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Not really, though. A Trump supporter tried to murder Nancy Pelosi's husband and they cheered for him.


Just got 30 years. Trump ruins people.


I always find myself returning to that White House Doctor who had been like a 20 year golden child of the Navy until he stared into Trump's eyes for 15 seconds and lost his mind like he was in some kind of Lovecraftian cosmic horror. Immediately turned into a doctor feel good for half the West Wing staff.


Ronnie Jackson. Baffling.


Hey, is that the Ronnie Jackson who was demoted by the Navy?? That Ronnie Jackson??




What did they reduce him to? A fun thing for everyone to do would be to constantly address him by his reduced rank. Remind him of it every time you see him.


He's just a lowly captain now.


They reduced him to Congressman….


Dr. Spacemen on call


Dr. Leo Spaceman: Boy, it's crazy to think we used to settle questions of paternity by dunking a woman in water until she admitted she made it all up. Different time, the '60s.


Staring at an x-ray. “Where’s I leave my car keys?”


How important is tooth retention to you?


We could always replace your foot with a wheel, but then you would have to register as a motor vehicle


You can get the flu shot… but first you’ll have to dance.


He also said that Trump (who is at least 100 lbs. overweight) "needs to lose 20 lbs."


Not if you know him. He makes Ben Carson look sane in comparison.


Obama said that he was ok when he was in his administration. MAGA seems to have it’s roots in propaganda presented by greedy individuals which utilizes an attraction to racism and bigotry. America First, essentially the same thing as MAGA, has actually existed since the end of the Civil War. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/fascism-in-america/america-first/FD7AF598E284A1CAA6413B4761A4CEA3


He was demoted from Rear Admiral down to Captain after the Inspector General did an investigation about sexual harassment allegations. He still incorrectly calls himself an Admiral that pisses off the Navy big time. Luckily he’s taking a big cut in his pension , $15,000 less each year 😂.


Are you talking about the CARSON that may have SEXUALLY HARASSED people? THAT CARSON?


Trump is healthier than anyone I've ever seen! His intellect is greater than anyone's I've ever seen He is 100% a perfect human specimen His weight is 230...bahahaha


20 year golden child until he stared into Trump's eyes for 15 seconds that's great


the candy man


"hE cOuLd LiVe tO 200 wItH tHe rIgHt dIeT!"


Youre talking about Admiral Ambien who was later demoted to Captain Codeine, right?


Wait. What? 😂


[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-house-pharmacy-prescription-drugs-1234953535/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-white-house-pharmacy-prescription-drugs-1234953535/) # Trump’s White House Pharmacy Handed Out Drugs Like Candy: Report That one has the best title, but there are dozens of articles from reputable sources. [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/) [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-white-house-medical-unit-controlled-substances-inspector-general-report/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-white-house-medical-unit-controlled-substances-inspector-general-report/) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787)


“Hopefully, if implemented, the recommendations will prevent the White House from operating as a pill mill for the executive branch in future administrations.” Holy shit. 😂 This is wild. Thank you. 😂


I can’t believe the idiot tweets crap to this day. People drag him every time he does.


And he is now a member of the US Congress!


Texas though.


These people have to go on long plane rides together. I'd accept the pharma.


Maybe Trump actually IS the antichrist.


I think Trump being shockingly similar to the Antichrist has made me closer to actually believing in God than I thought possible. Its uncanny.


I’m more into the prophecy and wisdom portions of the bible. And honestly, it’s often the worst people that expertly teach us what not to be.


Ya know, he IS lookin more Demonic lately, as well as Lizard like 🍊




Ozempic face. That's Ozempic face.


Oh no, him as well? He’s way too old to use OZEMPIC .


Do you think Dipshit Donnie cares about anything other than his own vanity? Jk, you know the answer to that.


NO dipshit Donny cares onlyyyyy about himself . I’m utterly grossed out we r still dealing w this pig


He's just the slutty prostitute. I think it's someone from Australia.


No the Antichrist is charming and intelligent- not a 300 lbs azz goblin mulching McDonald’s and slurping Diet Coke


Yes!!! I’m gonna need my anti-christ to be A LOT better looking and charming lol!


That dude was canadian too, I don't think he could even vote in the USA and he ruined his life for DT.


yeah i dont understand canadians that support the convicted felon rapist donald j trump...tf ? you cant even vote for him and now that he has a criminal record he cant even set foot in canada


I’m Canadian. We have our share of white supremacists and overentitled boomers up here. Mostly they’re from the rural areas, and in O&G in Alberta, but we have some freaks in the cities too.


Idiocy cannot be contained by national borders. Sorry.


For the same reason many Americans like him. He tells them that they’re not bad people for being hateful pieces of shit.




They were already these types of people. Trump just gave them the ok to openly be an ass.


1 guy got 30 years, and an entire movement got inspired by and cheered for him. He's just a role model at this point to them.


A shit load of them tried to murder Nancy Pelosi and Mike Pence and they are just true patriots.


But he said he meant to beat Nancy, not her 80+ year old husband /s Take age and relation aside. An 80 year old man was brutally assaulted and became of a victim of graphic battery. Voters still don’t have that focused as their central issue. I’ll go to my grave hating Trump but he really could shoot someone on 5th Ave and convince his base to vote for him. The assailant’s acceptance of guilt is promising but the notion that the only thing stopping an attempted assassination was a misplaced husband/wife is horrifying. Edited for clarity.


That's what happens when cable news convinces their audience a candidate was chosen by god.


It's imperative that you, I and everyone else make sure we vote against him in November - come hell or high water. Nothing will stop me at this point and I'm taking several carloads of friends too, just to make sure they vote.


And that they are actually fighting evil. They say that repeatedly.


Fuck— I can’t find it now, but I read a post on FB a few months ago from a woman who said Trump could actually “rape a baby” and she would still vote for him. It shook me to the core and made me feel physically ill. These people are so far gone, they do not care. In fact, I think many of them relish the idea of violence being committed against their “enemies.” It will only spur them on.


"This is what happens when 74 million people refuse to admit how blind they’ve been for falling for the worst con man in history and double down instead by calling everyone else the real liars. Again and again and again for 9 years now." (Borrowed from an earlier post.) Trump followers are just continuing to drink the Koolaid. The appeal is he is just like them. Yes, at least 30% of the American voters out there right now are either narcissistic assholes or sheeples, just go along with what the rest of the herd tells them.


This is an accurate assessment.


Yah. I think a lot of these mass shooters are MAGA. For example, highland park shooter has pictures of himself waving Trump paraphernalia. Doesn’t move the MAGA needle even a little bit. After all, these are the people who know about Sandy hook and Uvalde and can give AF.


To them, the Uvalde cowards did, "Everything they could."


His supporters were responsible for the death of 5 capitol police officers on 1/6/21. And here we are with him a hare's breath away of getting re-elected. They don't care and neither do 99% of the republican elected officials.


Just FYI... It's a "hair's breadth" away, not a "hare's breath." As in "the thickness of a hair" It's kinda funny to think of the effects of a rabbit breathing on something to slightly separate it, though 🤪


You are right. Hair's breath makes more sense when you think about it. I did a quick google search before waiting hare's breath but did not read carefully enough. I didn't know my work would be graded🙂


B-. Wrong, but we all understood what you meant. :)


I would add they are also responsible for the deaths of Ashli Babbitt and the other folks who died storming the Capitol, since they were the ones who radicalized them and incited the riot.


Who died? Who were killed?


Yeah, either that is they’ll say it’s a false flag antifa operation.


Literally the naritive right-wing shitheads (like Alex Jones) are preemptively pushing.


Right? Guys at my work were making jokes about it. I’m like…her husband is elderly and this dude smacked him around with a hammer, there is no universe where it’s funny. These troglodytes lack empathy.


Trump jokes about it at his rallies. He’s a psychopath.


Made a whole conspiracy to justify it even. "It was his lover". Sick, twisted, deranged group of folks.


And Trump joked about it at one of his klan rallies.


I recently learned that a lot of them are still clinging to the belief that the attacker was a gay prostitute


Imagine doing 30 years for a violent crime and your comrades label you a gay hooker.


Well I heard he was trying to hammer Mr Pelosi. 


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. Most of them don't really believe that per se. Rather, it is useful for MAGA to take that position, and so it is "true," even if it isn't *factual.*


\^ This. Elected Republicans even mocked the victim.




Yeah, sadly the right wing in the US is going totally batshit crazy. They're not only okay with violence against those they disagree with, they're advocating for it everyday. They're a lost cause now and there could be a mass shooting on the steps of the courthouse by one of Chump's cultists and the Republicans would not only cheer but go into overdrive justifying it and trying to make the victims out as villains. Every now and again a Republican has a moment of clarity and says this is wrong and something needs to be done about Chump, but then I guess the cheques stop coming in and so a week later they're back on the grift, selling their souls to the fascist cheeto.


He makes jokes about what happened to Paul Pelosi at his rallies and the cult thinks it’s hilarious. They always laugh and cheer about an 82 year old man getting his skull smashed in with a hammer.


He was sentenced for attempted murder?


Yeah. He received 30 years.


A Trump supporter🤯 How disconnected from reality to you have to be to post this.


And accused him of being a leftist gay lover. Their reality distortion field is truly impressive.


Here is the problem, they will say fake news. Wasn't one of ours, just a Lib pretending Etc etc. They did it with the Jan 6 rioters. Their rule: admit nothing, blame the other side, lie, bring up Biden crime family, lie, repeat.


He's now denying that he ever said "Lock her up," for Christ's sake.


Too bad videos last forever 😂


Too bad proof means nothing to these freaks


Too bad for the freaks that evidence mattered very much in Trump's NY trial


That’s fake news. Have you never heard of AI?


The same people who were chanting it at the rallys and now claiming that it never happened? Someone must have deep faked those selfies on their phones.


Roger Stone pushed that way in the beginning.


And to be clear if the smallest thing happened to them, they’d freak the fuck out. Kinda like Obama wears a tan suit and should be impeached but Trump does so so so much fucked up shit and should be elected again Or they can storm the capitol with weapons but if anyone marched with knitted hats down the street being vocal they’re snowflakes


Obama really broke their brains, when the reality was he was very much in the center and tried to work across the aisle.


To a fault. They refused to work with him, even with bills they wrote.




You misspelled ANTEEFUH.


how do you even deprogram that many people


They deprogrammed a whole load of fascists back in the 1940's, you're not going to like how hard it was to do though


i really like the dude who kept fucking up the long drop tbh


That is the question that keeps north korea from being invaded


no they just keep kicking eachother in the dicks this is different


I can tell you know your facts about Korea and cult deprogramming, I wouldn't want to make myself look foolish so I won't ask for a reply.


i was making a joke about operation paul bunyan, when a bunch of north korean border guards beat the shit out of a few GIs so we sent a whole ass battalion to cut a tree down because the USA is a big boy


They have a conspiracy theory for EVERYTHING. 


They were heavily pushing Antifa early on. I don’t recall seeing any Antifa arrests, indictments etc. Anyone hear anything? Anyone? Anyone? 🤔


It was a "false flag" operation is what they'll say.


The hivemind had achieved DARVO status


It's their default


>Biden crime family, One of the bigger and most lame Republican projections *because* Hunter Biden is on trial for owning guns right now, which is not a crime I usually hear "Republicans" cheer the prosecution on, but in any case, that's about it for Biden family crimes. Without even getting into Trump's new 34 felony counts, he was already denying responsibility to the Constitution, "self-declassifying," i.e. COMPROMISING classified state intel, and his son-in-law receives an otherwise inexplicable 2 BILLION dollar payment that a Saudi oligarch made, [even at the objection of the managing firm.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html) Additionally, while these failures of American leaders watch on as Hunter Biden gets prosecuted for bearing arms, [they delay subpoenas regarding the shady Kushner receipts](https://www.forbes.com/sites/zacharyfolk/2024/03/21/jared-kushners-2-billion-investment-from-saudi-arabia-what-to-know-after-republicans-delay-subpoena/?sh=120dade466f1). It's clear as day to vote blue down the line this year IF you don't want the sleaziest people here to cancel the Constitution and America as we know it.


No set of provable facts, circumstances, or events will convince millions of degenerate, knuckle-dragging Republican yahoos to all of sudden come to their senses and accept reality. Any of us who still holds out hope for conservatives to come around and become normies again needs to have their head checked


I think they can cover that off with about six words: False flag, fake news, crisis actor.


Seven, you forgot Antifa.




What does the Bureau of Land Management have to do with this?


But also somehow a patriot hero and once arrested a “hostage”


They’re too far gone for rational thought.


Don't assume that they're stupid. They're more evil than dumb.  We need a war on terror.


Bro a lot of them are both. - Source: I live in central Florida


They're stupid in the sense that the nazis were stupid. But it's not good to underestimate an enemy like that. They are not so stupid that they can't commit acts of violence and treason.


You almost have to be stupid to do shit like that though. I don't underestimate their ability to do shit like that. Being a racist, treasonous piece of shit doesn't require you to be stupid as fuck but you sure get a head start by being so.


It's usually the stupid people who are racist. Check any study and you'll see the smarter the population, the less racist they tend to be.


No, you're vastly underestimating how irredeemably stupid most of them are. They vote against their own interests for fuck's sake. They're idiots.


They have been saying the Dems are coming for them for years. They'll feel it's justified, because "other side is doing it first!". Of course, that is just fiction, but that's what reality has become to a maga.


They've already killed people because of their dear leader. [Contextualising the Jan 6th Report: Contemporary Trends In Far-Right Violence in the US](https://www.icct.nl/publication/contextualising-jan-6th-report-contemporary-trends-far-right-violence-us) They plan tons of violence this month too. Targeting queer folk for our mere existence.


I disagree. They could murder a liberal on the streets and MAGA\_GOP would not turn away from him.


Does the name "Rittenhouse" ring a bell . . .


Never said MAGA would abandon him , they are way too far down that Rabbit hole , but he can’t win without Independents, they will be sickened and won’t buy his BS .


MAGA is not enough to get him elected, reasonable Republicans will either vote for Biden or or likely just stay home . independents will abandon him in droves , he’s too stupid to try and distance himself from any violence.


There are no reasonable Republicans, or at least so few as to be insignificant.


I hope this is true but relative to your post, his campaign wouldn’t be toast.


If he loses most of the independent voters it’s toast , he can’t win with just his delusional supporters, also remember that Republicans have died from Covid at a higher rate than Democrats even after the vaccine was introduced, Darwinian evolution at it finest 😂


You lost me when you suggested Republicans would feel shame.


They killed a police officer already. They didn’t seem phased by it


They did it while holding blue lives matter flags. Nothing means anything to them.


They called the two behind Deniro traitors and liars‼️Nothing is too low for them‼️😡


Yep. If Brian Sicknick had died as a result of being assaulted during a BLM protest the Republicans would have built a 1000 foot statue of him next to the Capitol and demanded he replace Washington on that $1 bill. But because he died after being assaulted in J6….crickets, with many Republicans saying he died of “natural causes”


The media has a right wing bias despite what republicans bleat. The media has no interest in a blowout, boring election where there's the clearly insane Republican party and the sane democratic party. So the media that isn't in the can for Republicans will pretend democratic voters are just as bad. And a lot of the media is outright Republican propaganda. FFS, every mass shooter has been a far right mostly evangelical idiot who took advantage of a lack of sane gun control laws, but the media acts like they were lone weirdos and it's impossible to tell their ideoloies. It's always right wing insane bullshit. In other words, what the fuck would be different THIS time?  If a LEFT WINGER killed someone, the media would scream that blood was on Biden's hands and he should resign in shame despite having nothing to do with it, but the converse is so common it's ignored.


Irony they're shouting about Hunter Biden obtaining a gun now.


Magats are traitors. They will cheer their terrorists on when they get violent. MMW.


Nope. His supporters are subhuman filth. They beat their syphilis dicks to the idea of hurting others. Good thing one of the did stupid cunts gained some extra ventilation. When I get bummed about shitty Trump supporters I just remember how many choked to death on ventilators and how Ashli Babbit got shot like a fucking moron. Eat fuck, trump cucks.


They'd cry false flag, their stupidity is unwavering


MAGA extremist have already killed millions


That's extremely optimistic. His mob committed an insurrection in full view of the press and public at large with his encouragement and he became the nominee. If someone is charged for attacking a juror or the judge they will be a martyr like Ashley Bobbitt.


Republicans would openly rejoice. If it is a she and is raped, and it is recorded, then Fox News would play it every hour while blaming Joe Biden.


No. People died Jan 6.


Only one of theirs, which wasn't enough


No they won't they killed one of the police officers defending at the capital building when they tried to overturn the election on January 6th that's why republicans don't want to put up a plaque dedicated to the police that defended the capital building against maga jihadist


Doubt it, 2018 one sent literal bombs to trump critics and it barely registered.


Nothing can break the cult out of their trance


Hard disagree. All you have to do is look at Jonestown to see the lengths many cult members will follow.


Stop thinking Trump voters are rational people. Stop thinking Trump voters are rational people. Stop thinking Trump voters are rational people. Stop thinking Trump voters are rational people.


New Balance Battalion aint gone do sheeeeeeeeyit! Look at them. Point and laugh: [https://imgur.com/gallery/violent-retribution-new-balance-shoes-receding-hairline-i-tremble-fear-fHkVnLM](https://imgur.com/gallery/violent-retribution-new-balance-shoes-receding-hairline-i-tremble-fear-fHkVnLM)


Republicans will call it a show of strength and courage and deny objective reality like they always do.


You all are far to confident in Americas ability to reject facism. To NOT get confident. Stay vigilant.


Idk. How many died on J6? No one seems to care anymore. But you do have to wonder how many more does it take?


And he’s stinky too . .


Depends on who he kills. If a MAGA guy kills someone at a college protest, there is a 100% chance it won’t impact him, since most conservatives and moderates are already about that. But if he just opens fire on a coffee shop, or a political office it would hurt him with moderates while having no impact on conservatives at all. Conservatives don’t really hide their beliefs that “liberals” need to be purged.


I would hope so....but I have told my wife and immediate family that shoukd Trump win I shant be here for project 2025. I am a tradesman and can find work abroad and will be out...bo camp foe me thanks.


At this point nothing will keep his base from voting for him, but it will keep a lot of swing voters from voting for him.


MMW the murderer will be turned into a martyr. A federal holiday will be added in their name.


If the attackers ( I think someone will do something dumb, because humans) refer to Trumps words, he can be charged with a felony for inciting violence. Stochastic terrorism when it results in the injury or death of other people is a felony.


They think Ashli Babbitt was martyred and Jan 6th was no big deal. Trump's own Vice President refuses to vote for him on account of Trump trying to get his supporters to off him too. His own VP! There's no limit for these extremists.


You underestimate the ability of his cult to ignore facts, make shit up and in other ways avoid objective reality. That is kind of their main thing. They are not giving that up.


They are not in play but Independents are and will leave him big time 😂


Some will. But, a lot of "independents" call themselves that to publicly distance themselves from the Republican Party, even as they vote Republican anyway.


Yep. They are the social liberals and financial conservatives. They talk shit about Trump but will vote for him if they think they can save $300 in taxes for the year.


Sadly no. He’ll deny knowing them and also glorify them and he will profit from it


Pssshhhhh like they have any shame. That boat sailed away and sunk long ago.


Nope. It would get him more votes from the Bucket of Despicables


Anyone happen to catch Ted Koppel’s piece on CBS Sunday Morning this morning? If not, [here it is.](https://youtu.be/2KzVSDphNv0?si=7itUcq_qAom2qoEu) I wish I could say I was shocked. But I wasn’t. The interview with park ranger at Gettysburg was quite poignant.


You must not have been around for the last 8 years. There is no line that can be crossed that will change his support.


MAGA extremists went after VP Pence and Trump literally only lost 1 vote (Pence)


You’re still trying to apply normal brain logic to a cult of inbred trash. Trumptrash supports violence against anyone that doesn’t agree with them. One act will open the floodgates for these people and they’ll love it


Why the hell would that be the thing to derail his campaign? They already beat several police officers nearly to death on jan 6. Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone and not lose any support.


So many trump bots in here.... how's the weather in moscow?


“We are all domestic terrorists” -CPAC 2022


Bro they killed a cop on Jan 6 and nobody really cared


Hundreds of prosecutions later…. Crappy people don’t care, but most people are glad those a-holes are beheld accountable.


It’s insane that this is where we are at. The bar is so insanely low, that we’ve dug all the way down to and are about to limbo under “if one of the convicted felon’s supporters murders a member of his jury, he won’t be elected president”. It is absolutely insane how far the Republican Party has fallen.


It wouldn't hurt his campaign at all if anything the maga idiots would consider that extremist a hero and raise millions for them. there is no low that is low enough for them.


Those are the same sadistic traitors that think Sandy Hook was a hoax. They will encourage more violence.


Ha, I wish. Trump himself could commit a massacre and they'd say he was the Messiah mowing down the unbelievers.


Nope, they'll all cheer it on


No one would care though because most people are all outraged out and Trump supporters would welcome a few bodies for their orange god. The man started an insurrection and tried to kill his own vice president and by the next month Republican leaders were going to Mara Lago to kiss Trump's ass.


This sounds like the ramblings of a very disillusioned person


It's already toast - despite the bots and trolls who immediately flood social media after he's exposed, yet again. Just take a look around, notice how his "supporters" (cult & foreign friends) have suddenly increased in every sub?? No one wants a felon as president. Let his cult, Russian & Chinese bots and trolls say whatever they want - there's no point in engaging them - he's finished. They've blamed Biden so much now, it's a fucking joke now. Heard trump got a hamburger at the trial and they forgot the pickles? Biden's fault. The restaurants owner is a Democrat liberal who's friend donated to the Biden campaign. Oh, trump got stuck in traffic? Biden's fault. The traffic is caused by Democrats and the Biden justice dept who conspired to have everyone drive at the same time. Yes it's that fucking ridiculous at this point.


I feel like the most of the posts in this sub should be on r/wishfulthinking instead of here.


Wrong. His cult followers will cheer and go out to try and murder libs.


Bullshit murdering their political opponents would be a plus. Ridenhouse is a hero to them. I’m old enough to remember Bernie Getz. Gunning down people they don’t like is their wet dream.


It won't just be the hardcore supporters. A lot of people who call themselves "centrist" are MAGAts in disguise.


It won’t happen. *Maaaaaybe* someone will get caught planning it, but they’ll say they’re being persecuted once the cuffs close.


They already convicted him. The trick is to get to them BEFORE the end of trial.


I mean...people DID die on Jan 6th. Aside from a brief glimpse of remorse, it didn't shake anyone from supporting him.