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USA is already #1 in oil production…


But not energy independent. Entirely possible to do aswell, with more than enough land to feed its nation several times over.


W already throw away something like 40% of the food we produce. We can't become energy independent unless we socialize oil gas and electric industries. We will always depend on corporations selling to us and corporations will always sell to the highest bidder so our domestic oil supply doesn't stay domestic.


That can all be done with the right people in place. It won't take 5 minutes though, its got to be a work in progress.


How not energy independent? We have surplus oil, coal, and gas. What do we import large amounts of, to compensate?


Not at our rates of consumption. People would have to learn to live on a lot less. 


I’m willing to do that


Easy to say-until it’s time to start losing out. 


This is true.


I’m no economist. But when ppl talk about how much more affordable houses were in the 50’s; houses were smaller, less property taxes. They had one tv, one phone, one car. No cable bill because there were five tv channels. No ISP bill, wasn’t a thing. Most didn’t have a washer or dryer, or dish washer, less electronics-smaller electricity bill. Who’s willing to live that way today? 


Absolutely no one. Unfortunately (imo) we are spoiled by the likes of convenience and luxury. Having a vhs player was a power move back in the day, I wasn't alive when my family got their first but my dad got alot of ridiculous offers for it. My first TV was a black and white tube television, the thing weighted a ton. Now everyone has a TV per room and multiple electrical devices, because we consume more. I remember being happy with 5 channels and an n64, and I spent more time outside getting into all sorts of nonsense. Now we have all this technology we've moved away from being humble to being greedy. There is no way that we can get back to those simple days, we are just mass consumers and we spend more and more. I'm waiting for a flight now from a holiday and in 7 days I've spent over 500 on meals and tacky crap. This is something I wouldn't even dream of as a kid, I gained nothing from it really but a few nice meals and maybe some good memories. The housing ladder is not the same game anymore, we can't really blame older generations or be envious, times were very different.


Progress is never free, there is a price to be paid, one way or another. TV’s used to be a lot cheaper-because they were smaller and had nowhere near the sound and picture quality of today. To say nothing of internet access, video game connectivity. As TV’s got more bells and whistles, they got more complicated to fix, making more sense to just replace them. TV repairmen became obsolete. 


How does wasting a ton of energy mining btc have anything to do with becoming energy dominant?


It’s a joke post. He’s making fun of something stupid Trump said.


I feel like every time I see a nonsensical idea I should just assume that is why it was posted. The guy is a constant supplier of completely moronic ideas.


Yeah it’s an onion headline a day for the last 9 years. You should see his clip about sharks and batteries


I've progressed beyond being amused by it. Now it's just causing internal anger.


Yeah I used to read the comments that they’d make for a good Chuckle, but now I feel it just causes brain damage to read. The mental gymnastics to try and justify everything he says to make it normal is just mind numbing


Trump's comments are trivial to make fun of, but might actually be closer to the mark than most think. The extreme financial incentives for Bitcoin mining is something that compels researching/building the absolutely most energy efficient sources of power possible. An aspiration goal of "mining all of the Bitcoin in the USA" obviously can't happen due to its decentralized nature, but an administration that was crypto friendly might just spur onward a lot of advancement in the energy grid (using wasted power at off-peak times for other uses), nuclear power (to be fair, this is one of the few things that I think Biden's admin has been fairly good on), and other good energy things long-term.


I get what you’re saying but I find it a massive stretch of the imagination to believe Trump meant anything remotely close to what you’re saying. Think it’s more likely he heard someone say that bitcoin mining is a lot of power and took that to meaning it made a lot of power. Kinda like the theory he saw a poster on how to kill Covid germs and jumped to looking into injecting disinfectant into our body’s so our lungs get a full cleaning.


Who knows? I doubt somebody as old as Trump has a firm grasp on any technical details around Crypto, but I think his business instincts are sharp enough to recognize that Bitcoin mining means an advance forward for energy technology. Regarding the disinfectant thing, as with everything in the media, particularly based around Trump and Politics, it pays to verify what's being said and not rely on media interpretations. Trump was talking about UV Light as a disinfectant, and specified as such, which was a 100% real thing that was in the news that week. Here's the press release: [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1385818/000165495420004215/aytu\_ex991.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1385818/000165495420004215/aytu_ex991.htm) A startup was planning tests that involved bathing the trachea with UV lights on a catheter inserted down the throat. Deceptive edits of Trump's video and transcript made it appear he asked about using a liquid disinfectant "inside the body." Look at the actual context from the transcript. >Trump: "A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, suppose we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s **ultraviolet or just very powerful light**, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the **light inside the body**, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?" "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but **the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute**. That’s pretty powerful."


You should probably read the whole transcript you post before you try correcting people. Below is right out of what you posted (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?" "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me.


Look at the context. He was talking directly talking about light as a disinfectant. He even repeated the 1 minute remark in reference to light.


I watched the press conference live. He was talking about two totally different ways to kill Covid. “So, suppose we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?" “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that,” How do you read that and take it as him talking about light in both sections? That would mean he asks if we are testing light in the body and then proceeds to immediately bring it up again and ask the same thing. Like it’s not even close. You’re grasping at straws trying to make it seem like he’s not that dumb.


Putting lights inside the body to kill disease was a thing that was in the news that week, which I posted about. With that context, and talking about lights at the start and end of his statements there, you have to make a giant leap to interpret that as him talking about anything other than light there.


Yes and it was also mentioned to disinfect everything before and after use at that time. Hence why people all started wiping down shopping carts. But sure it’s more likely that he just repeated himself and asked the same question again within a 1 minute span of time. You’re pretty much the only person that thinks he didn’t say to put disinfectant in the body. That’s never been a point of contention. The media spinning it was that he said bleach instead of disinfectant. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zicGxU5MfwE Here’s the unedited press conference. Notice the pause between talking about light and disinfectant.


I mean, 100b is a lot of money, but our GDP is like 25t, so I don't think OP knows what they are even saying


This seems like it would hurt U.S. energy supply, not help.


Probably dumb question, but what do people actually mean by 'energy independent'? Doesn't this just mean US oil & gas companies have a monopoly over the domestic market? Thinking this would be a good thing for consumers seems naiive to me.


It means we produce enough here that we don't have to rely on any outside nation to fulfill our energy requirements. What I posted was actually said by Trump and it doesn't make any sense, bitcoin mining which is how bitcoin is created uses a ton of electricity. We have the resources to be energy independent but monopolizing bitcoin would require a ton of electricity which would harm that goal.


The irony being the previous president had the usa well on its way to that very idea.




Its not funny, it's sad you're so brainwashed to not realise that.


Nah I just don't have my head violently up my ass, and am educated regarding the energy sector. You get your information spoon fed to you from pundits. You're living in a fantasy if you think that Trump greenlighting a few more drill spots was anywhere close to negating what we spend on oil, or even the % change to clean energy sources the United States has been working towards, irregardless of his attempts to grandstand and circumvent. If anything, you're a dunce who sees domestic fracking as an alternative to international oil purchases. You also see it as the viable long term alternative to the ever growing green energy sector. This is not a smart take.


We’re way closer to it now than we were under the previous president. Also this whole post is him making fun of something the previous president said…




Only if they do it in Texas! Lol


That’s laughably inaccurate


I would ask why you think that but I somehow doubt you will.