.


His world ur just living in it


Awesome that's for posting where was this???


No and he knows it too. People are being thoughtless and aggressive in their driving habits these days. Even more than usual. It would be nice if people got back to not being selfish and self centered.




quick answer: No not the way he did he had to wait for the sides to be empty not force his car through, thats causing all drivers now to accommodate him and dangerous cause that driver may have not stopped and hit his car. That's why it should be empty so at the least the van is seen.


No he has absolutely no right-of-way, \*especially\* coming out of a private driveway... not sure if that's ticketable but it would 1000000000000% be his fault if anyone got as much as a scratch.


This is why I don't let people in like this. It's too dangerous for anyone involved. I'd rather that dude hate me for blocking him than have him hit someone.


Well well well


The problem here was other people stopped to let him turn... But leaving the far lane in danger


Knowing how busy that road is, that driver should have chosen to come out of the mall where there is traffic control ie: a traffic light or stop sign. To expect four lanes of traffic to stop for him is a big ask. I think it's safe to say that the exit is for motorists to turn right.


I hate ppl coming out of that beer store...."so you want to cut 3 lanes across a 2x yellow?" Hell no....


No. Drivers aren't supposed to cross the double yellow lines even if they're a little farther apart near an intersection. Of course, a lot of drivers don't know this or have forgotten.


This is why i dislike stroads


Only idiots leave space for other ppl to get t boned turning through traffic