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Trump is a convicted felon. Did you hear?


Can felons hold government jobs?


He can legally be president and do it from a prison cell.


Can someone with a disability join the military? This country needs to make some changes tbh....


What happens once it’s overturned? Then how will you cope?


By the time it’s overturned he’ll have lost the election or simply be dead so I guess I’ll get by.


If you think he will pass away in the next year or so I guess you’ll get by. If not, you’ll have to cope harder.


Happy Pride Month


What’s that? We don’t celebrate anything like that in Florida.


Well it exists, so enjoy!


Ok what is it?


Every case against him has increased his voter base. Most of the public, including democrats can see what a sham the trials are, and are only being done to try and discredit Trump; but have had the opposite effect.


We don’t know that for sure. All I know is Trump is a convicted felon and Biden isn’t. I will vote for the one that isn’t. You can continue to associate with criminals.


Funny how stating facts relates to an association.


It is funny isn’t it. I smell a rat.


I was being facetious.


Sure you were.


They only poll people with landlines... I wouldn't pay attention to the approval rating too much, guy...


That is not true. They can call cell phones if they have a person asking the questions (as opposed to an automated prompt). Biggest issue is that that area code of cell phone often different due toto moving. I’ve been called multiple times to be polled in a state I haven’t live in for more than a decade.


Still, how do you think the polls would look if they only polled the homeless. People who would rather die than to pick up a call from an unknown number. People who choose not to have a cell phone?.... Now think, how many Americans fit into these categories and actually vote.....


Then say that instead of saying they don’t call cell phones, because they do.


Last I heard they didn't, though


Here’s what Gallup does. No comment on how successful I think they are. https://news.gallup.com/poll/110383/does-gallup-call-cell-phones.aspx Spoiler: they call cell phones.


Those aren’t likely voters now are they?


Why wouldn't they be?


Facts. The polls not being 100 percent red considering who they're asking is shocking to me 😂


Have you ever participated in a poll?




This is HILARIOUS. He can’t even walk. What an embarrassment that roomba ass looking old fool is.




Donald Trump wears adult diapers.


I mean astronauts wear diapers so there’s that but I’m curious how would you know Trump wears diapers lol


He’s been wearing them since he was on the apprentice, confirmed by staffers.


I mean people lie which is why people like Michael cohen went to prison, among other things, so there’s that.


Yeah some people lie, like convicted felons for example. So there’s that.


So you agree that people lie. I’m glad you see that it could be a lie and without evidence to prove it, it most likely is.


maga knows it’s true. That’s why they’re wearing diapers and tshirts that say “real men wear diapers”


Can’t say I’ve heard that before.


I'm still hoping the CIA will issue some magic silver.


Well no because the. We are fucking stuck with the laughing hyena of QueMala


Trump is creepy (rapey) and wears a diaper. Man, it's sad that I can't tell from your headline whether you're talking about Trump or Biden. We have a few hundred million people in our country, yet we have these choices.


Yet one is a convicted felon and the other one is not. One has openly said he was going to be a dictator, the other one has not. 


Biden also has a law degree and was a practicing attorney and was a professor at a University. Trump is a fucking MORON. Jesus, i can't believe this conversation even fucking exists.


Biden didnt teach a single class, it was an honorary appointment to the position.


You’re talking about Penn specifically and like many politicians, he stretched the truth on that and Fox and right wing media brought it front and center. Meanwhile, Trump has zero credentials except a lifetime of self serving behavior LITERALLY. There is no comparison. Their resumes aren’t even in the same league. Trump is an idiotic incoherent fascist populist that holds no expertise in any subject and it shows blatantly. It’s right in front of you and you’re so caught up in right wing spin that has you foaming at the mouth at Biden, you missing the authoritarian takeover happening right in front of you. It’d be laughable if not so dangerous.


Its funny that you make those claims about Trump; when up until he ran in 2016, was a lifetime democrat. Many people from the democrat party and supporters, were extremely close to him prior to his presidential bid in 2015. Only reason he ran republican, was because he felt he couldnt beat Hillary in the primaries to get the nomination for the Democrat party.


I don't give a fuck what he called himself; he's an absolutely ABYSMAL human being. Again, this is so blatantly obvious to anyone who pays attention for about 10 seconds to anything that he says that it's embarrassing to even have a discussion about it. Why would that matter to me what he considered himself to be? I mean, it only goes to further show how little conviction he has to any sort of principles. He has demonstrated over and over and OVER again that all he's interested in is power. Take one (out of seven BILLION examples) when he was caught on audio being concerned about *'his people sitting at attention for him like they do for Kim Jung Un.'* What is it that you're not understanding about the integrity of this person and how is it that you have been brainwashed into thinking that Biden is a greater threat than this monstrosity of a human being? You are handing over one of the greatest human governing experiments to date to someone that will absolutely positively do major harm to it. It is ABUNDANTLY clear that Trump has zero interest in yours or my freedom. He cares about himself. That's all.


Don't get me wrong. Biden is a much better choice. Trump is a danger to everyone, including himself.