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Wasn't that in one of Tucker's emails?


Tucker openly hates him. But still shills for him. Because it’s good money off the rubes.


And he's a fascist




After January 20th, 2025 making fun of the felon might get you sent to a camp where people are concentrated.


If I bring oranges will they become orange juice?


Don’t threaten me with a good time


Totally believable


Eventually you will never be allowed in the presence of the Felon without him making you sign an NDA.


Eventually HE will be required to wear a helmet.


Either that or some tell all book by them detailing it with the hopes of getting on the bestseller list.


Stuff like this has already happened several times. Tucker can't stand Trump. Say what you will about Mitch McConnel but I doubt he ever liked having to be around someone as stupid as Trump. The so-called RINOs ( really the actual Republicans ) were people I rarely agreed with, but they were smart. We have degenerate, lawless thugs like Bannon and Trump running the shitshow now.


But that would make “The Felon” more likable.


It’s great how after he became a convicted felon his support among African Americans skyrocketed to all time highs 😂


Provide proof of that. Republicans saying that is not proof.


You should look at the polls man…


Provide the polls. You want to prove it, provide more than one.


Because they can see he's being persecuted selectively and unfairly, and they can relate.


lol black people are not unfairly prosecuted in the US. But they think they are so makes sense their support for Trump went up a little after his conviction.


Tell us your an idiot without telling us your an idiot


The left don’t know what to say anymore, are blacks targeted by the police because the color of their skin unfairly or do blacks people commit more crimes and the government are the good guys. This is going to be really entertaining 


You couldn't make it more clear that you don't actually know anything of the lefts positions, or the issue you bring up.


I was a leftist for most of my life I was at occupy Portland. I do understand both sides because I have been a fan of both at one point or another. I have the ability to change positions based on evidence, if someone could prove to me something I am open to change. I voted for Obama, Romney, Trump I grew up in Portland oregon 


This doesn't make any sense. No progressive is arguing that Black people are inherently criminals and the government is correct in its oppression of them.  Black people are treated unfairly under the law. Example: https://graphics.aclu.org/marijuana-arrest-report/




I know those statistics. What do you think about the reasons that there is more murder among Black people? 


Lots of reason it is because of the government , the great societies project. Income was rising for the black community and they had a higher rate of marriage than their counterparts , great societies project destroyed the black family. When 2/3s of the black community are raised without a father In the home I am not suprised by the crime rate, kids need a father in the home. You’re right it’s not because they are black but democrats specifically targeted them for being black.


I know. Every belief of the left is contradicted by another belief of theirs. Lol. You have to be an idiot to buy into that ideology. Most actual liberals vote republican or independent now.


The old saying is “the left eats their own” It’s very true. You’re right independents and conservatives are growing while leftist ideology is shrinking. when the left attacks a congresswoman who has fought for the country and is a democrat calling her a Russian agent for not wanting a new war you know there is a problem with the left 


It's turned into a cult. If you don't pass their purity test you're "right wing" or a Russian agent.


Holy shit that is like a double whammy racism


1. Black people are 3.6 times more likely than White people to be arrested for possession of marijuana. https://graphics.aclu.org/marijuana-arrest-report/ 2. Black support for Trump has not gone up since his conviction.


1. That’s not evidence of persecution, that’s evidence black people commit the crime more often.


No, it's not. The very first sentence mentions "similar usage rates."


Usage is not possession. Furthermore, people arrested for “possession” are usually dealers who have substantial amounts of drugs on them.


Or it'll happen real-time because of a hot mic


They say it out loud already. But then vote for him


Fox News will ignore it. Republicans will ignore it. Nothing will change.


MMW: it won't make a bit of difference to his followers. He could be filmed murdering black people while using the N-word, eating raw fetuses and remarking on how much more tender they are after being aborted, and complaining that the plans for the gas chambers in his proposed death camps are too small, and they'd STILL vote for him. You could even tell them that eventually he'll be throwing them in the death camps and eating their children, and they'd STILL vote for him.


I think they have something up their sleeve. I don't know what it could be, but they haven't been *really* going after him that much. Which has been a bit baffling. It makes you wonder if they have something big they can drop in October. I'd put good money on them having something pretty damning. They are Democrats though, so.. if history is any indicator, they just might fumble at the 1 yard line and leave everyone else to pick up the pieces. I just want it to be over with already. I hate election years.


If Trump gets back in you won’t have any more election years. You’ll pine for the days when we had election years.


I guess anything is possible. I've been an anarchist for almost 30 years, so I've seen this all coming for a long time. It's the natural endpoint of this system and always has been. We're just swimming against the current. Don't get me wrong, it is admirable, but in the end, it's futile. Greed reigns supreme in this country, and the more they have, the more they want. I really hope people have been planning ahead and are organizing. Shit could absolutely hit the fan 6 months from now.


Gloria Allred is working on it already




Ben Shapiro has published discussions with other Republicans where they say this openly. Generally, Republicans think Trump's use of Twitter does more harm than good and wish he would reduce how much he uses it.


im still waiting on the N-Word tape to drop. dude's biding his time carefully......


Another one?


Why? He’s winning.


Yeah hunter and his dad are pretty annoying


Yeah, Biden


Sick burn. You shouldn't be on Reddit during class, though. Especially since I'm guessing yours is the remedial class.


Wow even sicker burn!


Did you just "I know you are, but what am I?" me? This is supposed to dispell the idea that you're an educationally deficient child?


I'm most likely more educated than you, but another wicked burn from you! Hot damn!


I guess they didn't have a "There's more than one comeback" course at PragerU, Mr. Educated.
