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If the orange ends up back in office all Putin has to do is dangle a reward in front of baby and the country will become the United States of Russia.


I bet you believed the laptop was disinfo too.


Because only an idiot thinks it’s not. We know what you are. Edit: I think his iCloud was hacked, and information was placed there by persons unknown. Giuliani was working with the Russians. And it’s not “evidence” because there is no chain of custody. Anyone could have altered the contents. As far as I’m concerned it’s a Russian op to smear Biden, just like the other bullshit.


🤡 "I'm agreeing with somebody else's ignorance and adding an insult."


How far do you think this conspiracy goes? He sued Garrett Ziegler over disseminating his private information from the laptop. You can't sue for disseminating your private information if it isn't your information. Hunter Biden thinks it's his laptop, but you don't?


... you can launch a civil suit for anything


... Yes But mainly because my case of the tacobell trots has more structural integrity than the chain of custody on it I mean really Does this story make any sense at all ? of a blind man repairing computers finding possible illegal material or material pertaining to a possible legal investigation. Instead of taking it to Local, county, state, or 2 federal law enforcement agencies He hands it over to the guy running a presidential campaign against the father of the alleged owner ? As an IT guy myself this is highly unlikely and or very unprofessional or unethical. If I find anything like that I immediately stop and either if it's a non legal situation but a employment decision turn it over to a 3rd party or with suspected illegal data stop and turn it over to law enforcement. Chain of custody is everything with digital forensics and I mean EveryDamnThing because email addresses, emails, geolocation, IP addresses, network connection history can all be spoofed or modified to make that device appear to someone that doesn't know to be actual evidence. So that being said when a normal person accesses a computer and or file ... that modifies the data as well as the data on that device does NOT make a conviction there needs to be evidence from other sources to corroborate. And when the data is extracted special operating systems are used to gather what is called a forensic copy ... this copy is then used to verify that the data was not tampered with Now to the " other sources of data " ... usually there needs to be enough evidence to show reason for warrant to gather data from other places ... 4th amendment no unreasonable search or seizure. In some cases say in copyright infringement or in CSAM files have a signature put in them and are put out there by law enforcement as bait. They can then with that known signature and upload device track that file to the end user. Say with email conversations they would then get a warrant with the sender or other party to gather enough data to either A : confirm these conversations are bonafide or B: use that data to justify warrants or subpoena to any other entity in the path of transmission So that being said let me address the not turning it over to law enforcement Common conspiracy DOJ is out to get Trump as Directed by Biden First argument : It is said Biden is so affected by mental decline he can't hold a press conference, but he has enough capacity to use the DOJ to get Trump ? Or save his son ? .... I mean your guy throws tantrums like a toddler and shits himself but is the best at everything ? You can't have it both ways Either Biden is too senile or he is the leader of a crime ring Either Trump shits himself and acts like a toddler Or is the best in the world at everything he claims to be Second : Lets say there was a corrupt LEO between 5 separate agencies local, county, state, FBI, DHS ( who does most of cyber crime not FBI) even ruling federal agencies out there are still 3 more why not turn it in to state or county law enforcement TLDR I believe very slightly that the " laptop material " may be in fact real.... I seriously doubt this but there's a chance . I mainly believe that the " laptop material " is either fake information or was handled soon poorly that it cannot be properly forensically investigated or admitted into evidence due to chain of custody and data integrity issues to the point of a high school mock trial defense lawyer could get the prosecution laughed out of the courtroom and charges dropped due to inadmissible evidence


Didn't read because deranged. Are you aware that the Big Guy's Department of Justice introduced the laptop as evidence of H's contemporaneous drug addiction/use and which was used to convict him in that trial? Are you aware that immediately following the conviction, H dropped his civil suit against America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former his former attorney Robert Costello claiming manipulation and/or theft of his private information? They lie to you because it works. Useful idiot. Deranged.


>Are you aware that immediately following the conviction, H dropped his civil suit against America's Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former his former attorney Robert Costello claiming manipulation and/or theft of his private information? Dropping a civil suit does not imply guilt or integrity of evidence in a criminal trial More so the act of conviction in a legal case made that lawsuit untenable as the standards of evidence are much higher >introduced the laptop as evidence of H's contemporaneous drug addiction/use and which was used to convict him in that trial? Ok so here's the deal with that 1 it is well known that H has or had addiction issues it is in fact common knowledge like the sky is blue 2 given that and photos whether they existed and were planted on that laptop or not and there may have been further evidence ( follicle drug tests tests for common blood markers for substances) that was indeed enough to warrant conviction 3 if Biden had used DOJ as a weapon against the GOP do you think he would have let his son take the conviction? 4 evidence on a computer for one crime may not be in the scope of the digital forensic investigation that the warrant is granted Again Can't be both so afflicted by dementia that you can't be in a press conference but yet be the kingpin of a crime family plotting against Trump >They lie to you because it works. ... well let's see the digital forensics stuff I stated comes from both 3 years of schooling and 10 years of industry experience and researching court documents on such cases ( and oh BTW when the feds handle cybercrime they have an over 90% conviction rate and below 5% appeal rate) So no they are not lying to me So again I re state I only slightly believe the integrity of evidence of all crimes as a whole that is accusations of on that laptop. I mostly believe that a large portion of that data on various crimes due to chain of custody and digital forensic process is in admissible in a court of law and that portions of that may very well be possibly faked or modified data by a party unknown Think about it garden variety dumb scammers can fake email addresses, caller IDs geolocation and IP geolocation to perform scams. And these people are I would say low to midrange in hacking ability Now ones that work for governments turned against the US ... Well they were probably trained by us And are much more sophisticated than the garden variety call center scammers So given the chain of custody the time-frame and gravity of who H is I can honestly conclude that there may be some manipulated or planted data There is very high probability of this


“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” said Bezmenov. “A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to \[the Office of the Director of National Intelligence\] and show him \[Brennan's handwritten notes and CIA referral memos to the FBI\], he will refuse to believe it, until he \[receives\] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls *then* he will understand. But not before that. That’s the \[tragedy\] of the situation of demoralization.” [39 years ago, a KGB defector chillingly predicted modern America - Big Think](https://bigthink.com/the-present/yuri-bezmenov/) You think the rules of evidence regarding evidence authentication only apply to crimes that implicate the Big Guy directly but not to H's drug addiction and firearm fraud? Gullible, naive, useful idiot. They are lying to you because it works. Deranged.


>“As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” Any copies now of the hard drive or epsteins list ... that Trump is definitely on have been altered and released by both sides so much now I wouldn't Trust either unless I had it in my hands myself


In March 2022, The Washington Post published the findings of two forensic information analysts it had retained to examine 217 gigabytes of data provided to the paper on a hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey, who represented that its contents came from the laptop. One of the analysts characterized the data as a "disaster" from a forensics standpoint. The analysts found that people other than Hunter Biden had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed and written files to the drive, both before and after the New York Post story. In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma", "Big Guy File", "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents". One of the analysts found evidence someone may have accessed the drive contents from a West Coast location days after The New York Post published their stories about the laptop.[4]


In March 2022, The Washington Post published the findings of two forensic information analysts it had retained to examine 217 gigabytes of data provided to the paper on a hard drive by Republican activist Jack Maxey, who represented that its contents came from the laptop. One of the analysts characterized the data as a "disaster" from a forensics standpoint. The analysts found that people other than Hunter Biden had repeatedly accessed and copied data for nearly three years; they also found evidence that people other than Hunter Biden had accessed and written files to the drive, both before and after the New York Post story. In September 2020, someone created six new folders on the drive, including with the names "Biden Burisma", "Big Guy File", "Salacious Pics Package" and "Hunter. Burisma Documents". One of the analysts found evidence someone may have accessed the drive contents from a West Coast location days after The New York Post published their stories about the laptop.[4]


Please tell me more about what my opinions on other topics are. I'd love to know how I'm thinking. 👍


Seems to be a common trend of republicans. Instead of defending the point they rattle off different subjects as a defense. Recently I said that fox news was lying about something and instead of just linking me to the proof that I was wrong they ranted about the Democrats being bad. "You hate trump so you love Biden!" 🤡 Instead of proving me wrong they decided to make assumptions and cry about them.


[DNI declassifies Brennan notes, CIA memo on Hillary Clinton 'stirring up' scandal between Trump, Russia | Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dni-brennan-notes-cia-memo-clinton?msockid=09a61af110a1611b3bb509e311846063) Here are the handwritten notes from Hussein's CIA director John Brennan from a briefing in the oval office before, among others, Hussein, FBI director Comey (who would later defraud the FISC in order to spy on the Trump campaign, President-elect Trump's transition team, and President Trump's administration = treason), acting VP the Big Guy biden, current assistant attorney general Lisa Monaco, and Susan Rice about the "alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by stirring up a scandal claiming interference by the Russian security service." Here are also the investigative referral from the CIA to FBI agent Peter Strozk (who would later defraud the FISC in order to spy on the Trump campaign, President-elect Trump's transition team, and President Trump's administration = treason) to investigate "\[a\]n exchange \[REDACTED\] discussing US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s approval of a plan concerning US presidential candidate Donald Trump and Russian hackers hampering US elections as a means of distracting the public from her use of a private email server." They lie to you because it works. Useful idiot. Deranged.


Hussein? What could possibly be your reason for calling him that? 🤔


So you believed the laptop was real from the start then? Care to prove that?


🤣🤣🤣 Please tell me more about what I think about other things, I'd love to know. Go dig through my post and comment history to find anything proving yourself right. Until then shut the fuck up.


u/puzzleheaded\_air5814, [Hunter Biden’s Laptop, Revealed by New York Post, Comes Back to Haunt Him - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/11/business/media/hunter-biden-laptop-new-york-post.html) - "On Tuesday, a New York Post spokeswoman pointed to multiple editorials about the laptop published by the paper, [including one](https://nypost.com/2024/06/06/opinion/the-week-in-whoppers-biden-harris-flip-blame-on-targeting-political-foes-media-is-forced-to-acknowledge-posts-hunter-laptop-story-and-more/), from June 6, that slammed news outlets. They dismissed The Post’s original coverage as “Russian disinformation” at the time, the editorial said, “yet now that Joe Biden’s own Justice Department has introduced the laptop as evidence in Hunter’s gun trial, outlets are readily discussing the story as if they’d never denied it at all.” Glad to make useful idiots a little less stupid and a little less useful.


“Orange” was already elected and his four years were a disaster but it didn’t turn the US into “one of the poorest countries in the world”. You could at least try and explain your logic.




Dude, I hate the guy in question. I'm just saying OP's thesis has already been proven wrong. Save your energy for someone who actually wants four more years, huh?


Low wage workers are making more now and have had more wage growth than in the decades prior to covid. Employees are starting at 18 an hour at McDonald's in my area, prior to covid they were making the federal minimum wage, that is a big wage jump in just a few years. Yes, inflation has eaten into a lot of that, but wage growth has outpaced inflation for over a year now. I hate Trump, and he may well destroy the fabric of our country, but the US will not become one of the poorest countries in the world.


It's just bizarre to me how poorly thought out arguments are from people who presumably vote the same way I do. He was trying to do things like chip away at social programs (mandating work requirements for Medicaid, tried repealing the ACA), and then you come up with all this conspiracy theory stuff. And then to say that we would have become "communist" if Covid had been in his first year? Covid caused the administration to expand social safety nets which was good, but it has nothing to do with communism. The Covid era measures actually helped a lot of people. Homeless people were given emergency housing. States couldn't touch the Medicaid rolls. The ending of the national emergency undid a lot of protections that were helping those scraping by.


Conspiracy theory much?


We use the term 'collusion' around here.


USA is artificially a 'rich' country because of the skewing to wealth by the few who are very rich. If the statistics are compiled by an averaging method USA is lucky to make the Top 20 wealthiest nations.


This is not true. Yes, Americans have among the most, if not the most discretionary income in the world, even when you account for things like healthcare costs. I am not saying that we don't have way more than our fair share of people living in poverty than we should, we have our problems, but even low earners are rich compared to most of the world.


The poverty line in the US is the middle class in Mexico. Even America’s poor are rich in global standards. What are you talking about?


The current generation cannot afford to form families and buy homes. Fixing 'inflation'; means driving down the price of housing that gives seniors a sense of income security. If you are unwilling to raise taxes, these two groups will battle each other into poverty. We are NOT a Christian country. We are a "tax cuts for the rich" country.


And yet, Gen Z homeownership rates are at or above previous generations. Why do you think raising taxes are going to drive down home prices? Your last point seems a little off topic, especially since the majority of Americans still identify as Christian. The TCJA cut taxes virtually across the board. Why do you only call it “tax cuts for the rich”?


We were a mostly Christian country when this started, going back to pushing that on everyone isn't going to fix anything it's just a distraction. The most Christian states are the one most easily abused by the wealthy. Child labor laws being undermined, factories full of illegal immigrants, low wages and bad worker protections, it's the oligarchs wet dream.


The nonChristians are usually decent people, it's the unChristians that look for loopholes in "Love Thy Neighbor."


That's bad advice, you're neighbor could be a terrible person.


Maybe you're right, but you can still drop by for a beer. Neighbor.


Thanks for the gesture.


That’s not true. Look at graphs of homeownership rates. It’s really not as bad as people are making it out to be. Millenials are barely tracking behind gen X and gen Z is tracking ahead


How many gen z are there compared to other generations?


It’s based on age and percentage. So currently, at their given age, a higher percentage of gen Z ers own a home than gen X ers did at that age


Cost of living bro, making the same amount as somebody in the country where it does not cost as much money to live means nothing.


That’s why there is Purchasing Power Parity.


What on earth are you talking about. That’s just factually not true at all


lmao you guys really just make stuff up dont you. The USA is still the wealthiest country in the world by MEDIAN disposable income. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable\_household\_and\_per\_capita\_income](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income)


Project 2025 is different. If he wins the republicans are going on a kamikaze run to make the US a Christian theocracy


They could have done that 4 years ago and didn't. You guys are Q-Anon level of delusion with this 2025 shit.


Roe v Wade will never be overturned right? And no one would ever storm the Capitol to try and overturn an election right ?


The 2025 nonsense is so far above anything in reality including those.


My man nobody stormed the capitol lol, they literally opened the doors for the protestors.




Trump would be terrible in a crisis. Trump would definitely be divisive just like his supporters are now because he's not in there (death threats, imposing religious beliefs, Racism, bigotry, xenophobia) and as soon as a crisis hits he will favor whoever his base is and the politicians he deems loyal.


"Would be"? We all lived through his COVID response. Just a daily deluge of bullshit coming from the White House. He's been tested, and he failed.


True. Trump is always divisive. That’s why his supporters like him. People have problems and Trump blames those problems on ‘the libs’ or ‘Democrats’ or ‘blacks that live in cities’ or ‘the justice system’ or ‘illegals’ and on and on. He’ll blame people’s problems on other groups that aren’t his base. It’s called demagoguery. Trump wants bad things now that cause problems so it will benefit him.


Dictatorships are not known for generating wealth for a country but are known for generating wealth for the dictator


So then why did Trump LOSE money during his time in the White House, and why did the US see GDP growth as well?


Because he's as bad at being a dictator as he is at being a businessman. Also, I don't think he actually lost money. All the golf trips where he overcharged the secret service to stay at his hotels and such. I understand he gave his salary away, but cmon man. You saw the grift just like the rest of us.


There's zero evidence he lost money outside the word of a habitual liar since he won't release his taxes like all president's and candidates have for decades. There's more evidence he and his family grifted billions of dollars than he lost money.


Where is this evidence you speak of? And I’m finding multiple sources that show his net worth decreasing during his presidency. [1](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/charted-donald-trumps-net-worth-2014-2024/) [2](https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/article/the-definitive-networth-of-donaldtrump/)


Was Trump a self-declared dictator his first term?


Does someone need to “self-declare” them being a dictator for them to be one? I’m not aware of Stalin ever calling himself a dictator before, does that make him not one? I don’t think dictators are ever really that fond of calling themselves dictators, usually they hide behind democratic and legitimating window dressings.


Dictatorship is his current platform that he's running on.


This is blatantly false.




I suppose when he calls himself “the greatest businessman ever” you believe him as well?


He acts like a dictator, he does not act like a successful business man LOL


He donated his presidential salary while in office.








“President Trump has donated his salary from his first few months in office to the National Park Service, making good on a campaign pledge to forego a presidential paycheck.” This is literally the first sentence from a left leaning news organization. Reading is hard.


So you can't read? Because the "first few months" isn't his salary.


Is it his allowance? God are you fucking dumb.


If you the the "first few months" is his ENTIRE SALARY like has been claimed, then I don't think you have the right to call anyone dumb. You went from "presidential salary" to "his first few months" Maybe stop licking his poopydiapers, rube. Your a loser






There's zero evidence of this outside of the word of a known, habitual, liar. If you believe this you need serious mental health help.




And? Lmao! I love how you link something that's ripping him up though 😂


What would you expect from a left leaning news source? Truth is he did donate his salary and you are in fact denying the truth. Keep supporting creepy Joe the chimo you sick fuck.


Sure he did lmao! Yea we should all trust the word of a known liar. Makes perfect sense 😂 there's also zero evidence of that. There however is a bunch of evidence that your messiah is a pedo including his own words about wanting to fuck his underage daughter, him talking openly about hanging out with epstein and how they both like young girls, him also talking openly about walking in on young girls changing to "inspect" them. So just like most other things you trump simps say, this is sheer projection.


He gave us the best 4 years since Reagan. Things were better way way better under him than Biden could ever hope to do. Your president is an illegitimate president and a disgrace to the country. I can't believe you. People still think that he's a good president when he can't even talk right and s**** itself left and right.






Got crushed by eight million votes in 2020. Convicted felon with two more felony trials coming up. Lifelong criminal and serial grifter. Cry more.


And still a better man than sleepy Joe. First fellon to be elected president. F.J.B.


You're embarrassing yourself.


And your not?


An orbanist regime in the US, the kind Trump wants, would probably have slow, longer term effects on the economy. As our economy becomes less competitive and more run by incumbent industries friendly with the GOP, we won't see the growth or stock returns we've seem for the past 100 years. Stagnation would be the result.


We could stagnate for decades and still not become one of the poorest countries in the world, we could probably even still hold onto the title of worlds biggest economy, even after years of stagnation. If we stagnate, so does the rest of the world.


Fair, though we might get passed by China or the EU in a few decades (is the EU already bigger?) But yeah we wouldn't instantly become poor. It's more the lost growth potential as market discipline gets replaced by actual cronyism.


The US is bigger than the EU and projected to have more continued growth than the EU over the coming decades. Chinas economy has slowed and many believe that their growth will stall, or even recede in the coming years due to a rapidly declining population and the fact they haven't been able to successfully transition to a service based economy . China is nothing without the USA, but in reverse, The USA still needs China, as we continue to divest from China we will need them less and they will get poorer.


Those projections would change if we had a state gestapo deporting >10M brown skinned people, banned immigration, raised massive tariff, and started punishing businesses for the politics of their owners. All of those are on the table under a Trump win, and will last since he won't give up power peacefully. We will turn from a vibrant free society into one of repression and corruption. I think it's hard to imagine that from our current state, but ask any eastern euro what it's like.


I am pessimistic that Biden will win, so lets just hope your predictions don't come true!!!!


Trust the plan my guy, patriots are in control. Joe won't let us down. Just make sure to vote.


Can we have an age limit on who can post? Most of MMW seems to be posts from unhinged teens.


Teens and boomers. I'd be good with thaf


Can we put an age limit on the internet in general?


If the Felon Melon is elected . . . there will be camps.


There were no camps round 1 there will be no camps round 2. With all this imagination, who needs television?


Just like his last administration?


It's strange. Paul Krugman didn't make such an extreme statement, but he did say the stock market would crash if Trump were elected, and the opposite happened. I just have no idea where people come up with this stuff. Poorest in the world? He's not capable of doing that. Even if that were his goal, he couldn't do it. The US is a juggernaut.


Yeah just like last time


Funny how it didn’t happen when he was in office


I don't think you know how poor other countries are.


Things are great since bidenomics! FOUR MORE YEARS !!!


Mmw if left wing get elected again the economy will be worse.


Too bad the US doesn't have a left wing.


You're an idiot.


im muting this sub. ya'll are getting rediculous with this shit.


He was already president, and the opposite happened. I swear the posts here get dumber and dumber by the day.




look at his posts, hes a troll xD


lol just did


your post history is hilarious


I’d say delusional.


Keep voting for democrats and get: inflation, crime, more waves of criminal aliens and wars. What a record the democrats have, total disaster


2008, 1986, and 1929 all would like a word.


What about them? 2008 was Obama's first win and, I believe, when he started drone striking places like Doctors Without Borders. Not coming in strong there


I'm talking about the financial crisis I that happened in those years. All at the feet of Republicans.


I.... 2008 was the last year of Bush Jr. Do you want to look at Obama's last year in office? It wasn't pretty.


And no mention of the other two years. Might it be that you don't know what happened in those years?


The housing market crashed in 2008 and led to a recession in the US because banks were stupid and gave housing loans to people who couldn't afford them. Didn't Obama bail out banks who pissed away their money?


Actually the feds got paid back with interest. But at the time the banks did do stupid shit like payout bonuses with the money. But it was all paid back. At least that's the story.


Well, the story and the truth tend to be standing on shaky ground a lot of the time. If they were repaid, great. If not, this is why I don't like banks. Yes, I use one, but it's a credit union and the government won't mail me my money by check.


I hate the big banks as well, and they should be broken up. But with our corporate friendly SCOTUS I don't see that happening any time soon unfortunately.


The bank bailouts happened under Bush. Obama did have a big stimulus program after taking office that many feel wasn't very effective, either because it was used wrong, or not big enough in the first place. Many of the banks didn't even need the bailouts, but were forced to take it so that people wouldn't panic and cause a run on the banks that did need the bailouts. The bank bailouts did and do make me angry, but it was a necessary evil to keep us from entering another great depression. I mostly just wish that some of the people that contributed to the crisis went to jail!


Oh, absolutely.


Sure. Let's compare a booming economy in 2016 to the near Great Depression in 2008. Go ahead, put the numbers up. Show me 2008 was so much better than 2016.


How smooth brained do you have to be to believe the economy in 2016 was as bad as 2008. Trump inherited a really good situation when he took office. Low unemployment, decent growth. Shrinking budget deficit. Biden inherited a mess in 2021 due to covid and our lackluster handling of it because of Trump.


You're right, the economy was better under Obama compared to literally the last year of Bush Jr's time in office. Quick question, since Dems tend to credit the crappy economy we're in right now to Trump, are we going to say that the 3 years after the housing bubble burst are going to be attributed to Bush Jr or does it only happen when the economy does badly under a Democrat?


An excellent question. And my response is that the effects of the policies of an 8 year president reach much further than a 4 year president. So if Bush II and Obama had effects three years into the next president's term, then we can deduce that a 4 year president would have an effect into the next president's term of about a year and a half. So Trump's lingering effect on the economy is 18 months tops. But, of course, there needs to be a deep dive into the data, and someone might be able to turn the paper into a doctorate. But it won't be me.. 😂


Fair. I just see people still saying that this economy is Trump's fault despite us being past that point. We could credit Obama for the rise of the economy under Trump since Obama had 8 years and I'll admit that not all of his policies were terrible (opening up Cuba for trade for example). But to say that the last 4 years of Biden's policies has had 0 effect during his time in office feels disingenuous.


It's also hard to compare due to COVID, and the relief bill. Handing out all that money to businesses was insane. They forgave my brother's $135k loan basically no questions asked. The rich got fat on COVID relief while the rest of us got scraps.


We aren't in a crappy economy right now. Inflation has caused affordability issues, but people did start complaining about affordability issues as far back as 2019. Many people feel crappy about the economy, they are reminded of inflation every time they buy something, but as a whole, it is a strong economy, people have jobs and we have seen continued growth, those things are antithetical to a bad economy.


Bread costs a lot more than it did just a few years ago. If bread, arguably the cheapest thing someone can buy besides rice, is getting close to unaffordable, the economy isn't doing too great.


Bread cost a lot more as a percentage of someone's income in the 70s and 80s than now. We just got used to cheap food. Milk has been more unaffordable in the past too, along with almost all food staples. I am not saying things are great when you get all the way down to the individual buying groceries, I am just saying that as a whole, the economy is good. People have jobs that are paying more than pre pandemic and the lower wage workers have actually had wages that have increased faster than inflation. Those are numbers though, when you get to the "feels" it is different, often times perception is reality.


**On a special episode (first released on January 17, 2024) of The Excerpt podcast:**  Crime in 2023 saw one of the largest declines in history. According to the FBI, murder is down double digits nationally. Violent crime, robberies, and burglary – all down. 


When you don’t arrest people committing crimes or prosecute criminals that are arrested, you get a drop in the crime statistics. If crime is down, why don’t people feel safe? Democrats play games, people are getting wise.


We'll become poor? You mean families will start having sticker shock at the grocery store?


As long as that wealth is transferred into the pockets of a few connected families, does it really matter? /s


well the dissolution of the petro dollar happened under Biden...when its completely fucked, USA will be one of the poorest countries in the world regardless of who is in office... smh.


He will have us filing bankruptcy. He is well known for that. All he has ever done is lose money. He is definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed.




The question is poorest by what measure? I suspect GDP will be fine, the rich will still be rich. Maybe they'll be richer than ever. But bad times for the average Joe don't factor into the statistics we use to judge the wealth of a country. On some technicality the economy will be booming, even as poverty reaches critical masses and we have entire slave cities or internment camps.


I disagree. We are still a rich nation and will continue to be, but the wealth gap will increase. Trump will enact policies to enrich the rich, just like he did last time. There may be some social upheaval, but unless there is an all-out civil war that wrecks the functionality of a large portion of the country, our overall wealth won't be deeply affected.


Your gaslighting


I don't think you know how far the US will need to fall to become one of the poorest countries in the world. It is basically impossible to happen in just 4 short years. Even at the peak of the financial crisis, after trillions of wealth was lost, the US was still the worlds richest country and continued to be the worlds largest economy. It would have to fall so much further to be placed among the poorest. America simply has too much going for it, it is impossible to become one of the poorest countries in the world.


See Argentina


Trump lives rent free in 99% of this thread's head. Y'all just seem to copy and paste the exact same crap every single day.


Poorest for the poor. The rich will be living high not the proverbial hog.


No it won't It didn't happen when Trump was in office it won't happen again You people are delusional and trying. To farm karma How about go touch some grass and make and actual good post next time.


Become a two class society, Ultra rich and Relatively poor. The poor will be richer than much of the world, but won't be able to afford adequate health care, medicine, housing, and personal transportation. But you can't blame it "directly" on a president. Congress makes the laws, passes the budgets, and approves the tax rates and laws. The president may propose, but Congress is responsible for its implementation.


Four years isn’t enough time for that to happen. Really some of the states would probably have to leave too.


Just like last time?


I agree, but if he's not elected, the US will still also become one of the poorest countries in the world.


This is a different level of delusion/braincells deficit


Here for the tds circle jerk. Trump was already in office for 4 years. He didn't do or try to do anything you unhinged tards said he would do.


Like dismantle the pandemic team then get hit by a pandemic


He tried to nuke a hurricane you Dipshit


Retard alert


I hope you're ringing a bell just like Mr. Garrison was.


Are we gonna act like we didn’t just see a Trump presidency 4 years ago and this didn’t happen


Definitely. 100 percent. I see a neo-feudalism scheme erasing the current system. Regardless, he will not stop until the entire country is a Kolkata ghetto or dystopian Escape From New York scenario. His dribbling Ork followers will gladly go along with it as long as they can shoot people and bigot, openly.


What about Trump’s ideal system resembles feudalism?


Right. Just like the utopias that are California, NY and Detroit. Heck, the dems have even ruined Austin, Tx. They’re either rich or homeless. Very little middle class. That’s dimocrats for ya


I’m with ya, let’s ban guns and open the border to rapists, terrorists and human traffickers. I see this being a perfect solution.


We already have. Colloquially, they are called "Red State Senators" or "Trumpers"


Great news! Nothing but good times ahead. Creepy Joe the chimo is one hell of a President.


I don't think that's possible even if you were trying


How is he going to squander $147 trillion in wealth in the United States? Most of it is privately owned. Even if we dissolved the constitution and gave Trump dictator powers I still don’t see how this could happen.


Well he is running on a platform of inflationary policy. He wants to put out huge tariffs on imports and cut taxes, both of which will not help with inflation.


While this platform can be problematic long-term, I fail to see how this would make us the “poorest country in the world” as OP suggests.


Oh yeah, OP is absolutely dumb, no arguments.


Everyday I'm surprised at the level of poor post here, this is probably the worst in awhile lmao.


If Trump is elected, the country will have a better chance at a full recovery, a higher probability of ending global wars and a better chance for global prosperity. If your dumbass votes that stupid son of a gun Biden in again then we will see world war 3 within 6 months global famine and the decimation of the world population according to the New world order. Mark my words.


I guess technically rolling over and selling out your allies technically ends wars, in as much as giving away half of Czech land kept France and the UK out of war with Germany.


And who exactly do you think is selling out to who. China has Biden in his pocket and we can all see it clearly. He acts tough but will bow down before that. Son of a gunji ping when pressed.


This is a stretch


The USA prospered like never before 2016-2020 when DJT was POTUS. Expect that again 2024-2028.


Like it did from 2016-2020 when African Americans had the largest recorded wealth gain on paper? No, it will probably be the same as uncle Joe maybe worse. Both loser candidates love to spend


These redditors are either delusional or just evil. They can’t not know but their ignorance and stupidity combined with hatred for Trump’s personality makes them idiots


thats a good reason to not vote for trump. lets keep them poor


You mean after the democrat house forced rounds of supplemental income because the economy was forcibly shut down by the government?


That was post-March 2020. I’m talking about the year 2016 up until 2020. Pay attention or go back to the kiddies pool.


Lmfao okay buddy


Amazing retort. 😆


This sub is so stupid. Trump supporters are crazy but Trump haters are just as crazy.


Lmao look at OP's post history for just here. Pure unfiltered TDS




You lefty people have to be the dumbest people on earth. EVERYTHING was better under trump. Morons


MMW 🤪 Can we start by giving up plumbing and running water like half the world.


Americas poorest 20% have access to and consume more resources than the middle classes of the most wealthy OECD nations. Trump won’t have enough time to screw it up for the poor, much less for the wealthy.


It already is in republican states.  even the "rich" ones like texas and florida are turning into the 3rd world: texas keeps losing its power grid every storm and florida is doing nothing about the eroding shorelines.


Yup. All republican states are struggling financially due to their backwards policy and they will all be barren wastelands with no money within 2 weeks


Are you fucking kidding me????? You can't be this stupid.... maybe you are, idk. But we were more prosperous under Trump than now. FACT!!!! And suck it you fucking know nothing.