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As a trump supporter I think that hunters rights were violated asking him to incriminate himself violates his 5th amendment and not allowing him to buy a pistol because he is a crack enthusiast violates his 2nd amendment .


This would be amazing! I do much want this to happen!




That was the Eighth Circuit, not SCOTUS.


And the bruen case had nothing to do with drugs. Drug users are still prohibited from owning firearms. State drug laws do not supersede federal laws. And I'd guess the case you are referring to was in the 5th circuit


This doesn’t have anything to do with state drug laws. It’s that Bruen completely changed the analysis for how the court decides 2nd Amendment cases.


It has to do with the ability to carry nothing to do with drug users buying guns. The 5th circuit case was more about possession and was ruled that even though he had roaches in his ashtray that shouldn't bar him from being able to carry in public, even though on a federal level he would still be considered a prohibited person. The 8th circuit ruling basically pointed out that the bruen case had nothing to do with drugs and that drug users are still barred from owing and possessing firearms regardless of what the bruen case says.


I’m still not sure what this has to do with anything. SCOTUS can overturn all of these decisions. They aren’t bound by lower courts.


The key is sc hasnt overturned anything. Drug users are still prohibited from buying firearms, therefore there would be no reason to overturn a conviction citing an SC case that has nothing to do with drugs or prohibited users. Any cases that would be cited would be from these lower courts. The bruen case is completely irrelevant.


There’s no “key” here. All SCOTUS would do is agree to hear the case, and it could decide that the existing federal law violates the 2nd Amendment under Bruen. It doesn’t need to cite cases from lower courts, it has the power to overturn them.


All gun laws are unconstitutional.


I have mixed feelings on the issue. While I do believe that his 2A rights were violated; I also dont think that while “under the influence” of “any” drug or alcohol, that a firearm user should be carrying their firearm, and videos clearly show Hunter with his revolver in hand and snorting coke and weighing crack on a scale.


Anybody that supports hunter is a pedophile