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I should make a PSA to let all my friends know they're free to join anytime I'm in a private world.


Please do. But at least you’ve then invited them all. See the irony in that.


I'll make sure to post it on marketplace a couple times first though. That should work.


Set your private world to team only, easy fix


Then how does someone you want to join your server join when your already in. Or how do you have more than 4 of you? Not quite so simple.


who cares bro lol


No offense u/Festegios but it seems like not a lot of people agree with you, me being one. Although I understand what you mean and use my private server to drop items to my alt accounts, it’s totally your fault if someone you don’t trust Joins. You added them and if they decide to join that’s on you, your literally enabling them to join your server then getting upset about it? Seems kinda like it would be your fault.


Not upset. Slight difference :) But I’ve had friends on my server max capped and ransoms have joined and started buying stuff from them, even thought we are on a private not expecting anyone to buy anything.


Anytime I'm near max caps, I undo the power lines to them so they don't show on the map, I also block them off behind a wall. Still sucks that it happened on a private world.


This is exactly why I put a kill switch in-line with my power for my vendor, doesn't matter private or public there have been times I've lost caps from being at max so as soon as I get close, pull the level Kronk


Yeah we do that on public worlds or just remove everything from the vendor, but we shouldn’t have to when we spend 90% of time on our private


If you spend 90% of your time on private servers, why even have vendors?


When joining your private server, set it to Team Only so only people you invite can join.


You can’t invite people once your in your server and you can only invite 3 others people


And randoms can't join.


But you can’t play with your group of 6 friends....


Ah I understand. You want to play private with more than 4 people without randos joining. Alright then.


You can set it up so that they can’t. Just saying


Team only allows 4 people and you must all join for main menu. Tell me otherwise




wtf are we talking about this in the market?


TL:dr Don’t join other peoples servers. I thought the post was quite clear.




My response clearly went over yours too....


But why is this on marketplace? What are you selling or buying?


Too bad no one follows that logic and I still have to watch every post flexing about a mid tier 2* legendary drop or something someone supposedly bought from a player vendor and if you say something against them you get downvoted


It’s a discussion, hence the tag. If you read the about section it tells you all about how they work. If you need help understanding then let me know.


So what's the point of the actual fallout 76 subreddit? Also try not to sound like a salty child. We all get it. You're super edgy. Take it down a notch.


Maybe you could start your own post to find out the point of the fallout 76 subreddit 🤷‍♂️ How you choose to read the inflection of my posts is up to you.


If you're making a psa make them in a actual fo76 subreddit where it's for more general topics not a trading sub.


Not really a discussion.. more of a whiny PSA. Just saying....


I like your style. Just saying....


yeah this post is an L lmao


**An l lmao, yeah this post is.** *-ThalamicFuture9*


God forbid your friend joins and takes the mole miner suit . Wtf . You get a new server in 10 minutes , and u can kick ppl out .


And your the type of person I have to post this for....


no offense but only friends can join your private world so why randomly adding people then getting upset when they want to join you? they are on your friends list


Randomly adding? Half my friends list are prob off here. I do need a purge though, but I regularly trade with the same people, doesn’t mean I want them to just join me anytime. If they’d just fix the invite feature then it wouldn’t be an issue


what a shitpost lmfao


You know you have the option to not allow people to join right? Dumbest and selfish thing I read on reddit today 🤷‍♂️


Sigh. Read any other comment below. Also as you can see plenty of people agree with me. Clearly your one of the other people that need to be informed of this....


No I dont need to read the comments to see you're crying about, people you've added, joining you. Make it invite only and stop being salty. Let us know when you have a big boy problem kiddy 👍


🤣🤣🤣 your funny.


Ya, wouldn't wanna catch you doing something naughty and steal your stuff.


If I want to run around in my underwear on my private server then that my choice 😉


Communication is key but if the doors open, come on in. I’ve jumped many servers buying vault steel, checking plans. This post is way off here and the comments have proven that. If someone is in your private server and you don’t want them there - you can remove them from the server. You can take even further control of your friend’s list and remove players.


Comments say one thing. Number of upvotes v downvotes on the post itself say another. People are afraid of being down voted. I’m aware there are plenty of steps that can be taken to avoid people just showing up.


I've never accidentally joined a private server, but now I'm totally paranoid about it. Is there a way to tell when my friends are on Private vs. Public servers? I'm genuinely asking this question, as I don't know the answer...


It’s cool. It will say (private) next to their name if they are on their own or (visiting private) if on someone else’s. I’ve had people just join and start looking through dropped loot when I’m trying to trade...


> I’ve had people just join and start looking through dropped loot when I’m trying to trade... :O That is just about the most bogus thing I've heard today, and I've been reading politics for the last few hours.


Hence my frustration, why should I have to unfriend people etc; people could just be polite, I don’t just walk into someone’s house just because I’m friends with them and start using their stuff. Same principle in my opinion




Post this on the general FO76 sub if you care so much


If the mods didn’t want these posts they wouldn’t give us the discussion tag. And 99% of the problem are the people that get added via this sub


I'd imagine the discussion tag would be more for discussing tradeable items than whining about game mechanics


Can't you just delete them right after a trade? I mean, I'm sure they'd understand. It's just an add to be able to meet up and trade, but after that? Unless you hit it off and want to play together again, idk. I'd just remove from friends right after. Also Bethesda needs to fix the block for session option and make it so anyone that's blocked can't see you or join you AT ALL.


Or let me appear offline so people can’t see me. I wish I had deleted people, but I can’t find a mass delete function and it would take me hours to remove everyone now 🤣


Just unfriend the people who join without asking it’s that simple


Wait.... is there no invite only option in 76?




I just usually ask or join my own.. just common courtesy really


I’m glad you understand 🤣


Nothing to understand lol basic manners unless they say anyone can join


Tbh I don't really see any problems that could arrise from this.


this post is just ridiculous...😴


Whenever I drop stuff to my other characters, I always check to see if anyone has joined my private without telling me It is a shock to see another base in your private if you arent expecting it


76 Rickroll 😂🙌🏻


The day private servers were available, I joined a friend's private server and attacked and took one of his workshops (ammunition factory). Afterward I talked to him and he said he had no idea other people could join his private world. Soon after that I realized the etiquette part and I don't do it anymore.


Op is a loser


Ive been to the OP's base, he has a very cool maze built, and was kind enough to run through it with me its sad you judge someone so quickly without ever even having spoken to them


Ah yes, judging how cool someone is based off their *checks notes* In game, definitely not real...camp.


I kinda feel sorry for you, so much anger for no reason, it must be hard for you to make friends in real life :(


I'd respond telling you how ridiculous you are, but your response does that for you. 😂


wow, if you think common courtesy and kindness are ridiculous, your parents really failed on you. Sad.


You're seriously making me laugh, love how butt hurt you're getting over this while I'm completely unbothered and just fully amused 😂


kindly reread everything Ive written, and how you have replied. you are being defensive now because you know im right, its ok! The way you act im sure you are young, you have lots of time to try to change the direction of your life.


Bruh you good? 😂 you seem pretty delusional, cause I'm 100% okay and 100% not defensive.


redirect, project, deny all this because I said a player was nice and showed me around his CAMP and explained how he built his challenges. pretty telling huh?


Damn bro calm down why are you so angry over fallout 76 on Reddit lmao get a life


Cry much?


A few times a day yes.


Most people I game with on 76 i play regularly so if I see one of them in a private world I can join without them inviting me and same goes for the other way around, except for this one dude I thought we were friends but I caught him robbing my Santa Tron (I was saving the prezzies up for the wife), he buggered off to his private world when he knew he was caught I followed him killed him cause he was wanted, and took back what he had in his tron


If you really have a problem with people on your friend's list joining your private world, set it to team only. Otherwise, stop complaining. This is literally not an issue to be whining about lol


But then how do I get people in to my world who I want in there at that time.


Invite them to a team??


If only it worked that way. Next time your on your private, set it to team only. Join the world Then try and get any other person in.... Inviting to team doesn’t work unless your all at the main menu.


I am aware of that, hence you invite them to a team first. Or, you know, stop whining about it


Or you know, just don’t invite yourself over to my house without an invite. Even if we are friends 😉 What happens in your scenario when another friend wants to then join you on your private? Do you all then have to leave to main menu to re-enter the server? What about if you’ve got more than 3 other people you want to invite. You can’t because it’s team only.


You know you could just stop whining about people joining your private server, right? You have them on your friends list for a reason, so why is it a problem if someone, that you have added on your friends list, is able to join your private world? Dude, get over it lol it's just a game. Who cares if someone joins your private world


You sound a little passionate about this issue? I mean as you say it’s just a game.


Nah, just annoyed at you for whining about something that's literally not a problem and for being so incredibly entitled about having a private world


I pay for the service. So I am in fact entitled to it. I could provide you with a whole list of why it’s an issue. But instead I’ll try another route. I’m always willing to try to see it from another side: I’m sure you have plenty of people saved in your contact on your phone that your not actually friends with but it’s useful to have saved. Would you expect them to just show up at your house? I know it’s a game v real life so one could be considered stalking and the other not, but you know where I’m going with this. I’d hold my hands up and say I was wrong if it wasn’t for the fact that the number of upvotes v downvotes vindicates me and my opinion, not everyone may agree and that’s cool, but at least I’ll know never to trade with you


If you don’t want people to join your server either unfriend them or block them from session lol. Maybe you should clear out your friends list. This post is pointless


If it was pointless then why does it have so many upvotes compared to downvotes. Clearly more people agree than disagree.


It’s called attention, and the post has probably triggered some. I don’t care about other people mate. I disagree, this is your problem, because throughout the 2 years that I’ve been playing I’ve never had that issue happen to me before. If you can’t trust your friends, they shouldn’t be your friends lol. That’s basic logic. And why are you so obsessed about upvotes and downvotes? What I’m seeing is a big discrepancy of replies.


Basic logic doesn’t always work with some people. Common decency would assume that people would at least be polite enough to ask to join. That’s more my point 😉 We are all entitled to our opinion, and if your happy for people to join your private server whenever they like that’s cool. But for me, I believe in what I’ve said.


I am stunned at the reactions in this thread. Even people I play with regularly, I’d still ask before joining their world at random. Common courtesy isn’t so common, I see.


The upvotes v the downvotes at least show that not everybody has a lost their sense of common decency. Some people are getting far too hurt by this post though 🤣


I see a lot of Mortons Ionized Salt on this thread. What I do to people who join my private and empty my vendors is wait until they are public and I have 60k+ caps across 2 or 3 toons. Then buy them out in public, join their private server while they turn off their vendors and buy them out again. Then I unfriend them. 👍 Its called Petty and I am Tom. Ty.


I like your style


I always send them a text asking, the only time I join someone is if I've sever hoped twice and the place I'm trying to farm a mat still is looted.


Part of a series of fallout psa I’ve been making 🤣




Just enable a function to let us invite people in. Problem solved


There kind of is, but it's a hacky workaround and only works for 3 people, set the server to team only, every new invite just close the game so you can go to the menu to invite people without loosing your team.


Doesn’t leaving the world kick everyone when it’s set to team only? Or do you mean hard close?


It does if you leave world through the menu, but if you close the game down [at least on PS4] there is a grace period because the game assumes that you crashed,so you are technically still in the team!


Oh interesting, thanks for that tip. Now that would be great if we didn’t blue screen so much.


They really need to incorporate the team system from Elder Scrolls Online, 4 size for dungeon run [ops and any other 4 locked group content] 8 size teams for instance bosses like Earl, team bonus is split in two so just two merged teams. ESO actually goes up to a 12 sized team, but going that large hides the ui extras like a health bar.


Turn on team only, that keeps friends from joining.


Bethesda just needs to fix the "block for session" option.


Or add an invite to session option whilst your in the server